英語 III T (担当:垂水) 期末試験問題 2001 年 7 月 23 日実施 持ち込み不可 [1] 以下の文章を日本語訳しなさい。 (ア) Don't share your password. Most e-mail administrators will not ask for your password. Do not be duped by malicious e-mails asking you for your password. This is a well-known, although not-too-common trick designed to fool you into sharing your password. As a rule, never share it with anyone. (注) dupe: だます、malicious: 悪意のある 課題3の翻訳例参照 (イ) (注) 次の文章は Amazon.com の利用者向け注意書きの一部である We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include fulfilling orders, delivering packages, sending postal mail and e-mail, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes. 課題4の翻訳例参照 (ウ) One of the major determinants of a camera's price is how many megapixels of resolution you're buying. More megapixels means a sharper, more realistic image and a higher price. 課題8の翻訳例参照 (エ) (注) 次の文章は ZDNET 社の配信する解説記事の書き出しの部分で、マイクロソフト社 が次期 OS である Windows XP で USB 2.0 を採用しなかったことを伝えるものである。 The Redmond, Wash.-based software maker said it will not include support for USB 2.0, the latest iteration of the universal serial bus connection technology, in Windows XP, its next-generation operating system expected later this year. Microsoft will instead throw its support behind IEEE 1394, also known as FireWire, which was developed by Apple. 課題9の翻訳例参照 (オ) We take seriously the physical, social and organizational constraints of real classroom contexts in our approach to design. We wish to develop technologies that not only support existing classroom storytelling activities but also augment them in beneficial ways without disrupting the normal classroom organization. 課題12の翻訳例参照 (カ) Physical and tangible interfaces have great potential to encourage two aspects of collaboration among children. The first is collaboration in the use of an interface. This kind of collaboration has been the traditional focus of research into collaboration technologies – how do people use computer technology to accomplish a shared task? The second is collaboration between those directly interacting and those observing the interaction, i.e., an audience. 課題14の翻訳例参照 [2] 次の日本語を訳した英語にはそれぞれ間違いがある。間違いを指摘せよ。 (ア) そこへ行く → go to there to 不要 (イ) 香川大学 → the Kagawa University the 不要 (ウ) その CPU はとても速い → The CPU is very early. early ではなく fast (エ) パソコンは必要不可欠だ → Personal computer is indispensable. Personal computers are in (オ) インターネットを楽しむ → enjoy internet (カ) デジタルカメラ → a degital camera enjoy the Internet a digital camera (綴の間違い) [3] 以下はアンケートです。採点には関係ありませんが、時間の余った人は書いてください。 (ア) 講義で取り上げた教材・題材の中で最も興味深かったものは何ですか? (イ) 逆に、最も興味を持てなかったものは何ですか? (ウ) その他、講義に対する感想を書いてください。
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