CIEEJ1417 Small Village Construction at a Lodge HYOGO Length: 1st August – 11th August Vols: 7 (Male 5, Female 2) Age: 18 – 40 Language: English / Japanese Host organization: Flower village for Altruist Background: After working as a professional tax accountant, Mr Sakagami has moved into this lands he owned. This is a depopulated area which only has a habitant about 10 elderly. Instead of spending an affluent second life, he decided to revitalize the area by making a village (about 4.7 acre) more attractive for urban citizens so that many people can come and visit the area on holidays. Work: Environmental/Agricultural activities needed for the community such as cultivation of the farm, mowing, fencing, constructing the working trails. You may get involved with some reconstruction work such as painting the wall and the gate. There are opportunities the volunteers will mingle with local volunteers (Ex. BBQ, A fireworks festival) Accommodation: A western-style lodge Facilities: There are 4 bed-rooms, shared. There is a washer, a lavatory, a shower room and a kitchen. Internet access is available. Meals: Three meals will be provided. Volunteers cook by themselves. Location and leisure: In 16th century, the battle called “The siege of Kozuki Castle” was held in this area. A memorial tower and ancient architectures still remains. Mr Sakagami has constructed 3 km of walking trails in cooperation with the local volunteers. He is now eager to host a musical recital for younger generations. On day-offs, activities such as trail walking and experiencing watermarking paper called KAMISUKI may be possible. You may have chance to visit HIMEGI city (1 hour by train) for sightseeing. Terminal: Kansai International Airport Station: JR Kouzuki Station URL: Flower village for Altruist Homepage Requirement: Those who are allergic to wild animals and birds cannot be accepted Bring toiletries, clothing suitable for agricultural work, working boots, hat, medicine, sun block cream, towels and sanitary goods. Volunteers are requested to introduce their own countries by showing photos, maps, books, musical instruments and recipe. Remarks: It is important that a volunteer is confident of his/her physical strength. 【用語の説明】 Length プロジェクト開催期間 Vols 海外ボランティア受入人数 (必ずこの人数が参加する訳ではありま せん。最大の受入人数です) Age 募集年齢 Language プロジェクト期間中の使用言語 Host organization プロジェクトの受入団体 Background 受入団体の団体概要、国際ボランティアプロジェクトの歩み など Work 主な活動内容 (記載以外の活動をする可能性もあります) Accommodation 宿泊施設 Facilities 宿泊施設の設備 Meals 食事条件 Location and leisure 開催地、ボランティア活動がない日の過ごし方の例(必ず全てができ るわけではありません) Terminal プロジェクト開催地の最寄空港 Station プロジェクト開催地の最寄駅 URL プロジェクトに関するウェブサイト Requirement 参加必須条件、必須の持ちもの Remarks 大切なこと、心にとめて置いてほしいこと
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