英語 解答用紙 1枚目 受験番号 CM I Ⅰ 問1(1) (14) 問2(2) 問3(3) 問4(4) erupted (10) surrounding (18) a d (6) (5) c b living implementing (13) entering (8) (7) a c (12) (11) b e (15) 9 月の御嶽山の噴火以来、国内の火山がより活発化している状況 (9) 富士山の噴火に備えた広域避難計画 (16) 市内の路面電車の信号を少なくとも一日 2 回は掃除すること (17) 上水道網への(火山灰の侵入)防止対策をとること a 英語 解答用紙 2枚目 受験番号 CM Ⅱ Ⅱ 問1 ( c ) 問2 ( b ) 問3 エ ボ ラ 熱 の 感 染 は ア フ リ カ の 貧 し い 田 舎 の 住 民 の み が 危 険 な 状 態 に あ る と 考 え ら れ て き た 。 ま た 、 製 薬 会 社 に と っ て ワ ク チ ン や 治 療 薬 の 開 発 は 商 業 的 に 魅 力 が な く 、 投 資 す る 理 由 が 見 当 ら な か っ た 。 100 字 問4 ( b ) 問5 Should we 問6 ( ( e ) →( f ) →( d ) →( c ) 問7 (1) T (2) F 問8 (1) b (2) c (3) (3) b ) →( g ) →( a ) →( c )? (4) F a (4) T c (5) F (5) a 英語 解答用紙 3枚目 受験番号 CM Ⅲ Ⅲ 賛成 I am for this opinion. First, local finances are now severely squeezed and local governments are reviewing their budgets, and trying to cut costs. In this respect, if unnecessary ambulance use can be checked by this measure, this will lighten the financial burden to some extent. Secondly, it is possible that the lives of a patient who actually needs an ambulance might become endangered if unnecessary use increases. To avoid such risk, this measure should be effective. On the basis of these reasons, I insist that this opinion should be put into practice as soon as possible. (97 words) 反対 I am against this opinion. First, can ordinary people judge illnesses or injuries correctly? Probably everyone who has called an ambulance thought it was necessary at that time. Even if the illness or injury turned out to be slight, it is not fair to ask for payment later. Secondly, if part of the charge must be paid, poorer people surely will hesitate to call an ambulance. This could cause the death of patients who otherwise would have been saved. Therefore, I insist that ambulance use should always remain free of charge. (91 words)
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