NISL NEWS 25 - The Netherlands International School Lagos

The Netherlands International School Lagos
13 A/B Walter Carrington Crescent
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 813 864 8489/08082211745
E-mail: [email protected]
Lagos, 14thof March, 2014
Easter celebration (school closes at 12 noon)
Easter Break
Friday 11th of April
Monday 14th – Friday 25th of April
Birthday calendar
Sarah Collins
19th of March, Year 2
From the Principal
A new baby girl
Congratulations to our swimming coach juf Marleen Dugail, her husband and two children on the arrival
of their daughter and little sister! We wish them all a great time together and a healthy future as a family.
We are looking forward meeting the new addition in the near future.
Juf Marleen will be temporarily unavailable for swimming lessons over the next few weeks, but we would
like to welcome Mrs Comfort Ekpenyong who will take over for her until Marleen’s return. Comfort is a
familiar face at our school because she was the assistant of former coach juf Tineke. Meester Gerard will
oversee the coaches on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Keeping in touch with NISL
On the website we inform the outside world about our school. New parents and the
NISL community can use this resource to keep up to date with the happenings at our school. Every
Monday all parents get their weekly overview of the programme for that week. You are always welcome
to pop into class if you have any questions or would like your child to show you what they have been
learning. Please encourage your child to explain their learning activities and goals for the week. This
partnership is important for holistic learning, and we enjoy involving all members of the school and home
community in this.
Smaller World
On Sunday 16th of March many students from NISL will perform on stage during the fantastic event
Smaller World. We wish all performers and their teacher’s success for the show. We are very proud of
Have an exciting weekend.
Gerard Veneman
- Great education for our children! -
After School Activities
Please find attached the overview of all registered children for the different ASA activities. Please note, it
is not possible for your child to join the classes when (s)he is not on the list. If your child’s name is missing
from the list, please contact Grace as soon as possible.
On Monday afternoon the ASA were cancelled, and due to Miss Marianne being sick she was not able to
teach the Thursday Learn & Dance class this week. We will add an extra lesson at the end of the term for
these activities.
We are also happy to inform you that Karate will take place in ‘Villa Sanne’. The coaching will be done by
the very experienced Martin Isaac and his assistant.
We hope that your children will have a fun learning time practicing all sorts of different skills!
IPC Personal goals
Our new personal goal for the week will be introduced on Monday: thoughtfulness. The children will have
opportunities in class to discuss and display their thoughtfulness. We hope that you can also find the time
to discuss this personal goal with your child at home.
We think about things that we learned.
We use our thinking skills to solve problems.
We listen to others and think about what they have to say.
We reflect on what we have learnt and how it will help others and us.
We can say what we are good at and what we need more practice.
We can think about what we can improve to get better.
Class of the week
De kinderen van groep 1 en 2 hebben in de afgelopen weken weer veel nieuwe dingen geleerd.
Raai de kraai helpt ons met het oefenen van de schrijfpatronen. Dat doen we op papier, maar ook met
allerlei leuke bewegingen en spelletjes. Zo hebben we vorige week papegaaitje leef je nog, daar zat een
klein zigeunermeisje en twee emmertjes water halen geleerd.
Tijdens de rekenlessen hebben we geoefend met het herkennen van
de cijfers en het plaatsen van de cijfers in de juiste volgorde. Door
middel van heel veel spelletjes oefenden we het herkennen van de
stippen op de dobbelsteen en nu hoeven we niet eens meer te
tellen, we weten het meteen. 1 meer en 1 minder was in het begin
best moeilijk, maar door het met kinderen, blokjes of snoepjes te
doen, lukt het ons steeds beter.
Bij taal hebben we deze week flink goefend met de tegenstellingen. Door
middel van de coöperatieve werkvorm ‘zoek iemand die’ zochten we de
tegenstellingen bij elkaar. We hebben ook goefend om met deze
tegenstellingen zinnen te maken. Dat was best lastig, maar het lukt ons al
heel goed. We hebben weer een heleboel letters geleerd. Vorige week
werkten we over de letter j en nu is de letter g onze letter van de week.
- Great education for our children! -
Op maandag zijn we onze nieuwe IPC unit over ‘beren’
gestart. We kregen in de ochtend een envelop met drie
kaartjes erin. Bij ieder kaartje hoorde een activiteit; pap
maken, op berenjacht en het boek lezen van Goudlokje. Aan
het einde van de dag moesten we raden waar onze nieuwe
unit over zou gaan. Inmiddels hebben we de kennisoogst en
de uitleg van het thema gedaan en zijn we begonnen met de
eerste activiteiten en hebben we een echte berengrot in de
klas. Dat wordt weer een heleboel leerplezie
- Great education for our children! -