Case Studies for Smart Region Policies

Prof. Dr. Erik E. Lehmann
Case Studies for Smart Region Policies
“Fallstudien zu unternehmerischer Standortpolitik”
 Objective: Independent development of case studies with respect to smart region policies
 Format:
Creation of a course paper (Seminararbeit) including a final presentation (Abschlusspräsentation)
 Who:
iBWL/iVWL Bac.:
Module „Haus- und Seminararbeiten” or „Sonstige Leistungen“
ReWi Bac.:
Module „ Unternehmen und Management“
GBM Bac.:
Module „International Skills“ (08) or „Global Business and Economics“ (13)
 Deadlines: 22nd of Jan 2016:
End of application phase via Digicampus (by 12.00 am)
28th of Jan 2016:
Introductory course and presentation of topics (mandatory)
16th of Feb 2016 :
Book presentation in cooperation with the House of America (mandatory)
1st of Apr 2016 :
Final presentation (mandatory)
8th of Apr 2016 :
Submission of course paper
Course objectives
 Intense analysis of the thematic area of the case study
 Self-reliant identification and formulation of the problem
 Abstraction of the problem in general and derivation of a
solution strategy by applying recommended literature
 Transfer of the derived strategy to a specific problem of
the case study and demonstration of implications for
management and recommendations for implementation
 Presentation and discussion of the groups' work results