GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915 GIIRJ, Vol.2 (10), OCTOBER (2014), pp. 9-15 SECURE AND EFFICIENT RETRIEVAL OF TOP-K MULTIKEYWORD RANKED SEARCH OVER ENCRYPTED CLOUD DATA S. ASADULLA*; A.D. SIVARAMA KUMAR** *PG STUDENT **ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, AVR&SVR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, NANDYAL, KURNOOL (DT.), ANDHRA PRADESH. ABTRACT Cloud computing is becoming more interesting day by day. As the use of cloud services increases it’s now important to do something for improving efficiency and security of cloud computing. Cloud storage contains huge amount of data, in such case to search that data efficiently becomes a challenging task. Also security vulnerability of such online storage systems is always non trustable. The recent researches are trying to solve this problem by the method of keyword search. But these methods solves this problem to some extend but some methods increases the computational burden on the cloud server or makes the retrieval of files the costly by means of bandwidth efficiency by sending all similar files to the requesting user. This paper discuses this problem and later gives the solution to solve this problem. To solve this problem the method of keyword search has been used. This paper tries to solve the problem of searching files through the huge amount of files securely and efficiently. The previous methods make the search non efficient by means of time and computational cost, but the method discussed in this paper makes the searching very efficient and secure. KEY WORDS: Boolean Search, Cloud computing, Confidential Data, Order Preserving Symmetri Encryption, Ranked Keyword Search, Searchable Encryption, Vector Space Model. REFERENCE [1]. L. M. Vaquero, L. Rodero-Merino, J. Caceres, and M. Lindner, “A break in the clouds: towards a cloud definition,” ACM SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 50– 55, 2009. [2]. S. Kamara and K. Lauter, “Cryptographic cloud storage,” in RLCPS,January 2010, LNCS. Springer, Heidelberg. [3]. A. Singhal, “Modern information retrieval: A brief overview,” IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 35–43, 2001. GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915 GIIRJ, Vol.2 (10), OCTOBER (2014), pp. 9-15 [4]. I.H.Witten, A.Moffat and T.C.Bell “Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and indexing documents and images”, Morgan Kaughmann Publishing, San Fransisco, 1999. [ 5]. Ning Caoy, Cong Wangz, Ming Liy, Kui Renz, and Wenjing Louy” Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data” INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE. [6]. Kiruthigapriya Sengoden, Swaraj Paul “Improving the Efficiency of Ranked keyword Search over Cloud Data” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013. [7]. Cong Wang†, Ning Cao‡, Jin Li†, Kui Ren†, and Wenjing Lou”Secure Ranked Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data” Distributed Computing System,2010 IEE 30th international conference. [8]. Deepa P L, S Vinoth Kumar, Dr S Karthik” searching techniques in encrypted Cloud data” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 1, Issue 8, October 2012. [9]. Reza Curtmola† Juan Garay‡ Seny Kamara§ Rafail Ostrovsky” Searchable Symmetric Encryption:Improved Definitions and Efficient Constructions” CCS '06 Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications security. [10]. P. Naresh K. Pavan kumar D. K. Shareef “ Implementation Of Secure Ranked Keyword Search By Using RSSE” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 2 Issue 3, March – 2013. [11]. Alexandra Boldyreva_ Nathan Chenette_ Adam O'Neilly” Order-Preserving Encryption Revisited: Improved Security Analysis and Alternative Solutions” CRYPTO’11 Proceedings of the 31st annual onference on Advances in cryptology. [12]. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security, principles and practice”, fifth edition, pp 290-376.
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