NISL NEWS 20 - The Netherlands International School Lagos

The Netherlands International School Lagos
13 A/B Walter Carrington Crescent
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 813 864 8489
E-mail : [email protected]
Lagos, 31st of January, 2014
Activity calendar
Reports to be distributed
Parent’s meetings
NISL Teacher’s Day
Midterm break
School camp
Easter celebration (school closes at 12 noon)
Easter Break
Friday 7th of February, school closes at 12:00
afternoon and evenings of the 10th and 12th of January
Friday 21st of February
Monday 24th - Friday 28th of February
Thursday 6th to Friday 7th of March
Friday 11th of April
Monday 14th – Friday 25th of April
Birthday calendar
Chloe Jansen
5th of February, Groep 1
Ryan Jansen
5th of February, Groep 1
From the Principal
School closing at 12:00 on Friday
Please note that school will close on Friday at 12:00 due to our staff members going on a First Aid course.
Art class will still continue but we hope to start it at 12:15.
NISL has been receiving many visitors over the past few weeks. Parents and representatives of
companies are looking for the best place to educate their children. Auntie Glory, head of our household
staff, met her old boss today. Mr Henk van Hout, global head of education of Shell came to school today.
In the eighties he was also Principal of our school situated at Magbon Close.
Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of our school I can quote former Dutch soccer star Johan Cruijff:
“Every advantage has its disadvantage (Elk nadeel heb ze voordeel)” We are a tiny school, but the
atmosphere is great. We would love to have new students but we would also like to keep our standards
high. Small classes, excellent staff and an inspiring school environment.
Parent Teacher meetings
On Monday the 10th and Wednesday the 12th of February we will be holding parent teacher meetings to
discuss your child’s report with you. Meeting times are available between 02:30-04:00 in the afternoon
and 06:30-09:00 in the evening on both of those days. Please email your child’s teacher(s) as soon as
- Great education for our children! -
possible indicating your preference with regards to an afternoon or evening slot for each of your children.
If you have no preference a slot will be allocated to you. The schedule will be posted in next week’s NISL
News, as well as being attached to your child’s report.
Phone Tree
During next week we would like to test our NISL phone tree to ensure it is working in the case of an
emergency. Please find the phone tree attached and kindly save the numbers of the parents that you are
responsible for calling.
Each teacher will contact 2 parents from their class informing them of the situation and necessary steps
to be followed. These 2 parents will then contact the next family on the list and so on until the entire
class has been informed.
The last parent on each ‘branch’ needs to contact the teacher to inform her that the message has been
IPC Personal goals
This coming Monday “Enquiry” will be introduced as the new personal goal for the week. In class, the
children will learn more about it.
We ask questions about what we are learning.
We find answers to our questions in different ways.
We talk about what we have found out.
As before, please talk to your child about the personal goal for the week and put it into practice at home
as well.
After School Activities
Class of the week
Groep 3/4
Waar zijn we de afgelopen weken mee bezig geweest?
Jan: We hebben veel toetsen gemaakt. Hopelijk hebben we het goed
Inderdaad, we hebben gewone toetsen gemaakt maar ook de CITO
toetsen. Dat was hard werken en soms lang concentreren. Knap
Onze nieuwe IPC Unit gaat over ‘Speelgoed’. De kinderen vertellen:
Abel: Het was leuk om over het ‘Atelier van de Speelgoedmaker’ te
- Great education for our children! -
Annabelle: Er was opeens een sleutel. De deur van de gang zat op slot. In
de klas stond een pakket waar we speelgoed mee mochten maken.
Luuk: Het was leuk dat we speelgoed mochten bedenken en maken.
Sara: Het was leuk dat we aan de kinderen van Ms Pam ons speelgoed
mochten laten zien en zij ook aan ons. Ook kregen we nog snoep van de
Tony: We mochten ons lievelingsspeelgoed meenemen naar school en
daar een ‘gezocht’poster van maken.
Mona: Het was leuk dat we over speelgoed van vroeger leerden en het
speelgoed van onze ouders hebben gezien.
Thomas: We spelen spelletjes in de klas en met een paar jongens heb ik
een hoge kapla toren gebouwd.
Naar de kinderen van groep 3 luisterend zou je bijna denken dat het
schooljaar al voorbij is…
Dylan: We zijn klaar met schrijven.
Roy: Ja, we hebben alle letters geleerd.
Jill: Maar nu leren we aan elkaar schrijven.
Klaas: We hebben ook alle woordjes al geleerd.
Inderdaad, we hebben alle letters en alle sleutelwoorden geleerd. Nu gaan we sleutelen met die
sleutelwoorden en zo breiden we onze kennis van woorden uit.
In de wekelijkse ‘Leerdoelen mail’ staat verder precies aangegeven welke doelen we wekelijks proberen
te behalen en waar we ons dus mee bezig houden in groep 3/4.
- Great education for our children! -