Procedure application Master diploma Dear student, In this letter you

University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
Education Service Centre
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
P.O. Box 94214
1090 GE Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20-525 7100
[email protected]
Procedure application Master diploma
Dear student,
In this letter you will find information on how to apply for your Master diploma.
As soon as all the required marks are known and registered you can apply for your diploma at the
Service Desk ESC. The dates of the graduation ceremonies (and the deadlines for the applications)
are published on Select your programme and then graduation procedure.
Please upload the final version(s) of your research project(s), and/or thesis as soon as possible via the
website: The submit wizard asks for a pdf-,
doc-, or zip-file of the reports.
Enclosed you will find a number of forms. You are kindly requested to fill out these forms and bring
them, together with a copy of your passport (or European identity card) to the Service Desk ESC. On
the next page you will find a checklist which will be used by the Service Desk to check whether you
have met all the requirements for application.
After a thorough check of the forms and your marks the Service Desk will take care of the further
processing of your application. The examination date on your diploma will be the last day of the
month in which your application is accepted.
Approximately two weeks before the graduation ceremony you will receive an invitation for the
ceremony. If you will be unable to attend the ceremony, or if you will need a statement that you have
successfully completed the programme prior to the date of the ceremony, then please notify the
Service Desk.
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Service Desk ESC Staff
Checklist application Master diploma:
The student hands in:
a diploma application form
a copy of the passport / birth certificate / identity card (not a drivers license!)
evaluation forms (of the master programme and the research training)
and in addition (only for students in the programmes:
- Physics,
- Particle & Astroparticle Physics, or
- Astronomy & Astrophysics: )
three hardcopies of the thesis (all other programmes
require only a digital version to be uploaded)
The Service Desk ESC will check whether:
the digital version of the report of the research project(s) and/or thesis have been uploaded.
all marks are registered and sufficient.
the master planning form has been approved by the Board of Examinors.
Page 2
Application for Diploma – FNWI
Student number
Telephone number
MSc Track:
Additional components
Part for the Education Service Centre
Cijferlijst controleren aan de hand van goedgekeurde vakkenpakket
Kopie paspoort
Thesis geupload (bij LW 3x uploads; bij Physics 3x hard copy)
Deelname aan uitreiking: Nee / Ja, datum uitreiking
Naam begeleider:________________________________________________
Ingevoerd in Examenaanvragen overzicht (Excel)
Cum Laude: Nee / Ja, aanvraag naar examen commissie
Kopie aanvraagformulier aan student meegegeven
Date of examination
Code of Programme
You can find the information about termination of enrolment and tuiton fee refunds at: