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Wanton, John, formerly of No. 29, Horsleydown-Lane, afterwards of No. 19y Boss-Alley, Horsleydown aforesaid, then
' -. ,pf No. 11, John-Street, Jrjorsleydown aforesaid, afterwards
. ,<of No. 9, Shad Thames,, Horsleydown aforesaid, then of
No- 19, Gainsford-Street,':ffdrsleydown aforesaid, and late
bf'No. 8, John-Street, Hor'sleydown aforesaid, all in Surrey,
.Waterman and Lightermaii1,''
'Jlint, William, fornierly of'Cainple, in the Parish of Close'burn, Durufrieshire,, Scotland, Horse-Dealer, and late of
.Old Brentford, Middlesex, .Itinerant Tea-Dealer.
. Bremner, Janie'si^fortaerly of fan. 6, George-Street, Camberwoll, Surrey, -.Clerk' to an Attorney, then of No. 58, Thread' need)e-Street,it Clerk to a \Vine-Merchant, then of No. 31,
..Saint Mary-at-Hill, then <bf No. 64, Cannon-Street, and
late' of No. 2, Cannon- Street, all in the City of- London,
' Qiistom- House, Ship, and Commission -Age.nt
'Cattl, Alexander, formerly qf Commercial-Place, Camden
T6wn, then of Swaine's-Lane, Highgate, and late of No.
' 19, Noel-Street, .Bejwick-STree't, Soho, all in Middlesex,
Working-Goldsmith and JeweUen
. I. If *ny. Creditor .intends to oppose a Pit*on<it's di.sch&rge,; notice.,.: of such intention must
''bg. given, 'by/entry therebf; in the proper page and
column -of ilie; kept ' f o r 'that purpose at the
Office of the Court, betHve;en.. the hours of ,Teu in
the Forenoon "'a'ifid Fout;, in:.' the Afternoon, three
cleat days- before the day of hearing 'above mentioned, exclusive; of Surfday, [knd. exclusive botli of
the day of" altering.- sucn notice and of the said day
of healing 5 but in the1 /case of a Prisoner, i'or the
removal- of whom for' hearing in the country an
Order h'as'been obtained, ',but not carried into eHect
by the •' Creditors; • notice of opposition will ,bc
sufficient if given one' clear day before the day of
iie-arjjjlg. • •
-.- f . • " • ' '
Nfli. Entrance to -the Office in Portugal-Street.
of Nottingham, on the 30th day of November
1830, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely.
Thomas Hall, late of Brewh,ouse-Yard, an Extra Parochial
place, within the Liberties of the Castle, in the County of
Nottingham, Commission-Agent.
John Coulthard, fornierly of the Town of Nottingham, carrying on business there in Copartnership with Thomas Rickerby and Robert Hill, as Mercers, Drapers, and Hawkers of
Goods, and late of North-Street, New Snenton, in the
Parish of Snenton, in the County of Nottingham, a Hawker
of Goods, and trading on his own account.
Thomas Locking, late of the Borough of Newark-upon-Trent,
Nottinghamshire, formerly a Writing Master, and late et
Dealer in Glass and China, and whose wife, Mary Locking,
formerly carried on the same business at Newark aforesaid.
George Denman, late of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Brazier
and Tinman, Dealer in Glass and Earthenware.
Edward Baguley, late of Beeston, Nottinghamshire, LaceMaker, Gardener, and Shopkeeper.
Charles Fulforth, formerly of Milton-Street, in the Town of
Nottingham, Tailor and Dealer in Wearing Apparel, since
of Carrington, in the Parish of Basford, in the County of
. Nottingham, Tailor and Shopkeeper, but latterly a Journeyman Tailor.
Thomas Walker, late of Broughton, near Brigg, in the County
of Lincoln, formerly Carpenter and Farmer, and latterly
a Farming Bailiff.
Thomas Barker, formerly of Hyson-Green, Nottinghamshire,
carrying on business there iu Partnership with one Jonathan
Morris, as Lace-Makers, since of Coddington, in the aforesaid County, afterwards of Greyhound-Yard, then of Finkhill-Street, and late of Mansfield-Road, all in the Town of
Nottingham, Lace-Maker.
Samuel Alvey, late of Arnold, Nottinghamshire, Plumber,
Gljizier, and Painter.
William Booth, formerly of Cross of the Hands, in the Parish
of Duffield, Derbyshire, Victualler, afterwards of Hill-CliffLane, in the said Parish of Duffield, Derbyshire, Shopkeeper
'and Labourer, afterwards residing at Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, respectively, in North America, since
a lodger at the sign of the Grapes, in Veruon-Street, Liverpool, Lancashire, afterwards of Hulland Ward, in the Parisii
of Ashbourn, in the said County of Derby, Labourer, since
of Biggin, in the Parish of Workswortb, in the same
County, Labourer, afterwards of Hadley, in the. County of
Middlesex, Labourer, and late of Biggin, in the said Parish,
of Wirkswortb, and County of Derby, Labourer.
.'2^ The petition- 'and schedule, and all books,
.papers, and writings tiled therewith, will be produced by the proper Officer for inspection and ex
ami-nation, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, last day for entering opposition inclusive; At the Court-House, at the Town of Nottingham>
in the County of the same Town, on the 30th
and copies of <the petition and schedule, or such
day of November 1830, at Ten o'Clock in the
part thereof us -shall be required, will be proForenoon precisely.
vided by the proper Officer, according to the Act,
John Birkhead, late of Hounds-Gate, in the Town of Notting. 7 Ceo. 4, c. 57... sec. 76.
The Matters of the PETITIONS a
of the PRISONERS hereinafter named (the same
* having been riled in the Court) are appointed
• to be heard, as follows :
ham, Lace-Dresser, and whose wife also carried on the business of a Milliner and Dress-Maker. '
Thomas Clarke, formerly of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire,
Draper, afterwards of Mans&eld, Nottinghamshire, out of
employment, and also in Lodgings at No. 6, Bucklersbury,.
and of the Cock and Bottle Public House, Cannon-Street,
in the City of Lnndon, being then.-a Director of a certain
Company, called the Imperial Foreign Wine Company, Lonr
don, and as such Director described as Thomas Andrew
Clarke, and lastly of Clare-Street., in the Town of Nottingham, Assistant Draper, but latterly for a considerable period
out of employment.
Thomas Crowther, formerly of Granby-Street, and late of
-Hounds-Gate, both in the Town of Nottingham, Traveller
and Dealer in Lace, whose wife at the same time carrying on
the business of a Milliner and Dress-Maker.
Thomas Marlow, late of New lladford, in the County of Nottingham, Shopkeeper and also Cellarman to a" Liquor-Merchant, in Nottingham.
Thomas-Godber, formerly of Mary-Gate, in the Town of Nottingham, Lace-Maker, afterwards of Calais, then of Beavaoise and Dunquerque, and atterwards|at Calais, in France,
and-at each of these three several places, carrying on business
in partnership with one John Collett, as Lace and MachineMakers, and lastly of Hyson-Green, in the Parish of Lenton,
in the County of Nottingham, Lace-Maker.
At -the Coupt-Houso, at Nottingham, in the County
At the Court-House, .at Shrewsbury, in the County
3. Notice .to produce at the hearing, any books
et papers filed with the schedule, must be ^iveu
to the Officer having me .custody theieot, within
•the hdurs above mentioned., ,on ..any day previous
to the day of hearing.
. 4. Opposition at the hearing can .only be made
)>y 'the Creditor in person, or by Counsel appearing for him.
N. 15. See the Notice at the end of these Advertisements.