CXO Brefing v2.cdr

A Seclore White Paper
April 2014
2014 CXO Briefing: Innovative Method for Securing
Information That Moves Beyond the Perimeter
of Your Organization
How switching to an information-centric security strategy will enable your organization to
readily address your security, privacy and compliance requirements
The Reality: Sensitive Information Flows Unprotected Beyond
The Perimeter of Your Organization Every Day
To effectively function in the business world today, organizations need to share information beyond
their perimeter. Currently, the majority of that information is traversing enterprise boundaries
without effective controls. Consider your own organization; you likely have employees…
Ÿ Sharing sensitive information with third party partners and outsourcers
Ÿ Utilizing Cloud services such as Dropbox to share files for collaboration
Ÿ Accessing and downloading files onto laptops and other mobile devices
Ÿ Passing off information on memory sticks
Ÿ Relying on NDA's to secure confidential information and intellectual property
While the IT investment has been on security solutions that protect the perimeter from attack, the
truth is that nearly every organizations is sending sensitive information unprotected beyond the
boundary of the enterprise every day.
So, how can you encourage external collaboration, safely embrace the use of mobile devices,
and leverage cost saving measures such as the cloud and outsourcing without sacrificing
Lost or stolen devices is the
number one cause of
security breaches.
Annual Study on Data Security and
Privacy by Ponemon Institute,
March, 2014
A New and Innovative Approach: Security
That Stays with Information Wherever it Goes
Seclore FileSecure protects sensitive information regardless of
device or location. Whether a file is on a server, in an email,
uploaded to Dropbox, on a mobile device, or copied to a USB
Memory Stick (unintentionally left behind in an airport),
unauthorized users will not be able to access the information.
Because usage policies stay with the information, Seclore
FileSecure enables organizations to securely adopt mobile
devices, Cloud computing and external collaboration.
Easily Define, Enforce, and Remotely Modify Granular Information
Usage Controls
FileSecure secures the content, not the network, media, or device. You can easily define, attach,
enforce, modify, and audit granular information usage permissions including:
Ÿ Who can open and use the information (people, groups)
Ÿ What action they can perform on the file (view, print, edit, copy, re-distribute)
Ÿ When they can access the information (pre-set expirations or remotely revoked),
Ÿ Where information can be accessed from(by private and public IP addresses)
View only
Edit, Print
Screen Capture
Internal Users
External Users
No of days
Specific computer
As well, the information usage policies can be easily defined and modified by the document owner
or administrator at any time, even after a file has been distributed beyond the perimeter. The
ability to remotely manage access policies means you can instantly block or modify access to
information as business relationships change or devices are lost.
Simplify Audit and Compliance Reporting
Seclore FileSecure features automatic tracking and monitoring of files access and usage wherever
they travel or reside. Ready access to consolidated data about who viewed the information, what
they did with the information, what device was used to access the information, and when, makes it
easy to address regulatory compliance and audit reporting requirements.
Increase Business Agility without Sacrificing Security
The ability to automatically control access to and the usage of information, both within and outside
of your organization, will enable your organization to confidently utilize mobile devices, leverage the
savings of the Cloud, and embrace external collaboration without sacrificing the security of highly
confidential information.
About Seclore
Seclore offers an innovative solution, FileSecure, which enables organizations to control access to
information wherever it goes, both within and outside of the organization's boundaries. The ability
to remotely control who can view, edit, copy, and distribute information empowers organizations to
embrace mobility, Cloud, and external collaboration with confidence. Easy to deploy and use,
Seclore FileSecure also extends and enhances the security of files detected and downloaded from
DLP, ECM, ERP and Mail/Messaging solutions through pre-built connectors. With nearly 4 million
users across 350 companies in 22 countries, Seclore is helping organizations achieve their security,
privacy and compliance objectives.
Visit us at for more information.
Securing Information Wherever it Goes | [email protected] |