boaventura de sousa santos`s program at ucl – april 2015, 20 & 21

Sunday, April, 19 . – Arrival at Brussels. Venue: Hotel Ibis, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Monday, April, 20
11.00 – Encounter with doctorate & post-doctorate researchers. To be confirmed. Access: limited.
12.30-15.00 – LUNCH AND INFORMAL MEETING with members of the Institute for the Analysis of Change in Historical
and Contemporary Societies (IACCHOS), in charge of the preparation of the IACCHOS conference and of the
Research seminar. Access: limited.
15.00-18.00 – Break
18.00-19.30 – LIGHT DINNER with members of IACCHOS, with the possible presence of members of the Rectoral
team. Access: limited.
19.30-21.30 – IACCHOS Conference*, by Pr. Boaventura de Sousa Santos, organized and led by the students’
organizations: AGL, BDE ESPO, CESEC, NASA. Topic “Visions and propositions for a more just world” (“Visions
et propositions pour un monde plus juste”).
Public Lecture, in English – Free access – STUDIO 11, from 19.30 to 21.30
Information on:
*The Cycle of IACCHOS conferences, entitled “Changing Societies”, is conceived as an encounter between first
class critical intellectuals and young generations. Such conferences are not conceived as “expert conferences”,
but as an opportunity for such intellectuals to address contemporary issues and to pass their scientific analysis
and personal aspirations on to students. The students’ organizations are in charge of all the conference process:
presentation of lecturers, public debate, synthesis, etc. In 2014, the IACCHOS conferences gathered Pr. Saskia
Sassen (May 2014) & Pr. Judith Butler (September 2014)..
Tuesday, April, 21
11.00-12.30 – COFFEE BREAK/DEBRIEFING with the students’ organizations in charge of the IACCHOS conference.
12.00-14.00 – LUNCH with the academics and researchers in charge of the Research seminar.
14.00-17.00 – Research seminar on Epistemology of Critical Situations, within the frame of the Doctoral
School in Social Sciences, introduced and led by Pr. Jean De Munck & Pr. Bruno Frère.
Introduction, by Pr. Jean De Munck (UCL) & Pr. Bruno Frère (ULg)
Questions by: Pr. Marta Roca i Escoda (Université de Lausanne), Oana Panait (UCL-Mons), Angela
Ocampo (UCL), Astrid Flórez (CriDIS, UCL), Rocio Ferrada (UCL), Miriam Barrera (Europé, UCL).
Research seminar, in English and Spanish
Venue: LECL. 52 – Collège J. Leclercq – Place Montesquieu, 1 – 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.