‐ Process fOr registratiOn on Pub‖ c Financiai Management system (PFMs〕 rhe URL is https://pfms.nic.in Please ensure you have to the following detaits of the college/university/institution The correct name and address, telephone no, mobile no, email address and bank account details. From PFMS HOme Page 警 ‐ 001■i,:ii:: 、 」 11'ス 111「 │III !1ims.nia.Il :11‐ 黎整銀 準 ヽ ,ぶ Ⅲ I,│IⅢ IIIさ OFtj“ :こ :鳳 二 識 嶽ふ 諄 頭 悪:… :ユ「丁 :織 ● lli :││ 111.II● =無 FealorlJ reiattrl r:a&rplaints,tqrrery trrdy l,守 ッⅢ │ 111ド llⅢ Ⅲ IIII■ │││ │ギ │IⅢ I■ │││││.:‐ =FI「 lllIや .II::T'=「 11な ∵“ 裁 ││‐ ‐ 中 鶴 :∬ ,彎 : F,oase O● 腱。ts珈嗜r゛ 意 aⅢ ● l Ctt` 【 tra,3111な ふ轟● い ` ゅ Ms h圏 'す 。 :翼驚:ぶ 1豊ItkЪ :警 奮 i■1議 「 ,,1■ ?「 MS ・■ 醸摯3轟 属Tl・ ・F・・ 巌変 轡饉盤。 =籠 “ “ 響 「 'YoM= “ '‐ 謝■Ⅲ │“ 1,11■ │ .│ ■ヽおヽ ││11 111‐ ■│││■ 十彎摯■│IⅢ Ⅲ IIⅢ II■ │.11■ ● haar● ■■ ‐ ‐‐ lle,ent sB 薔 ず 臨::f臨 お念獄織 筆 │:霧 鑢驚:臨 鷺 ヽ IIⅢ I熱 ││1驚 │11凛 │1轟:耳 Ⅲ Ⅲ │‐ ■ ■ __│ ││‐ ‐ ││‐ │‐ ││‐ ││││││││ ││││■ :尋 :翼 翼゛ t 覇響封 │││11■ llⅢ 'す や機 亀::謙 警 Click on the link which says(Ba10on C) 饉RI喪 ‐ cAむ EN畿 饉SI● ‐ LEAIIこ HEこ に由 'RECi針 And enter eLherthe college/un市 button こ 11● ■に READヤ RE1lSTERED I =R=111■ =NC′ ersた y/instttu■ on name orthe Bank accOunt no in the column and click On search i:l ili lf the college/university/ institution is l] registered the details would appear in a grid itl and there would be a agency unique id which needs to be shared with the college lil :i for them to retrieve the password ") [議 ご募■F “ clicMng on the forgot passw61d(Ё b160n A)oh h6品 さoち 蒼 e. shourd they not be abre to retrieve these detairs, get a mair from the college/unive rsity/institution principa l/registra r/director i ndicating 1. The college/university/institution Name 2. Address 3. Bank Account details (Bank Name and Account No) And mail the above information through the Regional Office Coordinator to Mr. S. Francis Sr. AO cpsms.f(dsmail.com) PFMS( in scenario 1 - if corege/university/institution is not registered , the ro,owing screen ::Llffi'il:fl'.""'.Tri:ffi1,::T1:"J,1'.il:ll?ij::'B) 哺 ↑ ■ ■ ;‐ :│十 =│││、 響ll■ │■ ■ │゛ │││,lil● il ‐ │ .:│‐ 11鼻 [111■ ■│││ 111■ │■ │,■ ■ ■ │■ ‐ wi, appear Read the instructions :│ )=申 祓 1■ ■ ぐ 1` 111` │ヽ li - :ril,:r'i .t.... .. i,i-i",i,;_j? r i:.. : :i : i. :J :r. :,i: aa, r.,; l:, - :,, ::.1.: :., ;r, alsan ■::1,I::「 : r,! r:_.-_. .i.-.-. i.):l;i:]:ii.,:.;,;.:..i::;::..:::.;:.:]i'i.].:: ' :rir; .r. _● │,│■ ■ '‐ !r i,:: … i,.-.r,r.rt:,:-i .`1.│■ ■ ,r● _‐ .■ ・ │‐ ,,,",..iti.,:-:frl:.r1i...:.. i,,..r: t l:.■ 1.:二 ‐ .t.11‐ ■ ● ■ ‐■■ ■ ■ ■‐ ..=■ │‐ ___― ,│=‐ ヽキ́に i_\j.i. ■ │_‐ ._ ■ ._‐ ‐___..11.:.■ ■■ 1,_`‐ _■ ■‐ r、 ,1=■ │ltlti l■ │:● `‐ ・ ● 「 ■ 1_:│=::_111.1):■ ■■ ││● │││‐ 111:ヽ ヽ■ ││■ 1■ ‐ │‐ 11■ ■ _‐ │● `‐ ‐ ■│■ 「 ¨ 終 │││││││││││││││11111111‐ │■ ‐ ‐ ‐..│_1,=‐ ■ ― 11■ ` ■││__■ ‐ '││●゛ヽ゛、‐ │'│き ,い _____..‐ _:● │ミ 1■ ■ 11 = Complete the registratiOn prOcess by fil‖ 二 。..1:│..1」 ●=「「 t'ま ng up the desired infOrmatiOn. : “‐PinS '│■ llに 1,)‐ '“ ヽ 1続 摯ヽ I │‐ ,、 "■ 1 ‐ ■1411 Ⅲ Ⅲ お″お'││■ ■ ■ ■ ││ ‐ ・ ‐ : ‐■ ・ ■ 壺 彎 41ず RIヽ 二 :LⅢ ● 攣 ,い 〆 /rⅢ , ■ ill' ・ “ ‐│ │ 1 ‐ ‐ │ │ 6熊 1ヽ │`8"Ⅲ ,V鵡 痰 II:1111■ 曖 嚇 , ,尊 ・・ I Fn a`い tl● ''ず :111` "メ 'お ― ●轟1 ‐ 漱 "ふ 薇●:lpFI.・ .( II.■・・・ ・ │‐ │‐ │ .・ 11 ‐ ‐ ││■ .:‐・ il・ ││■ │ i:111ζ ‐ │‐ ..'‐ ● l■ │,II、 . I・ │● ■│■■│││ │■ ■││││││ Kindly ensure that you take the Scheme code as 0875 (University Grants commission) and the funding level should be the concerned state level agency which can be located by entering your unique code which has already been shared with your by the concerned state consultants. once the registration is complete, then with the sHEC login you id will be able to approve these registrations. Scenario 2 - tf the college is already registered lf the college is registered kindly instruct the college/ university/institution to log in and go the My scheme tab appearing on the left side and select register new scheme (shown in the image berow. And then add the detairs Ⅲ Ⅲ I摯 │ Ⅲ IⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ │‐ IⅢ II IIIII ■ Ⅲ彎1■ ■ Again they have to ensure that they also ensure that you take the scheme code. as.0875 UGC and the funding rever shourd UGC (second option) which can be located by Entering the unique code UGC on the pop up which wilr 1,│││││││■ ヽ ││ ■ ・ド │、 ゃ■ ■ ■ │ ││● `“ ●│■ ■■││ 二こ =:=│■ appear while selecting funding agency and selecting University Grants Commission which willappear in Blue colour. V ― 摯摯■ ‐■ │ │ ││■ ││││■ ■ │ 1弯 警 ■││‐ │ ‐ │‐ 》 l l j ;'',*< I IⅢ t!tAd**'i,! Ⅲ`Ⅲ Ⅲ・│ │‐ ■‐■│■ ■■││■ Ⅲ摯 n・ 翻 ]麹 % - Le rrdl di.ii idvdti,ir [r,ri!Fsiiy oaturrJd U€hnw' Lnrr3dty &Dli1 trn;!,.r.itt. ii;dnr llniJE5il, otr $qn.*llurE L t<hnsi&ry Jd ,a, . i r!r :.t r. :rn,re:<t.y, l.jdnp.tr +nni r;la r:- \9,st l L(:!l:rsiLt !a tty5u:! cr!ncir d t!i€n\!i. lhd*t.i.r ps€irh- 9!ari6n6r cheid.at bhrsrdr 'rd tiEr€;ri Aq i. iltuEi itnrv+qity 3a<..ratiffi il r..dl:s 1r:,irD.4rls, i'tE$ Bprhi keral. jlr;ic,.Jtu rit U..c{.5i* Siarathi.if,sRn Lj.iy-irjilyr ritihil.ag8*l i,'amtl Sdu L'riveii,t) r;f ,.ir :tn Beigft 5.i !*,rLdle5wsrd a!rlajr. u0iler*!t .,a Fptr; f{eg ci3l Gjr.e. C.rtre, Tb;rurBianrhaod.rm s cans$rrrsr r.b4rarr^ 餞 _ Once this is completed the UGC will approve the registration. _ simirarry' the fo'owing scheme codes are to be registered for receiving these ferowships. 0961 1338 RAJIV GANDHI NATIoNAT FELtoWsHIP FoR scs sJE MAUI.ANA AZAD es3orrrerrorvarrelLoiltl;Tti'jffi H'll',::i,y^it?L;n',iill'^* Note: ln case of colleges resistered, send details to the Resionar office (Ro]to lftfl';tJ set your corese resistered with f::t 鷺 認 m端 躙 l撫 F籠 ¨t UGC∞ 硼 Om∝ rs PFMs∞ n be d ttdy cOnt¨ d ttЮ tth tte “
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