No. 314 March 2014 Niigata English Journal Edited & Issued by the Niigata City International Exchange Foundation Free Legal Consultation for Foreign Residents Need legal advice? On Friday, April 18th there will be an opportunity to visit with a lawyer and receive free consultation regarding legal matters. If you don’t speak Japanese, then an interpreter will be provided for you. Date: April 18th (Fri) 13:00~17:00 Place: CrossPal Niigata Requirements: Must be non-Japanese resident living and working in Niigata Languages Available: English, Chinese, Korean, French, Russian Places Available: 5 (reservations required) Length of Consultation: 45 minutes per person Reservations: Please tell us your name, nationality, telephone number, sex, and the topics you wish to discuss. For more info/reservations: 025-225-2727 Spot of the Month: Nelson no Niwa Nelson no Niwa is a spacious Italian-inspired restaurant café located in the former official residence of the deputy prefectural governor. The small complex features a wide range of interior styles, even preserving the original manor’s traditional Japanese room and Western-style carpeted parlor room. The stylish restaurant operates non-stop between the hours of 11:30 and 23:00, and the lunch menu (weekly) is available all day, even during dinner hours. Nelson no Niwa has a high-end image, and indeed lunch can cost up to 2,500JPY depending on what you order (pasta and curry rice go for 1,000JPY. All lunch sets come with salad and soup bar and bread). The restaurant’s staff, however, insist on the restaurant’s café function, and point out that they offer free wi-fi and also have a drink and dessert menu for customers who want to stick around and relax or get some work done in a comfortable environment. A great place for gatherings, Nelson no Niwa offers reasonable party plans, and welcomes guests who want to hold standing cocktail parties. Weekends are busy, so it’s best to call ahead and make a reservation if you don’t want to wait. 【Upcoming Attractions】 1.With the Hina Matsuri girl’s festival afoot this month, Nelson no Niwa will displaying traditional Japanese Hina dolls through the 23rd (free to view). There will be a koto performance starting at 17:00 on March 3rd to mark the occasion. 2.Nelson no Niwa offers periodic cooking classes. Call directly for more information. 3.Nelson no Niwa’s English rose garden blooms in late May/early June. 2-692-6 Eisho-dori, Chuo-ku Tel 025-224-7851 Niigata English Journal March Japanese Lessons・Spring Classes Begin: 2014 Page 2 April 2014 【Classes and Content】 ✤ Morning ✤ 10:00~12:00 (2 hours each) Japanese A Japanese B Study beginner level materials while pursuing the basics of daily-life conversational skills. Review beginner level materials in preparation for intermediate Japanese C content. Japanese D Comprehensively study Japanese while striving for proficiency Japanese E in practical Japanese conversation. ✤ JapaneseⅠ Evening ✤ 18:30~20:00 (1.5 hours each) JapaneseⅡ Study beginner level materials while pursuing the basics of daily-life conversational skills. JapaneseⅢ Review beginner level materials while studying Japanese more comprehensively. 【Class Schedule】 Morning Classes Class Title Day of the Week Time Class Duration Japanese A T&R 10:00~12:00 Apr. 1st ~ Aug. 7th Japanese B T&R 10:00~12:00 Apr. 1st ~ Aug. 7th Japanese C W&F 10:00~12:00 Apr. 2nd ~ Aug. 1st Japanese D F 10:00~12:00 Apr. 4th ~ Aug. 1st Japanese E W 10:00~12:00 Apr. 2nd ~ Jul. 30th Total Classroom Hours Class Fee 72h (36 classes) ¥30,000 36h (18 classes) ¥18,000 Evening Classes Class Title Day of the Week Time Class Duration Total Classroom Hours Class Fee JapaneseⅠ T&R 18:30~20:00 Apr. 1st ~ Aug. 7th 54h (36 classes) ¥22,500 JapaneseⅡ F 18:30~20:00 Apr. 4th ~ Aug. 1st JapaneseⅢ T 18:30~20:00 Apr. 1st ~ Aug 5th 27h (18 classes) ¥13,500 ¥13,500 Method of Payment: ◇Lump Sum Payment Please pay on the first day of class. ◇Installment Plan Please consult the Niigata City International Exchange Foundation regarding details about the installment plan. Questions Niigata City International Exchange Foundation (Crosspal Niigata 2F Office) 〒951-8055 Niigata City Chuo-ku Ishizuecho-dori 3-2086 Tel 025-225-2727 Fax 025-225-2733 E-mail [email protected] Hours of 9:00~17:00 Operation Closed on Holidays, Sunday and the 4th Monday of the Month Niigata English Journal March 2014 日本についてのちょっと便利帳 Page 3 (最終回) しゅんぶん ひ 春 分 の日について しゅんぶん たいよう まひがし のぼ ま に し しず ひる よる なが おな ひ い ま に し ごくらく 春 分 は、太陽が真東から昇って真西に沈むので、昼と夜の長さが同じになる日と言われています。真西には極楽 じょうど ぶっきょうせっぽう せ ん ぞ れい く よ う ぶ つ じ おこ に ほ んど く じ ぎょうじ 浄土があるという仏 教 説法から、先祖の霊を供養する仏事が行われてきました。これは日本独自の行事です。 あつ さむ ひ が ん い きび ふゆ た い もの ま え む き み あふ じ き 暑さ寒さも彼岸までと言われるように、厳しい冬を耐えてきた生き物が、前向きにやる気に満ち溢れる時期が しゅんぶん ひ 春 分 の日のころです。 むかし しゅんぶん ひ ひ が ん ちゅうにち はる おとず いわ そ せ ん かんしゃ ひ い ち 昔 から春 分 の日は、お彼岸の中 日 として春の 訪 れを祝い、祖先に感謝する日として位置づけられてきました。 ひ が ん せ い し さかいめ かわ む がわ ひ が ん よ はる あき かい しゅんぶん ひ しゅうぶん ひ く よ う おこな お彼岸とは、生死の境目にある河向こう側を彼岸と呼び、春と秋の 2回(春 分 の日と秋 分 の日)供養を 行 いま ひ が ん ぶつだん ていねい そう じ はかまい だ ん ご つく そな す。彼岸のときには、仏壇を丁寧に掃除し、また墓参りするときは団子を作ってお供えをします。 しゅんぶん ひ かん しょうかい ■春 分 の日に関することをご紹 介 します。 しゅんぶん ひ た もの ①春 分 の日の食べ物 ひ が ん ぶつぜん りょうり しょうじんりょうり ぶっきょう せっしょうきんだん し そ う い もの 彼岸に、仏前にささげる料理は精 進 料理です。仏 教 では殺 生 禁断の思想があり、生き物を ころ にく た や さ い かんぶつるい ちゅうしん 殺したあとの肉は食べてはいけないことになっています。そのため野菜、乾物類を 中 心 と こんだて た き せ つ しゅん や さ い じょうず と しょくぶつせい しつ おお した献立を立てます。季節の 旬 の野菜を上手に取り合わせ、植 物 性 タンパク質のものを多 つか く使います。 しゅんぶん ひ はな ②春 分 の日の花 はる ひ が ん そな はな いっぱんてき い ひ が ん ばな き せ つ はな い ひ が ん 春のお彼岸に供える花は、一般的に言って彼岸花、キンセンカです。しかし、季節にふさわしい花と言えば彼岸 ざくら はな ぼ た ん はな 桜 やミツマタの花、牡丹の花があげられます。 ひ が ん おく もの ひ が ん おく もの ③お彼岸の贈り物 そな もの い そな もの ていばん はな くだもの か し など お彼岸の贈り物は、お供え物と言うことになります。お供え物の定番は、花、果物、お菓子等です。 こんげつ べんりちょう しゅうりょう なが あいだ 今月で「にほんについてのちょっと便利帳」は 終 了 します。長い 間 ありがとうございました。 Art Mix Japan Niigata 2014 (Sat) April 5th ~ (Sun) 6th at Ryutopia Art Mix Japan is back! For the second year in a row this event will be providing Niigatians the chance to get a taste of a wide range of traditional Japanese performing arts, cut up into convenient 45 minute segments with explanations provided (in Japanese). Performances will be held in Ryutopia and surrounding facilities. For more information go to Ryutopia, or visit the Art Mix Japan website: Admission Prices: 1,500JPY ~ 3,000JPY/performance La Folle Journee de Niigata “The Follies of a Day” Classical Music Festival Pre-event Performances: Sunday, April 20th Main Festival: Friday, April 25th ~ Sunday, April 27th Venues: Ryutopia; Enkikan; Saito Family Summer Villa; Former Ozawa Family Residence La Folle Journee is a popular classical music festival that originated in Niigata’s Sister City of Nantes, France. In an attempt to make classical music more accessible, the festival offers a large number of 45 minute performances at low prices, and encourages citizens to view multiple performances. This year’s theme is: “Vienna, Prague, and Budapest—Brahms, Dvorak, and Bartok.” Tickets go on sale starting Friday, March 21st. For more info visit Ryutopia or see the event website: Niigata English Journal Events March 2014 Page 4 Key: G-General; U-University Students; H-High School; J-Junior High School; E-Elementary School Niigata Prefecture Archaeology Lecture 4 part lecture series. Applications required for each lecture. Date: March 1st (Sat), 9th (Sun), 15th (Sat), 22nd (Sat) 13:320~15:30 Place: Niigata-ken Niigata Archaeological Artifacts Center (93-1 Kanazu Akiha-ku) Fee: Free Number of people: 80 people For more info/to apply: 0250-25-3981 (Niigata-ken Kyoiku-cho Bunka Gyosei-Ka) 15th Murakami City Ohinasama Meguri (doll festival) 4,000 dolls from the Edo period (1603 - 1867) will be displayed at various locations. This is an annual event in Murakami city. Date: March 1st (Sat) ~ April 3rd (Thu) 9:00~17:00 Place: Murakami city’s historical district Admission Fee: Free For more info call: 0254-53-2258 (Murakamishi Kanko Kyokai) Niigata Creations: Museum in Motion This exhibit features Artists born in Niigata such as Naofumi Maruyama, Kiyoko Sakata, Motohiro Tomii, etc. The dance group Noism will also perform for the exhibit. Date: Now through March 30th (Sun) 9:30 ~18:00 Place: Niigata City Art Museum (5191-9 Nishi Ohata-cho Chuo-ku) Fee: G - ¥800, U, & H - ¥600 For more info call: 024-223-1622 URL: (Niigata city Art Museum) Collection Exhibition ⅣNobuya Abe 101 Anniversary of Birth The internationally active painter Nobuya Abe was born in Gosen city in 1913. This exhibition will feature various works from his oeuvre. Date: Now through April 6th (Sun) 9:30 ~ 18:00 Place: Niigata City Art Museum (5191-9 Nishi Ohata-cho Chuo-ku) Closed: Mondays Fee: G - ¥200, U & H - ¥150, J & E - ¥100 For more info call: 025-223-1622 URL: (Niigata city Art Museum) Introduction to South Africa Come learn about South Africa An open discussion event will be held on March 1st (Sat) from 14:00 ~15:30. Please feel free to drop by! Date: Now through March 28th (Fri.) 9:00~17:00 Place: Niigata International Friendship Center Exchange Salon (CrossPal 2F) Admission fee: free For more info call: 025-225-2727 (Niigata City International Exchange Foundation) 134th Foreign Culture Lecture Philippine The lecture will be held in Japanese. Please feel free to drop by and listen! Date: March 2nd (Sun) 14:00~16:00 Place: CrossPal Niigata 4F Visual Hall (Info continues in top right) Fee: Free For more info call: 025-266-6546 (Ms. Kato) Aizu Yaichi & Nara’s Buddhist Statues Date: March 5th (Wed), 12(Wed), 19th (Wed) 19:00~20:30 Place: Sakyukan (5218-1 Nishi Ohata-cho Chuo-ku) Fee: One time G - ¥700, U, H & J - ¥500 Number of people: 20 people Application: Call (025-222-2672) or E-mail ([email protected]). For more info call: 025-222-2676 (Sakyukan) 3rd Ulsan Friendship Tour Photo Exhibition 25 citizens from Niigata went to Ulsan city, Korea from Oct.19th ~22nd. They visited many tourist sites and met with local groups. Date: March 6th (Thu) ~ April 1st (Tue) Weekdays 10:00~20:00; Sun. & Holidays 10:00~17:00 Closed: 14th (Fri) Place: Niigata City Chuo Library (a.k.a. Honport) (2-1-10 Akashi Chuo-ku) Fee: Free For more info call: 025-225-2727 (Ulsan Yuko no Kai Ono-san) Noism 2 Annual Spring Performance Date: March 7th (Fri) 19:00, 8th (Sat) 17:00 9th (Sun) 13:30 / 17:00 Place: Ryutopia (Studio B) Admission fee: ¥1,500 For more info call: 025-224-5521 (Ryutopia) Wolfgang Zerer Organ Recital Date: March 15th (Sat) 15:00~ Place: Ryutopia (Concert Hall) Admission fee: ¥3,000 For more info call: 025-224-5521 (Ryutopia) 10th Toyosaka Nihongo Kyoshitsu Koryukai(exchange party) Pot-luck gathering for students of Japanese. Date: March 8th (Sat) 10:00~12:00 Place: Toyosaka Fureai Center 1F A/B Kenshu-shitsu Fee: Free Application is not necessary, just come up the day. Please bring one dish for the party. For more info call: 080-4058-6640 (Mr.Hasegawa) Fumiyoshi Shamisen Live 2014 Date: April 19th (Sat) 14:00~ Place: Sakyukan (5218-1 Nishi Ohata-cho Chuo-ku) Admission Fee: ¥2,500 (including tea) Number of people: 50 people Application: Call (025-222-2676) or Email ([email protected]) For more info call: 025-222-2676 (Sakyukan) t Niigata English Journal March 2014 Page 5 Bulletin Board Note about the English Journal Bulletin Board: If you want to post a message in the EJ Bulletin Board, please get your message to us by the 20th of the month, and make sure that it is clear and understandable. We reserve the right to edit at our discretion. You are always free to send in items in Japanese and we’ll gladly translate them for you. Also, whenever you submit anything, please include your full name and a phone number, fax number, or email address where you can be reached. Thank you. Oshaberi Salon: Conversations with the Jet 5 Come enjoy some casual conversation with the members of the JET5. No reservations necessary. Date: March 11th (Tue) 14:00 ~15:00 Korea 20th (Thu) 14:00 ~ 15:00 France Place: Niigata International Friendship Center (CrossPal Niigata 2F) Fee: Free! For more info call: 025-225-2727 (Niigata International Exchange Foundation) Niigata Prefecture Gyosei Shoshi (Administrative Scrivener) Free Consultation for Foreigners Date: March 16th (Sun) 11:00 ~ 15:00 Place: Kuruosaki Shimin Kaikan (Nishi-ku) For more info & Application: 090-2227-0401 (Ms. Nakazawa, Niigata Branch office) International Music Club: March Gathering Date: March 14th (Fri) 19:30 ~ 21:00 Place: CrossPal Music Studio 2 (6F) Fee: Free! Gyoza Party Date: March 9th (Sun) 15:00-17:00 Place: Crosspal Niigata cooking room (5F) Deadline: March 8th (Sat) For more info: [email protected] (Ms. Hasegawa) Japanese Language Proficiency Test Date: July. 6th (Sun.) Level: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 Application period: April 1st (Tue.) – April 30th (Wed.) Test fee: ¥5,500 Application Guide: ¥500 (Available at major bookstores in Japan starting mid-March ) Test Sites: Major cities in Japan Inquiries: JLPT Application Center 03-6686-2974 URL: Telephone Consultation Services for Non-Japanese Residents! The Niigata International Association provides multi-lingual telephone consultation services to help non-Japanese residents and their families who may be experiencing various problems. Please do not hesitate to contact us! Any information shared during consultations will be kept confidential in order to protect the privacy of our callers. Every Tuesday 10:00 ~ 14:00 Thai Every Wednesday 10:00 ~ 14:00 Chinese Every Thursday 10:00 ~ 14:00 English Telephone number 025-241-1881 (Niigata International Association) Sado Toki Marathon 2014 Participants Wanted! Come experience the beautiful Sado landscape! Date: April 27th (Sun) Application deadline: March 14th (Fri) For more info call: 0259-52-3800 URL: (Sado Toki Marathon Jimukyoku) Courses: *Full Marathon & Half Marathon Courses Must be 18 years of age or older. (No high school students allowed) *10 Kilometer & 5 Kilometer Courses Must be of high school enrollment age or older (15yrs of age or older) *3 Kilometer Course Elementary and Jr. High School students grade 5 through 9 only Toll-Free Call 0120-279-338 Helpful for Foreigners 10:00~22:00 We will provide help for any problem that you may encounter. Our staff will work with you to find a solution. The toll-free number is accessible from anywhere within Japan Call the toll-free number and press 2 after the Japanese guidance Your privacy will be protected. We have a special line for suicide prevention, domestic violence, sexual violence, and sexual minorities. (Shakaiteki Hosetsu Support Center ) International Speech Contest (Japanese) Date: May 24th (Sat) 2014 13:00 – Location: Plover Hall in Matsue City general culture center (6-5-44 Nishi-tsuda Matsue City Shimane Prefecture) th Deadline for application: April 19 (Tue For further information: The International Education Center 03-3359-9620 (9:00 – 17:00, Mon. – Fri.) E-mail : [email protected] URL: Niigata Mirai Café Let’s talk about Niigata’s future and community development. The program will be held in Japanese. Date: March 29th (Sat) 13:30 ~ 16:00 Place: Niigata Shimin Plaza (NEXT 21 6F) Contents: 1. Orientation 2. Group discussion 3. Appealing results of group discussions Application: please call the Niigata City Office Call Center (025-243-4894) For more info call: 025-226-2068 (Niigata city office Seisaku Chosei Ka) Niigata Prefecture Minimum Wage ¥701 per one hour on a prefectural and industry basis as of Oct. 26th 2013. For more info call: 025-288-3504 (Niigata Rodokyoku Kijunkyoku Niigata Labor Bureau) Niigata English Journal March 2014 Page 6 Classes Japanese courses offered by the Niigata City International Exchange Foundation Beginner through Intermediate 2 There are several classes according to level, at different times and days of the week. An installment payment plan can be made available upon request. Ms. Chiyoko Takahashi Tel: (025) 225-2727 Study Group for Non-Japanese Children: The Niko Pal Club (Free of charge! No reservations required!) Day of the week Every Sat Hours 10:00 - 12:00 Room No. 202 Every Sun Content These classes are held to help children of foreign residents with their schoolwork. Vacation For more info. Ms. Rika Saito Tel: (025) 225-2727 R’s (080)1226-8868 Japanese Classes by Volunteer Groups at Crosspal Niigata (Free of charge except for material costs!) Day of the week Every Tue Every Wed Every Thur Every Fri Every Sat (except 29th ) Every Sat (except 29th ) Every Sun Every Sun (except 9th & 23rd ) Hours Vacation 13:00 - 14:30 13:00 - 14:30 13:00 - 14:30 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 Vacation 13:00 – 14:00 Level Room No. 201 or 306 201or 308 201 306 307 or 309 Beginners Beginners & Advanced Beginners Beginners & Advanced Beginners Beginners Newspaper Class 307 Beginners & Advanced Beginners Nihongo for Foreign Residents at the Ekinan Community Center 2F Every Sun (except 23rd ) 10:00 - 12:00 Every Thu 10:00 - 11:30 Beginners – Advanced Gaya Gaya Club Nihongo at the Ishiyama Chiku Kominkan Every Sat 10:00 - 12:00 Beginners Taiken Nihongo Kyoshitsu at Nishi Chiku Kominkan Every Tue (except 25th ) (4-12-20 Yoneyama Chuo-ku) Fee: ¥1,000 for one time Konnichiwa! Nihongo at Kobari Elementary School Volunteer Room Mr. Hasegawa Tel:(080)4058-6640 (2-36-1 Kobari Nishi-ku) Fee: ¥300 (603 Uchino Nishi-ku) Iroha Nihongo Kyoshitsu at Hayadori Community Center Every Sat (except 8th ) 10:00 – 12:00 Beginners Nishi Chiku Kominkan Tel: (025)261-0031 (37-1 Hayadori Kita-ku) 10:00 – 12:00 Beginners Fee:¥500 per month Iroha Nihongo Kyoshitsu at Toyosaka Fureai Center Ms. Wakatsuki Tel: (025) 265-3140 (3F Meeting Room #2, 1-1-12 Ishiyama Higashi-ku) Fee: ¥200 Ms. Hasegawa Tel: (025) 276-5678 10:00 – 12:00 Beginners – Advanced One term ¥2000 + Textbook & Copy fee Every Wed Teachers Nihongo Nichijo Kaiwa no Kai Niigata Nihongo Kaiwa Kyoshitsu Niigata Nihongo Gakushu Kai Niigata Nihongo Gakushu Kai Waon Teachers Yaponika Teachers Nihongo Club Teachers Niigata Nihongo Kaiwa Kyoshitsu Mr. Hasegawa Tel: (080)4058-6640 Mr. Hasegawa Tel: (080)4058-6640 (1-1-18 Toeicho Kitaku) Fee:¥500 per month Cultural Classes International Cooking Class Tai Chi March 29th(Sat) & 30th (Sun) 11:00 ~ 14:00 Fee: Foreign residents ¥1,000 Russian local dishes (beef stroganoff, Russian style potato salad, mushroom & vegetable pastry) To sign up for more info call: Ms. Ueno 0250-24-6859 at Ms. Ueno’s residence (3-4-16 Ogikawa Akiha-ku) March. 6th, 13th, 20th (Thu) Led by Mr. So 13:00 – 14:30 At CrossPal Niigata 5F Exchange Hall 2 Fee: Instructor's transportation expenses For more info call: 025-229-0140 Mr. Itoda ↑Niigata Station Bandai Bridge Shinano River Okura Hotel Grand Hotel Miyako Taxi Here! au Shop Lawson To Furumachi↓ CrossPal Niigata will be closed March. 24th Advice Services at the Niigata International Exchange Foundation The Niigata International Exchange Foundation offers an advice service in the following languages for any problems or questions you may have during your stay in Niigata. Please feel free to stop by for advice! English, Chinese, Korean, Russian and French (Mon ~ Fri 9:00 -16:00) Please come directly to the Niigata International Exchange Foundation. Since there might not always be someone available to serve as an interpreter, please call ahead to set up an appointment. Other Consultation Services in Niigata City You must bring your own translator. * Niigata Prefecture Gyosei-Shoshi Association Tel: 025-255-5225 Consultation about administrative procedures, visas, etc.: Mon ~ Fri 8:30-17:15 Edited and Issued by The Niigata City International Exchange Foundation 3-2086 Ishizuecho-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi 951-8055 Tel: (025) 225-2727 Fax: (025) 225-2733 Home Page: E-mail:[email protected] Edited by Zackary Kaplan & Rika Saito Issued around the 1st of every month
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