Diamond Creek Primary School www.diamondcreekps.vic.edu.au Clyde Street 9438 1108 Diamond Creek 3089 [email protected] Wednesday Wrap Principal’s Report August 20th, 2014 I am so pleased to be back at school after my leave and am very excited to hear about all of the wonderful things that have been happening over the four weeks I have been away. Sometimes it just takes a little time away to truly appreciate what we have and are lucky enough to be part of, and enjoy every day! What’s on at DCPS Friday August 22 I would like to thank Mrs Robyn Jones who very ably stepped up to manage the school in my absence and of course Jennie Mitchell too, who (as always) was a great support for Robyn. It is a tribute our school that with strong systems and processes in place, a fantastic and very professional staff that are ever-ready to take on the responsibility for keeping the school advancing, students who love to be at school and strive to do their best, and of course the hard work and support from the parent community the school does run so well. Sport Sacred Heart away We are very busy at the moment with some special activities supporting the learning in our programs and classrooms… School concert The District Athletics were hosted today. Our children did so well in their events and also to brave the very cold wind that has a habit of blowing straight through the Meadowglen track. Our congratulations to all of our participants for giving it their best, and especially to Ryan Hogg and Abbey Wells for placing first or second in their particular events and therefore will most likely go on to the next level in the school athletics competition. Today the Diamond Creek Primary State School Spectacular team had their second massed choir rehearsal. This is shaping up to be another awe-inspiring event as the State School Spectacular event draws nearer. With our weather the way it is at the moment, the junior children will be looking upwards to check out the cloud formations as they move on to this for their science program. There is a lot for them to see at present! Our grade 3.4 children have enjoyed three days at camp, not noticing the clouds or the cold as they revel in the brilliant activities offered to them. Reports are that all is well and Ms Carter-Barnes has even got all of the children to wear jumpers and jackets to make sure they have all been warm and well for the duration of the camp! We are looking forward to their return this afternoon. I would like to thank the staff for organising this camp – Ms Carter Barnes, Ms Edsall and Mr Pitts as well as Rosie Ford and for making this camp possible for all of the children concerned. Monday September 8 Whole school concert rehearsal Tuesday September 9 Tuesday September 16 Student Led conferences Student free day at school Wednesday September 17 “Footy day” Friday September 19 Last day of term 3 Finish at 2.30pm BOOK CLUB And to finish off today, a note of thanks about our Working Bee and an important note for all concerned with Special Religious Instruction Lessons. Firstly, I would like to the following families who attended the Working Bee on Sunday to get some more of our ongoing maintenance tasks done – Campbell, Keywood, Jasch, Lucas, McKenzie and Page. Your help and enthusiasm is very much appreciated. And finally, I am disappointed to report that due to recent Departmental changes in Religious Instruction lesson requirements, we are now unfortunately unable to offer Religious Instruction for the remainder of 2014. We will of course seek expressions of interest at the beginning of next year for 2015 Religious Instruction and run classes if we are able to meet the requirements then. Hope Your Day’s a Diamond… Helen Micallef All orders are to be returned to the office by Wednesday August 27th Cake raffle Parents and Friends T.E.A.M We still require volunteers for our Mitre 10 BBQ on Saturday August 30th, if you can assist for a couple of hours please let the office know. All chocolate drive money is now due back to school. Please return any money or unsold chocs to the office as soon as possible. Aug 25 Odgers family Sept 1 Narelle Jury Sept 8 Concert rehearsal no raffle September 15 March family We will be having a great raffle at the concert this year. Don’t forget to bring along some money for tickets. Office news I will having a couple of weeks leave starting next Monday August 25th to have knee surgery. Mary will be filling in for me on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays with Joanne on Tuesdays. Please support them as they are new to our school. Jennie Mitchell Cybersafety Information Text Terms These days, we are texting more than ever, but the advent of QWERTY smartphone keyboards, predictive text, autocorrect, and the removal of message character limits should allow young social butterflies the opportunity to type full, real words. However, the confusing shorthand continues to live on, abbreviated slang appears to be here to stay. I am sure we have seen some of these acronyms or phrases before. But do we know what they all mean? FYEO PAW CYA BTW L8R OMG PM ROFL SUP F2F JK THX ATM IMO BRB HB IDK BFF AYS B& NP BRB FB WYWH ILY LOLH TMI ORLY GG YOLO Answers will be revealed in the next newsletter. GLE1 (Good luck everyone) Maree Moran
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