日本語101 きゅう Additional Notes: だい 九 か あたら ご I. 新 しいたん語 1. 日本語のべんきょう A たんご 単語 vocabulary; word(s) A さくぶん 作文 composition 試験 exam 新幹線 Shinkansen; “Bullet Train” (super express train in Japan) guitar piano A かぶき 歌舞伎 Kabuki: traditional Japanese theatrical art A コンサート concert A スキー ski * A うんどう 運動 physical exercise * A さんぽ 5. Time words 散歩 stroll; walk (as a physical exercise) A せんげつ 先月 last month [relative time word] A きょねん 去年 last year [relative time word] 今度 near future [relative time word] A おべんとう お弁当 boxed lunch A ピザ pizza A くすり 薬 medicine; pills A しけん 2. のりもの(Transportation) A しんかんせん 3. Musical Instruments A ギター A ピアノ 4. Leisure Activities A こんど 6. ほかの Noun の くすりを飲む to take medicine [Additional Note の2を見てください。] A びょうき 病気 Illness; sickness 2 こ B いいこ いい子 B いろ 色 good child [いい+子ども] colour A あおい 青い blue A あかい 赤い red B くろい 黒い black 白い white 寂しい lonely 若い young 7. いろ 色 のい adjectives B しろい 8. ほかのい adjective A さびしい A わかい 9. な adjective A いじわる(な) 10. Motion Verbs A (Activity に)でる 意地悪(な) mean‐spirited 出る to attend (activity), to appear to (activity) ク ラスに出る to attend the class cf. うちを出る to leave home A おどる 踊る to dance A (Something が)はじまる 始まる (something) begins クラスがはじまる The class starts cf. クラスをはじめる to begin the class A (Something が)おわる 終わる (something) ends クラスがおわる The class ends. A (ギター・ピアノを)ひく 弾く 11. Action Verbs to play (a string instrument or piano) [Additional Note の1を見てください。] A (Person に/から thing を) もらう to receive (something from someone) A (~を)おぼえる 覚える to memorize A うんどうする 運動する to do physical exercise A さんぽする 散歩する to take a walk 3 A にんきがある 人気がある to be popular にん き 日本のテレビゲームはカナダでとても 人 気があります。 [Place で] Japanese video games are very popular in Canada. e.g., じん アイスホッケーはカナダ人に人気があります。 [Person に] Ice Hockey is popular to Canadians. 12. Adverbs and Other Expressions A ~から from うちから大学まで from home to the college 一時から三時まで from 1 o’clock to 3 o’clock A もう+past tense already [cf. まだ+negative not…. yet]もう クラスがおわりました。 The class already ended. A ぜひ 是非 by all means A みんな all A ところで 13. Counters [Additional Note の3を見てください。] A ~つ by the way [used to count small items] ひとつ 一つ いつつ 五つ ここのつ 九つ ふたつ 二つ むっつ 六つ とお 十 みっつ 三つ ななつ 七つ じゅういち よっつ 四つ やっつ 八つ how many いくつ 十一 II. Additional Notes on Vocabulary/Expressions/Grammar 1. Various “To Play” In Japanese, the verb “to play” can be expressed with a few different verbs. Sports and games: String instrument or piano: “To play” as “having a good time”: する e.g.,テニスをする、テレビゲームをする ひく e.g., ギターをひく、ピアノをひく あそぶ e.g., ともだちとあそぶ の 2. くすりを飲む Generally speaking, one uses 食べる for solid food and use 飲む for liquid. However, you must use 飲む for “to take medicine/pills”. The definition of 食べる is the action that requires 4 chewing, and that of 飲む is the action that requires swallowing without much chewing. Since one does not chew most of the medicine/pills, 飲む must be used for them. Also, see the following examples: の れい: スープを飲む (to drink soup) ×スープを食べる ×シチューを飲む た シチューを食べる (to eat stew) 3. Counting Small Objects: ~つ パターン: 1 to 10 and how many → irregular ひと ふた み よっ いつ むっ なな はち ここの とお 一つ、二つ、三つ、四つ、五つ、六つ、七つ、八つ、 九 つ、十、いくつ (How many) 11 or above → simple numbers れい:11→じゅういち *How to remember from 1 to 10* 1~9 and “how many” end with つ! 1. "He" is by himself = ひとつ Also it sounds similar to ひとりで (alone). 2. There are two "fools" = ふたつ Also, it sounds similar to ふたり (two people) 3. There are three of "me" (me, myself, & I) = みっつ 4. There are four rappers (holding up four fingers as rappers do and shouting "yo!") = よっつ 5. You "eat" five "sweets" = いつつ 6. There are six cows (who say "mooooo") = むっつ 7. There are seven "bananas" = ななつ 8. There are eight "yachts" = やっつ 9. There are nine "coconuts" = ここのつ 10. I have ten "toes" = とお Comparison with Dates * is the number in which the first part of the word is the same. Number Dates ~つ Number Dates ~つ 1 ついたち ひとつ 2 ふつか ふたつ 3* みっか みっつ 4* よっか よっつ 5* いつか いつつ 6 むいか むっつ 7 なのか ななつ 8 ようか やっつ 9* ここのか ここのつ 10* とおか とお 5 III. だい九かのかんじ 1. Kanji Writing Model and Memorization 59. 午 (noon) 午 午 人+十 + 十 The top part is the same as 人. The bottom part is 十 and symbolizes “many”. At noon, many people stop working to have a lunch. 後 (after) 60. 後後 前 前 行 (彳) 後 The upper portion of the kanji is a combination of 人 and 人. The lower 月 is meat. There is a sword (or knife) to the right. There is meat and a knife in front of two people. 人人 月 前 名 (name) 62. 彳 is a simplified form of 行, which means "to go". on the right is made from a picture that a man is dragging his one of legs. If you have a bad leg and walk dragging the leg, you could move ahead a little bit a time and, consequently, you would be behind others. 前 (before) 61. 午 名名 夕 on the top means "evening". The character is from the picture of the sun setting into the side of a mountain. 口 on the bottom means "mouth". In the dim light of evening, people cannot see other people well. So, one would say his/her name to tell who he/she is. 夕 口 名 6 63. 64. 4 . 白 白 雨 雨 白 雨 (rain) 雨 is made from a picture of a rain cloud and rain drops from it. 雨 書(write; draw; written thing=books) 書 書 The top part is the shape of a hand holding a brush. The bottom part is the combination of a mouth 口 and ー. ー represents words coming out from the mouth. One writes the words using the brush. 書 + ー = 日 友 (friend) 66. This kanji is made from the shape of an acorn. In ancient time, people ate acorns and, when you crack them, it is white inside. 65. 白 (white) 友 友 This character is derived from a picture of two hands, simplified as ナ and ヌ, together. Two people are holding each other’s hands, which symbolizes friends. ナ 友 ヌ 間 (between) 67. 間 間 門 is a shape of "a gate". The sun is rising between the two doors of the gate. 間 7 家 (house) 68. 家 家 This character is a combination of 宀 (the roof) and 豕 (a pig). In ancient time, both people and pigs lived under the same roof of a house. 宀 豕 話 (to talk) 69. 話 話 The 言 on the left is language. Here, it means "to speak language". The 舌 on the right indicates one thousand of 口. Here 口 means "words spoken by the mouth". A story is made of many words. If you speak a thousand words, they form a story. 言 + 千 + 口=話 少 (little) 70. 少 少 The character 小 (small) was cut by the line ノ, so that the character became smaller. That symbolizes little. 少 71. 古古 72. 家 知知 古 (old) This is a picture of an old grave. 古 知 (to know) 矢 on the left is an arrow. 口 on the right is a mouth. When someone has good knowledge, the words coming out from the mouth is very accurate as if they are arrows going through the centre of targets. 矢 口 知 8 73. 来 (to come) This is a combination of 木 with extra branches with two fruits on the higher part of it. When the right season comes, the tree grows branches and fruits. Therefore, this character means “to come”. 来来 来 2. Reading ご ぜん ご ご 57. 午→ゴ e.g., 午 前 (morning [lit. noon + before), 午後 (afternoon [lit. noon + after) 58. 後→1)‐a あと e.g., クラスの後 (after the class), 後で (later) あと うし b うし(ろ) e.g., 後ろ (back; behind [with に]) 2) ゴ ご ご ご ぜん e.g., 午後, 午 前 まえ まえ e.g., 前 (front; before [with に]), クラスの 前 に (before the class), 59. 前→1) まえ な まえ 名 前 (name) ご ぜん e.g., 午 前 2) ゼン な まえ 60. 名→な e.g., 名 前 61. 白→しろ e.g., 白 い (white [い adjective]) しろ あめ 62. 雨→あめ e.g., 雨 (rain) 63. 書→か(く) か e.g., 書く (to write) とも 64. 友→とも(だち) e.g., 友 だち (friend) あいだ 65. 間→ 1) あいだ e.g., スーパーと本やの 間 (between the supermarket and bookstore) じ かん に じ かん 2) カン e.g., 時 間 (time), 二時 間 (two hours) いえ 66. 家→ 1) いえ e.g., 家 (house) e.g., 家ぞく (family) か 2) カ 67. 話→ 1) はなし、はな(す) はな でん わ 2) ワ はなし e.g., 話 す (to talk, to speak), 話 (talk; story) かい わ e.g., 電 話 (telephone [lit. electricity + speak]), 会 話 (conversation [lit. meet + talk) すこ 68. 少→すこ(し) e.g., 少 し (a little) 69. 古→ふる(い) e.g., 古 い (old), 古 田 先 生 (Prof. Furuta) 70. 知→し(る) e.g., 知る (to get to know) ふる し ふる た せんせい 9 71. 来→ 1) く(る)、き(ます/て/た)、こ(ない) く き き き e.g., 来る (to come), 来ます、来て、来た こ 2) ライ らい あたら 来ない らいげつ らい e.g., 来 しゅう (next week), 来 月 (next month), 来 ねん (next year) よ 新 しい読み (New Readings) 76. 作→サク さくぶん つく e.g., 作 文 (composition [make + sentences) cf. 作 る (to make) The numbers from 1 to 10 with the counter つ ひと ふた みっ よっ いつ むっ なな やっ ここの とお じゅういち じゅう に 一 つ、 二 つ、 三 つ、四 つ、 五 つ、 六 つ、 七 つ、 八 つ、 九 つ、十 、 十 一 、 十 二… New Words Written With Kanji Learned in Previous Lessons にん き 人 気 (人 (person) [だい三か] + 気 (spirit; atmosphere) [だい五か]) せんげつ 先 月 (先 (advanced) [だい六か] + 月 (month) [だい四か]) で 出る (出 (to exit) [だい六か])
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