(1) 米、欧州連合からの食肉輸入禁止 Vocabulary temporary a 一時的

(1) 米、欧州連合からの食肉輸入禁止
temporary a 一時的な
ban on v ----を禁止する。
agricultural product n 農産物
foot-and-mouth disease n 口蹄疫
cattle n 牛
(1)アメリカ合衆国は EU 諸国からの輸入品のうち、どのような品目につい
(3)EU 委員会はアメリカ合衆国の輸入禁止措置を受け入れたのか?
次の( )に単語をいれよ。
The United States has announced a ( a ) ban on imports of animals and meat
products from European Union countries. Canada has also said it would ban
all ( b ) products from European Union. The action follows a French
announcement that foot-and-mouth disease has been found in some ( c ) in
France. More than 100 cows were destroyed there after the first case was
( d ). And EU Committee has agreed to ban the export of all animals from
(2) 台湾を襲った台風
n 嵐
be missing v
landslide n
flooding n
氾濫 出水
the Taiwan Strait n 台湾海峡
次の( )に単語をいれよ
A powerful ocean storm hit Taiwan ( a ). One person was killed; ten other are
( b ). Rain and strong winds have caused ( c ) and ( d ). This is the ( e ) major
ocean storm to hit Taiwan this year. Experts believe the storm will grow
weaker as it moves ( f ) land. However, they say the storm could regain ( g )
as it moves across the Taiwan ( h ) toward China’s southeast coast.
(3) ガラパゴス諸島で原油流失事故
Ecuador n エクアドル(南米の国)
calling for v
oil spill n オイル流出
threaten v 脅かす
unusual animal and plant life n 稀少動植物
the Galapagos Islands n ガラパゴス諸島
fuel n 燃料
spill v 漏れる n 漏れ
leak v 漏らす n 漏れ
the United States Coast Guard n 合衆国沿岸警備隊
Charles Darwin n チャールズ・ダーウィン 。19 世紀イギリスの博物学者。
wildlife n 野生生物
theory n 説 学説
evolution n 進化
v 宣言する。 以下の設問に答えよ。
The government is calling for more international help to clean up an oil ( a )
threatening the unusual animal and plant life on the Galapagos Islands.
Official say it will take weeks to clean up the oil and boat ( b ) that has been
found on some of the islands. A tanker ship began to ( c ) oil Friday after it hit
land. Officials say more than 650,000 liters of fuel have spilled into the
Pacific Ocean. A team from the United States Coast Guard is helping to stop
any more oil leaks from the ship. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin
studied changes in ( d ) on the Galapagos Islands and developed his theory of
( e ). Ecuador declared the islands a national park in 1959.