Diamond Approach® EUROPE GROUPS, SEMINARS AND PUBLIC TALKS For the latest information on programs in Europe, please refer to the Ridhwan School website at www.ridhwan.org For specific details on a program that interests you, please contact the person or email address listed below. Information about the Diamond Approach teachings is also available at www.ahalmaas.com If you do not already receive the twice-yearly e-mailings of this flyer and would like to be on our mailing list, please email [email protected] and ask to SUBSCRIBE. Please give your full name and city and country of residence; other contact information is helpful but optional. Email [email protected] to update your email address if it changes, to continue receiving this mailing. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Groups, Events and Classes are displayed in this flyer alphabetically by country location. Please note that many activities are international (taught in English) while others are being offered in Dutch and German. Locations: GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Groups and Events ..................................................................................... 2 GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups ........................................................... 6 IRELAND ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 ITALY / ITALIA .............................................................................................................................................. 7 NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Groups and Events ................................................................................ 8 NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups ...................................................... 9 UNITED KINGDOM ..................................................................................................................................... 11 SPIRITUAL INQUIRY SESSIONS WITH TEACHERS-IN-TRAINING ........................................................ 12 GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Groups and Events RIDHWAN AUF DEUTSCH 2 (RAD2) Dates: 10. - 17. September 2016 Teachers: Florentin Krause, Stefan Haarhaus Contact Person: Heidi Winkler Email: [email protected] Website: www.dasid.org Event Ridhwan Page: http://www.ridhwan.org/event/ridhwan-auf-deutsch-2-rad-2/ Location: Kloster Schöntal Klosterhof 6 74214 Schöntal Deutschland RAD 2 - Beginn im Herbst 2016. Das erste Treffen findet vom 10. bis 17. September 2016 statt. Wie RAD 1 wird diese neue fortlaufende Ridhwan-Gruppe deutschsprachig geführt. Die Gruppe wird von Florentin Krause und Stefan Haarhaus geleitet und trifft sich zweimal im Jahr für 7 Tage im wunderschönen Kloster Schöntal (Nähe Heilbronn/Würzburg). Mehr Informationen und ein Anmeldeformular sind erhältlich von Heidi Winkler bei [email protected] oder über die Website www.dasid.org INFORMATIONSABEND ZUM 'DIAMOND APPROACH' IN BERLIN Dates: Samstag 15.Oktober 2016 19:00 bis 21:30 Teachers: Florentin Krause, Stefan Haarhaus Contact Person: Ulrieke Promies Email: [email protected] Location: Berlin Germany Cost: € 10 An diesem Abend gibt es die Gelegenheit, mehr über den Diamond Approach zu erfahren, und sich zu informieren über die neue fortlaufende Gruppe "Ridhwan auf Deutsch" oder RAD2, die sich ab Herbst 2016 zweimal im Jahr für eine Woche im Kloster Schöntal treffen wird. Die beiden Gruppenleiter Florentin Krause und Stefan Haarhaus werden an diesem Abend in Berlin anwesend sein. DAS HERZ DER ERKUNDUNG Dates: Mittwoch 21 Sept. 2016, 18.00 Uhr bis Sonntag 25 Sept. 2016 13.00 Uhr Teachers: Christof Bosch and Philipp Hasselblatt Contact Person: Benediktushof Email: [email protected] Website: www.dawidgruppen.net Location: Spirituelles Zentrum Benediktushof Klosterstrasse 10 97292 Holzkirchen Deutschland Cost: € 350, - zuzüglich Unterkunft und Verpflegung ® Ein Diamond Approach SEMINAR, zugänglich für die Öffentlichkeit und Studenten der Ridhwan Schule Die Sehnsucht des Herzens sich selber zu erforschen und zu entdecken ist eine menschliche Erfahrung aller Zeiten. Diese Gruppe ist für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch. Die Lehrer: Christof Bosch leitet und arbeitet mit Diamond Approach Gruppen in Süddeutschland. Philipp Hasselblatt leitet und arbeitet mit Diamond Approach Gruppen in Deutschland, Holland und Großbritannien Frühzeitige Anmeldung wird empfohlen. Anmeldung und Fragen an: [email protected] DAWID - DIAMOND APPROACH WOCHENENDGRUPPEN IN (HAMBURG) DEUTSCHLAND Dates: 29. – 30. OKT. 2016 18. – 19. FEB. 2017 Teachers: Philipp Hasselblatt & Gary Kaufhold Contact Person: DAWID Administration Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.dawidgruppen.net/dawid-hamburg/ Location: Toulouse Institute Beerenweg 22761 Hamburg Deutschland Cost: 180.-€ Hamburg, 29. – 30. OKT. 2016 "Die Arbeit mit dem ganzen Menschen, die Arbeit mit der Intelligenz des Körpers, des Herzens und des Geistes" Hamburg, 18. – 19. FEB. 2017 "Das Persönliche, jenseits der Persönlichkeit" Die Einführungswochenenden dienen dazu die Arbeit des Diamond Approach kennenzulernen. Diese sollen in eine fortlaufende Gruppe ab September 2018 übergehen. Die fortlaufende Gruppe findet 5 x im Jahr im Raum Hamburg von Freitag Nachmittag bis Sonntag Nachmittag statt. INTERNATIONAL ONGOING DIAMOND APPROACH GROUP DHE3 Dates: 23-30 October 2016 5-12 March 2017 22-29 October 2017 Teachers: Rob Merkx, Tejo Jourdan and guest teachers Contact Person: Jill Carabelas Email: [email protected] Location: Kunzehof Deichstraße 16 26937 Stadland / Seefeld Germany Event Ridhwan Page: http://www.ridhwan.org/school/locations/europe/diamond-heart-europe-3/ Tuition: €735 including one individual Diamond Approach session. Room and board: average €475 for a double room. This ongoing International Diamond Approach group meets twice a year for a residential 7-day retreat at Kunzehof, Seefeld, near Bremen in Northern Germany. Participants currently come from 16 different countries. Cost: Upcoming retreats: 23-30 October 2016 / 5-12 March 2017/ 22-29 October 2017 The Diamond Approach is a path of wisdom, an approach to the investigation of reality and a method of working on oneself that leads to increased understanding and liberation. It is a spiritual path that grew out of, and in response to, the needs of those leading ordinary lives in our current Western culture. SOUL WITHOUT SHAME Dates: October 21-25, 2016 Teachers: Byron Brown Email: [email protected] Tel.: +49-8856-93690 Website: www.zist.de Location: ZIST Zist 3 82377 Penzberg Germany A Compassionate Confrontation of Self-Judgment. Taught in English. The superego, inner critic or judge, shapes and limits our daily life. A psychic entity that praises, cajoles, accuses, intimidates, promises, and threatens, it sits on our shoulder and watches to see if we measure up. In addition to invading our relationships and undermining our self-esteem, self-judgment interferes with our personal spiritual work. It warns that asking deep questions and expanding awareness create trouble. It attacks us for not changing and makes us anxious when we do change. This workshop is an introduction to the Diamond Approach, a spiritual teaching that directly addresses the superego to create space for inner work. Through embodied awareness (to support presence) and openended inquiry (to bring about understanding), we will recognize and confront the assumptions and principles that keep self-judgment in place. We will cultivate aspects of our True Nature that are antidotes to self-judgment: compassion, will, and strength. Most important, we will practice disengaging from the judgment process through understanding and deliberate action. Throughout we will develop a felt sense of the contrast between being under the judgment spell and directly experiencing the joy and freedom that arise in its absence. The sessions will include meditation, lecture, discussion, exercises, and small group process. EXPLORING INNER SPACIOUSNESS Dates: January 20-24, 2017 Teachers: Byron Brown Email: [email protected] Tel.: +49-8856-93690 Website: www.zist.de Location: ZIST Zist 3 82377 Penzberg Germany Taught in English. One of the least recognized sources of personal ease and relaxation is the sense of inner spaciousness. The shift from having no space to feeling spacious gives us the sense of having room to breathe, time to slow down and the freedom to be ourself. Without space, we can feel trapped by our situation and under pressure from the conditions we are facing. But when space arises there can be a dramatic shift in our state of consciousness without any change in those same external circumstances. So what is space and where does it come from? What do we mean when we say we have no space? When we need space? When we take space? What evokes spaciousness inside us and what blocks it? In this 4-day workshop, we will explore these questions as we look at the subtle nature of our consciousness and how it is related to the sense of inner space. We will also look at the content of our minds—inner positions, beliefs and dynamics—that cause us to feel trapped, confined or limited—no space. And what can free us from these constraints. We will look at the different flavors that spaciousness can have such as openness, emptiness, stillness, awakeness, potency and deficiency. As well as the common reactions that tend to come up in tasting these different qualities. In addition, we will discover how our capacity for change itself is a product of the spaciousness that we are. The workshop will include talks, discussion, movement and inquiry exercises designed to evoke, explore and elucidate the experience of inner spaciousness. All are welcome regardless of previous experience. The perspective of this teaching is based on the Diamond Approach. HAMEED ALI AND KAREN JOHNSON PRESENT QUASAR SEMINAR IX: UNIQUENESS IN UNITY Dates: May 6 - 11, 2017 Teachers: Hameed Ali and Karen Johnson Contact Person: Klaudia Weber Email: [email protected] Location: Berlin Germany Cost: Euros 530,00 Our true spiritual nature does not annihilate us as unique human beings, but instead shows us the broad dimensionality and potentials of what it is to be human. Unity and diversity become the dialectical alchemy of life that expresses itself in as many ways as there are individual human beings. We will explore in depth the two sides of uniqueness and unity along with the psychological and philosophical questions and barriers they bring up in our experience. GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups DIAMOND APPROACH BUCHGRUPPE IN BERLIN MIT GISELA BAST Dates: 2017: Jan 10 Mai 2 Feb 7 Jun 13 Mar 14 Jul 4 Apr 4 Aug 22 jeweils 19.30 bis 21.30 Uhr Teachers: Gisela Bast Contact Person: Gisela Bast Email: [email protected] Tel.: 0049 30 787 55 87 Location: Praxis Gisela Bast Ebersstsr. 76 10827 Berlin, Deutschland Sept 5 Okt 10 Nov 7 Dec 5 Diese Gruppe trifft sich 1x monatlich zur Meditation und zur Praxis der Erkundung ( Inquiry ), wir lesen gemeinsam das Buch "Das wirkliche Leben beginnt jetzt" von A.H.Almaas, dem Begründer des Diamond Approach. THE ART OF INQUIRY...INNERE ERKUNDUNG ALS SPIRITUELLER WEG GRUPPE IN BERLIN AB OKTOBER 2016 Dates: 1x monatlich von jeweils 15:30 – 18:00 (vorwiegend Samstags, 2x Sonntags) im Zeitraum vom 9.Oktober 2016 bis 2.April 2017 Teachers: Elke Lorenz und Karin Uebel Contact Person: Karin Uebel Email: [email protected] Event Ridhwan Page: http://www.ridhwan.org/event/the-art-of-inquiryinnere-erkundung-als-spiritueller-weg-7/ Location: Praxis Uebel/Lang Körtestrasse 22 Berlin 10967 Germany Cost: insgesamt 210.- € (incl. MwSt.) Eine Gruppe für alle, die daran interessiert sind, innere Erkundung/Inquiry als spirituelle Praxis kennen zu lernen und zu üben. Sie ist ebenfalls offen für Ridhwan Studenten. Wir lassen uns inspirieren von ausgewählten Kapiteln des Buches "Spacecruiser Inquiry" von A.H.Almaas. Wir empfehlen, wenn möglich, das Buch in englischer Sprache zu lesen (auf Deutsch: "Forschungsreise ins innere Universum"). Wir integrieren außerdem Meditation und Gewahrseinsübungen. Elke Lorenz und Karin Uebel (Lehrerinnen der Ridhwan Schule) begleiten diese Gruppe. IRELAND DIAMOND APPROACH IRELAND 3 There will be a Diamond Approach introductory weekend in Ireland November 4-6, 2016 with teacher Jim Terrien, and a waiting list is forming for the next group, Diamond Approach Ireland 3 For more information, please contact Jim Terrien, [email protected] ITALY/ITALIA The current Italy Diamond Approach group is closed to new membership. Students already familiar with the Diamond Approach work who are interested in participating in the Italy group may contact Janel Ensler at: [email protected] NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Groups and Events DAWN 2: DIAMOND APPROACH WEEKEND GROUP NETHERLANDS 2 Dates: 2017 with introductory days June 25, 2016 and August 27, 2016 Teachers: Elsa Teeuwen and Philipp Hasselblatt, with guest teachers Contact Person: Jill Carabelas Email: [email protected] Event Ridhwan page http://www.ridhwan.org/school/locations/europe/netherlands-dawn-2/ Website: http://www.dawn-group.eu/ Location: De Poort Biesseltsebaan 34 6561 KC Groesbeek Netherlands Cost: 300.-€ NEW GROUP IN 2017: 3 years after the formation of DAWN 1, we announce an ongoing new international group DAWN 2, starting in 2017 with the same format of 5 long weekends and a few in-between days per year. Lead teachers: Elsa Teeuwen and Philipp Hasselblatt, with rotating guest teachers. For information and an application, contact Jill Carabelas at: [email protected] Please note the two upcoming introductory days where you can find out more about this work: Event: Amsterdam intro day: “Every Step as a First Step” Dates: June 25, 2016 Teachers: Elsa Teeuwen and Philipp Hasselblatt Email: [email protected] Location: De Roos, Amsterdam, Netherlands Event: Cologne intro day: “Waking Up to the Mystery of Reality” Dates: August 27, 2016 Teachers: Elsa Teeuwen and Philipp Hasselblatt Email: [email protected] Location: Wohncafe, Cologne, Germany THE PLEASURE OF BEING. SEPTEMBER 3 & 4 AMSTERDAM Dates: September 3 & 4 2016 Teachers: Tejo Jourdan & Rob Merkx Contact Person: Jill Carabelas Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.roos.nl/agenda/pleasure/ Location: Centrum "De Roos" P.C. Hooftstraat 183 1071 BW Amsterdam Netherlands Cost: Cost: €185. A €85 deposit will hold your place. ‘We naturally love what is real. Being oneself brings a deep, simple and fulfilling pleasure’. In this weekend we will use meditation and open-ended inquiry into our moment-to-moment experience oriented by a love for truth. NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups SOUL WITHOUT SHAME Dates: Data in 2016: 8 en 22 september 13 oktober 10 en 24 november 15 december Data in 2017: 12 en 26 januari 9 en 23 februari Teachers: Odile van Eck Contact Person: Odile van Eck Email: [email protected] Tel.: 06 1756 9688 Event Ridhwan page: http://www.ridhwan.org/event/soul-without-shame/ Location: Centrum voor Healing en Meditatie Boomberglaan 14, 1217 RS Hilversum, Netherlands Cost: €395,- (inclusief 21% BTW) Tien avonden rond de innerlijke criticus. How much time do you spend evaluating your performance, your appearance, your capacity, your history? How difficult is it to live up to the standards you use to judge yourself? How often is your underlying sense of self determined by your notions of right and wrong? This is the courtroom of life. And you are the one who is on trial! Byron Brown, uit Soul Without Shame Tijdens deze training leer je om bewuster te worden van de aanwezigheid en werking van de innerlijke criticus en om je te bevrijden van de beklemmende en pijnlijke invloed hiervan op je spiritueel ontwikkeling en je dagelijkse functioneren. Begeleid door Odile van Eck en Alex Adler Deze training wordt in het Nederlands gegeven We zullen gebruik maken van een aantal hoofdstukken uit het boek ‘Soul Without Shame’ van Byron Brown Aanmelding: Meld je aan voor 1 juli bij Odile van Eck via [email protected] THE ART OF INQUIRY: 10 WOENSDAGAVONDEN IN HILVERSUM, NEDERLAND Dates: September 21, 2016 – Februari 22, 2017 Teachers: Odile van Eck en Harma Ebels Contact Person: Odile van Eck Email: [email protected] Event Ridhwan page: http://www.ridhwan.org/event/art-of-inquiry/ Location: Hilversum Nederland Cost: €395 (inclusief 21% BTW) In deze training zullen we focussen op het ontwikkelen, verfijnen en verdiepen van de diverse kwaliteiten die nodig zijn om de beoefening van inquiry effectief te maken, zoals aanwezig zijn, openheid, nieuwsgierigheid, liefde voor waarheid, vertrouwen, overgave aan innerlijke leiding en onderscheidingsvermogen. We zullen gebruik maken van een aantal hoofdstukken uit het boek Spacecruiser Inquiry van A.H. Almaas. (ISBN 157062-859-9). Dit boek is alleen in het Engels verkrijgbaar. Deze training wordt in het Nederlands gegeven. De 1e bijeenkomst vindt plaats op 21-9-16; de laatste op 22-2-2017. Voor meer informatie en aanmelding (voor 1 juli) kun je contact opnemen met: Odile van Eck via [email protected] of via 06 17569688. Other activities in the Netherlands and surrounding regions: To receive general information and to be added to a general mailing list for future new activities, contact: [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM THE PLEASURE OF BEING. A DIAMOND APPROACH WEEKEND IN LONDON. AUGUST 27 & 28 Dates: August 27th & 28th 2016 Teachers: Tejo Jourdan & Rob Merkx Contact Person: Diane Jonas Email: [email protected] Location: Mary Ward house 5-7 Tavistock Place London WC1H 9SN Cost: £150. A £80 deposit will hold your place. We naturally love what is real. Being oneself brings a deep, simple and fulfilling pleasure. This pleasure does not come from external sources of satisfaction. In this weekend we will use meditation and open-ended inquiry into our moment-to-moment experience oriented by a love for truth. We will begin an exploration of what the true source of pleasure is for each of us. The Diamond Approach recognizes the uniqueness of each individual soul and does not require that people adapt to some ideal, but welcomes people as they are. RIDHWAN UNITED KINGDOM UK4 Dates: 2-9 December 2016 6-12 May 2017 1-8 December 2017 Teachers: Tejo Jourdan, Rob Merkx, Christine Dveirin and Candace Harris Contact Person: Diane Jonas Email: [email protected] Event Ridhwan Page: http://www.ridhwan.org/event/uk4-a-new-on-going-diamondapproach-retreat-group-in-the-uk-beginning-2016/ Location: Hothorpe Hall Theddingworth Leicestershire LE17 6QX United Kingdom Cost: Tuition £520 plus £475 (average) for room and board. The Diamond Approach addresses the return to our fundamental nature, the essence of what we are. Based on the work of A.H. Almaas, it bridges the traditional dichotomies of the psychological and the spiritual, the body and the soul, and the mundane and divine. Its methodology includes the practice of Presence and open-ended inquiry into our moment-to-moment experience oriented by a love for truth. This orientation to our experience opens our awareness giving us access to dimensions of reality that have traditionally been available only to the few. LONDON DIAMOND APPROACH BOOK GROUP: THE UNFOLDING NOW Dates: 27 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 5 Nov 26 Nov Teachers: Dominic Liber Contact Person: Dominic Liber Email: [email protected] Being really present and in touch with ourselves however we are is the delightful and sometimes surprising invitation of the Diamond Approach. It is the doorway to greater authenticity and freedom, and the foundation of inquiry. Yet we often find it hard to leave ourselves alone and be where we are. The group will use "The Unfolding Now" by A. H. Almaas to explore experientially this fundamental practice and some of its challenges. We will meet on five Saturdays in London. Sign up is open to anyone, whether a Diamond Approach student or not. Limited to twelve people. SPIRITUAL INQUIRY SESSIONS WITH TEACHERS-IN-TRAINING SPIRITUAL INQUIRY SESSIONS WITH TEACHERS-IN-TRAINING FROM THE RIDHWAN EUROPEAN SEMINARY TRAINING PROGRAM: Low-cost guided inquiry sessions with local European Teachers-in-training in the Ridhwan School are now available for interested individuals who are not already in an on-going Diamond Approach group or seeing a Ridhwan Teacher. Ridhwan Teachers-in-training are supervised and mentored by Ridhwan Teachers. Sessions will be conducted in the English language only for training purposes. Meetings with a teacher-in-training must be in person, therefore the possibility of having sessions may be limited by the location of teachers-in-training in Europe. Contact: e-mail [email protected] for information on how to apply. © 2008-2016 Ridhwan Foundation. All rights reserved. "DIAMOND APPROACH", "DIAMOND HEART", "RIDHWAN" and the Ridhwan “Hu” symbol are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Ridhwan Foundation in the U.S., Europe, and various other countries throughout the world.
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