Some Characteristic Features of Cloud Lines Seenin GMS Imageries HidekiItoh*and TakashiTsuchiya* Abstract Cloud lines consisting of cumulonimbi (Cb lines) are frequently observed in GMS ries, especially in regions south o£the main in the northwestern Pacific Ocean baroclinic zone. Such image- Cb lines are studied with respect to the morphological and analytical aspects。 It is revealed that the frequency of the occurrence of Cb lines is maximum and minimum autumn in winter. Spatial distribution of the occurrence than in any other season. All the Cb lines in are classifiedinto seven categories. analysed herein. According Two GMS of them imageries in summer is broader in for three years different types of Cb lines are se!ected and to the 。results of the analysis. it is clearly pointed out that a stable layer exists between 800 and 900 mb and a potentially unstable layer is observed under the stable layer on the eastern side of Cb lines. Such the unstable layer extends vertically up to 600 mb the development in just front of the cloud lines. This tral condition is observed at lower and middle levels of the troposphere. 1. Introduction Cloud lines the routine works lines consisting frequently observed especially in regions zone. Once such some 12-18 kilometres. imageries and shown several hundred mature the from Cb lines in and imageries extend of (MSC) are which GMS Cb lines are also detectable by radar observation net works for October in less than more combined the study 1979 this study taken 6 - area at three hours and T. "W.Harrold,1970). ment those researches。 is set up intervals The of such main mechanisms ; K. A. Fine struc・- of the develop- cloud lines have been revealed by purpose in this paper is placed on re- re・ vealing gross features of Cb lines by classifying all for the Cb lines observed for the three years, analysing 1981 composed and T. Akiyama,1974 tures of Cb lines and more than to September are Browning are defined hours, studies have been achieved on with conventional data (e, g. R. Tatehira, 1971 ; K. Ninomiya 150 kilometres than and many this kind of subject by rader observation data reveal limited are for meteorologi- they last for several this paper other conventional meteorological data are easily obtainable at MSC cal analyses。 morphologi a and at Meteorological Satellite Centre baroclinic to to the life time and period used and within kilometres, three the GMS the main respect aspects stage The the data coverage, The authers tried width spectively. years hours with in Fig. 1. in of hereafter) Cb features of those cloud lines seen analytical as that length, the south characteristic in GMS and within (called Cb lines appearing, for about hundred cal of cumulonimbi or cloud lines for simplicity usually provides preferable condition to of convective clouds. In the rear of Cb lines, dry and stable and/or neu・ the seasonalヽchange of the spatial distribution of of the occurrence of Cb lines and achieving some in studies for typical examples of tolerance. *Meteorological SatelliteCenter. ― 33 ― case within a certain degree METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER Fig. 1 2. Classification Cb lines in GMS patterns. Fig. which commonly are (Fig. 1). given below. (a) associated A cloud cloud area with the 2 with cyclonic band stretches (marked a cyclonic seems a in or area (c) be tion. will of of cloud which utive low pressure systems just from wave the the low the cloud of line spite of pressure band two frontal steady Cb cold line suggesting aloft which a boundary is often observed causes considerable development low pressure system at surface (SFC) in just cloud ahead band of the often sometimes for a few width becomes thousand upon south. After occasion just ahead this kind of cloud bands. (d) kilometres band. This its that, a Cb of and This suggests along that this boundaries between and the polar air mass. Cb lines in the warm sector of low pressure systems. zone. A Cb line appears in front of a cloud band which cloud type and narrower gradually as the cloud band towards east and line forms along accompanies of a the east of Japan in winter season. The cloud band stretches the subtropical air mass consec- of strong cold vortex stretches to southwest from a cloud area associated with a low pressure system. frontal most in northeast flanks to a well denned type of Cb lines occurs along bands. A and is observed within the target area than any cold air advection moves (line). westerly cold The often system sometimes in the cold model. is connecting ahead of a cloud in along this case, the representation of the associated forms 1982 Cb lines along the front of cold air advec- to souahwest In lines stretches cloud band lines of cloud bands Cb line stationary accompanying Cb 2 2 (a)) band. frontal whole (b) A part movement type Fig. edge Fig. cloud Norwegian slowly This C 5. MARCH other types. them target southwestward to be the becomes is the for disturbance. of the southwestern which in frequently by GMS various of disturbances. by tip of eastward in patterns the front No. area in this paper. A cloud band lines along front in the appear observed NOTE parallel to the cloud band typical explanations front edge cloud line Target lines imageries shows Some Cb of Cb TECHNICAL a is of cloud lines is rather apart from within a warm 34 ― sector when which This is type the cloud band it appears firstand the 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第5号 1982年3月 Fig. 2 Various patterns of Cb lines as seen in GMS −35− imageries. See text for details. METEOROLOGICAL band approaches (e)Cb to the Cb lines in pressure SATELLITE line gradually. the periphery lines band appear which along in cloudless and in warmer above south (g) lines the outer developed reaches Areal extent season to season. Fig. In winter, and locations of upper and cold lows. pattern appears forms regions of and west Cb winter lines and region of a tropical cyclone, a well Cb line appears sometimes and often This observed to northeast in the north type of cloud of the more sometimes consists with of a part the of a cloud area which cyclone and indicates lower level circulation In this classification, there of the cyclone. exist some and rence of Cb −180°E) difficulties few types among of occurrence of Cb case. This suggests occur under lines and close synoptic the developing a disturbance is when the case of (b). each disturbance Cb lines, other. extension and up to one a well defined metres the case under pressure such systems extending In appears. thousand existing however, of (a), early develop0n the other defined in for several the hundred kilometre. stretching for a few conditions broadly Cb both east-west cloud lines 20°N. Cloud of cloud lines Further widely autumn is range 10 Various types observed in this (110 lines is from season as in 110 with northwest the occur- mentioned in region by Fig. The bigger season. The to 40°N. fre- appear in spreaded lines is indicated directions in autumn. occurrence in most region than in 3(d) of the any to 180°E and of cloud lines are other from also summer。 Such variation of the occurrence of Cb lines would be closely the synoptic related situation to the seasonal change of in this region investigated. of the cloud lines in both and long of (c) of in disturbances the case is not clearly contrary, break of Scales the distinct and in the kilometres in 2 in some of of(a)and(b)areusuUy appear Fig. situations. the cloud line The in stage types to be different hand, (c) that Cb lines in those types accompanying those stage and in both to Fig. of the occur- suggesting section. direc- in this season. in this season, rence of various in cloud concaving and form the are observed No below the previous (a), (b), lines southeast, north than of convex shape towards south, in assigning a proper type to a given Cb line types spring east3 (a). directions (20-50°N)com- spring. the southern region 10− and in Fig. the areal extent north-south in observed in north-south cloud that Cb lines to that vari- direction (105-170°E:〉 lines is broadened and only in appear and are occurrence is observed southeast seasonal area。 as seen frequently A lines varies north-south out in east-west in summer pared cyclone centre. Southernmost of the cloud line is associated northwest both 3 (b)). The 3 (c) indicates lines is quadrant of Cb in limited range of respectively, less extention quently to a cloud area which is associated with are 125-155°E in appear such the target cloud lines of them lines is spread tropical in several (Fig. of Cb 3 shows season directions, A of the low. outer 30°N in Ocean. a Cb line the tropical cyclone. cases which of the occurrence of the occurrence for each appear simultaneously. variation tion (15-350N). In an ing pressure system lines ation cyclones. seem 1982 causes the cold air advection. with a certain angle periphery in baroclinic of the Pacific to south to southwest a in the westerly a blocking part travels Cb with the periphery seasons, the northwestern cut・offlow the N0.5. MARCH stage of the low 3. Seasonal of a usually crosses the cloud lines lines in the just south portion Cb lines mentioned or three (f)Cb In high areas in periphery associated type of band two is the southernmost zone. This cloud NOTE developing of subtropical of subtropical ・ high pressure system zone TEICHNCAL systems. Cloud cloud CENTER 0n the Cb lines thousand as fully developed and to the strong cold subtropical kilolow air outregions. 3. Case Two case analyse tions study studies structures around among an observation and lines and synoptic situa- the cloud lines. ed island were carried out in order to of Cb all the cloud network the Korean lines Those which cases in the Ryukyus, peninsula. are select- passed Fig. through the Kyushu 4 shows the In this case, no Cb lines are observed in any early observation network employed for meteorological -36- &&ffi£-fcV*- Sflftftc %5*% 1982^3 H I i ! i ! / s 00 o &. cf 6 ID u CO <u <u <D o ii cd 60 u tS <u _C '? ffi en <D I UJ ll I o O LU Q D oa OC LU hZ CC LU 2 CO o CD CS Ih CO <u a, a CS o c _o C8 l-l cS > o en C3 <L> CO ≪ cn fa z O ― 37 ― METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL shown NOTE in Fig. No. 6. Those that a remarkable this region and vertically. At system continuous to rain SSW。 low This quence at various levels exceptfor the surface (SFC). A centre observed time sequence at SFC. (500 analyses of time-space cross sections at various of 65 in Fig. (300 Wet are achieved along the thick portion of the analysis lines and the broken lines in Fig. 4, respectively. eastern tip of the Cb line by station numbers are orthorized by WMO communi- tive convective areas are A Case l : 28-29 cloud area to a low pressure indicated by system. about formation of the 100 km ward by wide. about Cb line Fig. began 5 (d)) The cloud and Z and weakening line passed Time-space potential temperature (^≪*) at 47936 Warm and below 800 mb in Fig. 7. 800 mb may 1500 through of the km long southeastnear sta- at 290300 Z , Z ,respectively. after 291200 Z as seen convective of the clouds equiva- lent as seen moved equiva- saturated line after the initial extension earlier。 of wind, (^≪) and The in are cloud line and the partly thickness of at both A stable layer potentially rapidly the between shows areas to the line below advected air suppresses clouds within this unstable layer Z immediately cloud line. This develop at 281200 Z, 900 mb Thermal structure at and at 291200 cross sections at various levels are vicinity of the Cb line. −38- and convective that a wet of the Cb layers at 290000 Z than 800 unstable layer. to 600 mb passage erable of by levels winds of the unstable caused 47945. the potetially unstable layers stations development 47945 be southerly passage Potentially and into lower strong stations before the increases the mainly rather when between change temperature with ac- cloud line data 47945 potential denoted seen the lent Fig. 5 (a), is where was air intrudes where this level. Other 291800 Z as mentioned wet the north- level a station the time a in northern around of appropriate through 7 indicates at both and47945 291500 in the southwesternmost at 291800Z. Fig. at stage is for about The in line as shown 18 hours 5 (d)and(e). Active still seen clouds development 47918,47936 Z, 290900 development the cloud gradually 50 knots tions of 47909, 290900 and cloud line. cloud line in mature and Initial (c). Remarkable 291200 Z (Fig. 291200 Z and cumuliform shown) by A and B developed and 1980 by C in Fig. 5 corresponds immature at 281800 Z (not (b) March marked passed to the troposphere, into areas of the lack is 6 (c)and(d). at 500 mb intrude even in and of the trough and east air In the middle mb) Fig. domain clouds dry the line has 3.1 by areas locate just ahead exists because cation code. Wet system. upper levels and SFC All the stations are mentioned 6 (b). circulation is outlined with knots to the pressure and the upper zone。 circulation cyclonic levels and thermal structures. The cross sections at in 5-digit which by a distinct the mb) stretching characteristic of the low distinct trough and in a westerly cyclonic wind at 850 mb within southeast trough typical is passing southerly of the broken line represents stations for system changes - westerly to strong intensity a cold is a well-defined depression direction northerly moderate along pressure 290600 Z with point Wind to to the west a cold front accompanied pressure maximum inclined of the low dew indicates the when There A thick line denotes the location for time se- with 6 indicate has passed at about weather. to shower features Fig. 4 Stations used in meteorological analyses. 47817 easterly -southerly is altered line the centre temperature, and Fig. disturbance trough through of wind, (not shown) from the 1982 figures in cyclonic SFC, passed changes 5. MARCH convective provide clouds extends before the prefin the 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第5号 1982年3月 Fig. 5 Evolution of a Cb line A-B and a SFC chart for the Case 1, 29 th Mar.1980. 一 denotes a cloud area associated with a low pressure system. 39− Mark C METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE No. 5. MARCH 1982 47105 ― 47122- 47138 ― Vc A 47138― / 47800― ―35M ―35N 47817- 47807― 47827― 47827- 47837― 18--4""^ J''4/-I 21 -J 47909― wVJ w ■ 47945― ―30 30 N /; \ V\ v ''V-i y - Ml 47909― ・ ,^^ 47945― I I I ' I oSioz 12002 (a) 05&Z sfc 1200Z 28-31 O§8o2 MAR 1 1228OOZ 1 I oaooz 1200Z 1980 0000 (b) 850MB 29 OOOOZ 1200Z Z 28-31 MAR 28 120OZ 1980 -18 47122― 47122― 47138― 47138― \ " ^ // %_- I ―35N ―35W 47807― . \* . / /ft. &-―C―5700 47807― \― \8^>%-' ^- 47827― 47827- V― V^-%JS1-L 47909― 47909― \ \ \ 47945 ― N. S/- 30 0880Z 1200Z ― 30Ni 47945― I ooooz I 1200Z (C) I OOO O Z 500MB I 1200Z 28-31 I OOOOZ MAR 1200 ' 31 000OZ Z (d) Fig. 6 Time sequence at SFC, 850, 500 and 300 mb. Thick areas represent height contours (isobars at SFC), isotherms less than 3 degrees (rainfall areas at SFC"). Hacthed 47936 ' ' OOOOZ 1200Z 300 MB 28-31 MAR lines, thin broken 1980 lines and and wet areas, dew stipple point depression areas denote a Cb line concerned. 47945 330K 340 K 340K 340K 301200Z 3000002 291200Z (a) 28-30 MAR 1980 Fig. 7 ' 1200Z 1980 Time change I 34OK 301200Z 340K 290O00Z of vertical wind (b) 28-30 MAR 294K0Z 1980 29§ffiZ profile,equivalent potential temperature ((?c) and equivalent potential temperature (#e*) deuiation of 6e from 3&3&Z at 47909 and 340 K at each obsevation time. 40 ― 47945. Check Striped areas represent stripes denote approximate I 'I 340K 281200 Z saturated negative time of 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第5号 1982年3月 After the passage of the Cb line,the warm wet air in the lowest air appears at 47936 after 300000 Z . below 800 mb southwest those with end are very dry of the Cb unstable at 47945 just logical are no seen low poten- much(not shown) at almost condition as seen the nearest convec- in Fig.5(e), not change station,47918 Z。 The cloud line in this case is one lines in the category of the type cloud line front formed in air mass. line causes tors mentioned of typical the passage of some Changes in Fig. of cloud 8.A in the northern of the Cb of cirriform area clouds (called suggests the existence commonly movement and of B in Fig. A line 8 (a) towards small and F southeastward and by 47936 one developed tensity at about with at 241800 Z. This the cloud the and Clear near by 47909 region 8 (d) (Fig. and about 50 knots former one 2000 reached km cloud long line portions the maximum intensity. and passed with of the Cb The cloud period A line wet area and thermal played 700 mb change two study, easterly marked tions. the middle and ical high in the low rapidly Wet 41 ― is advected with from the in the warm in the 9. the thermal The change front of winds concentration locate levels This in the of the is attrbi- because closely the each other suggests pressure stable ridge of vertical wind during seen the system winds at 231200 Z below has turned dis- above this 850mb at both the predominant system profile are period of northwesterly that (d). miiddle 47945 southerly the and the and mb) where 9 (c) below Although winds (500 the area Figs. at 47909 scarcely pressure but above as seen in change to southerly to the thermal system forms change change in Fig. 10. wide ― the structure through Cb line decayed mb) spreads troposphere. Time was to the centre in Fig. 9(b)but it is too diffi- that exists, 100 km which detected This is a warm ridge at the middle cloud band line band of wind are region in Figs. 8 and the cloud band 47909 Z and concentration line appears to thethermal latter in- cloud line in change air mass to coincide out upper (300 moved to maximum at about 241200 merged southwestern through 241200 Z . The the and pressure Cb con・ this case。 and by arrows The the Cb system. the cold as seen and There to form the only Cb line in that concentration utable along southeast ob- of the weather to northerly of the low cult to point A then, lines during passed 240900 Z and and is seen are of the cloud to a cloud band thermal pressure seemes thermal cloud line lasted cloud indicates of winds the arrows low rainy owing direction in south and whilst temperature hand, region 8 (e)). A of the band. sector Showers and thunder- in the rear other just behind major by iso- at 241600 Z after the passage in north-south the is indicated of the appeared 0n the concentration cloud Z and is denoted Those At 241800 Z ,a frontal G in Fig. line. descend sky exists west 8 (a) The Cb line began which stations,47909 and 47945, 250000 Z . Fig. which by 240300 This another rapidly about the southeastern part of the storms to the south first in the sea south about 7 (c). of this study. The and system developed the first one in Fig. In scale disturbance bars along pattern shown a bulge following indicated southwest. for about 15 hours just behind in to the bulge. pressure Cb the Kyushu island at stretched E Ci bulge) to east-northeast of a low 8 (f). are by C with of a cyclonic disturbance in the southwest area C progressed in Fig. in this case region a running 1980 of the analysis of the low. of marked a major a cold front rear that fac- part direction from southerly features cloud with low, which earier. 2 : 24 25 Oct. meteoro・ At SFC, rainy weather continues in front of and in at 850 mb 3.2 Case of certain levels. accompanied tinues in the southern with meteorological system cloud line. Cb The trough sequences at various and served. at Fig. 2 (a). of a sharp Therefore, the changes in merger。 time elements pressure line 300000 shows passing exist. Near does after the 9 suggested by the concentration of isotherms is neutral line, vigorous condition hours Fig. and stable layers, still observed potentially a cold 6 cold layers after 291200 Z and the layers are observed at 47945 after or stable layers where and at 291200 Z and at 47936 300000 Z . Above tive clouds is altered Remarkable stable tially unstable the layer sta- subtrop- gradually in this region。 condition is seen further east to to METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER Fig. 8 Same as Fig. 5 but for 24 th oct.1980. −42− TECHNICAL NOTE N0. 5. MARCH 1982 MilfSM^^- &ffi&% ^5^- 47105― 47122― 47138 ― 47138― 47800― 47817 1982^ 3 n 4 ―35N 47807― ― 47827 ― 47827― 47837- -30N 47909― 47909― 47945I 2<5 OOOOZ 1200Z (a) 23-26 SFC 24 OOOOZ 1200Z OCT 23 1200 Z (b) 850MB 1980 23-26 OCT 1980 ^s^^yy^ 47122- ■ -y^. ^-5700 Z^-^J"'-^35N *^^q^>%yW-' 4780747827― %£^^-V^―^^ ―35N 47807 _12 -^93&0 \k5"#^--Vfc^^>-'^' ― 30N 5820 ^^^- 47909― %^- X^fit^"%^^"*^" \^--^__ -30N ^"" <^ 47945 ― 1 26 OOOOZ (C) 1 I 1200Z 500MB I OOOOZ 23-26 I 1200Z OCT Fig. 9 ' I O§OOZ 1200 1200Z (d) 1980 Same 300MB ' OOTOZ 23-26 ' ' 120OZ OCT OOOOZ 23 1200 Z 1980 as Fig. 6 but for 24 th Oct. 1980. 47909 330K ' OOOOZ Z 47945 340K 251200Z (a) Fig. 10 Time equivalent 23-25 OCT change 340K 340K 340K 251200Z 250000Z 241200Z (b) 23-25 OCT 1980 1980 of vertical wind potential temperature deviation of (0e) from profile,equivalent potential temperature (#e) and saturated (#e*) at 47909 340 K. ― 43 ― and 47945. Stipple areas denote positive METEOROLOGICAL the cloud line at 47909 Atmospheric more wet condition unstable which air intrusion 800 mb. in gradually through above north near becomes and seasonal the cloud by the lowest below the line the neutral and troposphere 500 mb becomes of the Cb the Fig. 10(a)). Cb air is altered to cold ther dition band associated with the thermal stable those are observed above the of layer the Cb below line, there is a 900 mb as indicated changes before 241200 Z in gradually mb Changes of with of wind southwesterly the cloud forms neutral side of the unstable stable layer line at conexists 47945 at about Z and levels 250000 and Z , respec- Cb line in this case was disturbance in the line is cateか)lised into warm type associated sector. (d)in witl} a The cloud Concluding are the Cb limes can be categolised into seven types with respect to the morphological point of The frequency and the spatial range occurrence of the Cb lines vary The frequency is maximum mum in winter. often in autumn in unstable with warmer 600 mb. the cold behind the some distance Cb from is potentially Such air side layer and between 800 problems the the neutral of the Cb the relationship paper and atmospheric at the lowest exists above the layers unstable been left behind, e. g. to and fine structures of Cb lines, between types categolised in this various studies In the warm lines, 900 mb。 have causes lines. Cb unstable usually Many at causes should and more be considered and so forth. achieved on this subject precisely. season of the to season. in summer and mini- spatial range of the occurrence is broadest in both north-south and east・west directions in autumn. There are no observations of the Cb lines in the tropical regions south of 20°N in summer and in the formation and maintenance (inJapanese). of radar Journal of Meteorological Reserch, 23, 341-355. Ninomiya, K. and T. Akiyama,1974 ture of mesoscale echo : Band struc- clusters associated with low-level jet stream. J. M. S. Japan, 52, 300-313. Cloud lines are observed more than in spring. The References Tatehira, R。1971 ; Synoptic conditions necesary for studied. The results are as follows : view. system in the vicinity of cloud remarks Cloud lines which consist of cumulonimbi All especially in pressure even if unstable layers exist in the levels successively 4. of the to about but a stable layer Further Fig. 2. clearly layers reveal tively。 are not are closely related altered to dry and deep stable layers condition 47909 the cloud and convective activities are suppressed by air with before above potentially up cases concentration, cloud lines, flanks wea- In some lines those aloft。 has directions, close to systems condition layer is and/or very of the east Atmospheric unstable lowest cloud line through 241200 and air at lower in the low- approximately occurrences and again layers pressure lines is wet 750 mb at directions are observed from of the SFC. locate just mentioned Low south below observed to westerly passage 47945 at the east no a stable layer est troposphere after the where Cold air is 251200 Z and into the air is in potentially to the the line of wind in temperature. where side 600 changes the descend stable the passage 250000 Z . weak lines cause the Cb those relationship yet。 exists layers winds Such Unfortunately, revealed and the region studied in a stable layer unstable below during The paper. been in 800 mb. 10 (b). Warm and wet air is advected by Cb line. situations below Deep categories be closely related to where by thermal structure at 47945 southerly would layer eastern potentially and not defined. 0n change Such causes of Cb lines and large scale changes of this line layer。 Fig. the 1982 of 30°N in winter. meteorological below also the passage warm warm No. 5. MARCH levels an unstable and/or NOTE regions station of 47909 at 241200 Z (see air in the lowest TECHNICAL 10 (a). before the passage, CENTER at 231200 Z in Fig. is indicated Temperature warmer After SATELLITE the temperate −44− Browning, mortion K. A. and T. W. Harrold,1970 and precipitation growth Q. J. R. M. S., 96, 369-389. : Air at a cold front. 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第5号 1982年3月 気象衛星画像に見られる雲列の特徴 伊藤秀喜・土屋 喬 気象衛星センター解析課 気象衛星画像上には,積乱雲で構成される雲列が見られる。これらの雲列は短かいもので数百km,長いもので数 千kmに及び,数時間から十数時間持続する。 ここでは,これらの雲列の特徴を把握するために,3年間に北西太 平洋域に出現した雲列について調査した。 雲列の出現度数や出現域は季節によって異なる。出現度数は冬に最も少なく,夏に最も多い。出現域は秋に最も広 い。冬には日本の南海上の30°N以南にしか現われず,夏は20°N以北でのみ発生する。春は冬よりも頻度を増し, 出現域も広がる。これらの雲列は衛星画像上で7つの型に分類することができる。 東シナ海で発生し南西諸島の観測綱を通過した雲列の中から,異なる型に属する二例を選択して事例解析を行なっ た。 雲列の進行前面(東側)では,下層で南よりの風が卓越し暖湿気塊の移流によって対流不安定層が形成されてい た。しかし800−900 mb には対流を抑圧する安定層があった。雲列のごく近傍ではこの安定層は消滅し. り下層では湿潤不安定となっていた。一方雲列の西側では700−800 形成され,その上層では湿潤中立または乾燥した状態となっていた。 ― 45 ― 600 mb ml)より下層の気温カtFがり,顕著な安定層が よ
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