der dekan der historisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen fakultät

Die Sinologie des Instituts für Ostasienwissenschaften freut sich, Sie zu
folgendem Vortrag einladen zu dürfen:
Prof. Dr. Chou Chiung Prudence
Department of Education, National Chengchi University,
Why Taiwan’s Education Matters – When Globalization Meets
Why did Taiwanese students so well on international student
assessments, such as TIMMS and PISA? What has changed and
has remained unchanged regarding Taiwan’s relationship with China
over the last decade? Can Taiwan walk out of the shadow of the
rising China economically and politically?
In her talk Chou tackles Taiwan’s educational reform and its broader
implication for Taiwan and its relationship with other countries, in
particular with China. In doing so, she details the multi-facetted forces
that Taiwan’s education has encountered in a complicated
environment where global, local, and cross-strait relationships are
overlapping. What solutions can Taiwan offer to countries entrenched
in similar conflicts? Why does Taiwan’s educational reform matter to
the world?
Chou proposes a new paradigm which attempts to promote mutual
understanding and peace-making among nations of conflicts via
cultural and educational exchanges with an emphasis on the case of
China and Taiwan.
Chou Chiung Prudecne ( 周 祝 瑛 ) received her PhD in Comparative and International
Education from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has been a visiting professor
for research and teaching in several prestigious universities. Her research interests include
comparative higher education reform, gender equity in education, and educational
exchanges in rival states. Among her various academic contributions she published three
books: The Great Experiment of Taiwanese Education: 1987-2003, Taiwan Education at the
Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization (together with Gregory Ching) (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan), and Chinese Education Models in a Goble Age: Transforming Practice
into Theory (Singapore: Springer) (forthcoming). She can be reached under:
[email protected]
Montag, den 15. Juni 2015
18:15 Uhr