Rationality and Intuition 実践編 後期- 6 合理性と直感 難易度 ★★★ 次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Many a man complains bitterly that his wife will not attempt 苦々しく 不満を言う ~しようと努める to reason things out. Many a wife feels that her husband is all 推論する reason, able to argue about anything under the sun, but never able 理性、道理 論じる ありとあらゆる to go straight to the truth as she feels she can. The truth is that, ~に直行する 真実 generally speaking, men are rational, and women intuitive. Needless to say, 言うまでもないが 理性的な 直感的な women are no more guided exclusively by ① ただ~のみ(=only) intuition than men are by reason. There are women whose make-up 体質、性質 直感 includes an almost masculine approach to life. There are men —— 男っぽい 姿勢、取り組み especially those with artistic gifts —— who possess marked intuitive 芸術の tendencies. gift 天賦の才 tendency 傾向 If the husband will keep 際だった 所有する this fact in mind, it will help him ② 心、精神 avoid one basic error which causes an immense amount of 避ける 基本的な 誤り 莫大な disagreement and friction. It is a mistake for him to use cold 摩擦 意見の相違 reasoning to overcome anything which he cannot understand in his 推論 克服する wife. The wife who feels deeply about something or other may well ~するのももっともだ feel like screaming, and indeed may do so, if she is confronted with a scream 金切り声を上げる confront 直面する 実に、本当に series of arguments, however logical they may be. Indeed, the more argument 議論 一連の persuasive the arguments, the more irritating 説得力のある ③ they are bound to いらいらさせる be. be bound to ~する運命にある The wise husband realizes that a woman’s intuition is part of 気がつく her basic make-up, and must therefore be respected. respect 尊敬する ④ He will accept the undeniable fact that it is a quality which often yields 受け入れる 否定できない 生み出す 本質、資質 flashes of genius and reaches areas of truth that mere reasoning can flash ひらめき 天才 reach 達する 単なる never find. He will seek to understand his wife, not try to make her reason as he ~しようとする ⑤does. The greater the understanding, the deeper the ~1~ admiration. There will grow a feeling of wonder that this gift of 驚き 称賛 intuition can so often solve problems which a reasoning brain can 解く problem 問題 work on for hours and still not answer. ~に取り組む (出題)東北大 <設問> (1) 下線部①を日本語にせよ。 ( ) (2) 下線部②の this fact とは何か。文中の英語(7語)で答えよ。 (3) 下線部③がさすものを英語(2語)で答えよ。 (4) 下線部④を日本語にせよ。 ( ) (5) 下線部⑤の does とは何か。文中の英語(1語)で答えよ。 ~2~
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