Carmina Laudis: temporal response to the eternal

Registration Form
Carmina Laudis: temporal response to the eternal
May 6-7-8, 2015 - Pontifical Liturgical Institute - Rome (Italy)
Title .............
Last name .............................................................................
First name ...........................................................
Position ........................................................
Address ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
E-mail ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Lunch is provided for the participants of the Congress at the cost of
€ 15.00 per day. Please indicate days desired:
May 6
May 7
May 8
Registration fee
€ 50,00
Students of St Anselm
free of charge
Bank transfers should be at no cost to the beneficiary. Payment should be made to Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo
BANCA PROSSIMA Intesa Sanpaolo - IBAN CODE: IT37 S033 5901 6001 0000 0060 160 Swift /BIC : BCITITMX
Reference: Carmina Laudis - 2015.
Please complete online registration and return to: [email protected]
Registration deadline April 15, 2015.
Date ...........................
Signature ..............................................................................................
Informativa per la clientela - Lg n. 675/96 e s.m. - La informiamo che i dati personali da Lei forniti, con la compilazione della “cedola”, ovvero, altrimenti acquisiti nell’ambito della
nostra attività, troveranno idonea tutela, al fine di ottenere la massima riservatezza e potranno formare oggetto di trattamento nel rispetto della normativa soprarichiamata. In
qualsiasi momento potrà essere revocato, per iscritto, il consenso per il loro utilizzo, ovvero la rettifica o modifica.