Lab Testing Communicable Diseases

Name of Activity:Testing of communicable diseases for
patients presenting to ER when sent from Physician’s
Role performing Activity:Emergency RN or LPN
Location: FHHR
Document Owner:
Lisa Parker
Jun 5/2014
Region/Organization where this
Work Standard originated:
Last Revision:
Date Approved:
Work Standard Summary:
Essential Tasks:
OP Physician requests testing for communicable disease (eg.Viral exanthema, mumps) or
emerging respiratory illness (Avian Flu, Mers-CoV,Viral Hemmorhagic Fever (EBOLA)) to
be completed in ER. OP Physician to consult with MHO to discuss the specifics of the case.
Patient directed to present to Ambulance entrance of Emergency department by OP
ER doors will be closed as usual and patient will have to pick up red phone to talk to ER staff
member or staff member will meet them at Ambulance entrance.
ER staff will don surgical/procedural mask if droplet transmission ( eg. ILI, Mers-CoV,
mumps, Viral Hemmorhagic Fever (EBOLA)) is suspected.
Staff will don N95 respirator if airborne transmission ( measles,chickenpox,TB,) is suspected.
ER staff member will have patient and visitors wear a surgical/procedural mask prior to
entering ER department from supply of masks kept in Ambulance entrance.( if have not
received a mask from doctors office). If no masks present in back entrance, patient and
visitors will be left in Ambulance entrance until staff member obtains appropriate masks.
Patient and visitors will be escorted into the nearest private room to the Ambulance entrance
available. Ensure isolation cart and signage in place. For Viral Hemmorhagic Fever
(EBOLA) use red isolation cart.
ER staff member will obtain health information from patient and register the patient.
Ensure all staff involved in patient care are wearing appropriate isolation PPE( gowns,
gloves, eye protection, surgical/procedural mask / N95 respirators) based on symptom
Rev 2013042
Copyright 2013 John Black and Associates, LLC
Lab will be called and notified that the patient is present in the ER. Communicate isolation
status of patient to lab.
Make out lab requisition and place in phlebotomy hotbox.
Mark status of test(Stat,ASAP).
Indicate on requisition a copy of lab testing to be sent to family physician and MHO.
Severe/specific cases may require stat testing at SDCL based on physician discussion with
MHO prior to patient being sent to ER department. Notify lab staff if stat transport is
No lab work or IV’s to be initiated on Viral Hemmorhagic Fever patients unless specifically
ordered by MHO.
Nurse will collect any other samples ordered such as nasopharyngeal swabs, auger suctions,
Requisitions for above testing will be sent to laboratory along with samples. Indicate on
requisition ordering physician with copy to MHO.
Upon discharge, patient and visitors will ensure that masks are still on (should be on for
entire procedure if possible) and will be instructed to exit ER through Ambulance entrance to
minimize traffic through the ER department.
ER staff will notify housekeeping to isolation clean the room. Housekeeping staff should
wear appropriate isolation PPE based on signage on the door. N95 respirator would be
required when cleaning for cases where airborne precautions are in effect
(signage would be on door to direct this).
Rev 2013042
Copyright 2013 John Black and Associates, LLC