CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Elena Fasoli Nationality: Italian Date of birth: 3 October 1980 Gender: Female E-‐mail: [email protected] Address: Via Tamigi, 1, S. Pietro Incariano, 37029, Verona (Italy) CURRENT POSITION AND ACTIVITIES Since 2013, Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London, teaching European Environmental Law and being a member of the European Union research project ‘EFFACE’ on the fight against environmental crimes. Since 2009, External Consultant to the Ministry of the Environment of Italy, advising on EU and international law issues and being a member of the Italian delegation to the meetings of the UNECE Aarhus Convention, including the Task Force on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, and of the UNECE Water Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. These activities include the performance of advisory duties as well as organizational tasks, such as the preparation of the background studies for the meetings, the contribution to the drafting of the National Implementation Reports and the organization of Conferences, including the redaction of the concluding remarks and findings thereof, that address civil society and Academia. PREVIOUS POSITIONS AND ACTIVITIES July 2012, Visiting Research Fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London), researching on ‘Triggering of Compliance Mechanisms by the EU Member States’. From April 2012 to February 2013, Legal Advisor on Italian law in the framework of the EU project ‘Fact Sheets on Environmental Access to Justice Rules in the EU Member States for the Purpose of the European e-‐Justice Portal’ for DG Environment and DG Justice. From 2010 to 2013, Research Fellow at the University of Bologna on the recent trends in international and EU environmental law with specific regard to natural resources management and public participation thereto, including in the UNECE framework. In that context the activity also consisted in the organization of three Conferences on Aarhus topics co-‐organized by the Ministry of Environment and the University of Bologna that addressed the Italian civil society and the Academia. In 2009, Ph.D. in Public International Law at the University of Milan. 1 In 2008, Internship at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London), working on the project: ‘The Impact of the ILC’s Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts’. From 2006 to 2008, Lawyer Apprenticeship (Bar exam passed in October 2009). Areas of expertise: registration of trademarks and patents; international contract law; EU law. From 2000 to 2005, Degree in Law (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Verona. RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS ‘Legal Standing of NGOs in Environmental Disputes in Europe’, in N. Boschiero, T. Scovazzi (eds.), International Courts and the Development of International Law. Essays in Honour of Prof. Tullio Treves, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague (2013) 337-‐347. ‘Associazioni ambientaliste e procedimento amministrativo in Italia alla luce degli obblighi della Convenzione UNECE di Aarhus del 1998’, in Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente 3-‐4 (2012) 331-‐355. ‘Distress’, in R. Wölfrum (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2012) 168-‐172. La riparazione dei danni immateriali nei rapporti tra Stati (Reparation for Non-‐Material Damages in Interstate Relations), Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli (2012). ‘International Court of Justice, Case Concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo)’, in E. Baroncini (ed.), Giudici e diritto internazionale, Casi scelti, Libreria Bonomo Editrice, Bologna (2011) 142-‐151. with A. Tanzi and L. Iapichino (eds.), La Convenzione di Aarhus e l’accesso alla giustizia in materia ambientale, Cedam, Padova (2011). ‘The Non-‐Compliance Mechanism under the Espoo Convention and its Protocol’, in T. Treves et al. (eds.), Non-‐Compliance Procedures and Mechanisms and the Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague (2009) 181-‐203. ‘Declaratory Judgments and Official Apologies as Forms of Reparation for the Non-‐Material Damage Suffered by the State: The Djibouti-‐France Case’, in The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 7 (2008) 177-‐192. LANGUAGES Italian (mother tongue), English and French. 2
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