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Wahengbam Sharatchandra Singh S/O (L) Kamdeva Singh of Sagolband Tera Pukhri Mapal 2. W. Sonia Devi D/O W. Sharatchandra Singh of - do 3. Kritivash Wahengbam S/O - do - of - do - - Petitioner -Vrs- 1. Thoudam (N) Wahengbam (O) Shakhi Devi W/O (L) Kamdeva Singh of Tera Keithel ingadum Leirak 2. Wahengbam (N) Chaobi Devi D/O (L) -do- of - do 3. Wahengbam (N) Ibetombi Devi D/O - do - of -do- O. P. NOTICE Imphal, the 26th Feb, 2016 Under Section 46 (3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 1À ZÂc¯Ù¡½08¯ÀhÂAhwÒw{½P½h½ Th. (N) W.(O) Shakhi Devi & Wahengbam (N) Chaobi Devi {ÀcÒw Kamdev «½cTera Keithel ingudam Leirak1À Ach½ ʽ Salam Z¯A«1À 0 $c 78Ngairangbam 1ÀÉ$̽{½P½$c360 h½1$c63 & 1010 «Âc A·½$½1.44+1.25 acre=½½Phourel ÈÌÐA«#\ؽ{ÀA½hc'½A A«$½½1ÀAch½{½$A$½RÙ\ؽÈ'½OA«h½h0½§#½É' A«$½{½RÙÈ= A«$½Èн8½ZÂc$ÂA"A$1À$Âch½ÉÌÐA«1½ÀÊ$½'$½6$½½{AZ ÈZÌÀA$cAhÈZ̽·½1A$×#\ؽ{ÀA½ZA«1ÀZÂch1ÀAh'$½\1À ½{AZÊÉ_ÈÌ1½È'½O$½0½Z½½#'=^B1A$× Sd/- SL/D/321/28 Sub-Deputy Collector, Salam (I/W) ABA&h$½À·½h½=½$½'½·½{ÀA01À¢\ؽ In the Court of Sub-Deputy Collector, Salam Ref. :- Mutation Case No. 67/SDC/Salam/2016 26/2/2016 1. Wahengbam Somraj Singh S/O W. Saratchandra Singh of Sagolband Tera Pukhrimapal 2. W. Somorjit Singh S/O - do - of -do- - Petitioner -Vrs- (Late) Wahengbam (O) Sakhi Devi W/O (L) Kamdev Singh of Tera Sayang Leirak O. P. NOTICE Imphal, the 26th Feb, 2016 Under Section 46 (3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 A«$½¯ÙhÂ$½08¯ÀhÂAhwÒw{½P½h½ Wahengbam (O) Shakhi Devi W/O Òw Kamdev Singh «½cTera Sayang Leirak 1ÀAch½ ʽSalam Z¯A«1À0Â$c78-Ngairangbam 1ÀÉ$̽{½P½$c 562/773 & 535/785 h½1$c306/345 &1143/1636 «ÂcA·½$½ 13+1.07 acre=½½Phourel ÈÌÐA«#\ؽ{ÀA½hc'½AA«$½ ½1ÀAch½{½$A$½RÙ\ؽÈ'½OA«h½h0½§#½É' A«$½{½RÙÈ=A«$½ Èн8½ZÂc$ÂA"A$1À$Âch½ÉÌÐA«1½ÀÊ$½'$½6$½½{AZ ÈZÌÀA$cAhÈZ̽·½1A$×#\ؽ{ÀA½ZA«1ÀZÂch1ÀAh'$½\1À ½{AZÊÉ_ÈÌ1½È'½O$½0½Z½½#'=^B1A$× Sd/Sub-Deputy Collector, Salam (I/W) SL/C/321/28 In the court of The Sub Deputy Collector, Porompat, Imphal East, Manipur Mutation case No. 153/SDC/P of 2016 1. Moirangthem ongbi Anita W/O (Late) Shantikumar Singh 2. - do - Riken Singh S/O (Late) Dinachandra Singh In the court of The Sub Deputy Collector, Porompat, Imphal East, Manipur Mutation case No. 152/SDC/P of 2016 4. - do - Amarjit Meitei S/O (Late) - do all of sagolband salam Leikai --- Petitioner -VsMoirangthem Dinachadra Singh S/O (Late) M. Tonu Devi of Kongba Nongthombam Leikai NOTICE Porompat the 27th Feb., 2016 Porompat the 27th Feb., 2016 SL/322/28 CMYK 3. - do - Meghachandra Singh S/O (Late) - do - Konsam Chilrashwor Singh S/O (L) K. Lukhoi Singh of Kongpal Laishram Leikai --- Petitioners -VsKonsam Lukhoi Singh S/O (L) K. Thambal Singh of Kongpal Laishram Leikai --- O.P.s Under Section 46(3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 1ÃZÅc²Ü¤À08²A hÅAhxImphal East Porompat Circle1à Village No. 16 Laishram Leikai 1à Patta No. 223 A À 125/304 Ì$Ï À C.S. Dag Nos. 38/397 area .09 acre of Ingkhol Class A®1à Pattadar Khulem Lukhoi Singh A® ÕZÅ (Late) ²ÜÌ0ØÚ A®$À #(à Petitioner A®$ÀÍA0n 1÷\À A®Ac$ ÃÌÀ²Àº$ÀCourt A®hÀh0Àª #ÀÌ A®$À|ÀRÜÌ= A®$ÀËÓÀ8 ÀZÅc$ÅA!ZÌ!A$1Ã$ÅchÀ ²Ü ÀË=1ÀËÀº$$À A®1ÀÃÍ$ ÀòÜA¥c$ÀS.D.C. Porompat Court A®hÀ Objection ËZÏ Ã$ À 08²A Ú $!_ Ah Court 'à ˲Ï$ à ZÅc²Ü¤ÀCase 0À=^1A$ÚZÅchÀÀ'|ÀÀ'!Court A®$ÀËÏBÌÀ²ÜÚ Sd/- Sub-Deputy Collector, Porompat, Imphal East, Manipur Employment News Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) invites application from Male / Female Indian Citizens for filling up the following posts of Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Non-Ministerial, Non-Gazetted, Combatised Para-Medical Staff in CRPF on all India Basis. The posts are temporary but likely to become permanent. The last date for receipt of applications is 23rd March 2016. Bashikhong the 25th Feb., 2016 In the Court of Sub-Deputy Collector, Salam ÐÂ1À 0½Éh'{½ h½'ÐA¢c1½ Ƚ·$$½ $½¯Ù ÊZh $ ½ RÙ { A¢$1½ ÊA0A$× È#½¯ÙÀ {½" È#½c Ah 0½ÉÌ {½"ÈÌA¢"È$È'É$A$1À Z½¯Ù$Ðh½ ʽ É0½·1À н h½ ="0Õ1½ 8½c A« ¯½¯ÙÉÌ ½¯Ù É $ È0½cB½ {½&h½ #½¯Ù ·½n½ ¯'=½c ¯Ù $ ½ ÊA$× ¯½'{Â'$½6½À¯Ù0$½ ÈÌZÂ$1½ ¯½"{Õ½ ¯½·1À ·½½ A=c$½Êׯ½'{ 'A1Àh' ¯½"{É$½% 'A ½1Àh' ¯½'{ ZA#$½ ¯½"{É$½ ¯½·A« # ½ Zh½ È¢cÉh½'A{'RÙ× À¯½" A«h½ ·½½ ·½¯Ù ¯½·1À A=c$½ ʽ À¯Ù ´1À Àc#½«Â ''A=c {ÂA« ɧ«$ h½ ÈB A« $½ A{A0½ ÊÉ× ¯½·A½ À¯Ù ´A«AÊ$½É#½AAO $½{Âc1À$Âch½{ÂÉ#½'A{·Â× ½ ʽ À¯Ù A ¢c Ƚ"A¢$1½ #À1$Â× À¯½" A«1À À É0½c 0cAn½ н½ A¢½ ¯'=½c ÈÌA0ɽ¯Ù×À¯½"{½{ÂÉ#½'{½ AU{Âh½ ÊA½ {ÕB½ À·½ Ah A«A 1 $ ½¯Ù É B«$ A¢c$½ ÉZc {½cA$«Â A{ ÈZÌ'A× A¢½ ¯'=½c A« ''A=c { A « ȧ«$ $½ ÈÌ0"1½ÈBA$«'ÀȽZZ½ ÊAA$× ZW& ZĞĐƌƵŝƚŵĞŶƚ ϮϬϭϲ ƉƉůLJ KŶůŝŶĞ ;ϰϭϭ sĂĐĂŶĐŝĞƐͿ Mutation case No. 77/SDC/B/IE/2016 Waikhom Tombi Singh S/o (L) Tomcha Singh of Kyamgei Mayai Leikai --- Petitioner -VsAkoijam (N) Waikhom Ongbi Manihal Devi W/o. Tomcha Singh of Kyamgei --- Pattadar SL/Bill/28 =Àc ½ch½ ʽ Ah hÂA«h 'À =½$Â{½ Ah ½AÐ+ #½A«1Àh½ ¯½¯ÙÉÌ ½¯ÙÉ$h½ ʽ È'É$ h½ ¯½"ÉZ½' 1½ ´É&h½'h½ È=$½ À¯Ù1À c½cAB$ {Â É #½\Ø Â $½ È0½8Bc=cA¢$1A$¯½·$½À¯½" A«1À½¯ÙÉ·½\ؽȢA0½ÈB A« $½ {½RÙ ÀA¢ch½ Èн8Éh½'É0Õ 8A« $ A "·Â c ½ Z ch½ {½cÉ#½'{½{½RÙ1ÀÀÐh½ÉB A«É1$§AhA'AcÐAh ½AÐ+ ȫ½ A=c½c½ 1À {ÕA«Éh&O ¯½A¯h ȯ$ ¯½· #A«1À 1À $ÂAh½c½¯Ùh½ ÊA0n½ ½AÐ+ A« È«½½ ÈÌA¢" {½\½ ʽ É0½·1À ¯;½ #½½ нh½ ="A0A$× ¯½'È0½cÉB½1À¯ÙÉ® ½{È&h {A ' ®.ÂÛ h½ ' ½« ! ZA ½ ˯ɽ¯ÙA$× ¯½'½ È#½'A0h½ ®.ÂÛ ·ÂA$Éн È¢"A0× $ÂAhc É#c½ н½ ¯½' ·Âh½ ¯AM$\Øh1À ·Â1À À¯Ù$½ È'½¯ÙA#A#A0× h ÐcA0Éh× #½A«1À1À$ÂcA#{Âc Ƚ Z½h½ È«½½ ÈÌA¢" {½"Z1À A'AAO ɽ ="1½Ê½ÈÌA¢"È0½8B½ {½&h½ A¢½ ½ ÊÉ ¯½·1À {½RÙ Z½h1À ¯ÙÂc $Âc1À =cA¢&hÂ$½ È·cÂh½ A#½ 0ch$½ ½'A0½ Ah ½AÐ+ ¯ÙA0× A=$ =½ Ƚc6½ #(À {½RÙ In the court of Sub Deputy Collector, Bashikhong, Imphal East A®$À²Üh$Å À under Section 46(3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 1ÃZÅc²Ü¤À²Üx²ÜxZÀ²A¥0Å$c'úÀÎ1|PÀ$c Ì$Ï ÀhÀ1$c ËÀOúÀ'=À ÀËÏÓ A®1Ã|PÀhÀÇ%~¼®Ø@ ?"aÈ6~¼" À²ÜÌ0À c à A$² Ëh à |ÃZÀ Õx ËZÀ=À A®c² ®Àc 'úÀÎ1 ºÀ²ÜÍ'À²ÜhÀÍ À A®Õx²ÜÌ0ØÚ A®$ÀÕx|PÀhÀ1ÃAchÀÍ À ËÏÓ A®#\ÛÀ|A Àh0Àª'Àà A®$À®\À²Ü$ÀÓcBÌ ®Åc$À ÌvgÀ'|ÃÌÀ²Àº$ÀRÜ\ÛÀË'ÀO A®hÀh0Àª#ÀÌ'£Ú A®$À A®1À à Í$ À òÜA¥c$À ˺!|ÃA$c À Í Ah ÀA'£ À ZÀc ÚÚ 1à |Åc ZÀ À ÓÀ 1à $ÅchÀ RÜ\ÛÀ Ë'ÀO A®hÀ À\ÛÅ $À |AZ (objection) Ë= |ÃA¥$ À ºÀ1A$Ú ZÅchÀ À'|À |AZ (objection) \ÀËÏBÌÀ²ÜÚË'ÀO'Ã˲Ï$ ÃZÅc²Ü¤ÀË'®0À=^1A$Ú À¯½"{1Àc½cAB$ {ÂÉ#½'_Ah'$½È0½8Bc =cA¢$1A$wÉBA« ¯Ù½ ÈÐÕĽA w È«½ È{½"¢'½ A#$½ Ah Ê=6$½ --- O.P.s NOTICE Under Section 46(3) of MLR & LR Act 1960 1ÃZÅc²Ü¤À08²A hÅAhxImphal East Porompat Circle1à Village No. 33 - Kongba Nongthombam Leikai 1à Patta No. 37, 55 A À 37/127 Ì$Ï À C.S. Dag Nos. 382/400 an area .47 acre of Inkhol Class A®1ÃPattadar A®ÕZÅ (Late) ²ÜÌ0ØÚ A®$À#(ÃPetitioner A®$ÀCo-Pattadar 1÷\À/ A®1à A®Ac$ ÃÌÀ²Àº$ÀCourt A®hÀ h0Àª #ÀÌ A®$À |ÀRÜÌ= A®$À ËÓÀ8 À ZÅc $ÅA! ZÌ!A$1Ã$ÅchÀ ²Ü ÀË=1ÀËÀº$$À A®1ÀÃÍ$ ÀòÜA¥c$À S.D.C. Porompat Court A®hÀ Objection ËZÏ Ã$ À08²A Ú$!_ Ah Court 'Ã˲Ï$ ÃZÅc²Ü¤ÀCase 0À=^1A$ÚZÅchÀÀ'|ÀÀ'! Court A®$ÀËÏBÌÀ²ÜÚ SL/322/28 Sd/- Sub-Deputy Collector, Porompat, Imphal East, Manipur Educational Qualifications: SI (Staff Nurse) ->22 post a) Intermediate or 10+2 or equivalent and must have Passed the examination held by Nursing Council with 3 and 1/2 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery; and b) Must be Registered with Central or State Nursing Council as a General Nurse and Mid-wife. SI (Radiographer) ->06 post a) Intermediate or 10+2 with Science as a subject or equivalent; and b) Diploma or Certificate (2 years course) in Radio diagnosis from an institution of the Central or State Government or an institution recognised by the Central or State Government. ASI (Pharmacist) ->54 post a) Intermediate or 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board or University; and b) two years Diploma or Degree in Pharmacy granted by an institution of the Central Govt, or State Govt or an Institution recognised by the Central Govt. And State Govt; and c) should be registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948 (8 of 1948). ASI (Laboratory Technician) ->5 post a) Matriculation with Science as a subject or equivalent from a recognised Board or University; b) Diploma or certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology granted by an institution of the Central Govt, or State Govt or an Institution recognised by the Central Govt or State Govt. ASI (Dental Technician) ->4 post a) Matriculation with science as a subject or equivalent from recognised Board or University; b) Two years of dental hygienist course recognized by Dental Council of India. Head Constable (Jr. X-Ray Assistant) ->4 post a) Matriculation with science as a subject or equivalent from a recognised Board or University; and b) Diploma or Certificate of two years course in Radio diagnosis from an institution of the Central Govt, or State Govt or an Institution recognised by the Central Govt or State Govt. Head Constable (Laboratory Assistant) ->2 post a) Matriculation with science as a subject or equivalent from a recognised Board or University; and b) Certificate of Laboratory Assistant course granted by an institution of the Central Govt, or State Govt or an Institution recognised by the Central Govt or State Govt. Head Constable (Air Condtioning Plant Technician) ->1 post a) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognised Board or University. b) Diploma in refrigeration and Air Conditioning from an Industrial Training Institute or Industrial Training Centre recognized by the Central Govt or State Govt or three years apprenticeship from a recognized institution of Central Govt, or State Govt. Head Constable (Steward) ->5 post a) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board. b) Diploma in Food and beverage services from a recognized institution of Central Govt, or State Govt. Constable (Ward Boy / Girl) ->27 post a) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board. b) Possessing First Aid certificate from St. John Ambulance Organization or Red Cross Society of India. Constable (Masalchi) ->2 post a) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board. b) Not less than two years experience in a similar job in a hotel or restaurant of repute. c) should be medically fit. Constable (Cook) ->22 post a) Matriculation pass from recognised Board b) Not less than one year experience as Cook. c) should be medically fit. Constable (S/K) ->20 post a) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board. b) knowledge of reading and writing English or Hindi or local language. c) should be medically fit. Constable (W/M) ->8 post a) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board b) Not less than one year experience as Dhobi. c) should be medically fit. Physical Standards: (a) Height -> 170 cms for Male; 157 cms for Female. (b) Chest -> 80 Cms Minimum expansion 5 cms for Male; Not required for Female. State wise Recruitment Programme: Stage-I - Registration and Identification of candidates. Stage-II - Physical Standard Test (PST). Stage-III - Written Examination. Stage-IV - Trade Test and Screening of Documents. Stage-V - Medical Examination. How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates are required to apply Online through CRPF India Online Portal. The Online Registration start from 23/02/2016 to 23/03/ 2016. 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Printed at Advance Printers, Sega Road, Konjeng Hazari Leikai, Imphal West, Imphal-795001, Manipur. Editor: H. Achouba Sharma, RNI Registration No. 31350/ 77; Tel # 2459064, e-mail : [email protected], [email protected] CMYK 8 «$½Ë½' CMYK CMYK
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