気象衛星センター 技術報告第32号 1996年11月 Use of image data of GMS Isao and NOAA in Japan Kubota Abstract In Japan meteorological satelliteimage data are used for operation in real time and for research in non-real time. Operational environment use is for disaster prevention, preservation, efficiency of commerce and various industries and convenience of people's lives. Serveral physical quantities like winds images began and cloud estimated use is mainly for accuracy satellite image and data, discovery and to remove description of meteorological the influence of atmosphere for the Meteorological and Tokyo and clouds. Image Satellite Center. The Universities will make researches Introduction used for meteorological purposes in operation and WEFAX research bases. ser- and SDUSs routinely. the Japan vices GOES series and NOAA A weather service company and METEOSAT research magazines ERB PR onboard onboard include papers using NIMBUS, VTIR onboard INSAT images, SSM/I in TRMM, DMSP, images POLDER onboard ADEOS and TOVS and data. Use of image data obtained by GMS NOAA as well as vertical sounding of NOAA to SDUSs. were data Numbers estimated Meteorological NOAA are mainly made by NEC, at least of both stations 1.べVEFAX (JMA)who re- making distributes HRPT were NOAA estimated companies. A from MDUS and APT and data to receiving systems NHE HRPT and reports by users to Agency SDUS. to MDUSs at least of MDUSs from via electric companies equipment data, is discussed in the following. distributes S-VISSR quested bers restrictsthe discussion within the use of GMS and theme simulation study should be thein receiving stations. ASTER onboard EOSAMl. But this study NOAA it is an important If active. GMS MOS, phenomena. data serving activities by Tohoku seriesare TOMS, by Receiving stations InJapan mainly GMS Some weather raise of physical quantities estimated physical quantities are surface conditions like surface temperature, welcome by satellite to be used for initialization and validation of operational numerical prediction. Research how traffic safety, and and JRC. APT supplies result is shown use by schools is the largest. Num- receiving by main in Table In addi- tion, 53% of local public bodies is educational * Meteorological College (1996年3月18日受理、受領) ― 17 ― METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE facilities,and also 17% CENTER TECHNICAL of national government use offices are research and educational NOTE N0.32 NOVEMBER by school is 40. And 64% by National govern- facilities. ment officesand 100%by Local public bodies are This means that research and education shares 46% research or educataion. Also APT use of APT are research and educational. −− by へNEFAX. Therefore, 38% −− −− in use of satelliteimage 1996 Table. Classified satellite utilization stations as of April, 1995 1 HRPT S-VISSR べ\EFAX Schools 07 Weather 08 Public service companies 09 Electric power companies 10 Aviation companies 11 Industrial, trading companies 12 Personals 13 Ships* 14 Others service companies 40 1 9、︶ O Special corporations 06 OJ Local public bodies 05 offices CTj National government 04 1 0 LO 03 りvl observatories 1 0 7 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 nJ I Information media 1 2 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 91 Weather 02 ← 01 APT 2 6 6 7 5 9 0 5 9 1 8 0 1 4 9J 3 6 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 £U 1 1 り乙 7 Organs No 0 81 りvl LO CD 169 Sum *Use by ships appears to compare GMS few, but in fact seems with NOAA recerving to be included in industrial and trading companies. stations, because the ways of data data, weather Purpose of use Uses of meteorological into two manners: satellite data are classified uses in operational real time and researches tional use is weather service companies, companies weather in non services in real time. service information industries, lives. Another ogy, climatology, ter prevention, commerce data are cloud tracked of traffic and efficiency of convenience of disas- temperature, One conventional having −18− sea dense in the horizon, dense in the vertical compared aerological and surface data. important analyses is a typhoon the location, prediction movement model future growth. In diction models, and/or APT (by VISSR), physical quantities observed for initialization and weather HRPT wind by satelliteis homogeneously Use 1. Weather analysisand nowcast companies vertical profile of tempera- feature of such including Operational use aviation ture and humidity (by HRPT)and precipitation。 the most receiving set and system service com- Physical quantities obtained by satellite but is poorly on meteorol- problems, surface (DA),the Mari- weather media, aviation development. Using S-VISSR, WEFAX, information media, Purposes Agency (MSA), and ships. use is for researches education, Agency weather and envir onmental panies, Opera- service are for disaster prevention, preservation offices like the Defense time Safety are carried out but also by national government JMA, by and fishery organization. safety, environment various analysis and nowcast not only by JMA, It is hard collection are different. wind and validation is another numerical estimated with One of analysis intensity. of numerical utilization weather pre- by cloud movement 気象衛星センター 技術報告第32号 1996年11月 and humidity estimated by clouds are used to get 3. Sea ice the initial field and cloud distributions are used for JMA and MSA produce sea ice distributionsin the the validation。 Sea of Okhotsk every 5 days using GMS, Most newspapers images of GMS and evening movies publish around Japan editions. of GMS the latest infrared Most in both the morning TV LANDSAT and MOS NOAA, satelliteimages, aircraft data and etc∧We can discriminate sea ice from stations broadcast cloud because sea ices are stationary while clouds around are mobile. infrared images Japan sev- eral times a day。 べA^hen aircraft are going coverage and/or area aviation METEOSAT munication companies images satellites. Such べA/'eatherNews going to fly out of the GMS IC, transmitted When from GMS via com- amount warned to occur due upper atmosphere. ships are ozone amount area Satellite Center coverage NOAA ozone Decreasing trend of ozone over the earth is operation is carried by to sail out of the GMS ofべA^EFAX from will use GOES for example. ships will use APT 4. Total the satellites instead amount maps to freon gas increase So in order around Japan, (MSC) made in the to monitor the the Meteorological produces total by using NOAA ozone TOYS data. series. 5. Volcanic ash detection plan by Volcanic Ash 2. Sea surface temperature JMA Advisory Center analyzes and publishes 10 day-mean sea surface temperature (SST) data measured global using conventional by ships and buoys, referring one day- and 5 day-mean SST estimated by GMS The plan is to report the area of volcanic ash cloud using the analysis of GMS images and the results of numerical prediction model. data Research use in the eastern Indian and western Pacific oceans, and an instant SST around Japan. estimated by NOAA AVHRR Marine observatories in JMA lish 10 day-mean SST regional maps mixing ships, buoys and NOAA A public service company makes SST AVHRR estimated by NOAA Uses pub- analyzed by AVHRR SST。 an instantaneous around Japan for fishery. for researches published in Journals Technical and the Societies used for ety of “Journal Meteorological Soci- <Bimonthly〉 Japan” “Tenki “Umi the (Weather)” <Monthly〉 to Sora of (Sea and papers societies The in Table 2. Numbers of papers using GMS Journals period is during images images are shown 1991 to 1995. are shown in and TOVSs in Table 4. statistics “Journal” <lssue〉 of of MSC. The from satellite data ,and in Table 3 and those using NOAA 2 Journals “Journal Note studied of several academic interested in meteorological are shown Table. were Society The MeteorologicalSociety of Japan. The MeteorologicalSociety of Japan. Sky)” <Quarterly〉 Oceanography” <Bimonthly〉 −19− The Marine Meteorological Society of Japan. The Oceanographic Society of Japan. METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE “Umi no Kenkyu Ocean)” CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE N0.32 N OVEMBER The Oceanographic (Research of 〈Bimonthly〉 1996 Society of Japan. “Sora to Umi (Sky and Sea)” <Annua1〉 The Society of Airborne & SatellitePhysical & Fishery Oceanography. “Jurnal of the Remote ciety of Japan” The Remote “Technical Common NOAA themes <Semiannual〉 of researches using GMS of surface conditions, of databases by Tohoku will support researchers. Support amount. and Tokyo Center every hour over the wide area covering the East Asia and West Pacific. Themes NOAA Universities GMS by AVHRR image of researches carried using only by data are estimations of total ozone amount. Researches about estimation of surface conditions Meteorological will provide Meteorological SatelliteCenter. and Introductions (Also, Sensing Society of Japan. esti- of physical quantities like aerosols, precip- itation, precipitable water Business Soc- <Quarterly〉 Note” are estimations mations Sensing images are much more frequent than by GMS because split window spectral bands are data to not only private sides but universities.) available in AVHRR Themes images. In order to investigate the surface condi- of researches are estimations carried of cloud only by GMS driven winds, tion and validation of numerical models. logical GMS Descriptions phenomena images and are because Table. 3 Numbers weather discoveries mainly they tion, how to detect the atmospheric effectbecomes the main theme. The with the splitwindow using on-orbit GMS-5 equipped and water vapor channels as well as the visiblechannel started the operation on provided June 21,1995. of papers in Table 2 through 1991 to 1995 in which use GMS image Theme a.Imager through -4 prediction of meteoro- stably but not in GMS-1 initializa- performed are data data Number 4 navigation b. Detect of aerosols 11 Dustcloud Totalaerosol 2 VolcanicAsh c. Estimation of surface condition 3 Solarradiation at the surface d. Estimation of physical quantities I り乙 Outgoinglong wave radiation Precipitation Clouddriven wind 2 e. Relation between clouds and meteorological phenomena meteorologicalphenomena LO 1 Typhoon and tropical cyclone I> Tropicalconvective system 。︱I Cloudphysics 4■I へ/Vinter cyclones and convergence zone in Japan Sea aU 1 Summer monsoon including discovering new or Baiu front Diurnalvariation of Cb cluster I I ぺA^arm front Severestorm 11 Cyclone Couplingdevelopment of extratropical cyclones 1 11 Meso-scale disturbance 一 Polarlow 20− 気象衛星センター 技術報告第32号 1996年11月 Shear l ine 1 f . Various forms of clouds II Fog Taperingcloud 1 9vl S. Simulation of images h. Initializationof numerical weather prediction i . Validation of simulation j . Satellitedatabase 2 ← り乙 7 ro Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo MeteorologicalSatelliteCenter sum Table. 4 Numbers of papers in Table 2 through 1991 to 1995 in which use TOYS and AVHRR. Theme Number 田 Estimation of physical quantities by TOYS I り乙 Radiativeforcing Totalozone amount (2)Useof AVHRR り/︰︼り/︰一 a. Geometoric correction b. Detect of aerosolos c . Estimation of surface conditions 4 1 Atmospheric effect to estimate surface conditions Cloud-detectionalgorithm O り/︰︼ I Seasurface temperature I り乙 Landsurface temperature Seaice Snow area detection Fogarea detection by APT 1 d. Estimation of physical quantities 1 9乙 Precipitation Precipitable water amount e. Japan Image by splitwindow Database and Oceanic Studies in the Tohoku CIU gJ TheCenter for Atomosphere University Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo sum EOSAM: Abberviation 40 Earth Observation System GOES: G eostationary ADEOS: ADvanced APT:Automatic ASTER: Advanced Earth Observing Satellite Thermal Operational Environmental Satellite Picture Transmission Spaceborne AM GMS:Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Emission and Reflection Radiometer HRPT:H汝hResolution Picture Transmission INSAT: Indian National Satellite AVHRR: Advanced Very High Resolution MDUS: Radiometer METEOSAT: Meteorological Satellite DMSP: MOS:Marine observation Satellite Defense Force Meteorological Satellite Program Medium scale Data Acquisition Station 一 POLDER: POLarization 21− and Directionality of the METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE N0.32 NOVEMBER 1996 Earth's Reflectance Acknowledgement PR:Precipitation Radar SDUS: The author is indebted to the Office of Meteoro- Small scale Data Acquisition Station logical SatellitePlanning for the list of MDUS SSM/I: Special Sensor Microwave/Imager S-VISSR: and SDUS, Stretched Visible and Infrared Spin Scan MSC Radiometer TOVS: T iros operational Vertical Sounder TRMM: Tropical Rainfall Measuring vTIR: Visible and Thermal the Communication Department for the list of HRPT and APT receiving stations, and thanks Mr. Nobuyoshi Shimizu, Director of Data Processing Department Mission for hisalot of comments Infrared Radiometer of MSC reading this manuscript 日本におけるGMSとNOAAの画像データ利用 久保田 効* 日本では、気象衛星画像データは即時的な業務的利用と非即時的な研究的利用に供されてい る。業務的利用の目的は主に防災、交通安全、産業や商業の効率性向上、一般生活の利便性向上 等が挙げられる。衛星画像より見積もられた風や湿度のような物理量が数値予報の初期値や検証 悟に使い始められた。研究的利用は主に衛星画像から推定される物理量の精度向上および気象学 的現象の発見や記述である。もし、物理量が海面温度のような地球表面の性質ならば、大気や雲 の影響をいかに取り除くかが重要なテーマとなる。画像シミュレイションの研究は衛星センター にとって飲迎すべきであろう。東北大や東大によるデータ画像の供給活動は研究を活発にするだ ろう。 - of 22−
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