Where there is a will, there is a way!

Linden Hall High School
Grade 9 News Letter #3
Where there is a will, there is a way!
-Entrance Ceremony Special Issue-
気付けば、7 月も中旬となり、生徒たちは夏休みの計画を立てているようです。また、夏休みの直後に
さて、高校のカリキュラムが進み始めて 3 カ月。生徒たちはさすがに、これまでとは異なる質と量に
驚いていることだと思います。しかしながら、後 1 年もすれば他の学校の生徒たちも同じ内容の学習を
は「A と T」
「C と G」がセットであることを知り、結びつける判断力が必要となります。こういった能力
It is already middle of July and the students seem to have begun their planning for the summer.
They are also starting to prepare their schedule for the examination that is coming up immediately
after the holidays.
It has now been 3 month since they began the contents of their high school curriculum. I’m
sure that all of the students are feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the difference in both the content
and the amount of material they now have to face. Nevertheless, students from other schools will
be starting the same content in a year. So while it is true that the timing is earlier than normal,
it is also important to pay attention to the fact that Linden Hall students will acquire not only
subject-specific information from these courses but also other essential skills such as improved
creativity, better expressiveness, and more mature attitude towards academics. For example, in
the sciences, in learning to calculate the base sequence of nucleotides, the students are
performing the same operation as that of ratio calculations for mathematics, Further, students
also must be able to conclude that “A & T””C & D”are in sets even before they start their
calculations. Basic analytical skills like these are critical for success in any profession.
Thus for all students, I would like to stress the importance of persistence and not giving up
until you thoroughly understand the assigned material.
島崎 光太
す。私の子供が 5 歳で、毎日寝る前に1話子供向けの話を読んで聞かせています。一番のお気に入りは
Are the students reading at home as requested last month?
It is said that most Japanese
students are often read to in youth and utilize the library on their own during elementary school
age, but they stop reading at around junior and senior high school age. My child is 5 years
old and I make sure that I read 1 children’s story everyday before he goes to sleep. His favorite
story is ‘Kwaidan Restaurant.’
I believe that reading as adults (or high school students)
allows us to experience the lives of the characters in the stories. Also, the ability to read
original works in English is a very rare advantage that only Linden Hall students have. Even
from the perspective of acquiring genuinely global perspectives, I would like to remind all
students to continue reading as much as they can.
高校の学習とは (How to study high school level materials)
15、16 歳時点での 1 年間は大きな違いがあるかもしれませんが、私たちは、その 1 年を
I feel that one of the most important skill students need to have in order to adequately
comprehend high school level materials at junior high school age, is maturity and life
experience. In most subjects, students’ values, emotions, consciousness are all tested as
they are asked to evaluate the material rationally or in other circumstances, empathize
emotionally. In literature courses, in particular, perspectives on friendship or delicate
differences between in the sentiments of men and women, often comprise important themes
of literary works and appropriate understanding in such disciplines can not be acquired
unless experienced.
A year from age 15 t0 16 might make for immense difference in such awareness but we
are able to compensate for this through conversations with adult members and through
reading. There are many things to be learned from the wisdom of elders and we can
become more complete from listening to their perspectives. In this regard, I hope that the
students will re-evaluate the importance of conversations with their families.
School Events in April and May
3rd (Tuesday)
7 月・9 月の学校行事等のお知らせ
Eye check(眼科検診)
School day (土曜授業日)
School trip(社会科見学)
7 (Saturday)
11 (Wednesday)
21 (Saturday)
Open school, School day(オープンスクール、12:30 登校 14:00 下校)
23 (Monday)
Hand out exam information (試験範囲および日程発表)
27th (Friday)
Last day of school (授業最終日)
※21 日(土)はオープンスクールで授業公開があります。HR と授業1時間と短いですが、し
っかりと授業を受けて、その姿を後輩に見てもらいたいと思います。There will be an
open-class lesson on the 21st. Though it will only be for HR and Period 1, I would like the
students to make sure that the visitors will be able to see them at their best.
うにしましょう。The summer vacation is approaching soon. Please be sure to schedule your time
appropriately. The difficulty of the examination will be much higher and will require the completion
of all assigned homework in addition to thorough revision.
3rd (Monday)
8 (Saturday)
School start(授業開始日)
School day (土曜授業日)
End term examination(期末考査)
※「情報」の考査は 8 日(土)に先行実施いたします。
29 (Saturday)
Last day of 1st term (前期最終日)
た。Thank you very much for your attendance to the open class / PTA meeting on June 29th.
となります。保護者様のご理解とご協力をいただきたいと思います。On July 21st, the junior high school
will be holding its open school. Please note that the time table for this day will change as follows.
日程 Schecule
12:30 学校登校 Arrival to school
13:00〜13:50 公開授業 Open class
14:00 下校 End of school
*オープンスクール日程 7月21日(土)
この3日間につきましては上記のような変則時間割となります。The above schedule will apply for all
of the open school days.
同好会もオープン・スクール時は実施いたしません。Club activities will not be held on open school
副校長 永留 聡
リンデンホールスクール中高学部ホームページに在校生・保護者様専用ページを開設しております。We have
opened a password protected parents / students section on our school homepage.
To prevent access from outsiders, this section is password protected. Please get in from the banner on the
homepage and input the following username / password.
お知らせいたします。For maximum security, the password will be changed periodically. We will inform you of
any changes from this newsletter.