English Linguistics 研究奨励賞

English Linguistics 研究奨励賞
English Linguistics 研究奨励賞
The English Linguistics Research Promotion Award
Kasai, Hironobu(葛西宏信):
“Parasitic Gaps under Multiple Dominance” (EL 27 巻 2 号掲載論文)
Maeda, Masako(前田雅子):
“The Criterial Freezing Effect and Split A'-Movement” (EL 27 巻 2 号掲載論文)
Watanabe, Takuto(渡辺拓人):
“On the Development of the Immediate Future Use of Be About To in the History of English with Special
Reference to Late Modern English” (EL 28 巻 1 号掲載論文)
Akaso, Naoyuki and Tomoko Haraguchi(赤楚治之・原口智子):
“On the Categorial Status of Japanese Relative Clauses” (EL 28 巻 1 号掲載論文)
Kitada, Shin-Ichi(北田伸一):
“A Theory of Linearization and Its Implication for Boundedness of Movement” (EL 29 巻 2 号掲載論文)
Arano, Akihiko(荒野章彦):
“Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents”(EL 30 巻 1 号掲載論文)
Mizuguchi, Manabu(水口学):
“Reconsidering Phase-Internal Derivations: Are They Exceptional or Not?”(EL 30 巻 1 号掲載論文)
Nagano, Akiko(長野明子):
“Morphology of Direct Modification”(EL 30 巻 1 号掲載論文)