INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE -‐ CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE -‐ INTERNATIONALE TAGUNG -‐ CONFÉRENCE INTERNATIONALE -‐ MEDNARODNA KONFERENCA Eurac Convention Center -‐ Bolzano/Bozen -‐ IT -‐ November, 6 th -‐ 8 th 2014 ORGANISATION INTRODUCTION ITALIANO -‐ Come cambiano le Alpi? Verso quali direzioni si muovono e con chi sono connesse? Che cosa accade e si percepisce nei territori Alpini prima che in altri territori? Il Convegno 2014 di Rete Montagna “Le Alpi in movimento” si pone l’obiettivo di essere nel contempo una piattaforma di scambio dei risultati di ricerca e di esperienze e un’occasione per discutere sulle prospettive dello sviluppo futuro del territorio alpino. Come tale vuole mettere a fuoco e ripensare la posizione e il ruolo strategico della catena alpina intesa come campo della ricerca e sperimentazione continua di pratiche, modelli e stili di vita sostenibili. La chiave di lettura sarà il movimento -‐ l’azione del muovere o del muoversi -‐ inteso sia come cambiamento nel tempo, sia come spostamento di persone, elementi naturali, risorse, idee, sia come direzione verso cui procedere. I partecipanti si confronteranno su tre macro temi -‐ “Alpine Economies”, “Ecosystem Services & Adaptation” e “Cultural Resources and Lifestyle Changes” -‐ e su due temi trasversali: le relazioni fra le Alpi e i territori circostanti e le attuali dinamiche urbano-‐rurali che interessano l’arco alpino. ENGLISH -‐ How do the Alps change? Which direction do they move in and with whom are they connected to? What happens and is perceived in the Alpine territories before in other areas? The 2014 Alpine Network Conference "The Alps in movement" aims to be both a platform for the exchange of research results and experiences and an opportunity to discuss the prospects of future Alpine region development. As such, we want to focus on and reevaluate the position and strategic role of the Alps as a field for research and experimentation, which tests practices, patterns and sustainable lifestyles. The key will be movement as change over time, as a movement of people, natural features, resources, ideas and a direction in which to proceed. The participants will discuss three main themes, “Alpine Economies”, "Ecosystem Services & Adaptation" and "Cultural Resources and Lifestyle Changes". Additionally, intersecting themes to be examined are the relationships between the Alps and their neighbors and the current urban-‐rural dynamics affecting the Alps. DEUTSCH -‐ Wie verändern sich die Alpen? In welche Richtung bewegen sie sich und in welchen Zusammenhängen? Was passiert in den Alpen bevor es anderswo geschieht? Die Tagung der Rete Montagna 2014 „Die Alpen in Bewegung“ will als Plattform für den Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Erfahrungen dienen, um die zukünftige Entwicklung des Alpenraums zu erörtern. Ins Zentrum der Überlegungen möchte sie die strategische Position des Alpenbogens als Experimentierfeld für nachhaltige Lebensformen stellen. Als Schlüssel zum Verständnis dient die Bewegung, sei es des Bewegens oder des Bewegtwerdens, sowohl in zeitlicher als räumlicher Dimension. Die Teilnehmer/innen werden sich mit drei großen Themen befassen; „Alpine Wirtschaft“; „Ecosystem Services & Adaptation“ und „Kulturelle Ressourcen und Lifestyle-‐Änderungen“ sowie mit der Beziehung zwischen den Bergen und den umliegenden Regionen, aber auch mit der aktuellen Dynamik zwischen Stadt und Umland. SLOVENŠČINA -‐ Kako se Alpe spreminjajo? V katere smeri se gibljejo in s čim so povezane? Kaj se zgodi in zazna v Alpah prej kot na drugih območjih? Konferenca združenja Omrežje gorah “Alpe v gibanju” v letu 2014 stremi k temu, da postane platforma za izmenjavo rezultatov raziskav in izkušenj ter predstavlja priložnost za razpravo o možnostih prihodnjega razvoja alpskega prostora. Zato se želi posvetiti temi in razmisleku o položaju in strateški vlogi Alp kot območju raziskovanja in eksperimentiranja, ki testira prakse, vzorce in trajnosti način življenja. Ključ bo v gibanju, kot spremembi skozi čas, premikom ljudi, naravnih danosti, virov, idej in smeri za prihodnost. Sodelujoči bodo razpravljali o treh glavnih temah “Alpskem gospodarstvu”, “Eko-‐sistemskih storitvah in prilagoditvah” ter “Kulturnih danostih in spremembah v življenjskem stilu” poleg tega sta presečni temi, ki bi ju veljalo proučiti še, odnosi med Alpami in njihovo okolico ter trenutne urbano-‐ruralne dinamike, ki vplivajo na Alpe. FRANÇAIS -‐ Comment les Alpes sont-‐elles en train de changer? Dans quelles directions sont-‐elles en mouvement et avec qui sont-‐ elles liées? Que se passe t'il et est perçu dans les territoires alpins avant d'être perçu dans d'autres territoires? L'édition 2014 de la conférence « Les Alpes en mouvement » de l’association « Réseau Montagne » a pour objectif d'être à la fois une plate-‐forme pour l'échange des résultats des recherches et expériences réalisées et un forum de discussion des perspectives de développement futur de la région alpine. Dans cette optique, nous souhaitons reconsidérer la position et le rôle stratégique des Alpes en tant que domaine de recherche et d'expérimentation continue des pratiques, des modèles et styles de vie durables. Le sujet clé sera le mouvement -‐ l'action de déplacer ou de se déplacer – aussi bien en tant que changement au fil du temps, que flux de personnes, d’éléments naturels, de ressources et d'idées, et que direction vers laquelle procéder. Les participants traiteront trois thèmes principaux -‐ “Alpine Economies”, “Ecosystem Services & Adaptation” e “Cultural Resources and Lifestyle Changes” -‐ ainsi que deux thèmes transversaux -‐ la relation entre les Alpes et territoires environnants et les dynamiques urbaine-‐rurales affectant les Alpes. 2/5 CALL ITALIANO -‐ Gli studiosi della regione alpina sono invitati a presentare i loro contributi inviando a [email protected] un abstract di massimo 2500 caratteri spazi inclusi (esclusi titolo ed autori) in una delle lingue del convegno (Italiano, Inglese* e Tedesco) entro il 3 Maggio 2014 (*raccomandata). Gli abstracts dovranno includere una rassegna dei problemi e degli obiettivi, le domande di ricerca, una breve descrizione della metodologia, i principali risultati e le conclusioni. Ciascun primo autore può presentare un solo abstract. Il Comitato Scientifico del Convegno selezionerà entro il 3 Giugno 2014 le migliori proposte per le quattro sessioni. Le proposte selezionate saranno incluse nel programma ufficiale. Successivamente gli autori avranno la possibilità di presentare un full paper per la pubblicazione degli Atti del Convegno con codice ISBN. La partecipazione è gratuita -‐ Lingue del convegno: ITA, ENG, DE -‐ L’evento si terrà a Bolzano, porta delle Dolomiti e crocevia per persone e commercio nel cuore delle Alpi e sarà un Green Event. ENGLISH -‐ Experts of Alpine region studies are invited to submit their contributions by sending to [email protected] an abstract of maximum 2500 characters including spaces (excluding title and authors) in one of the languages of the conference (Italian, English*, German) by May 3rd, 2014 (*recommended). Abstracts should include a statement of problems and objectives, the research questions, brief description of methods, principal results and conclusions. Only one abstract may be submitted per primary author. The Scientific Committee of the Conference will select the best proposals for the four sessions by June 3rd. The selected contributions will be included in the official program. Afterwards the authors will have the opportunity to submit a full paper in order to publish the Proceedings with an ISBN code. The attendance is free. Conference languages: ITA, ENG, DE. The conference will be held in Bolzano, the gateway to the Dolomites and the crossroads of peoples and businesses in the heart of the Alps, and will be a Green Event. DEUTSCH -‐ Experten für wissenschaftliche Studien, die sich mit alpinen Regionen befassen, sind eingeladen ein Abstract mit maximal 2.500 Zeichen (inklusive Leerzeichen, Titel und Autor nicht inbegriffen) innerhalb 3. Mai 2014 an [email protected] zu senden. Der Beitrag kann in einer der Sprachen der Konferenz Italienisch, Englisch* (*empfohlen), Deutsch, verfasst werden. Die Abstracts sollten einen Überblick über die Probleme und Ziele, die Forschungsfragen, eine kurze Beschreibung der Methodik, die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen enthalten. Jeder erste Autor kann nur ein Abstract einreichen. Der wissenschaftliche Beirat des Kongresses wird innerhalb 03. Juni 2014 die besten Vorschläge für die vier Sitzungen auswählen. Die ausgesuchten Beiträge werden in das offizielle Tagungsprogramm aufgenommen. Anschließend haben die Autoren die Möglichkeit, ein Full Paper für den Tagungsband (mit ISBN-‐Code) einzureichen. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos. Konferenzsprachen: ITA, ENG, DE. Die Veranstaltung wird in Bozen stattfinden, dem Tor zu den Dolomiten und einen Knotenpunkt für Menschen und Wirtschaft im Herzen der Alpen, und ist als Green Event konzipiert. SLOVENŠČINA -‐ Strokovnjaki s področja Alpskih regionalnih študij so vljudno vabljeni, da do 3. maj 2014 posredujejo povzetek svoje raziskave. Povzetek v obsegu 2500 znakov s presledki (kar ne vključuje naslova in navedbe avtorjev), v enem od jezikov konference (italijanščina, angleščina*, nemščina), je potrebno oddati na naslov [email protected] (*priporočeno). Povzetek naj vključuje opis obravnavanega problema, cilj raziskave, raziskovalno vprašanje, kratek opis uporabljene metode, glavne rezultate in zaključek. Vsak avtor lahko odda samo en povzetek. Znanstveni odbor konference bo do 3. junija izbral najboljše predloge za vključitev v štiri vsebinske sklope konference. Izbrani prispevki bodo vključeni v uradni program konference, avtorji pa bodo dobili priložnost, da predložijo celoten prispevek za objavo v publikaciji z ISBN kodo. Sodelovanje je brezplačno. Jeziki konference so: italijanščina, angleščina, nemščina. Konferenca bo zeleni dogodek in bo potekala v Bolzanu, na vstopu v Dolomite in na križišču ljudi in podjetij v osrčju Alp. FRANÇAIS -‐ Les experts de l'espace alpin sont invités à soumettre leurs contributions en envoyant un résumé écrit dans l'une des langues de la conférence (Italien, Anglais* et Allemand) de maximum 2500 caractères espaces compris (hors titre et auteurs), à [email protected] avant le 3 Mai 2014. Les résumés doivent inclure un aperçu des problèmes et des objectifs traités, les questions de recherche abordées, une description succincte de la méthodologie employée, les principaux résultats obtenus ainsi que les conclusions associées. Il est permis à chaque auteur de soumettre au maximum un seul résumé en tant qu'auteur principal. Le Comité scientifique choisira, avant le 3 Juin, les meilleures propositions pour les quatre sessions. Les propositions sélectionnées seront incluses dans le programme officiel. Après la conférence, les auteurs auront l'opportunité de soumettre un document complet pour la publication, avec un numéro ISBN, dans les actes de la conférence. La participation à la conférence est gratuite -‐ Langues officielles de la conférence: ITA, ENG, DE -‐ L'événement aura lieu en plein cœur des Alpes à Bolzano, ville porte d'entrée des Dolomites et carrefour historique de commerces et de personnes, et sera un Green Event. 3/5 TOPICS OF THE SESSIONS Session Topic st 1 Alpine Economies Questions & Keywords How the Alpine economies are changing due to new dynamics of the world economy? What are the new forms of collective goods and local economies in comparison to the non-‐local ones? What are the new models of governance and management? Community-‐led development; Cooperatives and Commons; Tourism & Regionality; Quality of life; Governance of Regional Development; Social innovation; Resilience; Innovative entrepreneurship; Virtual horizontal and vertical networks; Alpine agriculture; Regional production systems; Post growth economy approaches; New inhabitants and new stakeholders; Macro-‐Region; Metropolisation; Urban-‐ rural relationships; Material Fluxes; Traffic; Tunnels. nd 2 rd 3 th 4 Ecosystem Services Adaptation What types of adaptations in the supply of Ecosystem Services are related to the going dynamics? What are the main changes in the Ecosystem Services and how to deal with them? Cultural Resources and Lifestyle Changes What are the perspectives for people living in the mountains? What kind of intangible flows affect the Alps? What relationships and networks? Rethink and rewrite values, heritages and relationships in the Alps. -‐ Special Session Ecosystem Services Adaptation; Water; Soil; Biodiversity; Landscape; Land use; Connectivity; Road ecology; Cultural landscape; Management; Socio-‐economy/Public goods and ecosystem Services; Limits and Possibilities; Historical perspective; Resilience; Rural Tourism; Regional Development; Climate Change; Rural-‐urban relationships; Natural and cultural amenities; Material Fluxes; Hydrogeological risk. Regionality; Regional added value chains; Limits; Demographic changes; Communities; Heritage Sites; Quality of life/Living standard; Education; Value; Heritage; Rural Tourism; Climate Change; Smart mobility; New inhabitants and new stakeholders; Commuting and second-‐homes; Macro-‐region; New towns; Natural and cultural amenities; Urban-‐rural dynamics; Smart Cities; New Geographies; Traffic; Landscape; Climate Change; Historical perspective. The beating ♥ of the Alps SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE IMPORTANT DATES (GMT+1) Ester Cason Angelini (Angelini Foundation, Belluno) Benedetta Castiglioni (University of Padova) Viviana Ferrario (Iuav University of Venice) Andrea Omizzolo (Eurac, Bolzano) Mauro Pascolini (University of Udine) Sebastiano Parmegiani (Alpine Society of Friuli) Davide Pettenella (University of Padova) Roland Psenner (University of Innsbruck) Gerhard Rampl (University of Innsbruck) Thomas Streifeneder (Eurac, Bolzano) Dates Note rd Open submission of abstracts rd Deadline for submission of abstracts rd Notification of Acceptance/Decline rd Draft Program rd Open online registration 3 February 2014 3 May 2014 3 June 2014 3 July 2014 3 August 2014 rd 3 October 2014 th 10 October 2014 Deadline for submission of Papers/Posters Program for the congress book st Deadline for online registration th Opening Ceremony nd Deadline for submission of Papers/Posters 1 November 2014 6 November 2014 2 February 2015 4/5 GENERAL GUIDELINES Authors are invited to submit original papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in WORD format and formatted using the templates available below. By submitting an abstract, the paper and/or a poster, you are granting the Rete Montagna permission to publish it in the conference proceedings and to disseminate it also electronically. Presentations will be audio and video recorded and made available to conference attendees after the conference. All contributed papers (oral presentations) will be scheduled for 20 minutes, which includes 15 minutes for the presentation and five minutes for questions. We urge participants to consider presenting their work as posters; it’s a great opportunity to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. We are looking for submissions of research posters, describing ongoing research, exciting new research projects, and encouraging preliminary results. Priority will be given to poster proposals which clearly communicate innovative research to the whole conference audience, with a focus on impact and applications of the work. Accepted posters will be displayed for the entire conference on poster boards. Presenters will be assigned to one of four sessions and are required to be present at the specific time in order to take part in the discussion and exchange views with other colleagues. Posters should be formatted using the templates available below. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about your work. All posters papers must be in English and all figures, photographs, and diagrams to be used for poster presentation must be clearly discernible and tidy. The presented posters will be digitally archived and made publicly available after the conference. An award will be given to the three best posters judged during the conference by attendees and by the Scientific Committee of the Congress. The evaluation will be based on quality of research work and quality of poster presentation (concept of poster, the general idea, the technical details offered and insights to be learned, organization of poster, clearly conveying a snapshot of your work intended to engage colleagues and research findings and results of the work). It’s a wonderful opportunity for young scientists (under the age of 35) to be recognized and honoured for their outstanding research about the Alps. The Best Posters will be recognized during the “Conclusion” (Friday, November 7, 18.00-‐19.00). ORGANIZATION OFFICE Andrea Omizzolo, Cristina Zanvettor EURAC -‐ European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano Institute for Regional Development and Location Management Viale Druso 1 -‐ 39100 Bolzano/Bozen -‐ Italy e-‐mail: [email protected] web: 5/5
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