知識科学研究科セミナー(第8回) テーマ 「Introduction to strategic innovation in a global company and case studies.」 講 演 者: 日本アイ・ビー・エム(株) 東京基礎研究所 コグニティブコンピューティング スピーチテクノロジー アドバイザリーリサーチャー 市川 日 時: 治 氏 平成26年10月24日(金) 15:10 ~ 1 7:10 場 所: 知識科学研究科 III 棟5階 コラボレーションルーム2 講演要旨: In the IT industry, technological innovation is quite fast. Many companies emerge with wonderful innovation, and other companies fail to change and disappear. Innovation is an essential factor for companies to survive. In the last two decades, most of the major innovations came from brilliant small companies. What should the large companies do? The new model of a multinational company in the 21st century is the Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE). Ignoring national borders, it places functions globally where they can be performed most efficiently. For such companies, innovations must be promoted in highly strategic ways. The GIE defines a vision of the future by consolidating all of the ideas and observations from around the world. Then it strategically invests resources in research and the development towards the vision. This talk will introduce IBM's strategic innovation framework an example. In the workshop, we will do some exercises to predict future trends in various industries using the framework. 講演者略歴: Osamu ICHIKAWA is a research staff member at the IBM Research - Tokyo and belongs to the speech technology group. He received B.E. and M.E. degrees in Aeronautical Engineering from Tokyo University, Japan, in 1986 and 1988, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in Information Science from Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, in 2008. He joined IBM Japan, Yamato Laboratory in 1988. He worked on software development including operating systems, voice software, multimedia, system management and satellite broadcasting data delivery. From April 1999 to March 2001, he was a funded researcher at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (JAXA), for research on computational fluid dynamics. In 2001, he joined the IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Japan, working on signal processing for automatic speech recognition. His research interests include auditory speech processing, robust speech recognition, microphone arrays, acoustic echo cancellation, and computational fluid dynamics. ※なお,本セミナーは共通科目「先端科学セミナー」(セミナー受講により単位認定を行う共通科目)の対象セミナーです。 本セミナーに関しましては、参加申込み・予約等は必要ございませんので、直接会場にお越しくださいますようお願いします。 お お問 問い い合 合わ わせ せ先 先: :共 共通 通事 事務 務管 管理 理課 課共 共通 通事 事務 務第 第一 一係 係( (EE--mmaaiill: :kkss--sseeccrr) )
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