School of Photonics Cortona, March 30 - April 3, 2014 Single molecule localization and tracking techniques: from cells to tissue imaging Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 1 Optical resolution vs molecular dimension GFP 2,5 nm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 2 Optical resolution vs molecular dimension microscope point spread function λ = 500nm NA = 1.4 GFP 2,5 nm 100 nm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 3 Resolution d rad 2 n sin( ) 2 d ax n sin 2 ( ) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 4 How to circumvent the diffraction barrier? Avoiding simultaneous emission of spatially close fluorophores emitting in the same spectral range “Off” “On” A B SLIDE CREDIT, GIUSEPPE VICIDOMINI, IIT Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 5 SUPER-RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES: Stimulated Emission Depletion JBC Review 2010 by Lothar Schermelleh, Rainer Heintzmann and Heinrich Leonhardt Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 6 SUPER-RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES: Single molecule localization techniques JBC Review 2010 by Lothar Schermelleh, Rainer Heintzmann and Heinrich Leonhardt Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 7 SUPER-RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES: Structured illumination techniques JBC Review 2010 by Lothar Schermelleh, Rainer Heintzmann and Heinrich Leonhardt Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 8 The “on-off” Game Single molecule localization techniques PALM / STORM / GSDIM JBC Review 2010 by Lothar Schermelleh, Rainer Heintzmann and Heinrich Leonhardt Francesca Cella Zanacchi S.W. Hell, et al. Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy, Science 316, 1153 (2007) Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 9 RESOLUTION LIMIT IN CONVENTIONAL MICROSCOPY Image in conventional microscopy System Point Spread Function 250 nm PSF ( x, y, z ) Object I ( x, y, z ) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 10 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 11 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 12 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 13 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 14 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 15 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 16 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 17 INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION CONCEPT Wide-Field Francesca Cella Zanacchi Individual molecule localization Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 18 Jablonski diagram The wavelength range at which the dye is excited and emits fluorescence depends on its electronic structure and the properties of the local environment. Depending on the total spin of all electrons Σ the electronic states are classified into triplet states Ti where Σ = 1 and singlet states Si where Σ = 0. Optical transitions by absorption or emission of photons are only allowed between states of equal spin coupling. A transition between Ti and Sj requires a flip of the total spin and is thus forbidden. Higher order states, (Sn and Tn) contribute at larger intensities These processes are termed intersystem crossing (ISC) and for the triplet state a radiative decay can only occur by a spin-flip, and T1 thus has a prolonged lifetime (few µs). Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 19 SINGLE MOLECULE REGIME Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 20 HOW TO SWITCH OFF THE MOLECULES? Switching between a dark and a bright state (from A to B) •Photoswitchable dyes/proteins Light -induced changes in the spectral properties of fluorescent proteins •Ground state depletion Switching a regular fluorophore using its dark states •Stimulated emission depletion Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 21 FPALM IMAGE PROCESSING Background subtraction Threshold to identify single molecules Gaussian fit of the intensity distribution produced by a single I x, z I 0 e ( x x0 )2 ( y y0 )2 2 r02 molecule offset Calculation of the localization precision for each molecule a2 s 8 s 4b 2 12 2 2 N a N 2 x, y 2 Apply tolerances and remove duplicates in the final image Rendering of the FPALM image: Map of localized gaussian spots Thompson et al (2002) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 22 LOCALIZATION PRECISION Central to the performance of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) is the precise localization of single fluorescent molecules performed by a least-squares fit of an assumed two-dimensional gaussian point spread function (PSF) to each single molecule image. The molecule position is given by the mean of the positions of the individual detected photons and the error in the localization is provided by the standard statistical error. x 2 s2 N The pixelation noise can be taken into account and this adding in quadrature: 2 x2 s2 a 12 N The error in the localization adding also the contribution due to pure background noise is: a2 s 4 s 3b 2 12 N aN 2 2 x2 Thompson et al (2002) Francesca Cella Zanacchi The accuracy is dependent from the counting statistics of the detected signal and from the noise introduced by the detection device and processing electronic. The two important categories of noise are the shot noise of the photons in the spot and the background noise. …in the bi-dimensional case: a2 s 8 s 4b 2 12 2 2 N a N 2 x, y 2 • s standard deviation of the PSF • N number of photons • a effective pixel size Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 23 Super resolution imaging of microtubules 12.000 frames Francesca Cella Zanacchi Exposure time 20ms/frame αTubulin-Alexa647 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 24 Widefield Imaging 3D STORM imaging of Tubulin in COS7 cell cultures. α Tubulin immunostained with Alexa 647. Exposure time 10ms/frame. 15.000 frames. Scale bar 1μm. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 25 3D d-STORM Imaging Z(nm) 3D STORM imaging of Tubulin in COS7 cell cultures. α Tubulin immunostained with Alexa 647. Exposure time 10ms/frame. 15.000 frames. Scale bar 1μm. 300 0 -300 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 26 3D Single molecule detection in mitochondria Superresolution image Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Mitochondria in fibroblasts 27 3D-STORM Huang et al. Nat Methods (2008) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 28 Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy STORM Photoswitchable dye pairs Cy3 A405 Slide credit NIKON Instr. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 29 MOTIVATIONS Challenges and trade-offs in individual molecule localization based superresolution microscopy ADVANTAGES: Spatial resolution ≈20nm Information at the molecular scale 3D “Complicate samples” LIMITATIONS : limited temporal resolution Mainly limited imaging depth capability Up to “whole” cell superresolution imaging ...TRENDS: improve temporal resolution super-resolution imaging of organisms or tissue How to improve imaging depth capability? APPROACH FOR 3D SUPER-RESOLUTION OF THICK BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES Betzig et al 2006, Hess et al 2006, Rust et al 2006 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Juette et al., Huang et al., Pavani et al., Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Shtenhel et al. 30 MOTIVATIONS Challenges and trade-offs in individual molecule localization based superresolution microscopy ADVANTAGES: Spatial resolution Information at the molecular scale 3D “Complicate samples” LIMITATIONS : limited temporal resolution Mainly limited imaging depth capability Up to “whole” cell superresolution imaging ...TRENDS: improve temporal resolution super-resolution imaging of organisms or tissue capability to perform imaging of large biological samples and select a compartment for 3D super resolution imaging APPROACH FOR 3D SUPER-RESOLUTION OF THICK BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES Betzig et al 2006, Hess et al 2006, Rust et al 2006 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Juette et al.,2008 Huang et al., 2008 Pavani et al.,2009 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Shtenhel et al. 2009 32 TOWARDS in vivo SUPER-RESOLUTION Individual molecule localization techniques of thick samples (PALM, STORM, FPALM, GSDIM...) APPROACHES TO 3D SUPERRESOLUTION OF THICK BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES Dealing with scattering samples Optical approaches New molecules and dyes Selective plane illumination microscopy Francesca Cella Zanacchi From cells… to whole organisms or tissue Two photon excitation New localization alghorithms Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 33 LIGHT SHEET BASED MICROSCOPY Digital scanned laser microscopy (DSLM) Selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) ADVANTAGES OF SPIM: SPIM basics The basic principle of SPIM is to illuminate the sample from the side in a welldefined thin volume around the focal plane of the detection optics. Jan Huisken, et al. Science 305, 1007 (2004) Francesca Cella Zanacchi • Optical sectioning capability • Fast imaging speed • High signal to noise ratio • Low photodamage Keller, et al. Science (2008) Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Zsigmondy et al. (1925) 34 SPIM vs DSLM ??? Selective Plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Digital laser scanned microscopy (DSLM) Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 35 Selective Plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) Digital laser scanned microscopy (DSLM) • High speed • High speed • Low photodamage • Higher range of power available • Easy implementation • Suitable for beam shaping and bessel beam implementation Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 36 3 7 DIGITAL SCANNED LASER BEAM (DSLM) Philipp J Keller, Annette D Schmidt, Joachim Wittbrodt, and Ernst H K Stelzer. Science, 322 (2008). Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 37 3 8 The wild-type zebrafish embryo was injected with H2B-eGFP mRNA at the one cell stage Science 322, 1065 (2008); Philipp J. Keller, et al. Development by Scanned Light Sheet Microscopy Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 38 3 9 LIGHT SHEET BASED MICROSCOPY (LSBM) Optical sectioning capability Single plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) x y PSF ( x, y, z ) SPIM hill ( z, y, x) hdet ( x, y, z ) 2 2 z NAill = 0.16 ill 488nm Francesca Cella Zanacchi NAdet = 0.9 det 515nm Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 39 SPIM vs Wide-field Microscopy Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 40 Optical architectures for single molecule detection in thick samples • Phisical sectioning (TomoSTORM) • Optical sectioning (light sheet microscopy) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanguneri et al. 2012 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 41 Optical architectures for single molecule detection Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 42 SINGLE PLANE ILLUMINATION SET-UP Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 43 SINGLE PLANE ILLUMINATION SET-UP • visible and IR lasers • beam shaping unit for illumination • water chamber and sample holder • detection unit with additional magnification • EMCCD camera Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 44 PHOTOACTIVATION IN SPIM REGIME Activation process primed by violet laser radiation (405 nm) in single plane illumination regime: photoactivation experiments have been performed on cells expressing the nuclear H2B-PAmCherry fusion protein (A). Readout 561nm. I act 0.2 kW cm2 I exc 0.5 kW cm2 texp 500ms Sample credit M.Faretta, L. Furia Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 45 IMAGING OF POLYELECTROLYTE NANOCAPSULES 1 μm 1 μm 5 00nm 5 00nm 1 μm IML-SPIM 3D super-resolution imaging of nanocapsules.(a,b) Conventional (a) and IML-SPIM (b) images of polyelectrolyte nanocapsules labeled with photoactivatable caged FITC. The localization precision (e) and the distribution of photons per single molecule (f) and the axial resolution (g). Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology σ lateral = 35nm σ axial = 65nm Huang et al 2008 46 IMAGING OF THICK SAMPLES 50 µm human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids Debnath et al (2003) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 47 EFFECTS INDUCED BY SCATTERING A 50 µm Effects induced by scattering along the detection path Distortion of the light sheet intensity distribution within the illumination path Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 48 SINGLE MOLECULE DETECTION IN DEPTH Z = 10 μm SPIM image Individual molecule detection 10 μm 10 μm IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids expressing H2B-PAmCherry. Francesca Cella Zanacchi s2 N 2 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology z 49 SINGLE MOLECULE DETECTION IN DEPTH Z = 40 μm SPIM image Individual molecule detection 10 μm IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids expressing H2B-PAmCherry. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 10 μm z 50 SINGLE MOLECULE DETECTION IN DEPTH Z = 70 μm SPIM image Individual molecule detection 10 μm IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids expressing H2B-PAmCherry. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 10 μm z 51 SINGLE MOLECULE DETECTION IN DEPTH Z = 100 μm SPIM image Individual molecule detection 10 μm IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids expressing H2B-PAmCherry. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 10 μm z 52 SINGLE MOLECULE DETECTION IN DEPTH Number of photons/molecule (N) Z = 10 μm Z = 40 μm s2 N 2 Z = 70 μm Z = 100 μm z Sample credit Mario Faretta Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 53 ILLUMINATION IN SCATTERING SAMPLES 800 A 700 Imaging depth=50m Illumination penetration depth 50μm PHANTOM SAMPLE MIMICKING SCATTERING PROPERTIES Intensity (A.U.) 600 z 500 400 300 200 100 10 μm y 0 0 20 40 60 80 Distance (m) 800 B Imaging depth=100depth m Illumination penetration 100μm 700 Intensity (A.U.) 600 500 400 300 200 100 z 10 μm 0 0 y 20 40 60 80 Distance (m) 800 C Imaging depth=200depth m Illumination penetration 200μm 700 Intensity (A.U.) 600 Images of the thickness of the light sheet for different optical pathways through a scattering phantom sample able to mimic optical properties of the sample (Mourant et al. Applied Optics 37(16) 1998). The illumination central position has been centered at 50µm (A), 100µm (B), 200µm (C) 500 400 µs=50mm-1 g~0.98 300 200 100 z 10 μm y 0 0 20 40 60 80 Distance (m) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 54 ABERRATION EFFECTS IN SCATTERING SAMPLES x Non scattering z y y 1 μm x µs=50mm-1 z y y Point spread function measurement performed imaging sub-resolved fluorescent beads (40nm) in a phantom sample mimicking optical properties of biological sample of interest. 1 μm Objective lens : Leica Plan Apo 60x, 0.9 NA water dipping Francesca Cella Zanacchi Imaging depth: 100 μm Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 55 IMAGES OF TUMOR CELL SPHEROIDS IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids expressing H2B-PAmCherry. The SPIM fluorescence image obtained by adding the total signal over the frames. localization precision = 28nm 1 μm I act 0.06 1 μm kW kW texp 40ms I 5 10 exc cm 2 cm2 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Imaging depth: 100 μm Total acquisition time 3min Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 56 LOCALIZATION PRECISION CALCULATION The molecule position is given by the mean of the positions of the individual detected photons and the error in the localization is provided by the standard statistical error. x 2 s2 N x, y 2 a2 s 8 s 4b 2 12 N a2 N 2 • s standard deviation of the PSF • N number of photons • a effective pixel size • b is the background noise Mortensen’s model… x, y 2 Background noise 2 a2 s 12 2 2 16 8 a b N a2 N 9 Number of photons …In the the bi-dimensional case: 2 Localization performances depend on SNR conditions For practical imaging of large scattering biological samples several limiting factors, mainly related to scattering and aberration effects, can contribute to a decreased effective localization precision. To consider additional errors induced in the localization process, the precision can be redefined by considering also the standard deviation ϑ inst of the instabilities of the system (Aquino et al. 2011). eff 2 2 loc 2 inst 2 where the factor 2 takes into account for the excess noise introduced by electron multiplying process of the EMCCD. Thompson et al (2002) Mortensen et al (2010) Smith et al (2010) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 57 EFFECTIVE LOCALIZATION ACCURACY The localization accuracy was determined from repeated localization of point–like objects in the spheroid which provide SNR conditions typical of IML– SPIM experiments. The histogram of localizations was generated by aligning different localized clusters by the mean value. Fitting with a gaussian function yielded to a standard deviation of 26 nm in the radial direction and 60 nm in the axial one. The corresponding FWHM provides an estimation of the localization accuracy within cellular spheroids : FWHM x,y = 63 nm FWHM z = 141 nm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 58 SUPER-RESOLUTION OF CELL SPHEROIDS IML-SPIM imaging of cell spheroids expressing Connexin43–PAmCherry. (b) Conventional 2D SPIM images. (c,d) 3D IML-SPIM image. Scale bars, 10 μm (a), 5 μm (b) and 1 μm (c,d) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Imaging depth: 60 μm Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Cella Zanacchi F et al Nature Methods (2011) 59 3D SUPER-RESOLUTION OF CELL SPHEROIDS IML-SPIM image of human mammary MCF10A cell spheroids (H2B-PAmCherry) Cella Zanacchi F., Lavagnino Z., Perrone Donnorso M., Del Bue A., Furia L., Faretta M., Diaspro A. Nature Methods (2011) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 60 TPE-SPIM BASED APPROACH INDIVIDUAL MOLECULE LOCALIZATION (PALM, GSDIM) IN LIGHT SHEET ILLUMINATION REGIME • Improve the resolution to 30nm • imaging depth up to 150um TWO-PHOTON EXCITATION IN SINGLE PLANE ILLUMINATION MICROSCOPY ARCHITECTURE • 3D imaging of large samples (>20µm) Two photon excitation within the light sheet illumination scheme to reduce scattering effects due to light-sample interactions. • Reduced scattering effects • Higher penetration depth • Less phototoxicity Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 61 LIGHT SHEET INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION IN CONVENTIONAL AND TPE-SPIM: 1PE EXCITATION λ=488nm Thickness of the fluorescence intensity distribution produced by the light sheet illumination in single and two photon excitation . z y 50μm Distortions of the intensity profile increase in 1PE compared to 2PE, where the gaussian shape is well preserved also in scattering uniform media (50mm-1). 2PE EXCITATION λ=800nm Contrast improvement provided by TPE-SPIM at different imaging depths in scattering (50mm-1) and non-scattering media (0mm-1). z y Francesca Cella Zanacchi 50μm Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 62 TWO PHOTON SPIM :IMAGING OF MAMMARY CELL SPHEROIDS NA = 0.8 P = 450mW λ = 710nm Imaging of mammary cell spheroids by 2PE-SPIM allowed to exploit the improved penetration depth provided by two photon excitation. 10µm MCF10A cell nuclei of cells were stained with DAPI (Invitrogen) and imaged by means of 2PE-SPIM. Images at different depths (A) within the sample have been acquired (Zstep=1µm). Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 63 1P-2P light sheet characterization z z z y y z y y Scale bar = 20µm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 64 Distortions of the intensity profile increase in 1PE compared to 2PE Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 65 Contrast improvement: imaging depth 1PE 2PE 5mm-1 5mm-1-1 5mm 50mm-1 -1 50mm 50mm-1-1 50mm C Contrast improvement provided by TPE-SPIM at different imaging depths in scattering (50mm-1) and non-scattering media (0mm-1). I max I min I max I min Cella Zanacchi F et al. Plos One (2013) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Illumination depth = 350µm Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology Scale bar = 3µm 66 Contrast improvement: scattering coefficient 10mm-1 30mm-1 50mm-1 5mm-1 10mm-1 30mm-1 50mm-1 255 2PE 1PE 5mm-1 0 Scale bar = 5 µm Imaging depth= 150µm Illumination depth= 650µm Scattering coefficient Contrast improvement provided by a better confinement of the excitation volume thanks to TPE-SPIM Lavagnino et al . Optics Express (2013) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 67 Photoactivation confinement in scattering samples Uv induced photo-activation Cella Zanacchi F (submitted), Francesca Cella Zanacchi Folling et al. 2007, IR induced photo-activation Vaziri et al 2008, York et al. 2011 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 68 Super-resolution with two photon photoactivation in SPIM 1 µm NB4 cell cultures pH2AX+FLIP565 (Abberior) λactivation=760nm λreadout = 565nm 1 µm Cella Zanacchi F (submitted) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 69 Thanks to the ability to localize single molecule… Following single molecule trajectories time Exploring bacterial cell biology with single-molecule tracking and super-resolution imaging Andreas Gahlmann & W. E. Moerner Nature Reviews Microbiology Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 70 Super-resolution imaging and spt Tracking Super-resolution image Following dynamics Exploring bacterial cell biology with single-molecule tracking and super-resolution imaging Andreas Gahlmann & W. E. Moerner Nature Reviews Microbiology Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 71 Single molecule tracking Time lapse imaging of spatially resolved single molecules, particles or molecular structures. Obtain sub-pixel resolution by curve fitting to determine centroids of single molecules Single molecule tracking of RNA Polymerase in E.Coli It results in time trajectories of sub-pixel positions of single objects that contains information about: • diffusion coefficient • Velocities • Step sizes • Track length • Spatial and temporal confinement Tracks of RNA Polymerase in E.Coli Collaboration: Mike Heilemann, University of Frankfurt Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 72 Pulsed vs cw photoactivation Continuous photoactivation Pulsed photoactivation 1ms photoactivation 500ms 1ms 500ms 1ms photoactivation readout readout Single molecule tracking of RNA Polymerase in E.Coli <10 10-20 Francesca Cella Zanacchi >20 Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 73 Probes for Spt approaches Probe requirements: • very bright and stable • Small • One probe per molecule of interest • Low non-specific binding Fluorescent/ photoactivatable proteins Image modyfied from B. Christoffer Lagerholm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 74 Spt approach and diffusion Courtesy of B. Christoffer Lagerholm Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 75 Illumination architectures for sptPALM Precisely and accurately localizing single emitters in fluorescence microscopy Hendrik Deschout, Francesca Cella Zanacchi, Michael Mlodzianoski,Alberto Diaspro, Joerg Bewersdorf, Samuel T Hess & Kevin Braeckmans, Nat Methods (2014) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 76 Spt in the light sheet illumination scheme SptPALM in thick samples Widefield illumination Light sheet illumination Ritter et al Plos One 2010 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 77 Spt in the light sheet illumination scheme SptPALM in thick samples Beads dynamically tracked within the nucleus of a C. tentans salivary gland cell nucleus Spille et al Optics Express 2012 Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 78 Conclusions SUPER-RESOLUTION IMAGING AND SINGLE MOLECULE TRACKING IN THICK SAMPLES Localization based super-resolution coupled with light sheet illumination to perform 3D super-resolution in thick samples (up to 200μm). Two photon photoactivation in light sheet regime Single molecule tracking in thick samples Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 79 Acknowledgements … …THANKS TO: E. H. K. Stelzer Samuel T. Hess (University of Maine, Orono) Francesca Cella Zanacchi Nanophysics - Italian Institute of Technology 80
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