Curriculum Vitae Dr. Massimiliano Vitiello 225 E. 55th Ter. Kansas City, MO, 64113 Phone: 816-588-9737 (cell); 816-235-5959 (office) Email: [email protected] Current Status: Assistant Professor of Ancient History and Late Antiquity and member of the Classical and Ancient Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Education: License in Mediaeval Studies at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, August 2007. Ph.D. in Ancient History (Dottorato di Ricerca), University of Messina, Italy, March 2001. Ph.D. Master of Arts in Ancient History, University of Rome, “La Sapienza” (faculty of “Lettere e Filosofia”), Italy, July 1996. Publications: Monographs in preparation: 1. The reception of the Roman past in Late Antiquity (in progress). 2. Queen Amalasuintha (in progress). Monographs published: 1. Theodahad: A Platonic King at the Collapse of Ostrogothic Italy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. 2. Il principe, il filosofo, il guerriero: lineamenti di pensiero politico nell’Italia ostrogota. HermesEinzelschriften nr. 97. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006. (Reviewed in: America Historical Review 2008, 238-9; Mediaevistik 2009, 338-40, Revue des Étude Ancienne 2007, 849, Latomus 2009, 21-13, H-Net Reviews 2006, Das Historisch-Politische Buch 2007, 259-60, Klio 2008, 522-3, Gnomon 2009, 533-5, Plekos 2009, 79-82, Athenaeum 2009, 739-41.) 3. Momenti di Roma ostrogota: aduentus, feste, politica. Historia-Einzelschriften nr. 188, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. (Reviewed in: Latomus 2008, 533-4, Historische Zeitschrift 2008, 465-6, Gnomon 2008, 661-3, Sehepunkte 2009, Athenaeum 2008, 897-900.) Editions and Commentaries: 1. L’Italie sous Odoacre et Théodoric (Anonyme de Valois II). Co-authored with Dr. Michel Festy (In preparation for the “Collection des Universités de France, Budé,” Paris, Les Belles Lettres). 2. Translation and Commentary of Justinian’s Constitutio Pragmatica. In preparation. 3. Translation and commentary of 25 of Cassiodorus’ Epistulae Variae, in A. Giardina & G. Cecconi, eds., Cassiodoro Varie (Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2015). In print. Articles (* in refereed journals): *1. “Maximinus Thrax, Victor over the Persians? Considerations on the Sources of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus’ Roman History.” HISTOS (The On-line Journal of Ancient Historiography: October 2014). *2. “Emperor Theodosius’ Liberty and the Roman Past,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 108 (2014). In print. *3. “Blaming the Late Republic: Senatorial Ideology and Republican Institutions in Late Antiquity.” Classical Receptions Journal (2014). In print. *4. “Theoderic and the Italic Kingdom in Cassiodorus’ Gothic History: A Hypothesis of Reconstruction.” Klio 96 (2014): 665-683 (in print). 5. “Aspectos da conversão da Roma tardo-antiga: política e cerimonial entre o oficial e no nãooficial.” Forthcoming in Leituras sobre a Conversão na Antiguidade e no Medievo ? (Festschrift of the Conference of Rio De Janeiro 2013, CIFALE). 6. “L’imperatore che amava la storia e i suoi amici: Nicomaco Flaviano e Teodosio fra Annales e Historia Augusta,” in F. Paschoud, ed., Historiae Augustae Colloquium Nanciense, XIIe Colloque International de l’Histoire Auguste. (Nancy 2011), Vol. XII. Bari: Edipuglia (2014), 465-486. *7. “The ‘light, lamps, and eyes’ of the Persian Empire and the Gothic Kingdom in Justinian’s time: A note on Peter the Patrician and Cassiodorus.” Anabasis: Studia Classica et Orientalia 2 (2011): 7789. *8. “ ‘Accusarentur saecula, si talis potuisset latere familia.’ Il fantasma di Severino Boezio nell’Italia dei Goti.” Historia 60 (2011): 343-382. *9. “Sulle tracce di Patrizio, un amico di Boezio.” Hermes 138 (2010): 230-249. *10. “ ‘Per il bene di Roma.’ I privilegi di Teoderico, da Cassiodoro alla Constitutio Pragmatica.” Latomus 68 (2009): 146-163. *11. “Last of the Catones. A Profile of Symmachus the Younger.” Antiquité Tardive 16 (2008): 297315. *12. “Cassiodorus anti-Boethius?” Klio 90 (2008): 461-484. *13. “ ‘Cassiodoriana’. Gli Excerpta Valesiana, l’aduentus e le laudes del principe Teoderico.” Chiron 86 (2006): 113-134. *14. “Nourished at the Breast of Rome: The Queens of Ostrogothic Italy and the Education of the Roman Elite.” Rheinisches Museum 149 (2006): 398-412. 2 *15. “ ‘Neofitus iit ad Deum.’ Some observations on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.” In Carl Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 13. Brussels: Collection Latomus, 2006, 440-461. *16. “ ‘Cui Iustinus imperator venienti ita occurrit ac si beato Petro’. Das Ritual beim ersten PapstKaiser Treffen in Konstantinopel: Eine römische Auslegung?” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 89 (2005): 81-96. *17. “Motive germanischer Kultur und Prinzipien des gotischen Königtums im Panegyricus des Ennodius an Theoderich den Großen (Die drei ‘direkten Reden’).” Hermes 133 (2005): 100-115. *18. “Teoderico a Roma. Politica, amministrazione e propaganda nell’adventus dell’anno 500 (considerazioni sull’ ‘Anonimo Valesiano II’).” Historia 53 (2004): 73-120. *19. “Fine di una magna potestas. La prefettura dell’annona nei secoli V e VI.” Klio 84 (2002): 491-525. 20. “Metrologia ed epigrafia a Delfi e Delo (con un’appendice sul passaggio dalla dracma al denario).” Annali dell’Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 47 (2000): 169-187. 21. “Nuove prospettive sull’adventus in età imperial.” Mediterraneo Antico 3 (2000): 551-580. 22. “La vicenda dell’obelisco lateranense tra versione ufficiale e tradizione senatoria. Magnenzio, Costanzo e il senato di Roma,” Mediterraneo Antico 2 (1999): 359-408. Book Reviews: 1. R. Behrwald – C. Witschel (eds.), Rom in der Spätantike. Historische Erinnerung im städtischen Raum, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2012. Review in print in Klio 96, 2014. 2. L. Grig – G. Kelly (eds.), Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press 2012. Reviewed in Sehepunkte 2012. 3. R.W. Burgess, Chronicles, Consuls, and Coins. Historiography and History in the Later Roman Empire (= Variorum Collected Studies Series), Aldershot (Ashgate) 2011. Reviewed in Sehepunkte 2012. 4. A. Goltz, Barbar — König — Tyrann. Das Bild Theoderichs des Großen in der Überlieferung des 5. bis 9. Jahrhunderts, Walter De Gruyter-Berlin-New York, 2008. Reviewed in Gnomon 83, 2011, 138-142. 5. M. Buora – L. Villa (eds.), Goti nell’arco alpino orientale, Trieste, 2006. Reviewed in “Latomus” 2009. 6. R. Kaiser, Das römische Erbe und das Merowingerreich, Munich 2004 (3rd edition). Reviewed in Latomus 2008. 7. G. Maier, Amtsträger und Herrscher in der Romania Gothica. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu den Institutionen der ostgermanischen Völkerwanderungsreiche, Stuttgart 2005. Reviewed in Sehepunkte, 2006. 3 8. L. Di Paola, Viaggi, trasporti e istituzioni. Studi sul cursus publicus, Messina 1999. Reviewed in Mediterraneo Antico 3, 2000. 9. A. Marcone, Il mondo tardoantico. Antologia delle fonti, Roma 2000. Reviewed in Mediterraneo Antico 3, 2000. Invited lectures and conference presentations: “Theodahad and Rome: Policy and Diplomacy at the Outbreak of the Gothic War,” New College Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, March 6–8, 2014. “Royal Education in Ostrogothic Italy: Romanitas, civilitas, and the Amal Family,” Midwest Medieval History Conference – Augsburg College, Minneapolis, October 18–19, 2013. “Aspectos da conversão da Roma tardo-antiga: política e cerimonial entre o oficial e no não-oficial,” Conference CIFALE, Rio De Janeiro, 2–5 September 2013. “The Collapse of the Roman Republic in Late Antique Senatorial Rhetoric,” University La Salle, Rio de Janeiro, 6 September 2013. “The reception of the Senatorial Ideology of the Late Republic in the Senate of Late Antiquity,” Symposium on the Legacy of the Roman Republican Senate. Glasgow, 6th-8th September 2012. “Romana Libertas and the Pagan Revival at the End of the Fourth Century C.E.,” University of Kansas – Lawrence, September 29, 2011. “Relationships between Peter the Patrician and Cassiodorus.” Invited lecture for the Seminar in Ancient History, University of Münster, Germany, June 29, 2011. “Nicomaco Flaviano e Teodosio: Fra Annales e Historia Augusta,” XIIe Colloque International de l’Histoire Auguste, Nancy, France, June 2-6, 2011. Panel Chair: Annual Meeting of the Mid-America Medieval Association, University of Missouri at Kansas City (session: Late Antiquity), February, 2011. “The Memory of Severinus Boethius,” New Research in History, research seminar series, Department of History, University of Missouri – Kansas City, March 2011. “From Cassiodorus to Pragmatica Sanctio: A Question of Quellenforschung,” Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, Canada, November, 2009. “Rome between Theoderic and Justinian: Some Questions about Administration,” Annual Meeting of the Mid-America Medieval Association, University of Missouri at Kansas City, March, 2009. “The myth of Rome between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Age, part II,” Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, Canada, February, 2007. “The myth of Rome between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, part. I,” Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, Canada, November, 2006. “Die Excerpta Valesiana und die Quellenforschung des XIX und XX Jahrhunderts,” University of Münster, February, 2006. 4 “The Queens of Ostrogothic Italy and the education of the Roman elite,” University of Münster, November, 2005. “Political and philosophical thought in VI century Italy,” University of Münster, February, 2005. “The Renaissance of Platonism: Re-elaboration of the “Classical” Political Thought in the Sixth Century between the Byzantine East and Ostrogothic West,” University of Münster, September, 2003. Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Münster, Germany, awarded for the period May 2015-July 2015. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, Münster, Germany, May 2011-July 2011. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Visiting Fellow. Toronto, September 2007-August 2008. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellowship), Toronto, November 2006-August 2007. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Department of Ancient History, University of Münster, Germany, November 2004-October 2006. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, June 2003October 2003. Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Postdoctoral Scholarship, April 2002-March 2003. University of Messina, Summer Fellowship for Research Abroad. (University of Cologne, JulyOctober 2000.) University of Messina, Summer Fellowship for Research Abroad. (University of Bonn, Germany, July-October 1999.) Ph.D. Fellowship at the University of Messina, Italy, April 1998-March 2001. Undergraduate Fellowship to take part in “I Corso residenziale di storia e cultura dell’età Romanobarbarica”, Tivoli, 24-29 October 1994. Undergraduate Fellowship (Erasmus), Department of Ancient History, Martin Luther Universität, Halle an der Saale, Germany, September 1993-February 1994. Teaching experience: 2010 – present: Assistant Professor of Ancient and Late Antique History, University of Missouri Kansas City (Visiting Assistant Professor 2010-2011.) Courses taught: Western Civilization I. World History I to 1600. Late Antiquity: The End of the Classical World. Medieval Civilization I (300-900). 5 Ancient Greece. Ancient Rome. Graduate Student Colloquium (Historiography). Graduate Research Seminar. Medieval Latin. Lecturer, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Department of Classics, Fall, 2008: Army and Empire in the Roman World. Postgraduate Seminar contributor, University of Münster, 2003-2006. As a postdoctoral fellow, I contributed to seminar meetings in the following topics: • Unpublished Greek epigraphical material in cooperation with the foundation “Inscriptiones Graecae” in Berlin. (Winter/Summer, 2006) • Late Antique Historiography and Oratory. (Winter/Summer, 2005) • Ancient geography and the diffusion of culture between III and VI century A.D. (Winter, 2004) • Elite women’s education in Late Antiquity. (Summer, 2004) • Roman military history: the Roman-Germanic border and everyday life on the limes (Saalburg, Aalen). (Winter/Summer, 2003) Languages: Ancient languages: Latin, Ancient Greek. Fluent: English, Italian, and German. Reading: French, Spanish, Portuguese. 6
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