一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 Ⅰ 1 一般的に信じられているのと違って,褒めることが子どもに自信を 持たせ,学業の成績が上がる要因になるわけではないということ。 2 要するに,この子どもたちの自信を打ち砕き,嘘をつくほどに不幸 にさせるのに必要だったのは,ひと言の褒め言葉だけだったのだ。 3 子どもを褒めることで,子どもをけなしてばかりいた自分の親とは 異なり,今は親である自分も子どもも素晴らしいということを示し, 自信をつけるため。(70 字) 4 心にもない褒め言葉を子どもにかけるということは,自分の親の世 代が無分別に子どものあら探しをしていたのと同じで,結局は子ども への無関心を表しているということ。 5 attentiveness 大人が子どもと一緒にいて見守ることで,子どもは人から関心を持 たれていると気づき,自信がつくため。(48 字) 6 ハ Ⅱ 1 肌を白くする女性は自分の人種を裏切り,白人に対して劣等感を持 っていると非難される状況の中で,黒人女性が肌を白くするために大金 を費やしたことを告白したから。(77 字) 2 男性は,実際は肌が白い女性のほうを好ましいと思うにもかかわら ず,自分たちが支配している主要メディアを通じて,女性の美白を批 判していることを示すため。 3 私が住んでいる社会は,アイデンティティーの問題と美の認識に関 して,実際に認めたがっているよりも混乱している。 4 ニ Ⅲ 3 (ハ) 4 (ハ) 一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 5 (イ) 7 (ロ) 8 (イ) Ⅳ 1 “An education changes your mirrors into windows” is a quote which means that when we are young and not yet ‘educated,’ we tend to see things everywhere and around us as they are. Everything we see and hear is simply reflected back to us as a mirror does. We do not see or look for the meaning in what we see or hear, nor do we ‘see’ the deeper feelings and intentions of the people we meet and deal with each day. A sound education should teach people to see what is not necessarily there, to question and to look for those answers which are hiding on the other side, or through the glass and outside the window. An education teaches us to look ‘through’ things, whether it is a simple pane of glass or perhaps a thick curtain blocking the view. (142 words) 2 I agree that TV news programs and newspaper articles should only state the facts and avoid expressing political viewpoints. TV news programs and newspaper articles reach great numbers of people and can be very influential in changing public opinion. All it needs for one ‘bad’ politician to become the prime minister or president of a country is to control some TV network and create a favorable opinion of him or her. Needless to say, that would be unfair and not democratic at all. With all the information we must digest and deal with each day, we do not need one reporter’s opinion about what is right or wrong. We need to hear the news as it is and then decide for ourselves what the political meaning or consequences might be. (130 words) 一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 (別解) I don’t agree that TV news programs and newspaper articles should only state the facts and avoid expressing political viewpoints. All people have an opinion about something, and each person has as much right to express that opinion as any other. The same is true for TV companies, and newspapers. The owners or managers of these businesses also have a political preference. This is what it means to live in a democracy. There are left-wing newspapers and right-wing newspapers, and the same goes for TV broadcasters. It is the job of the people to listen to all sides and then to decide for themselves which side to take. In most democratic countries there are numerous newspapers and TV stations exactly because they all have different ‘colors’ or political views. If they could only state the facts, we would only need one newspaper and one TV station. (146 words) 3 This is a painting that shows a group of young people having a party and enjoying themselves. It must be summer and quite sunny as most of the people are wearing hats to protect themselves from the sun. Two of the men are not wearing shirts or jackets, so it must also be quite hot. However, they are drinking what appears to be wine and seem all happy to hold conversations about different subjects. It shows a time of youth when there are no worries or concerns. Most of these people are probably single and looking for a partner and trying to decide which man or girl they like best. The painting depicts an ideal life in which peace is for real and we can live a happy, free and contented life. (132 words) 一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 Ⅴ A Because they believe managing time effectively is the key to 1 success. Because they prefer to use plenty of time to develop good 2 relationships instead of following strict schedules. 3 It can help us (to) cooperate better internationally. B 1 (He was able to speak and use) Approximately one hundred words. 2 It is a word invented by Alex, which means an apple. combined two words he knew, “banana” and “cherry.” 3 They were, “You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.” He
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