Japanese Material Lending List (日本紹介マテリアルリスト) 2/1 Japanese・Description 日本地図 New! タペストリー 31.5'' X 43'' Map of Japan ジオラマ(18" x18" x12" ) 1 1 端午の節句 (19" x Tapestry/Tangono Sekku "Boy's Festival" 23.5") 1 A set of 6 dolls (about 13" tall) A set of 2 dolls 日本のお祭り雰囲 Miniature Festival Scene 気セット Hagoita set 正月羽子板 雛人形 お内裏様・お雛様 Hina Matsuri dolls 五月人形 Boys' day doll (Kabuto) かぶと もちつきセット A set of Mochi Making Usu & Kine 杵と臼 書道セット Calligraphy Set 紙芝居 Japan's Four Seasons and Yearly Events Paper Play Japanese Tradition: Kabuki Summer in Japan "The Summer Story of Takeshi and A Japanese Doctor who Contributed His Life to the World: Dr. Noguchi Toys & Etc 紙芝居ケース 1 正月 (19" x 23.5") Tapestry/Shogatsu "A New Year's Day" 雛祭り (19" x 23.5") Tapestry/Hinamtsuri "Girl's Festival" "Shinto Priest", "Shrine Maiden", "Fish Dealer", "Greengrocery", "Carpenter", and "Sumo Referee" Ichimatsu Dolls (about 18 inch tall) A set of Japanese Food Sample 鯉のぼりセット Boys' Day Carp Set (Small) 玩具・民芸セット A set of Japanese toys from Edo period 江戸玩具 中部・信越玩具 A set of Japanese toys of Chubu & Shinetsu area A set of Japanese toys of Kyushu area 九州玩具 A set of Japanese toys of Okinawa area 沖縄玩具 ブリキ玩具 A set of Japanese toys made of tinplate Display A set of Japanese toys made of bamboos 竹細工玩具 Only 世界遺産ジオラマ Miniature Byodo-in temple 平等院 (18" x18" x12" ) Miniature Kiyomizu temple 清水寺 Miniature Todai-ji temple 東大寺 Miniature Nijyo-jyo castle 二条城 Miniature Kinkaku-ji temple 金閣寺 Miniature Heijyo-kyo old imperial capital 平城京 Miniature Itsukushima- jinja shrine 厳島神社 Miniature Yakushi-ji temple 薬師寺 Miniature Siragami- sanchi 白神山地 Miniature Genbaku-dome 原爆ドーム 日本の衣装紹介 職業編 市松人形セット 食品サンプルセット How many? English ・ Description The Colors of the Four Seasons in Japan Hello Nippon! A Trip Down Memory Lane to Games of Yesteryear The Situation and Economic Tendenceis A Night on a Rail Road in the Milky Way (A Fantasy) Paper Play Frame and castanet 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Japanese Material Lending List (日本紹介マテリアルリスト)2/2 法被 (祭り) 法被(日本) Clothes 浴衣・帯・下駄セット Japanese 大型絵本 Ehon 大人・赤 大人・青 小人・赤 小人・青 LL(大)・緑 L(中)・緑 M(小)・緑 S(子供)・緑 Happi Jacket/Matsuri "Festival" (Adult/Red) Happi Jacket/Matsuri "Festival" (Adult/Blue) Happi Jacket/Matsuri "Festival" (Boys & Girls/Red) Happi Jacket/Matsuri "Festival" (Boys & Girls -Blue) Happi Jacket /Nippon (Size LL/Green) Happi Jacket/Nippon (Size L/Green) Happi Jacket/Nippon (Size M/Green) Happi Jacket/Nippon (Size S/Green) 25 25 5 8 9 9 10 10 大人用(男) A Light Summer Kimono with Wooden Clogs(Adult Female) A Light Summer Kimono with Wooden Clogs(Adult Male) 小人用(女) A Light Summer Kimono with Wooden Clog(Girl) 4 小人用(男) A Light Summer Kimono with Wooden Clog (Boy) 4 大人用(女) Size A large format picture book (13.5"x 20") 2 1 How many? English ・ Description The Bamboo Princess "Kaguyahime" A Grateful Crane "Tsuru no Ongaeshi" A Peach Boy "Momotaro" Flower Blossoming Old Man "Hanasaka Jiisan" The Fisherman Called Urashima Taro "Urashimataro" 2 2 2 2 2 8/25/2015 Japanese Material Lending Form(貸出し申請用紙) Consular Office of Japan in Portland Tel: 503-221-1811 ext 315 Fax: 503-224-8936 E-mail : [email protected] Name of Borrower (借用者氏名):___________________________________________________ Organization (団体名):___________________________________________________________ Address (住所):_________________________________________________________________ Phone Number(電話番号): _______________________________________________________ E-mail Address(メールアドレス): __________________________________________________ Purpose of Use(使用目的): _______________________________________________________ Period of Use(使用期間): from ________________________ to_________________________ Notes: 1. These items are to be used only for the purpose of “introducing” or “promoting” Japanese culture; 2. These items are not to be used for commercial purposes; 3. Materials can be picked up at our office or mailed at your request, however the shipping charge is your responsibility; 4. To insure availability, please reserve two weeks to one month in advance for date needed. 5. The period of use is limited to 2 weeks unless otherwise arranged; 6. If any items are damages while in the borrowers' possession, borrower will be held responsible for restoration and or compensation; 注意: 1. 貸出品は、「日本文化を体験・紹介をする」という利用目的で貸出をしています。 2. 営利団体の行う興業、利益・収益事業に用いるなどの場合は貸出をお断りしています。 3. 貸出品は当事務所に取りに来てください。郵送による送付も承りますが、郵送代は負担して頂きます。 4. 貸出品は使用希望日の2週間前までに貸出申請用紙にて申込みをしてください。 5. 貸出期間は原則として2週間です。 6. 貸出品の亡失、破損、汚損等の場合は、借用者に適正な処置を取っていただくことがあります。 I hereby understand and agree to take responsibility to abide by the above stated rules in borrowing these items. 借用に当たって上記の注意書きを理解し、これらに従うことを約束します。 Signature (署名)________________Date(日付)__________
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