Baker & Associates, Energy Consultants (Houston) MexicoEnergyIntelligence® Subscriptionservicesandrateplans O UR RESEARCHSERVICE provides both hard data and soft knowledge about the people, institutions, and legal & commercial frameworks of the energy sector. Our reports help subscribers to anticipate the outcomes of evolving legal, policy, institutional and commercial conditions in the energy sector. Subscribers gain an appreciation of the background and nuances that make up Mexico’s inside baseball. By staying at the interface between commerce, institutions and public oversight (Fig. 1), we provide subscribers with tools, data and an outside assessment of the operating environment in Mexico in its legal, regulatory and commercial dimensions. We are advocates of an energy regime in Mexico that is globally connected, with strong public oversight and state energy companies that can operate outside of Mexico alone or in joint ventures. We assess legal, policy and regulatory developments from this perspective; we are watchful for the reappearance of ideological positions that are repackaged as market‐ friendly concepts. A log of report titles is attached. Subscription to Mexico Energy Intelligence® Subscribers from a half‐dozen countries are IOCs, NOCs, pipeline and power companies, regulators, law firms, university libraries and embassies. We help subscribers guard against making errors in their planning for policy and business development. We offer subscribers several ways to project their values and presence in policy circles and the marketplace, as by advertising and interviews posted on our website, We offer rate plans for several classes of subscribers (see table). Sponsorship of Dictionary of Mexican Energy In collaboration with the Law School of the Public University of Nuevo León (FACDYC) we are preparing a Dictionary of Mexican Energy. The goal is to identify and define the many new legal, institutional and regulatory terms that, together, constitute the formal operating environment. Attached are illustrative pages of our inventory of key terms in the CNH’s Round One bidding guidelines, issued December 11, 2014.‐dictionary‐of‐mexican‐energy/ At the sponsor’s option, we recognize support by a placement of its logo on our website. Amounts in support above $5,000 on an annual basis will be applied to the subscription rate to Mexico Energy Intelligence®. +1 (832) 434‐3928 text/cell [email protected] Rev. Mar. 14, 2015 MEXICO ENERGY INTELLIGENCE® (MEI) is a commercial and policy advisory service offered by BAKER & ASSOCIATES, ENERGY CONSULTANTS, a management consultancy based in Houston. MEI reports facilitate two‐way communication between Mexican public and private institutions and the global environment. Our reports examine policy, institutional and cultural issues as they affect the operating environment, energy regulation, and government and private investment in Mexico’s energy sector. Reports are distributed principally on a subscription basis. contains public‐interest reports, title lists, calendar postings and interviews with stakeholders and observers that are available as a public service. Watch our video: Baker's DICTIONARY OF MEXICAN ENERGY Article Preliminary translation 1 Abandono del Área de Asignación Pemex lease abandonment Reglamento de la Ley de Hidrocarburos 21 754 2 Abasto aislado Isolated supply Reglamento de la Ley de la Industria Eléctrica 3 458 3 Abrogación de las leyes del CRE y CNH Abrogation of CRE Act of 1995 and CNH Ley de los Organos Reguladores Coordinados en Materia Energética T2 727 4 Acceso abierto Open Access Ley de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad 61 377 5 Acceso abierto Open access DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control Consid del Gas Natural 686 6 Acceso abierto ... no indebidamente discriminatorio Non-discriminatory access DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control 6 del Gas Natural 688 7 Access (to lease area) Servidumbre legal General Usage 825 8 Accidente causado por dolo del Contratista Accident caused by willful misconduct Ley de Hidrocarburos 20 705 9 Aceite crudo Crude oil A 844 10 Aceite in situ Oil in place (OIP) A 845 11 Actividad estratégica Strategic activity (per constitutional definition) Ley de Hidrocarburos 5 373 12 Actividad regulada Regulated activity Reglamento Interior de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía 3 391 To contribute or sponsor: [email protected] Source Rec # Lexical entry ENERGIA.COM 12/13/14 p. 2 Baker's Dictionary of Mexican Energy Terms defined in law and global practice NA T U R A L G A S S E G M E N T Article ID 1 Adquirente (gas natural) Natural gas customer Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 245 2 Alertas Críticas Critical alerts DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural 3 184 3 Almacenamiento Natural gas storage Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 242 4 Capacidad disponible Available capacity DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural 4 676 5 Centro Nacional de Control de Gas Natural (CENAGAS) CENAGAS Ley de Hidrocarburos T12 99 6 Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural CENAGAS DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural 1 674 7 Condiciones generales para la prestación del servicio Gas purchasing agreement Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 243 8 Consejo de Administración CENAGAS Administrative Council DECRETO ... el Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural 3 186 9 Directivas CRE directives Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 244 10 Distribución Franchise-area distribution Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 246 11 Ductos -2 Gas pipelines Reglamento de Gas Natural (1995) 2 247 12 Ductos de Internación Cross-border gas pipelines Ley de Hidrocarburos 4, 116, T12 23 Dictionary Print-Out To contribute/edit entry: [email protected] Dec 13, 2014 1 Baker's Dictionary of Mexican Energy Terms defined in law and global practice CNH Article 1 Accidente causado por dolo del Contratista Accident caused by willful misconduct Ley de Hidrocarburos 20 El Ejecutivo Federal, a través de la CNH, podrá rescindir administrativamente los Contratos ... 705 y recuperar el Area ... cuando se presente alguna de las siguientes causas graves: [incumplimiento, reportes falsos, ...], V. Que presente accidentes graves causados por dolo o culpa del Contratista. 2 Acuerdo de operación conjunta Joint operating agreement (JOA) Reglamento de la Ley de Hidrocarburos 39, T6 761 ... la Secretaría podrá realizar adecuaciones a los términos de asociación y al acuerdo de operación conjunta. ... VII. La propuesta de los términos bajo los cuales desean asociarse y del acuerdo de operación conjunta del Área Contractual. 3 5 Aprovechamientos Fees Ley de Ingresos sobre Hidrocarburos 28 VI. Pagar los derechos y aprovechamientos que se establezcan por la administración y supervisión de los Contratos o la supervisión y vigilancia de las actividades realizadas al amparo de los mismos, que realicen la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos y la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Industrial y de Protección al Medio Ambiente del Sector Hidrocarburos, y 661 Para tener derecho a inscribirse en la Licitación, ... el Interesado deberá cubrir los siguientes aprovachamientos. 921 Asociación en Participación Joint bidders 4, 6.4, 9.3, 10.6 Licitación CNH-R01-L01/2014 Dos o más Compañías que participan de forma conjunta en la Licitación . . . 6 Bases 874 CNH documentation (on bid Licitación CNH-R01-L01/2014 round) 4 El conjunto de disposiciones, documentos y anexos emitidos por la CNH ... que regulan el proceso de la Licitación CNH-R01-L01/2014. 7 Calendario 875 Calendar (for public tender) Licitación CNH-R01-L01/2014 4 Conjunto de actividades dentro de la Licitación y su programación en el tiempo ... Dictionary Print-Out To contribute/edit entry: [email protected] Dec 13, 2014 876 1 DICTONARY OF MEXICAN ENERGY 12/13/2014 Baker's Dictionary of Mexican Energy Terms defined in law and global practice Ley de Petróleos Mexicanos Article 1 Alianzas Definition or illustrative use 2 Cartera Definition or illustrative use 4 Comisario Definition or illustrative use Print-Out by Law 6 205 48 440 T10 447 12, 20-25 436 Petróleos Mexicanos podrá realizar las actividades, operaciones o servicios necesarios para el cumplimiento de su objeto por sí mismo; con apoyo de sus empresas productivas subsidiarias y empresas filiales, o mediante la celebración de contratos, convenios, alianzas o asociaciones o cualquier acto jurídico, con personas físicas o morales de los sectores público, privado o social, nacional o internacional, todo ello en términos de lo señalado en esta Ley y las demás disposiciones jurídicas aplicables. Areas de quejas y de responsabilidades Definition or illustrative use 3 Alliance Office of Personnel Investigation El titular de la Unidad de Responsabilidades, los de sus áreas de quejas, denuncias e investigaciones y de responsabilidades, así como los delegados en cada una de las empresas productivas subsidiarias y sus respectivas áreas, tendrán las facultades que la Ley Federal de Responsabilidades Administrativas de los Servidores Públicos otorga a los titulares de los órganos internos de control y a los titulares de las áreas de quejas y de responsabilidades, respectivamente, Investment Portfolio ... la actualización de los programas y proyectos de inversión a cargo de Petróleos Mexicanos o sus organismos subsidiarios que hayan sido registrados o que estuviesen en proceso de registro en la Cartera que integra y administra la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, con anterioridad a la entrada en vigor del régimen especial previsto en la Ley de Petróleos Mexicanos, se realizará conforme a los lineamientos vigentes al momento de su registro o solicitud, External Auditor En caso de que a juicio de al menos dos integrantes del Consejo de Administración, del Comisario, o del Consejero Jurídico del Ejecutivo Federal, exista duda fundada de que las actividades, ... La evaluación anual prevista en el artículo 117, fracción I de la Ley, a cargo del Comisario se realizará conforme a las mejores prácticas internacionales en la materia, procurando que los resultados de la evaluación y los reportes que deriven de dicha evaluación sean comparables en el tiempo. To contribute/edit entry: [email protected] Dec 13, 2014 1 Baker's Dictionary of Mexican Energy 2 CURRENT LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN MEXICO Reglamento de la Ley de Petrףleos Mexicanos Article 5 Comité Especial Definition or illustrative use 6 8 9 1, 3, 9-10 435 Government ex oficio board member 1, 3 434 Corporate control or significant influence 55 442 T4 445 Para efectos de la fracción XXVII del artículo 13 de la Ley, se entiende por control o influencia significativa lo señalado en el artículo 2, fracciones III y XI, de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, respectivamente. desincorporación Definition or illustrative use Outside board member Los integrantes del Consejo de Administración a que se refiere el artículo 15, fracción II de la Ley; ... y cumplen con los requisitos previstos en la Ley para ser designadas como Consejeros del Gobierno Federal o Consejeros Independientes, según sea el caso, Control o influencia significativa Definition or illustrative use 433 Los integrantes del Consejo de Administración a que se refiere el artículo 15, fracción III de la Ley; ... y cumplen con los requisitos previstos en la Ley para ser designadas como Consejeros del Gobierno Federal o Consejeros Independientes, según sea el caso, y que no se ubican en alguno de los supuestos de impedimento o conflicto de interés previstos en la Ley o en este Reglamento Consejeros del Gobierno Federal Definition or illustrative use 1 El comité especial previsto en el artículo 24 de la Ley ... Las determinaciones para nombrar por un periodo adicional a los Consejeros Independientes, la remuneración de éstos y de los Consejeros del Gobierno Federal que no sean servidores públicos, así como la propuesta de dividendo estatal de Petróleos Mexicanos y de cada una de sus empresas productivas subsidiarias, deberán considerar Consejero Independiente Definition or illustrative use 7 Board Executive Commitee Rec. # Disincorporation Al actualizarse la transformación señalada en el párrafo anterior, no será necesario llevar a cabo el proceso de desincorporación de la Administración Pública Federal Paraestatal, Print-Out by Law To contribute/edit entry: [email protected] Dec 13, 2014 2 Search String Initial inventory of technical terms in CNH bidding guidelines CNH-R01-L01/2014 Pending: Adding annotations in Spanish and English 1 Extract Translation Aprovechamientos Fees payable by prospective bidder Page or section Para tener derecho a inscribirse en la Licitación, ... el Interesado deberá cubrir los siguientes aprovachamientos. 2 Asociación en Participación 4. 1.5-1.6 Joint bidders Dos o más Compañías que participan de forma conjunta en la Licitación . . . 3 Bases 4, 6.4, 9.3, 10.6 CNH documentation (on bid round) El conjunto de disposiciones, documentos y anexos emitidos por la CNH ... que regulan el proceso de la Licitación CNH-R01-L01/2014. 4 Calendario 4 Calendar (for public tender) Conjunto de actividades dentro de la Licitación y su programación en el tiempo ... 5 Causales de deschamiento Causes for the rejection of a proposal Serán causales de desechamiento de las Propuesta, las siguientes: a) La presentación incompleta, ilegible, confusa o la omisión de cualquier documento o información requerida ... c) Cuando un Licitante presente Propuestas para más de cindo Areas Contractuales ...i) influir indebidamente ... 6 Clave AD Comité Licitatorio Compañía 4, 6.1-6.2, 7, 9.3, 12.4 CNH Bid Round Committee Grupo de servidores públicos de la CNH responsables de coordinar y ejecutar la Licitación, conforme a lo establecido en estas Bases. 8 17 Access code (to prospective bidder) Clave de identificación que la Convocante le proporcionará a cada undo de los Interesados ... 7 4 4 Business entity 4 Cualquier empresa productiva del Estado, sociedad, corporación, fideicomiso, sociedad por acciones, asociación no corporativa, empresa conjunta, o cualquier otra análoga de naturaleza mercantil constituidad conforme a las leyes de su país de orígen. Search string: Bases R1 Initial survey of technical terms in the CNH bid round 12/12/2014 1 Sources Consulted Issued/amended BOLETINES Friday, August 08, 2014 Pemex Boletín de Prensa 81/2014 CONSTITUTIONAL ARTICLE Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Monday, February 05, 1917 Monday, February 10, 2014 DECREES DECRETO por el que se crea el Centro Nacional de Control de Thursday, August 28, 2014 Energía DECRETO por el que se crea el Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural [CENAGAS] Thursday, August 28, 2014 DISCURSOS Discurso ... de Pemex, Emilio Lozoya, 13 Agosto 2014 Wednesday, August 13, 2014 LAWS Ley de Amparo, Reglamentaria de los Artículos 103 y 107 de la Constitución ... Tuesday, April 02, 2013 Ley de Asociaciones Público Privadas Monday, January 16, 2012 Monday, July 14, 2014 Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de Energía Geotérmica Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de Federal de Competencia Económica Friday, May 23, 2014 Ley de Hidrocarburos Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de Ingresos sobre Hidrocarburos Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Industrial y de Protección al Medio Ambiente del Sector Hidrocarburos Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos Friday, November 28, 2008 Ley de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía Tuesday, October 31, 1995 Friday, November 28, 2008 Ley de la Industria Eléctrica Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de Los Órganos Reguladores Coordinados en Materia Energética Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley de Obras Públicas y Servicios Relacionados con los Mismos Tuesday, January 04, 2000 Ley de Petróleos Mexicanos Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley Federal Anticorrupción en Contrataciones Públicas Monday, June 11, 2012 Monday, April 09, 2012 Monday, December 08, 2014 2:15 PM Sources Consulted Issued/amended Ley Federal de Procedimiento Administrativo Thursday, August 04, 1994 Thursday, April 12, 2012 Friday, June 26, 1992 Ley Minera Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal Wednesday, December 29, 1976 Monday, August 11, 2014 Ley para el Aprovechamiento de Energías Renovables y el Financiamiento de la Transición Energética Friday, November 28, 2008 Friday, June 07, 2013 Ley Reglamentaria del Artículo 27 Constitucional en Materia Nuclear ONLINE GLOSSARIES Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Glosario de Términos Petroleros Monday, November 24, 2014 Thursday, August 22, 2013 Términos usados en la Industria Petrolera (glosario) Tuesday, March 20, 2001 Thursday, December 16, 2010 Organizational statutes Reglamento Interior de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía Monday, August 22, 2011 Reglamento Interno de la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos Friday, August 28, 2009 Tuesday, June 12, 2012 OTHER Manual de Organización de la Comisión Nacional de Securidad Nuclear y Salvaguardias Wednesday, April 11, 2012 PACTOS Sunday, December 02, 2012 Pacto por Mexico PRESENTATION (PPT) Migración de asignaciones a contratos y esquema de asociaciones (farm outs) Wednesday, August 13, 2014 REGULATIONS Reglamento de Gas LP Saturday, May 12, 2007 Reglamento de Gas Natural Wednesday, November 08, 1995 Reglamento de la Ley de Electricidad Sunday, September 28, 2014 Reglamento de la Ley de Hidrocarburos Sunday, September 28, 2014 Reglamento de la Ley de Hidrocarburos Friday, October 31, 2014 Reglamento de la Ley de Ingresos sobre Hidrocarburos Friday, October 31, 2014 Reglamento de la Ley de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad Friday, October 31, 2014 Monday, December 08, 2014 2:15 PM MEXICO’S ENERGY SECTOR: COMMERCIAL & POLICY OUTLOOK 2015 March MON, MAR 9, 15 File 1000067 Pages 5 Charts 4 MON, MAR 2, 15 File 030215 Pages 3 Charts 1 CNH in 2015: Scenario Analysis (Update of Market Note 077) In January 2011, at the suggestion of a commissioner, we prepared a scenario analysis of how the CNH might look at year-end 2015. We visualized four scenarios, in two of which the agency is marginalized, a third in an ambiguous status quo, and a forth as an independent regulator. Moving the clock forward 4 years, we now ask about the CNH's future today. 1 Mexico's Energy Reform: A Sobriety Test This article examines the positive and cautionary signs in the upstream reform in Mexico. It is observed that much of the topic is still inside baseball, meaning that the back-office story is not widely understood. Published in Oil & Gas Journal, March 2, 2015, pp. 34-37. 2 February TUE, FEB 24, 15 File 100202 Pages 6 Charts 1 MON, FEB 23, 15 File 012615 Pages 9 Charts 0 FRI, FEB 20, 15 File 775 Pages 22 Charts 5 TUE, FEB 17, 15 File 10033.1 Pages 7 Charts 2 3/11/2015 Drilling Deeper into Spanish-201 This report builds on two others from 2012 that had the title “Overcoming the American Accent in Spanish.” Understanding the phonological system of Spanish allows the mind and ears to hear the language without the filters of English. There are many sounds and conventions in Spanish that only become audible to English ears after one has learned linguistic concepts. As the hearing improves, so does the ability to speak Spanish as a language very different from Tex-Mex. 3 Outlook of Round One: Interview with Pedro van Meurs Dr. Pedro van Meurs is an expert on petroleum fiscal systems, having advised governments, including the Mexican, around the world. On Jan. 26, 2015, a two-hour discussion took place about aspects of oil policy in Mexico, with emphasis on the enhancements needed to make Round One a success. 4 Problematic Issues in Round One and Beyond: What is needed for alignment of interests? This report expands on our Public Policy paper No. 10033. Table 1 identifies specific opportunities where SENER, SHCP and CNH may contribute to the alignment of interests between the State and oil companies as investors and operators. The table reflects insights of prospective bidders and legal and fiscal experts. The discussion contrasts the new regime with that of Pemex's farmouts of 2003-13, and the regime in the US Gulf of Mexico. Principles of equity from the perspective of the investor/operator are set forth. We ask about the outlook for stakeholder feedback and the measure of success of Round One. 5 What’s Missing from Round One? - A Clear Philosophy of Alignment This report is issued as a white paper that is meant to contribute to the public discussion of public policy and commerce in relation to Round One. The report identifies areas where improved alignment is needed between the State, society and the oil company. This condensed version has been posted on for downloading by the general public. [email protected] - +1 (832) 434-3928 text/cell 1 6 REPORTS ON MEXICO’S ENERGY SECTOR Mexico Energy Intelligence® FRI, FEB 13, 15 File 10033 Pages 15 Charts 4 THU, FEB 12, 15 File 1000064 Pages 1 Charts 0 THU, FEB 5, 15 File 1000063 Pages 2 Charts 0 Updated 2/16/2015 MON, FEB 2, 15 File 774 Pages 17 Charts 8 Critiquing and Looking Beyond Round One The Hyrocarbon Commission in Mexico (CNH) has asked for public comment about Round One and the Model Contract. This report offers construction criticism of the new energy regime that was established by the Energy Reform of 2014, with emphasis on the legislative and regulatory frameworks that are set for in the hydrocarbon legislation that was promulgated on Aug. 11, as well as the commercial framework contained in the draft Model Contract made public on Dec. 11. The report draws on the observations of petroleum fiscal system expert Pedro van Meurs, as well as those of industry sources. 7 Mexico's Energy Reform at the Baker Institute Mexico's energy reform will affect not only public perceptions and institutions in Mexico; it will also call for a rethinking of the expectations by many government and private stakeholders on the U.S. side of the Gulf. For example, under what conditions may resources from the U.S. side be deployed in Mexican waters in the event of a major oil spill? U.S. speakers were from key agencies and NGOs : BOEM, BSEE, MSCR, Coast Guard, API and COS (Center for Offshore Safety). Carlos de Régules, the director of the new safety agency (ASEA), outline his vision, including the use of third-party, certified auditors. 8 Glimpses of Mexico's Iconic Figures: Luis Donaldo Colosio The public space in Mexico rewards some iconic figures while it ignores others. Some of these figures are associated with Mexico's oil industry: One, Lázaro Cárdenas, is memorialized in statues and in the names of prominent streets, while Lord Cowdray's memory is in the name of the ABC Hospital. Cárdenas and Luis Donaldo Colosio both have monuments in the style of giant Olmec heads. This report tells an anecdote about Colosio in 1991 about how freedom of the press was monitored by the PRI. The report includes two photographs taken at the place of Colosio’s assassination in Tijuana on March 23, 1994. 9 Freedom of Speech in Mexico: How does employee misconduct get reported? This report examines several dimensions of freedom of speech in Mexico, asking, inter alia, about how the lack of freedom of speech affects public policy and the performance of public servants and employees in the private sector. The report draws on personal and institutional anecdotes as well as on international indexes. The question is asked about the probability that an employee in the public or private sector would report evidence or suspicions of cartel ties by a co-worker or supervisor. A parallel question is asked about the probability that a whistle-blower could appear in Mexican society. 10 January WED, JAN 28, 15 File 1000062 Pages 5 Charts 0 Updated 1/30/2015 3/11/2015 Midstream Outlook in Mexico: Complicado This report examines incentives and impediments to business development in the midstream in Mexico in the light of the Energy Reform of 2014. There are some short-term bottlenecks, including fiscal and contractual imperfections that will be resolved by mid-2015. The resolution of other bottlenecks in the operating environment will take most of the next decade, if not longer. The report cites an interview held on Jan. 26th with petroleum fiscal expert Pedro van Meurs in which he offers his view on how the fiscal treatment of the midstream needs urgent attention by SHCP and the Hydrocarbon Commission (CNH). [email protected] - +1 (832) 434-3928 text/cell 2 11 REPORTS ON MEXICO’S ENERGY SECTOR Mexico Energy Intelligence® WED, JAN 21, 15 File 1000061 Pages 2 Charts 0 THU, JAN 15, 15 File 1000060 Pages 2 Charts 3 SUN, JAN 11, 15 File 1000059 Pages 4 Charts 2 THU, JAN 8, 15 File 1000058 Pages 24 Charts 4 Updated 1/10/2015 3/11/2015 Blasphemy Clause in the Mexican Constitution? An attack on a Mexican Charlie Hebdo would not provoke popular protests in Mexico; but, in Constitutional Articles 30 and 33 there would seem to be a species of blasphemy law that allows the President of Mexico, without prior judicial review or the right of appeal, to expel a non-citizen from Mexico. A principle that allows for punitive actions for offenses not set forth in civil or criminal law, once established, applies to all members of society in Mexico, not just to foreigners. 12 Transparency vs. Value Creation: An Inverse Correlation This report speculates about the relationship between Transparency, Value-Creation and Educational Requirements in Mexican government procurement. Four models are considered: Public Works, Pemex law, Round 1 and Round N. The report concludes that society’s demand for transparency is subverted by the need of regulators to protect themselves from auditors whose educational level would not be adequate to understand how an award in a bid round was determined on the basis of its total value compared to the offers of other bidders. 13 Satire in Mexican Journalism There is a genre of journalism in Mexico that specializes in exposing corruption and inefficiency. The comic genius of Mexican cartoonists for skewering public figures and policies is an established fact. There is a different role for satire, as its purpose is to instruct, not skewer. Exhibit A is a title list of our satirical reports or columns, published by ourselves or in Mexico. Exhibit B is an annotated version of one of our columns, which was originally published in REFORMA on September 8, 2008. See 14 MEXICAN ENERGY IN 2014: Review of Reporting and Public Outreach by MEI This report discusses the work product of the editor and research staff of Mexico Energy Intelligence® in 2015. The many neologisms of the Energy Reform legislation and subsequent legal dispositions led to a project to create a DICTIONARY OF MEXICAN ENERGY. We characterize the energy reform as one in which conservative politics limited the vision of an energy reform, leaving important decisions for the next administration. The report includes for logs of MEI report titles, by month, in ascending and descending order, also by category and a fourth in chronological order with a brief description of each report. [email protected] - +1 (832) 434-3928 text/cell 3 15 MEXICO’S ENERGY SECTOR: COMMERCIAL & POLICY OUTLOOK 2014 December TUE, DEC 30, 14 File 100201 Pages 7 Charts 4 FRI, DEC 12, 14 File 1000056 Pages 6 Charts 1 THU, DEC 11, 14 File 1000055 Pages 8 Charts 2 SUN, DEC 7, 14 File 1000054 Pages 2 Charts 1 Updated 12/8/2014 SAT, DEC 6, 14 File 100200 Pages 7 Charts 2 1/7/2015 The van Meurs Critique of the Model Contract for Round One This report examines the 72-page critique of the CNH model contract for Round One that was prepared and made public by fiscal-system expert Pedro van Meurs and petroleum lawyer Jay Park. Table 2 and Extract B provide a tabulation of the authors' concerns about where the contract is not competitive with other jurisdictions. We conclude that fixing these concerns will not be enough to attract top-tier companies as bidders to Round One. 1 CNH’s Round One Bidding Guidelines: LOPSRM Reborn This report provides an inventory of some 50 terms and concepts that are set forth in the CNH’s bidding guidelines for 14 shallow-water blocks in the Bay of Campeche. The generation of this specialized lexicon was made possible by an application of our in-house DICTIONARY OF MEXICAN ENERGY. The publication of these guidelines deserves applause in recognition of the diligence of public officials in CNH and the energy and finance ministries. At the same time, the details of the bidding protocols are reminiscent of the old way of doing government procurement in Mexico. 2 Football Analogy (Part III): For whom is the head fake intended? This report takes notice of very different expectations regarding the eventual way in which the Mexican government will allow oil companies (including Pemex) to recognize their assets in Mexico: One view is that companies will be free to recognize their assets as booked reserves; while others hold that the law will only permit an oil company to recognize the expected contract value of its position in Mexico. We postulate that the government is executing a feint (or head fake, in the language of sports) either to the international oil companies or to the Oil Left at home. 3 Mexico’s Risk-Service Contract; A Facelift on Pemex’s Mature Fields Contract This report, building on the arguments in Market Note 200, characterizes the contract model that is contained in Mexico’s hydrocarbon legislation as that of a Risk-Service Contract. It is an enhancement of the Mature Fields contract model of 2011-13, with three modifications: 1) the contractor may be paid in kind, 2) the logic of the bidding variable will be different, and 3) the contract will be awarded by the State (represented by the CNH), not only by Pemex. What remains unchanged is the disallowing of any commercial interest in the reserves that were established by the success of the contractor. 4 Mexico’s Upstream Business Model: A Mineral Contract, not a Mineral Lease This report seeks to gain clarity about the nature of the business model that is set forth in the Hydrocarbon Law by contrasting its features with that of a mineral lease in the U.S. and a mining concession in Mexico. The conclusion is that the State is NOT offering a mineral lease; instead, it is a new legal figure: mineral contract. Table 1 lists common terms in use in relation to a U.S. mineral lease (with Spanish translations). Table 2 shows how there are upwards of a half-dozen meanings of "Nación" in Mexico's legal framework. [email protected] - +1 (832) 434-3928 text/cell 1 5 REPORTS ON MEXICO’S ENERGY SECTOR Mexico Energy Intelligence® MON, DEC 1, 14 File 1000053 Pages 1 Charts 47 Dictionary of Mexican Energy: Collaboration with the UANL Law School This report restates the objectives of our project to develop a DICTIONARY OF MEXICAN ENERGY; and we also announce the collaboration of the Law Faculty of the State Universit of Nuevo León (UANL) in the preparation of the dictionary. The report includes a sample lexical entry for Hydrocarburos en el Subuelo and 47 pages of straight, alphabetical listings of some 700 terms, each with a citation to the source and article or section of a legal disposition or institutional document. 6 November FRI, NOV 28, 14 File 1000052 Pages 9 Charts 0 Updated 12/8/2014 WED, NOV 26, 14 File 1000051 Pages 2 Charts 0 SUN, NOV 16, 14 File 1000050 Pages 7 Charts 3 WED, NOV 12, 14 File 1000049 Pages 1 Charts 1 SUN, NOV 9, 14 File 1000048 Pages 3 Charts 2 1/7/2015 Football Analogy (Part II) - Rewriting the energy of Mexico since 1976 This report is a literary continuation of our earlier Market Comment 051, in which, using the vocabulary of American football, we examined patterns of “punting” in the conduct of energy policy in Mexico, In this sequel, we expand the vocabulary employed, and use the terminology to critique the conduct of energy policy in Mexico for each presidential period since 1976, including the present one. 7 Football Analogy: Punting on Energy Reform In this report, the rules and strategy of American football are employed to characterize the phenomenon of punting the ball in two senses: 1) Market clarity is always said to be in the next level of legal disposition: Constitution - law - regulations - model contract - market rules. 2) Since 1991, one Mexican presidency after another (including the present one) has punted the ball of a market solution to the next administration. 8 Mexico's Energy Redesign: What the oil industry understood in 1996 This report makes reference to an article published in Oil & Gas Journal on Nov. 18, 1996, which set forth the commercial and geological logic of having multiple operators working independently in basins of varying sizes and complexity. Not anticipated was the use of farm-out as a Pemex-centric development strategy. Appended is a 4--page critique of the energy reform that is meant to serve as a sobriety check on the promotionalism seen in 2014. 9 Mexico’s Energy Lexicon: Why the courts should be lexicographers of the energy sector This report provides an alphabetical list of some 650 terms and concepts obtained from laws, regulations and other official documents that, together, inform policy, regulatory and commercial relationships in Mexico's energy regime. For each term or concept we provide a preliminary translation and a citation to the document and place within the document where it may be found. In a future iteration of the wordlist, we shall provide sub-lists for industry sectors, market segments and the government agencies and companies. In this way, the specific terms of agencies and topics are together. 10 Mexico Energy Dictionary Advances: Lexical database sorted by Sector and Institution Where, in an earlier report on the status of our project to develop an online dictionary of Mexican energy, we listed some 300 entries, we have about 600. Where our earlier idea was to generate a single, alphabetical list, we now see it more useful to generate separate lists according to sector, market segment and institutions. Thus, in the hydrocarbon sector, we have one list of general terms, another for upstream leases and a third for the maritime transboundary agreement. We observe that each institution has its own vocabulary; and we have begun lists for Pemex, CFE, CRE, CNH, SENER and ANSIP, amon others. [email protected] - +1 (832) 434-3928 text/cell 2 11 BAKER& ASSOCIATES,ENERGYCONSULTANTS Management consulting Industry, policy and regulatory reports A management briefing is available on the topics covered in this report. (832) 434-3928 (text/cell) Mailing Address: Box 271506 Houston TX 77277‐1506 To learn about our reporting, consult the title lists, by year or category, on, or write to us at [email protected]
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