Literaturverzeichnis - Elitenetzwerk Bayern

Ackermann, Kathrin/Traunmüller, Richard (2014): Jenseits von Schwerkraft und
Höllenfeuer. Nicht-lineare Kontexteffekte auf den Zusammenhang von religiöser
Vierteljahresschrift 55: 1, S. 33-66.
Brambor, Thomas/Clark, William Roberts/Golder, Matt (2006): Understanding Interaction
Models: Improving Empirical Analyses. In: Political Analysis 14, S. 63-82.
Brooks, Clem/Nieuwbeerta, Paul/Manza, Jeff (2006): Cleavage-based voting behavior in
cross-national perspective: Evidence from six postwar democracies. In: Social Science
Review 35, S. 88-128.
Dalton, Russel (1984): Cognitive mobilization and partisan dealignment in advanced
industrial democracies. In: Journal of Politics 46: 1, S. 264-284.
Dalton, Russel (1996): Political Cleavages, Issues, and Electoral Change. In: LeDuc,
Lawrence/Niemi, Richard/Norris, Pippa (Hrsg.): Comparing Democracies. Elections and
Voting in Global Perspective, Thousand Oaks u.a., Sage Publications, S. 319-342.
Dalton, Russel (2002): Citizen Politics. Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced
Industrial Democracies, 3. Auflage, New York/London, Chatham House Publishers.
De Graaf, Nan Dirk/Heath, Anthony/Need, Ariana (2001): Declining cleavages and
political choices: The interplay of social and political factors in the Netherlands. In:
Electoral Studies 20: 1, S. 1-15.
Dogan, Mattei (1995): Erosion of class voting and of the religious vote in Western Europe.
In: International Social Science Journal 146, S. 525-538.
Elff, Martin (2007): Social Structure and Electorial Behaviour in Comparative Perspective:
The Decline of Social Cleavages in Western Europe Revisited. In: Perspectives on
Politics 5: 2, S. 277-294.
Elff, Martin (2009): Social divisions, party positions, and electoral behaviour. In: Electoral
Studies 28, S. 297-308.
Elff, Martin/Roßteutscher, Sigrid (2011): Stability or Decline? Class, Religion and the Vote
in Germany. In: German Politics 20, S. 107-127.
Franklin, Martin/Mackie, Thomas/Valen Henry et al. (1992): Electoral Change: Response
to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.
Inglehart, Ronald/Rabier, Jacques René (1986): Political realignment in advanced
industrial society: From class-based politics to quality-of-life politics. In: Government
and Opposition 21: 4, S. 457-479.
Knutsen, Oddbjorn (2004): Religious Denomination and Party Choice in Western Europe: A
Comparative Longitudinal Study from Eight Countries, 1970-97. In: International
Political Science Review 25, S. 97-128.
Kohler, Ulrich/Kreuter, Frauke (2012): Datenanalyse mit Stata. Allgemeine Konzepte der
Datenanalyse und ihre praktische Anwendung, 4., aktualisierte und überarbeitete
Auflage, München, Oldenbourg Verlag.
Kotler-Berkowitz, Laurence (2001): Religion and Voting Behaviour in Great Britain: A
Reassessment. In: British Journal of Political Science 31: 3, S. 523-554.
Layman, Geoffrey (1997): Religion and Political Behavior in the United States. The Impact
of Beliefs, Affiliations, and Commitment from 1980 to 1994. In: Public Opinion Quarterly
61, S. 288-316.
Norris, Pippa/Inglehart, Ronald (2004): Sacred and Secular. Religion and Politics
Worldwide, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Pappi, Franz Urban/Brandenburg, Jens (2010): Sozialstrukturelle Interessenlagen und
Parteipräferenz in Deutschland. Stabilität und Wandel seit 1980. In: Kölner Zeitschrift
für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 62, S. 459-483.
Raymond, Christopher (2011): The continued salience of religious voting in the United
States, Germany, and Great Britain. In: Electoral Studies 30, S. 125-135.
Säkularisierung und Mobilisierung. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift Sonderheft 45, S.