平成 年度 英語学力検査リスニングテスト台本 平成 27年度 英語学力検査リスニングテスト台本 開始時の説明 これから リスニングテストを行います。 問題用紙の1ページを見なさい。リスニングテストは ングテストの問題には 全て放送による指示で行います。リスニ 問題Aと問題Bの二つがあります。問題Aでは で その記号を答えなさい。問題Bでは 質問に対する答えを選ん 質問に対する答えを英語で書きなさい。 英文とそのあとに出題される質問が それぞれ全体を通して二回ずつ読まれます。問題用紙の余 白にメモをとってもかまいません。答えは全て解答用紙に書きなさい。 (2秒の間) 〔問題A〕 問題Aは 英語による対話文を聞いて は全部で三つあり では 英語の質問に答えるものです。ここで話される対話文 それぞれ質問が一つずつ出題されます。 <対話文1>を始めます。 (3秒の間) Satoko: What will you have, Bob? Apple juice, orange juice, banana juice, tomato juice.... Bob: I think I ll have an orange juice. How about you, Satoko? Satoko: I ll have an apple juice. Bob: Which size would you like to have? Large or small? Satoko: I ll have a large one. Bob: I ll have a large one, too. (3秒の間) Question : What drink will Satoko have? (5秒の間) 繰り返します。 (2秒の間) (対話文1の繰り返し) (3秒の間) Question : What drink will Satoko have? (10秒の間) <対話文2>を始めます。 (3秒の間) 1 Woman: M ay I help you? Boy: Yes, I m looking for a bag for my mother. Woman: I see. What color would your mother like? Boy: I m not sure.... Woman: We have white, yellow, blue, and red ones. How about this white one? Boy: It s nice, but I think it s too big for her. Do you have any smaller ones in this color? Woman: Sorry. We have only blue ones in the smaller size. Here you are. Boy: Oh, it s beautiful. How much is it? Woman: It s three thousand yen. Boy: OK. I ll take it. (3秒の間) Question : Which bag will the boy buy? (5秒の間) 繰り返します。 (2秒の間) (対話文2の繰り返し) (3秒の間) Question : Which bag will the boy buy? (10秒の間) <対話文3>を始めます。 (3秒の間) Meg: Good morning, Kenji. Kenji: Hello, Meg. This is a good park for playing tennis. Meg: Yes, it is. Kenji: Have you been here very long? Meg: No. Not really. Kenji: Haven t the other two arrived here yet? Meg: Sayuri hasn t. But Tamio got here earlier than I. Kenji: Where is he? Meg: He has gone to the park office. He ll be back in a minute. (3秒の間) Question : Who got to the park the earliest of the four? (5秒の間) 繰り返します。 (2秒の間) 2 (対話文3の繰り返し) (3秒の間) Question : Who got to the park the earliest of the four? (10秒の間) これで問題Aを終わり 問題Bに入ります。 〔問題B〕 (3秒の間) これから聞く英語は あるラジオ放送で流れたニュースの一部です。内容に注意して聞き なさい。 あとから 英語による質問が二つ出題されます。質問に対する答えを英語で書きなさい。 なお それぞれの質問のあとに 15秒程度 では 始めます。(2秒の間) 答えを書く時間があります。 About twenty high school students cleaned the beach at Odaiba, Tokyo, last Saturday. One of the students said, Cleaning it was hard work. But we are happy that we did it. Another student said, We should clean it every month. They think it is important to clean the beach, and they worked very hard. They are members of the Science Club of a high school in Tokyo and studying about life in the sea near Tokyo. The sea water near Tokyo is much cleaner than it was fifty years ago, and there are many different kinds of fish. Many people are happy about that. Tanaka Taro started fishing forty years ago in the sea near Tokyo. He says, I m happy to know that the high school students cleaned the beach. He wants to keep fishing for thirty more years. He thinks more young people should be interested in life in the sea. He hopes that the sea near Tokyo will always be clean. (3秒の間) Question 1 : What are the students studying about? (15秒の間) Question 2 : How long does Tanaka Taro want to keep fishing? (15秒の間) 繰り返します。 (2秒の間) (問題Bの英文の繰り返し) (3秒の間) Question 1 : What are the students studying about? (15秒の間) Question 2 : How long does Tanaka Taro want to keep fishing? (15秒の間) 以上で リスニングテストを終わります。2ページ以降の問題に答えなさい。 3
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