SatelliteCloud Information Advanced Chart* Tbb Contour Toshihiro Chart― Motoki** Abstract Advanced chart and Tub contour chart is a new the Tub contour product improved There are two automatically and/or The 45 area chart and Asian and Pacific (AP) Pacicfic area, which are called area chart respectively. FE area chart designed to support the local fieldforecaster is disseminated minutes chart manmachine kinds of products; one covers Far East area including Japan and its contiguous seas, and the other Asian and Western Far East (FE) the present nephanalysis chart, and are disseminated in quasi-real-time. This will contain the cloud area information which are added interactively. from after the 3-hourly map time to JMA (Japan Meteorological within Agency) local stations by using land line. The AP area chart designed to support the aviation field forecaster is disseminated within 50 minutes after the 3-hourly map equater to 60 N and 90 E stations of JMA to 170 W. time. The analysis area covers the area of the This product will be disseminated to local aviation bv usins land line. 1. Introduction After is to be the replacement system in MSC, of the computer map time. Fig. 3 discontinued, and area (AP they will be replaced by product which Advanced is tentatively called TBB contour Chart (ATC). are two kinds of samples. uct produced with the system and IR imagery 1 and Fig. 2. Sample with the new computer agery are shown The system ATC these Chart (VJ) ** System and computer Far Engineering now These 2. 3-hourly map time. Refinement underway, of and in computer system are underway. Vicinty Processing Basic data set for ATC of physical parameters is "grid point extracted from 0.25 lat. X0.25 long. box. Satellite of Data cloud data set" which contains several kinds area chart) and Chart Pacific area chart) and is to be sent avia- to adjust to the new in Fig. 1 are to be called Eart shown in Western and IR im- shown Chart: and parallel with this, also software conversion in Fig. area including Japan charts Information type of ATC covers Asian these products is now of product produced and its contiguous seas (FE Cloud every to support operational covers Far East (FE) * Recently There Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. charts are designed forecasting. current Another every 3-hourly tion forecasters after about 50 minutes from Prototype prod- are shown to local forecasters after about 45 minutes from current product of Nephan- alysis Chart and TBB Contour Chart will be a new disseminated parameters Japan are, for example, indication, mean (FE). TBB, mean The each physical cloudy/open albedo, cloud top TBB, totalcloud amount, low level cloud Division. 21 - METEOROLOGICAL Fig. 1 An example SATELLITE of the Advanced CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH TBB Contour Chart for the Far East (FE) 1987 area. Observation time is 0600Z 02 September 1985. TBB contour interval is 10 degrees from -10°C to -50°C. Contour lines of ―10°C and ―30°C are presented by thick full line, and those of -20°C and ―40°C by thin full line. Areas surrounded by tick mark lines are those colder than ―50°C. Categorized cloud top levels are presented by the shading with thin short line, thin long line, thick short line, and oblique line. Minimum/maximum TBBs within contours are shown in numerics. Grid point TBBs in the cloud area without contours are also presented by numerics with equal interval. Letters A, B, and C indicate the developing/decaying features of cloud systems. Cloud shapes and cloud line/streaks in the significant cloud portions are indicated by several kinds of symbols. Fog areas which are detected by man-machine interaction are presented by the dashed line. amount, high level cloud amount, etc. They are calculated from the basic histogram set which is propared in the primary data processing system and from GMS image taken 24 hours before. In short, ATCs image produced referring to num- erical predicted atmospheric information face temperatures data from data are the grid point cloud data set and sent to users via land line. vertical profile Among objectively estimated sur- those parameters, top Tnn and cloud amounts 22 - mainly cloud are used. The ^UfeffiM-fcv*- -3 IR 05 6 Fig. 2 latter are cloud transformed into top levels" according cloud top level of the box. BiWM'B ^15-f- 1987^ 3 j! SEP The picture of 06Z 02 Sep. 1986 (IR). "categorized formation described just above, using various to dominant kinds of symbols which denote, for example, The categorized cloud type, cloud line, cloud streak, vortex cloud top level represents horizontal cloud center, cloud system top level represents horizontal cloud distri- identification,etc. As to developing or de- butions, in contrast with that the cloud top caying features of cloud systems, letters A T,in represents through clouds. vertical development of Cloud distribution pattern is visua- lized by means TB/i contour lines and shaded tion by means man-machine of Image of cloud top height and cloud extent are used. 3. Categorized area charts, results of pic- ture analysis through as to temporal maximum TBR values for notable clouds. In case of FE are used, and Cb or Ci of cloud portions, letters x, y, z, u, v and w patterns of categorized cloud top levels, and or minimum change of combination of cloud top E movement, Threshold interac- red Processing Console in amounts are added to the automatically produced in- LI: 23 - the Cloud Top Level temperature levels to be refercalculation of partial cloud are selected as follows; surface temperature minus TTA METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE No.15 MARCH 1987 Fig. 3 An example of the Advanced TBB Contour Chart for Asian and Western Pacific(AP) area. Observation time is 0300Z 07 May 1986. TBB contour intervalsare 30 degrees from ―10°Cto ―70°C.Categorized cloud top levels are given by the same shaded patterns as shown in Fig. 1. Minimum TBB are presented on each Most-high level cloud area. L2 : 700 mb temperature L3 : 400 mb temperaturs L4: where ・Partial cloud amount and TTB Middle level cloud area ; are bias values, and Ci-level TBB is described afterwards. shold levels are determined The Partial cloud amount Thre- for each box, and partial cloud amounts lated referring to them. where are calcu- total cloud amount is greater than this category. High level-cloud area; as des- Partial cloud amount cribed below, Low L2 and L3 is or equal to 80 percent are also regarded as categorized partial cloud amount, between greater than or equal to 80 percent. Boxes grid cloud top levels are determined according to the dominant LI and L2 is greater than or equal to 50 percent. Ci-level TBB minus TTB TTA between above than or equal to 80 percent. L3 is greater level cloud area: Most-hight level cloud area ; 24 - &feffiS-fev*bTlS-3 IR 0 231 ^^^^V JKW 8b - ^ mPY 07 -<・ :tr^^ tf,.■ - Figr.4 Same as the case of high &WM^ The H15^ 03Z ' level cloud area than data, data, which MSC were values. day used For mean are currently used to obtain sea surface surface TBB the data which area was The L4 level TBB were tion case high level was level according study made by (1983). more easy may threshold was of IR cold to threshold value is given and a 25 - data TBB location have Cb is the is empiri- minus 15° and is categoriza- the Most-high in level view oi con- cloud areg of forecasters. very important there Cb only. which area Then of of atmospheric however analysis area value introduced difficulties in identifying have no climatic or reliable value for Ci- box. TBB level Most-high local forecasters, We cloud recognition area colder is set 4 degree. of call the attention Cb data mode development, top level level TBB decision algorithm as follows. First, a the temperature algorithm cloud set around to the results of a Motoki The ditions, because separates Most- TBB value for each set In the process for low level cloud which from the bias temperature 10- set 3 degree from results of tests. high level from 250 mb TTA is cally set 400 mb prepared for the testsruns were used. The bias temperature, made the threshold histogram. in threshold temperatures is Ci-level TBB (GMSSA) ^^^^1 1986 (IR). histogram In test runs, climatic vertical temperature Standard Atmosphere .asm. t**>*JHWVv ^VL^Lk! picture of 03Z May but its cloud top TBB is colder than L4. profiles,GMS 1987^ 3 j! has area foi are by som( mean: So in ATC, high identified verj probability simply a; METEOROLOGICAL Most-high SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL level cloud area; for example, NOTE No.15MARCH 1987 chart will be increased when it is used in high brightness areas in Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 combination with digitalradar data and/or are rainfall data of densely distributedrain gauges from Automatic MeteorologicalData mostly identified as cloud area in FEA Most-high and AP level chart. In FEA charts Cb/Ci identification is to be added man-machind Occurrence long AcquisitionSystem (AMeDAS) of JMA. interactively. of dense Ci coverage Acknowledgement having The author wishes to express his appre- life-time is also useful information. For example, anticyclonic expansion of dense ciationto Mr. H. Hasegawa, Meteorological Ci coverage is often observed before or dur- SatelliteCenter, for reviewing the manu- ing rapid development script and nHvire turbances. age We of extratropical dis- believe that dense Ci cover- lasting long newly seminated developed ATC References will be dis- Motoki, T., 1983: Temporal change of toperingshaped cloud area observed by GMS. Tenki, 30, 565-569 (in Japanese). 3-hourly, and give users informa- tion about the temporal change subsynoptic of synoptic/ systems, and usefulness of the (Editor's note: Manuscript submitted in the CGMS received 30 November 1986. This report was meeting held in New-Delhi, India, November 1986.) SH≪1t*REIU:-?^T 7C %f6&M.-*v ^T-f^ssc^^, are time is closely related to the activity of jet stream. The giving useful comments ^≪^*h-/wgi (i/25oo^) 7fC * - i& -y^T-^mM ^^-c-fs^$ti^o 26 W- *≪^t?≪, mmm^m^m^L
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