慶應大医学部【英語】解答例 [Ⅰ] 問1(A)4 (B)2 (C)3 (D)3 (E)4 (F)1 (G)1 (H)3 (I)4 (J)2 問2(ア)2 (イ)4 (ウ)1 (エ)2 (オ)1 (カ)4 (キ)1 (ク)4 (ケ)4 (コ)3 [Ⅱ] 問1(ア)overcome (イ)caused (ウ)growth (エ)progress(オ)ending 問2 あるいは太陽光発電は、化石燃料に依存した経済体制を持つ国家が、実態よりも環境 に配慮していると見せかけるためだけに、しぶしぶ財政支援を行う対象であり続けね ばならない定めなのだろうか。 問3(A)2 (B)2 (C)4 (D)1 (E)1 (F)3 問4 human beings will end up using [use up] about as much energy over the next forty [40] years as we [they] have (done) over the course of history. [so far/to date]. [別解]human beings will use about as much energy over the next four decades as they have done in the whole of the past. 問5 そうしたテクノロジーの資本コストが十分低下し、電力を一晩蓄えるという問題が 解決されれば、あとは市場経済が残りの仕事をしてくれるだろう。 問6 D 問7 C [Ⅲ] 1 (あ)with [in] (い)with (う)With (え)of (お)around [across/throughout](か)of (き)in (く)from (け)on (こ)at 2 今日では、ビーバーの個体数は激増し、その個体数は南米のこの地域の生物多様性に 対する重大な脅威となっている。 3 気候変動により、特定の動物は外来種の影響に対して極めて脆弱になっている。 4 計画的に、あるいは想定外の形で、人間は外来種を様々な地域に持ち込み、外来動植 物はしばしば、移り住んだ土地に固有の動植物をすぐさま脅かすことになる。 5 they [the bushes] invade the ground under the trees and, by taking [using/sucking up] their water, prevent other plants from growing. 6 B 7 D 8(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)B (5)A (6)C 慶應大医学部【英語】解答例 [Ⅳ] If I could buy anything at all, I’d buy the biggest diamond I could find. The reason is simple. A diamond is relatively small and can be carried around and hidden easily compared with other large things like houses and cars. A large diamond could be cut into smaller diamonds if I needed to divide it up and sell some when I needed some cash. I am too young to know what is important and what is not important, so having a diamond would be the best until I can decide what I want to do in life. (98 words) [別解] If I could buy absolutely anything, it would be my dream house along the Amalfi coast of southern Italy. That area has been the favorite spot for wealthy people for thousands of years, and if you have the chance to go there you will understand why. The natural beauty of the coastline and the deep blue Mediterranean Sea is something hard to find anywhere else in the world. If I could buy such a house, I would not need much else in my life. (84 words)
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