中国科学院の楊敏先生、アリゾナ大 学の Shane Snyder 先

RECWET Symposium: "Behavior of micropollutants in urban water systems"
東京大学 水環境制御研究センターでは、中国科学院の楊敏先生、アリゾナ大
学の Shane Snyder 先生を客員研究員としてお招きする機会に合わせ、下記の
をご記入の上、11 月 24 日までに
[email protected](塩原)
RECWET Symposium: "Behavior of micropollutants in urban water systems"
Date: November 26 (Thursday), 2015
Place: Lecture Room 141, Engineering Building #14, The University of Tokyo
工学部 14 号館 141 講義室)
Schedule (Tentative)
13:30 Opening remarks: Professor Keisuke Hanaki, Director of RECWET
13:35-14:25 Professor Min Yang (Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science,
Chinese Academy of Science)
"Study on Transformation of Natural Organic Matter in Source Water during
Chlorination and Its Chlorinated Products using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass
14:25-15:15 Professor Shane Snyder (Department of Chemical and Environmental
Engineering, The University of Arizona)
"Exploring the Composition and Toxicity of Complex Environmental Mixtures"
15:15-15:35 Break
15:35-16:05 Professor Yu Zhang (Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science,
Chinese Academy of Science)
"Fate of antibiotics resistant bacteria in the wastewater treatment plants and in the
environment" (Tentative)
16:05-16:35 Professor Mari Asami (Department of Environmental Health, National
Institute of Public Health/ Research Center for Water Environment Technology, The
University of Tokyo)
"Exploring the cause of source water contamination using LC/MS/MS"(Tentative)
16:35-17:05 Dr Futoshi Kurisu (Research Center for Water Environment Technology,
The University of Tokyo)
"Fate of low molecular weight dissolved organic matters in reclaimed water
treatment systems"
17:05-17:20 Overall Discussion