マイクロプローブデバイスを用いたニューラル - 豊橋技術科学大学

所属:1 電気・電子工学系、2 生産システム工学系
氏名:河野剛士 ,竹井邦晴 ,針本 哲宏 ,池戸 昭仁 1,川島貴弘 2
URL http://www.dev.eee.tut.ac.jp/ishidalab/
The goal of this project is to develop technologies for an integration of out-of-plane,
high-aspect-ratio silicon microprobe, silicon-dioxide microtube arrays with
microelectronics by utilizing the “selective vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth” technique and
microfabrication processes, for use in in-vivo/in-vitro neurophysiological investigations,
based on multiple electrical recording/stimulation of neurons as well as local drug delivery
via the microprobe/microtube arrays.
1. 序文
(a)Formation of Au sites
(d)Poly-Si and SiO2 etching
している。提案する神経電極は、"選択 Vapor-liquid-solid
(b)After first growth
もので、1)低侵襲プローブ(直径 2~4μm)、2)高空間分
μm 以上)、4)これらのプローブを集積回路(IC)上に直
(e)After second growth
2. 多段階プローブアレイ
選択 VLS 成長法で製作されるプローブ電極は、アレイ内
図 1. 多段階プローブ製作工程(上)と SEM 写真(下)(1,2).
した。選択 VLS 成長、フォトレジストによるプローブ保護、
VLS 再成長を行うことで、高さの異なるプローブアレイの
製作が可能となった(図 1)。プローブの電気的特性におい
ては、プローブ成長ガスに Si2H6 と PH3 の混合ガスを用い
ていることで、抵抗値 850Ωを実現した(N 型)。配線基板
上に集積化したプローブはそれぞれ 50μm、100μm 長であ
り、例えば約 200μm 厚さの鯉網膜の測定が可能である(1, 2)。
3. 超高アスペクト比シリコンマイクロプローブ
1.5~2mm 程度が要求される。これまで、Si 源ガスに Si2H6
図 2. 超高アスペクト比 Si マイクロプローブの SEM 写真.
図 3.
プローブ先鋭化制御(a-d)と先端部 TEM 像(e)(3).
を用いた VLS 成長を行ってきたが、プローブ成長速度は
図 4.
1~2μm/min 程度であり、
プローブ長数 mm を実現するには、
十時間以上のプロセスが必要であった。ここでは、VLS 成
長速度の向上を目的とし、Si 源ガスに SiHCl3 を用いた常
5. 集積化マイクロチューブアレイ
圧 CVD 法による Si マイクロプローブの VLS 成長を試みた。
図 2 に成長温度 700°C 、成長時間 26min にて VLS 成長し
実証試験を行った。VLS 成長後のシリコンプローブをテン
た Si プローブの SEM 像を示す(SiHCl3 流量 100sccm、キ
プレートとし、プローブ側壁に SiO2 を形成、その後にシリ
ャリア水素流量 0.5L/min)。得られたプローブ長は 350μm
コンエッチングを行うことで、内径 2.5~6.4μm の微小な
であり、成長速度は 13.5μm/min であった。これは Si2H6 ガ
SiO2 チューブ構造を実現した(図 4(上))。チューブの溶
ス VLS 成長の約 10 倍の値である。プローブ周辺にナノワ
液流出特性(DIW)においては、~1μL/min の流出を数十
kPa のチューブ内溶液圧力で確認している。チューブを介
条件の検討が必要である。一方で、Si2H6 ガス VLS 成長で
は、SiO2 マスク上の poly-Si の堆積(堆積速度 150nm/min)
が問題であったが、Si 源ガスを SiHCl3 に変更したことで
確認した(図 4(下)
poly-Si 層を 200nm 程度に抑制できた(堆積速度 7.7nm/min)。
4. ナノスケール先鋭化プローブ
細胞内電位計測に向けて、100nm 径以下に先鋭化させた
COE プログラム、JST-CREST の助成により実施された。
プローブアレイの製作を行った。VLS 成長させたマイクロ
(1) T. Kawano, A. Ikedo, T. Kawashima and K. Sawada and M. Ishida, IEEE MEMS 2009,
により、図 3 のような先端局率半径 40nm の先鋭化に成功
Sorrento, Italy, January 2009. (2) A. Ikedo, T. Kawashima, T. Kawano and M. Ishida, to
した。また、15 度~56 度のプローブ先端角度もこの方法で
be published. (3) A. Goryu, A. Ikedo, K. Takei, K. Sawada, T. Kawano and M. Ishida,
IEEE MEMS 2009, Sorrento, Italy, January 2009. (4) K. Takei, T. Kawashima, T. Kawano,
H. Takao, K. Sawada and M. Ishida, J Micromech Microeng, Vol. 18, No. 3, 035033,
March 2008 [IOP select].
(5) K. Takei, T. Kawano, T. Kawashima, K. Sawada H.
Kaneko and M. Ishida, Biomedical Microdevices, IEEE MEMS 2009, Sorrento, Italy,
January 2009. (6) K. Takei, T. Kawashima, T. Kawano, H. Kaneko, K. Sawada and M.
Ishida, Biomedical Microdevices, published online: December 2008.
Microprobe array-based neural interface devices: Micrometer-scale diameter, very
high-aspect-ratio, silicon whisker extracellular electrode arrays
Takeshi Kawano1, Kuniharu Takei1, Tetsuhiro Harimoto1, Akihito Ikedo1, and Takahiro Kawashima2
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2 Production Systems Engineering
Toyohashi University of Technology
1-1 Hibarigaoka Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan 441-8580
TEL: +81(532)-44-6746 / FAX: +81(532)-44-6757, Email: [email protected]
URL http://www.dev.eee.tut.ac.jp/ishidalab/
The goal of this project is to develop technologies for an integration of out-of-plane,
high-aspect-ratio silicon microprobe, silicon-dioxide microtube arrays with
microelectronics by utilizing the “selective vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth” technique and
microfabrication processes, for use in in-vivo/in-vitro neurophysiological investigations,
based on multiple electrical recording/stimulation of neurons as well as local drug delivery
via the microprobe/microtube arrays.
1. Introduction
The goal of this project is to develop technologies for
integration of very fine out-of-plane silicon microprobe,
silicon-dioxide microtube arrays with microelectronics
using a “selective vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth”
technique and microfabrication processes, for use in
neurophysiological applications, including an advanced
technology of Brain Machine Interface (BMI).
1. Integration of micron-scale diameter, low-invasive,
high-special resolution, probe electrode and tube
arrays for electrical recording/stimulation, and drug
delivery in cellular level
2. Realization of the microprobes/tubes with various
lengths for three-dimensional electrical measurement
and drug delivery in neuronal tissue
3. On-chip CMOS interface circuitry aimed for
amplifications and filtering of recorded neural signals,
drug flow controller as well as data/power wireless
transmission system
2. Multi-length silicon microprobe array
Repeated VLS growth with Au and PH3-Si2H6 mixture gas
as the growth catalyst and silicon source, respectively, was
used to construct n-type silicon/n-type silicon probe arrays
of various lengths (Fig. 1). Silicon probes of various
lengths within an array could be grown by employing
second growth over the first VLS grown probe.
Additionally, the junction at the interface between the first
and the second probes were examined. Current-voltage
measurements of the probes exhibited linear behavior with
a resistance of 850 Ω, confirming non-electrical barriers at
the junction, while bending tests indicated the mechanical
properties of the probe did not change. Figure 1 also
shows SEM image of a 100-μm-length silicon probe and a
50-μm-length silicon probe integrated with on-chip metal
interconnections, that could be use in analysis of retina
(~200 μm in thickness) [1, 2].
(a)Formation of Au sites
(d)Poly-Si and SiO2 etching
(b)After first growth
(e)After second growth
Fig. 1. Process flow for integration of two different length
silicon microprobe (upper) and the SEM image of a
50-μm-length probe and a 100-μm-length probe (bottom)[1, 2].
Fig. 2. SEM image of a 350-μm-length probe.
Fig. 3. Controllable tip-angle of silicon microprobe (a-d) and
TEM image of a sharpened tip with the angle of 15° (e) [3].
3. Very high-aspect-ratio silicon microprobe
To target the analysis of cortical brain area with the
overall thickness of 1.5-2.0 mm, longer silicon
microprobes such as several millimeters will be required.
With the VLS growth by utilizing Si2H6 as the gas source
at ~700°C, the growth rates of silicon probe can only give
~1mm/min, which growth rates are not enough to grow
several millimeters length silicon probe. Here we use
SiHCl3 as the gas source at atmospheric pressure with
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system, in order to
increase the growth rate of the probe. Figure 2 shows a
SEM image of a typical silicon probe grown by the
SiHCl3-VLS growth at 700°C for 26 min (gas flows of
SiHCl3 and hydrogen as the carrier gas are 100 sccm and
0.5 L/min, respectively). The obtained growth rate of the
probe was 13.5 μm/min, which is ten times higher than by
the VLS growth with Si2H6 gas at the same growth
temperature (700°C).
Although growth of several
nanowires around the base of the microprobe was
observed, the initial result of the SiHCl3-VLS growth
promises the assembly of several millimeters length
silicon microprobes over silicon microdevices.
4. Nanoscale-tip silicon microprobe arrays
We developed a batch-fabrication of nanoscale-tip silicon
microprobe arrays for use in nanoscale in-vivo/in-vitro
investigations of cell/neuron. Sharpened tips, less than
100 nm diameter, can be formed at the tips of silicon
microprobe arrays, by silicon wet etching based
batch-process, providing precisely controlled tip angles
ranging from 15º-50º (Fig. 3). The penetration capability
of the nanoscale-tip microprobes was demonstrated, using
finite element modeling (FEM) simulations and
penetration tests with gelatin as tissue/cell. The results
indicated that the nanoscale-tip probe has the capability to
penetrate into neuronal tissue, for use in nanoscale
in-vivo/in-vitro investigations of cell/neuron [3].
Fig. 4. Schematic image of drug delivery experiments using a
rat (upper) and during the drug delivery for the nerve block with
lidocaline injection (bottom) [4-6].
5. Integrated microtube arrays for drug delivery
We also proposed fabricating very fine out-of plane
silicon-dioxide microtube arrays using a selective VLS
growth technique and microfabrication processes. In
this study, we elucidated the liquid-flow properties of
microtubes with different inner diameters.
fabricated microtubes were 0.5 μm in wall thickness; 20
μm in height; and either 2.5 μm, 4.1 μm, 4.6 μm, or 6.4
μm in inner diameter. We determined the relationship
between the flow pressure and the liquid flow rate
through the microtube. We also conducted a nerve block
test, in which a microtube with 4.6 μm inner diameter was
used to administer lidocaine solution (Na channel blocker)
to the rat sciatic nerve (Fig. 4). This successful test
represents the first reported use of a microtube for drug
delivery to the peripheral nerve of a rat. We conclude
that the proposed microtube array and its fabrication
process might contribute to developing pharmacological
Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. H. Kaneko
(AIST) for his work on rat experiments. This work
supported by JST-CREST, by a Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (S), by the global COE Program, and
by the Strategic Research Program for Brain Science
(SRPBS) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology of Japan.
(1) T. Kawano, A. Ikedo, T. Kawashima and K. Sawada and M. Ishida, IEEE MEMS 2009,
Sorrento, Italy, January 2009. (2) A. Ikedo, T. Kawashima, T. Kawano and M. Ishida, to be
published. (3) A. Goryu, A. Ikedo, K. Takei, K. Sawada, T. Kawano and M. Ishida, IEEE MEMS
2009, Sorrento, Italy, January 2009. (4) K. Takei, T. Kawashima, T. Kawano, H. Takao, K.
Sawada and M. Ishida, J Micromech Microeng, Vol. 18, No. 3, 035033, March 2008 [IOP select].
(5) K. Takei, T. Kawano, T. Kawashima, K. Sawada H. Kaneko and M. Ishida, Biomedical
Microdevices, IEEE MEMS 2009, Sorrento, Italy, January 2009. (6) K. Takei, T. Kawashima, T.
Kawano, H. Kaneko, K. Sawada and M. Ishida, Biomedical Microdevices, published online:
December 2008.