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Né en Estrémadure, il apprend son métier à Séville, où il réside la majeure partie de sa vie. En réalisant d'importantes commandes pour divers ordres religieux, cet interprète de la Contre-Réforme développe une ouvre d'exception, où la représentation du sacré mêle la vision extatique des mystiques au réalisme d'une expérience essentiellement humaine. Après son passage à la cour madrilène, son style atteint sa pleine maturité dans les commandes monastiques de la fin des années 30. Par ailleurs, en réponse au goût contemporain, il exporte ses peintures, dont les fastueuses saintes martyres produites en série, vers les vice-royautés du Nouveau Monde. L'artiste finira ses jours à Madrid, où il livre une peinture dévotionnelle de format plus réduit, de nature plus douce et intimiste. Tenu pour l'un des plus grands peintres du Siècle d'or espagnol, Zurbarán se distingue par la rigueur de ses compositions, l'expression fervente du sentiment religieux, l'ordonnance dépouillée de ses natures mortes et l'attention portée aux objets du quotidien, dans leur émouvante simplicité. Zurbarán est à la fois un produit de son époque et un artiste singulier, dont la puissance du langage plastique exerce une fascination intacte. Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664) is een iconische schilder van de Spaanse barok. Hij komt uit Extremadura, maar leerde het vak in Sevilla. Daar bracht hij het grootste deel van zijn leven door. Meer dan één religieuze orde vertrouwde hem grote opdrachten toe. Zijn uitzonderlijke oeuvre vertolkt het gedachtegoed van de contrareformatie. Zoals hij het heilige voorstelt, is er geen scheiding tussen mystieke extase en de alledaagse menselijke ervaring. Zijn stijl kwam tot volle wasdom in de monastieke opdrachten van eind jaren 1630, na een verblijf aan het hof in Madrid. Inspelend op de smaak van zijn tijd exporteerde hij zijn werken ook naar de Spaanse onderkoninkrijken in de Nieuwe Wereld. Het ging daarbij onder meer om serieproductie van prachtig uitgedoste heilige martelaressen. De laatste jaren van zijn leven bracht Zurbarán door in Madrid. Zijn werken uit deze periode zijn meer op de persoonlijke devotie gericht en daarom kleiner, zachter en inniger. Strakke composities, religieuze vurigheid, sober geordende stillevens en aandacht voor de roerende eenvoud van alledaagse voorwerpen kenmerken het oeuvre van deze kunstenaar, een van de grootste schilders van Spanjes Gouden Eeuw. Zurbarán is tegelijk het product van zijn tijd en een zeer persoonlijk kunstenaar met een plastisch idioom dat nog steeds fascineert. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Expo: 29/1/2014 - 25/5/2014, Bozar, Brussels [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | NL ed. & French editions 315 x 235 mm | 272 p | 130 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300354 (NL ed) | ISBN: 9789462300361 (Fr ed) | € 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 47,12 [INT]| Feb. 2014 | 4 ANCIENT ART Géricault Fragmenten van mededogen Images of Life and Death Gregor Wedekind (Ed.). Essays by B. Chenique, B. Fornari, C. Quétel, G. Wedekind In plaats van een klassieke overzichtstentoonstelling werd gekozen voor bepaalde thema's zoals de menselijke strijd, het gevecht met de andere evenals met zichzelf, de worsteling om los te komen van gelijk welke beklemming ook, het portret als ondervraging van de mens en zijn bestemming en de waanzin als metafoor voor de totale vrijheid van de geest, die gedoemd is om te worden opgesloten. Deze onderwerpen worden zowel geduid in het oeuvre van de kunstenaar als in de geest van zijn tijd. This beautifully illustrated volume presents the French Romantic painter Théodore Géricault in a fascinating new light: through his works that addressed the physical and psychological torments of contemporary life. It includes four essays by eminent Géricault scholars. Expo: 22/2/2014 - 25/05/2014, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent [G] Hirmer Verlag | Hardback | NL ed. & Eng. eds | 270 x 220 mm | 224 p | 165 col.ill. | I SBN: 9783777421476 (NL) | 9783777420684 (Eng)| € 39,90 [BE] / € 39,90 [NL] / € 39,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Les Fêtes Galantes Watteau, Boucher, Fragonard Sous la direction de Christoph Vogtherr & Mary Travener Holmes Les Fêtes galantes mettent en symbiose plusieurs éléments : décors à la végétation très luxuriante, tantôt imaginaires, tantôt réels ; mise en scène du sentiment amoureux par la présence de danseurs, dames ou bergers idéalisés s'adonnant à des divertissements de société ou à des confidences. À cela s'ajoute une recherche d'élégance et de raffinement, caractéristique de l'esprit rococo du siècle des Lumières, grâce notamment à l'utilisation simultanée des lignes courbes et des couleurs claires. Expo: 14/3/2013 - 21/7/2014, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | French ed. | 290 x 240 mm | 240 p | 130 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789462300453 | € 44,95 [BE] / € 44,95 [NL]/ € 42,41 [INT]| Feb. 2014 The All-Knowing Buddha A Secret Guide Jan van Alphen, a.o. The set of paintings, what we refer to as the Antwerp album, forms the core of the current project. While initially they were thought to represent the life of the Buddha and some unknown tantric rituals, there is now scholarly unanimity about the fact that the life of the Buddha is just a small part of what the album represents. The major part deals with the meditation on the mandala of Sarvavid Vairocana, who is the central Buddha in the constellation of the five Dhyani Buddhas, or Meditation Buddhas. Expo: Sept 2014 - Feb. 2015, Rubin Art Museum, New York [BE] BAI | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789085866435 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] (CB)/ € 29,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 5 ANCIENT ART Disegno & Couleur Dessins italiens et français du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle Expeditie zijderoute Expedition silk road Reis naar het westen. Schatten uit de Hermitage Journey to the West. Treasures from the Hermitage Pavel Lurje, Kira Samosjoek Pavel Lurje, Kira Samosjoek Het boek presenteert de zeldzame schoonheid van vondsten uit verdwenen steden, zoals muurschilderingen, boeddha's, kostbaarheden van zijde, zilver, glas, goud en terracotta, die zijn opgegraven door Russische expedities in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Ontdekkers die in de voetsporen traden van boeddhistische monniken, koningen en kooplieden. Nu treedt de lezer in hun voetsporen en legt zelf de handelsroutes af, in een reis naar het Westen. Langs een wereld van onvermoede maar onvoorstelbaar prachtig This book presents the rare beauty of finds from vanished cities: wall paintings, Buddhas and precious artefacts of silk, silver, glass, gold and terracotta. All recovered during Russian archaeological expeditions in the 19th and 20th centuries. By explorers who trod in the footsteps of kings, merchants and Buddhist monks. Now readers can tread in the footsteps of these archaeological pioneers and follow the same trade routes to the West. On a journey through a world of unexpected and unbelievably splendid Expo: 1/3/2013 - 5/9/2014, Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam [NL] De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage | Paperback | NL & Eng. editions | 280 x 240 mm | 335 p | ISBN: 9789078653462 (NL ed) | ISBN: 9789078653479 (Eng. ed) € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 35,95 [INT]| March 2014 Cette prestigieuse collection réunit principalement des dessins de l'école hollandaise, mais aussi une mosaïque d'oeuvres graphiques italiennes et françaises moins connues et étudiées. C'est parmi ces dernières qu'a été sélectionné un florilège de dessins d'artistes qui ont travaillé à Florence, Bologne, Rome, Venise et Paris, les bastions de l'art de l'époque. Nederlandse editie: ISBN 9788836623723 Expo: 25/02-18/05/2014, Disegno & Couleur Italiaanse en Franse tekeningen van de 16de tot de 18de eeuw Een uitgelezen selectie met kunstenaars, die werkzaam waren in de toenmalige artistieke centra bij uitstek zoals Florence, Bologna, Genua, Rome, Venetië en Parijs. De keuze loopt van de 16de tot de 18de eeuw en omvat vele nooit eerder tentoongestelde bladen, die door de Koninklijke Musea zijn verworven door aankoop en schenking zoals de collectie van Jean de Grez (in 1913) en de collectie van Alla en Bénédict Goldschmidt (in 1990). Expo: 25/02-18/05/2014, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België / Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts de Belgique, Brussels [IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | NL ed. | 297 x 240 mm | 256 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836623723 (NL ed) | ISBN: 9788836623716 (Fr ed) | € 34,00 [BE] / € 35,95 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT]| Dec. 2012 Velázquez: Las Meninas and the Late Royal Portraits Javier Portús Perez This book presents a complete survey of one of the key moments in the history of the Spanish court portrait, a period spanning the years 1650 to 1680. In 1650 Velázquez was in Rome, where he depicted members of the papal court with a new freedom of approach, while the following year saw his keenly awaited return to Spain, where he returned to the conventions of the court portrait. Expo: 8/10/13 - 9/2/2014, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 270 mm | 176 p | 83 col.ill. | 9 bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500970584 | € 51,50 [BE] / € 51,50 [NL] / € 51,50 [INT] | Jan. 2014 6 ANCIENT ART Paolo Veronese Dutch & Flemish Drawings Chiaroscuro Woodcuts Alessandra Zamperini At the Victoria and Albert Museum Masterpieces of Renaissance Printmaking Here is a glorious survey of the work of Paolo Veronese (15281588), one of the most prolific and successful painters of the Italian late Renaissance. Together with Titian and Tintoretto, he is associated with some of the greatest Venetian art of the 16th century. Known for his enormous feast scenes, frescoes and ceiling paintings, Veronese refined the use of colour to enhance his illusionistic effects: he has been called the greatest colourist who ever lived. Expo: 19/3/2014 - 15/6/2014, National Gallery, London The V&A's collection of over 800 Dutch and Flemish sheets, made between the fifteenth and the end of the nineteenth centuries, is the largest in England after that of the British Museum. It includes masterpieces by Rembrandt, Rubens and Van Dyck, as well as designs for tapestries, stained glass and prints, and portraits and topographical views. This systematic catalogue presents 7 years of research by two of the leading authorities in this field. It also includes an essay on the history of the collection. During the sixteenth century a revolutionary printing process was developed in Northern Europe, allowing artists to produce colour effects never before seen in printed media. The chiaroscuro woodcut added tonal blocks to the black line block to create the interplay of light and dark chiaroscuro the word that came to define the technique. This beautiful volume brings together 120 masterpieces of the chiaroscuro woodcut technique, examining the fascinating history of the medium and showing its spread. Expo: 15/3/2014 - 8/6/2014, Royal Academy, London [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 326 x 270 mm | 352 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500093832 | € 87,50 [BE] / € 87,50 [NL] / € 87,50 [INT]| March 2014 [UK] V & A Museum | Set of 2 hardback Volumes | Eng. ed. | 287 x 247 mm | 320 p | 1000 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781851777877 | € 275,00 [BE] / € 275,00 [NL] / € 275,00 [INT]| June 2014 [firm only] [UK] Royal Academy | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9781907533631 | € 58,50 [BE] / € 58,50 [NL] / € 58,50 [INT]| March 2014 Leonardo Da Vinci: Anatomist The Hermitage 250 Masterpieces Introduction by Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky For 250 years the State Hermitage has been one of Europe's most palatial museums. The Hermitage collections were developed beginning in 1764 by Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, and now encompass more than three million works of art and artifacts displayed within a spectacular architectural ensemble, the heart of which is the famed Winter Palace. / [US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 247 x 222 mm | 272 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847842094 | € 46,50 [BE] / € 46,50 [NL] € 46,50 [INT]| April 2014 7 Leonardo daVinci was one of the greatest anatomists ever to have lived. He dissected more than thirty human corpses in order to explore every aspect of anatomy and physiology. His findings are recorded in drawings of unparalleled beauty and lucidity, as well as in notes that bear witness to his astonishing insights into the subject. This book presents 87 of the finest of these documents the largest showing of Leonardos anatomical studies there has ever been with a full discussion of their anatomical content [UK] Royal Collection | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 210 mm | 256 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781909741034 | € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL] / € 27,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Now in paperback ART HISTORY Expo: 19/3/2014 - 1/9/2014, Museum M, Leuven Met GRATIS ticket voor de tentoonstelling !, Ticket d'entrée pour l'expo inclus Ravage Ravage Kunst en Cultuur in tijden van conflict Art et culture en période de conflit Onder leiding van Jo Tollebeek & Eline Van Assche Sous la direction de Jo Tollebeek & Eline Van Assche In 2014 organiseert M - Museum een tentoonstelling met als centraal thema het lot van het artistieke en culturele erfgoed in tijden van conflict. De herdenking van het uitbreken van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en de brand van de universiteitsbibliotheek van Leuven in 1914 vormen hiervoor een uitstekend uitgangspunt. De gebeurtenissen in Leuven zijn de perfecte illustratie van het feit dat cultuurgoederen, al evenzeer als soldaten en onschuldige burgers, in tijden van conflict het slachtoffer van het oorlogsgeweld worden. Zo speelden, nog lang voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog, vernielde steden, beschadigde gebouwen en monumenten, gestolen kunstwerken en boekverbrandingen een dramatische rol in conflictperiodes. Ook vandaag nog blijven misdaden tegen de kunst meer dan ooit een realiteit. Daarom wil deze tentoonstelling de bespiegelingen van hedendaagse kunstenaars confronteren met die van kunstenaars uit het verleden. Ook vandaag nog blijven misdaden tegen de kunst meer dan ooit een realiteit. Het werk wil de impact van gewapende conflicten op het artistieke werelderfgoed volgen, vanaf de Trojaanse Oorlog tot de recente conflicten in het Midden-Oosten. Zo kunnen bespiegelingen van hedendaagse kunstenaars worden geconfronteerd met die van kunstenaars uit het verleden. En 2014, le M Museum propose une exposition avec pour thème central le sort du patrimoine artistique et culturel en période de conflit. La commémoration du début de la Première Guerre mondiale ainsi que l'incendie de la bibliothèque universitaire de Louvain en été 1914, s'y prêtent particulièrement. Les évènements de Louvain illustrent parfaitement le fait qu'en période de conflit, les biens culturels, tout autant que les soldats et les innocents citoyens, souffrent de la violence belliqueuse. Ainsi, même bien avant la Première Guerre mondiale, les villes dévastées, les bâtiments et monuments dégradés, les oeuvres d'art pillées et les autodafés de livres jouaient un rôle dramatique en période de conflit. Aujourd'hui, les crimes contre l'art restent, plus que jamais, une réalité. De ce fait, cette exposition se propose de mettre en présence les réflexions d'artistes contemporains et d'artistes du passé. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | Dutch (NL), French and Eng. editions | ed. | 305 x 255 mm | 352 p | 230 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789462300422 (NL ed)| ISBN: 9789462300439 (Fr.ed) ISBN: 9789462300446 (Eng. ed) € 59,95 [BE] / € 59,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 56,56 [INT]| March 2014 8 ARCHAEOLOGY The Viking Ship Gareth Williams In the ninth and tenth centuries, the Vikings created an unrivalled cultural network that spanned four continents. Adventurers, farmers, traders, conquerors and sailors, the Vikings were both peaceful and fierce, fighting or bargaining their way through as far as Constantinople in the East, North America and Greenland in the North, the British Isles in the West as well as into the Mediterranean. This beautifully illustrated book explores the core period of the Viking Age. Expo: 06/03/2014 - 22/06/2014, British Museum, London The Viking ship is one of the most iconic images of the Viking Age. As well as including well-known vessels such as the spectacular ship-burials from Gokstad and Oseberg in southern Norway, Viking Ships introduces the newly-conserved Roskilde 6 ship from Denmark. Measuring at over 37 metres, this is the longest Viking ship ever discovered and will form the core of the touring exhibition Vikings: life and legend.. This book will explore the evolution of their sea-going vessels. [UK] British Museum | Paperback | Eng. ed. , 289 x 245 mm | 288 p | 320 col.ill. | 320 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9780714123370 | € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL] / € 36,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [UK] British Museum | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 170 mm | 96 p | 50 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780714123400 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Runes Le bivouac de Napoléon Ancient Lives, New Discoveries Martin Findell Ce sont autant d'éléments de campement (utilisés pour le coucher, le repas, la toilette ou encore le travail), d'éléments de contexte et de connaissances (documents d'archives ou brevets d'inventions) ou encore de documents iconographiques et oeuvres picturales (dont 5 grands tableaux d'histoire de Mongin, Lejeune ou encore Roehn) qui offriront dans cet ouvrage une vision la plus complète possible de la vie des bivouacs de Napoléon, les soirs de victoire comme de défaite. Expo : 13/02/14 - 12/05/14, Palais Fesch - Musée des Beaux Arts, Ajaccio The Science of Mummies Vikings Life and Legend Gareth Williams & Peter Pentz From late antiquity through to the early middle ages, people across north-western Europe were inscribing runes on a range of different objects. Once identified and interpreted by experts, runes provide us with invaluable evidence for the early Germanic languages including English, Dutch, German and the Scandinavian languages and reveal a wealth of information about our early civilisations. Runes employ many techniques from informal scratchings to sophisticated inlaid designs or exquisite relief carvings. [UK] British Museum | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. , 210 x 147 mm | 112 p | 30 col.ill. | 30 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9780714180298 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [IT] Silvana | Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 120 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836628032 | € 15,00 [BE] / € 15,90 [NL] / € 15,00 [INT]| Jan. 2013 9 John H. Taylor, Daniel Antoine In recent years, British Museum curators have collaborated with scientists and medical experts to explore non-invasive imaging techniques and other scientific approaches to further study Egyptian mummies. Piecing together key biographical data and information, it has been possible for the first time to discover more about who these people were in ancient Egyptian society. Eight significant mummies are explored, each carefully selected to tell a different story, covering a period of over 4000 years. Expo: 22/05/2014 - 30/11/2014, British Museum, London [UK] British Museum | Paperback | Eng. ed. , 254 x 228 mm | 112 p | 225 col.ill. | 225 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9780714119120 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| May 2014 ART HISTORY Illusion Confusion L'art belge entre rêves et réalités The Wonderful World of Optical Deception Chefs d'oeuvres du musée d'Ixelles This comprehensive survey of optical illusions includes an astonishing range of images from ancient times to the present. Covering illusions of depth, inversions, vibration effects, ambiguous figures, camouflage, anamorphic art, tessellations and other brain-teasing illusions, it presents examples from psychology, the popular press, the decorative arts, contemporary street art and the fine arts. M. C. Escher, Picasso, Vasarely, Magritte, Liu Bolin, Jos de Mey and other artists are generously represented. Le thème retenu pour cette exposition itinérante entre la Suisse et la France est un panorama de l'art belge des 150 dernières années, à travers la présentation des principales tendances de son histoire. Avec des oeuvres de Pierre Alechinsky, Paul Delvaux, James Ensor, Jan Fabre, René Magritte, Théo van Rysselberghe, e.a. Organisé en sections thématiques destinées, ce parcours permettra de découvrir les épisodes majeurs. Expo: 8/3/2014 - 1/6/2014, Musée des Beaux arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds et de Juin à Oct. 2014 au Espace Bellevue de Biarritz [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9780500291313 | € 27,50 [BE] / € 27,50 [NL] / € 27,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Jean Dypréau Le point de vision. Ecrits sur l'art Les écrits de Jean Dypréau ont été rassemblés et transcrits par Simon Delobel Le Point de vision réunit tous les écrits critiques sur l'art de Jean Dypréau (1917 1986) - car il était aussi aussi poète et peintre - publiés au cours de son existence sur de multiples supports, de modestes brochures à des livres luxueux, sans oublier les très nombreux catalogues d'exposition auxquels il contribua généreusement. Expo: 14/03/2014 - 06/07/2014 [IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 240 x 230 mm | 176 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788836628186 | € 25,00 [BE] / € 26,50 [NL] / € 25,00 [INT]| March 2013 50 Art Movements You Should Know Rosalind Ormiston The latest volume in this beautifully produced and affordable series introduces readers to the major developments in the history of modern art from Realism to the New Leipzig School. [UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 240 x 193 mm | 144 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348803 | € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL] / € 21,00 [INT]| April 2014 [BE] Editions Marot | Hardback | French ed. | 240 x 165 mm | 512 p | several bw ill. | ISBN: 9782930117256 | € 38,95 [BE] / € 38,95 [NL] / € 36,75 [INT]| Oct. 2013 10 MODERN ART Michel Seuphor Sergio Servellon Michel Seuphor (pseudoniem van Fernand-Louis Berckelaers, Antwerpen, 1901Parijs, 1999) is één van de sleutelfiguren uit de kunstscène van het interbellum. Naast zijn literair oeuvre bouwde hij tevens een aanzienlijke carriere als beeldend kunstenaar. Het FeliXart Museum brengt een overzicht van zijn plastisch werk, dat naast tekeningen, collages en assemblages, ook uit toegepaste kunst bestaat, opnieuw onder de aandacht. Expo: 17/11/2013 - 09/03/2014, FelixArt Museum, Drogenbos [BE] Pandora | Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 240 x 240 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253687 | € 39,00 [BE] / € 39,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 36,79 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Redécouverte du Surréalisme Herontdekking van het Surrealisme André Garitte In deze publicatie komen het surrealisme en zijn uitlopers aan bod. Het surrealisme wordt in deze publicatie benaderd vanuit de surrealistische kunstenaars als aparte figuren. In deze publicatie komt werk aan bod van o.a. René Magritte, Paul Delvaux, Felix Labisse, Marcel Mariën, ELT Mesens, Pol Bury, Rachel Baes,... Expo: 22/2/2014 - 14/9/2014, Huis Magritte, Jette [BE] Pandora | Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. | 297 x 245 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253694 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 37,10 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Eugeen Van Mieghem Jef Van Grieken 1875-1930 Antwerpen De zuivere lijn / La ligne pure / The clear line. Catalogue raisonné Erwin Joos De laatste jaren wordt het werk van de Antwerpse havenkunstenaar Van Mieghem internationaal herontdekt door tentoonstellingen o.a. in Barcelona, Londen, New York, Parijs, Amsterdam en Berlijn. Dit is mede te danken aan auteur en conservator Erwin Joos van het Eugeen Van Mieghem Museum in Antwerpen die sinds '82 het oeuvre bestudeert. Dit is zijn eerste boek gewijd aan de grootste Van Mieghem collectie ter wereld: het Stedelijk Prentenkabinet van Antwerpen dat niet dan 610 werken van deze kunstenaar bezit. In deze overzichtscatalogus wordt een oeuvre getoond dat zich ontvouwt in grafisch raffinement. Bovendien staan alle etsen en ex-librissen er in afgebeeld die Jef Van Grieken vanaf 1972 tot nu heeft gerealiseerd. Expo: March 2014 - May 2014, Museum Jacob Smits, Mol [BE] Pandora | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 192 p | 330 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253588 | € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL] / € 49,00 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [BE] BAI | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 272 p | 460 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789085864721 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 31,75 [NL] / € 29,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Herdruk 11 MODERN ART Brancusi, Rosso, Man Ray Framing Sculpture Peter van der Coelen, Francesco Stocchi In een tentoonstelling waarin de relatie tussen beeldhouwkunst en fotografie centraal staat, brengt Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen werk samen van drie internationale kunstenaars die bepalend zijn geweest voor de ontwikkeling van de artistieke praktijk in de 20ste eeuw: Medardo Rosso (1858-1928), Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) en Man Ray (1890-1976). Expo: 8/2/2014 - 11/5/2014, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam [NL] Boijmans van Beuningen | Paperback | Dutch (NL) & Eng. eds. | 230 x 170 mm | 256 p | ISBN 9789069182698 (NL) | ISBN: 9789069182704 (Eng) | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 33,96 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Odilon Redon L'oeil d'un collectionneur Arsenii Tarkovsky: Poems Raphael Bouvier, Margret Stuffmann, Jodi Hauptman Redon et Denis : Rêve, amour, sacré Artistic Kinship between Arsenii and Andrei Tarkovsky Odilon Redon's fantastic imagery, evoking the workings of the unconscious mind, has often seemed to be more closely aligned with the art of the 20th century than that of the 19th. Yet his highly symbolic visions of a dreamlike world have remained enigmatic and frequently misunderstood. This book explores Redon's life and work in full detail. Re-shaping our understanding of this intriguing artist and his career, seven prominent experts place Redon in the context of his own time. Expo: 2/2/2014 - 18/5/2014, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/ Basel [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 312 x 254 mm | 176 p | 125 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775737531 | € 49,80 [BE] / € 49,80 [NL] / € 49,80 [INT]| Feb. 2014 En 1896, Ambroise Vollard le célèbre marchand parisien de Cézanne, des impressionnistes et des nabis lance l'exposition « Les peintres graveurs » pour laquelle Bonnard conçoit l'affiche. Elle réunira l'ensemble des peintres nabis autour de leur passion de l'estampe. Aujourd'hui l'occasion est donnée, grâce à cette exceptionnelle collection privée choisi par le musée Bonnard, de dévoiler combien l'estampe fait partie intégrante du « programme» de chacun de ces artistes. Expo : 15/03/01-4-15/06/14, Musée Bonnard [IT] Silvana | Paperback | French ed. | 270 x 220 mm | 192 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836627813 | € 28,00 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 28,00 [INT]| Jan. 2013 12 Kitty Hunter Blair Andrei Tarkovsky is widely regarded as one of the most significant filmmakers of modern times. Fundamental to his practice are the poems that his father, Arsenii, created. They resonate through many of the films, and offer levels of meaning which lie undetected to the unknowing eye. For the first time this book presents not only accurate and beautiful renditions of these poems in English, but also a penetrating and illuminating presentation of the dynamic creative relationship between father and son . [UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 215 x 163 mm | 240 p | 40 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781849762496 | € 23,95 [BE] / € 23,95 [NL] / € 22,80 [INT]| May 2014 MODERN ART Andrew Wyeth Looking Out, Looking In Nancy Anderson and Charles Brock Gauguin Metamorphoses Starr Figura, Elizabeth Childs This volume explores the remarkable relationship between Paul Gauguins rare and extraordinary prints and transfer drawings, and his better-known paintings and sculptures in wood and ceramic. Richly illustrated with approximately 190 works in a range of mediums. It explores the artists radically experimental approach to techniques and his pivotal place in the history of art. Expo: 8/3/2014 - 8/6/2014, M.O.M.A., New York [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 230 mm | 264 p | 233 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780870709050 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 55,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Edgar Degas Drawings and Pastels Edgar Degas (1834-1917) was described as 'the most intelligent, the most demanding, the most merciless draughtsman in the world' by the poet and critic Paul Valéry. Through an examination of the artist's drawings and pastels, which exist in great number and variety, Christopher Lloyd examines the development of Degas's style and outlines the story of his life in the contexts of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 229 x 152 mm | 320 p | 238 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500093818 | € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL] / € 36,50 [INT]| April 2014 13 One of Andrew Wyeth's most important paintings, Wind from the Sea, a recent gift to the National Gallery of Art, is also the artist's first full realization of the window as a recurring subject in his art. Wyeth returned to windows over the next sixty years, producing more than 250 works that explore both the formal and conceptual richness of the subject. Spare, elegant and abstract, these paintings are free of the narrative element inevitably associated with Wyeth's better-known figural compositions. Expo: 11/5/2014 - 30/11/2014, National Gallery of Art, Washington. Published by D.A.P. [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 229 mm | 224 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781938922190 | € 51,50 [BE] / € 51,50 [NL] / € 51,50 [INT]| May 2014 MODERN ART Henri Matisse Richard Hamilton Malevich The Cut-Outs Edited by Mark Godfrey, Paul Schimmel and Vicente Todoli Edited by Achim Borchardt-Hume Edited by Karl Buchberg, Nicholas Cullinan and Jodi Hauptman Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is one of the leading figures of modern art. His unparalleled cut-outs are among the most significant of any artist's late works. When ill health first prevented Matisse from painting, he began to cut into painted paper with scissors as his primary technique to make maquettes for a number of commissions, from books and stained-glass window designs to tapestries and ceramics. Expo: 17/4/2014 - 7/9/2014, Tate Modern, London [UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 225 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849761307 | € 35,95 [BE] / € 35,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 33,95 [INT]| April 2014 This publication presents the first retrospective to encompass the full scope of Hamilton's work, from his early exhibition designs of the 1950s to his final paintings of 2011, exploring his relationship to design, painting, photography and television, as well as his engagement and collaborations with other artists. Hamilton is best known for his pivotal role in the birth of pop art. The book will also showcase the wider contemporary issues and political subjects in Hamilton's work. Expo: 13/2/2014 - 26/5/2014, Tate Modern, London_ Reina Sofia, Madrid [UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 240 mm | 352 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849762595 | € 42,95 [BE] / € 42,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 40,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 14 Russian-born Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935) was Russia's most influential avant-garde artist, a key figure in a succession of art movements in the early twentieth century. His style of severe geometric abstraction, which he called suprematism, was a precursor to the development of constructivism. This publication accompanies a unique retrospective of one of the founders of abstract art. The exhibition is unprecedented in its scope, and sheds new light on Malevich's career as a painter, printmaker and teacher. Expo: 16/7/2014 - 19/10/2014, Tate Modern, London [UK] Tate | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 220 mm | 256 p | 180 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849761468 | € 42,00 [BE] / € 42,00 [NL] / € 39,80 [INT]| July 2014 MODERN ART Asger Jorn Restless Rebel A key artist in the European post-war Avant-Garde, Asger Jorn worked within several, sometimes-conflicting art movements. He believed images to be of more fundamental importance than words, but wrote a host of books himself. This lavishly illustrated volume addresses the contradictions in Jorn's oeuvre as part of a deliberate artistic strategy, and presents the heterogeneity of his oeuvre as a significant feature. Expo: 28/2/2014 - 15/6/2014, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 288 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353579 | € 48,95 [BE] / € 48,95 [NL] / € 48,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Emil Nolde Retrospective Felix Krämer, with contributions by Max Hollein, Filx Krämer, Christian Ring and Aya Soika Known as a master of colour, Emil Nolde used many different types of media besides painting, including watercolor, drawing, and prints, to create works such as his numerous flower paintings and coastal landscapes. The book explores Nolde's expressionist painting technique and reexamines Nolde's motives as an artist, by looking at how his works were received and how this was shaped by the artist's image of himself. Expo: 5/3/2014 - 15/6/2014, Städel Museum, Frankfurt. Travelling to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 300 p | 355 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353357| € 69,95 [BE] / € 69,95 [NL] / € 69,95 [INT] | March 2014 ExpressionQisme en Allemagne et en Françe De Van Gogh à Kandinsky Expressionism in Germany and France From Van Gogh to Kandinsky This groundbreaking examination of the cultural exchange between early 20th century French and German artists illuminates new ways of understanding the development of Expressionism. Although the Expressionist movement is widely considered to have arisen out of a German aesthetic, it was actually as much a result of German artists exposure to artists living and working in France, such as van Gogh, Seurat, Gauguin, Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, and Braque. Cet ouvrage propose une relecture révolutionnaire des liens et des échanges culturels qui, au début du vingtième siècle, se sont noués entre les artistes français et allemands. Il éclaire d'un jour nouveau notre compréhension du développement de l'expressionnisme. On considère généralement que ce mouvement artistique trouve son origine dans l'Esthétique allemande, bien qu'en réalité il fut aussi tributaire de la découverte, par les artistes allemands, des travaux d'artistes actifs en France et qui ont nom van Gogh, Seurat, Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso et Braque. Expo: 07/2/2014 - 11/05/2014, Kunsthaus, Zurich | 8/6/2014-14/9/2014: Los Angeles County Museum of Art [UK] Prestel | Hardback | French ed. & Eng. eds.| 310 x 220 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353418 (Fr) | ISBN 9783791353401 (Eng) | € 69,95 [BE] / € 69,95 [NL] ( € 69,95 [INT]| June 2014 Degas / Cassatt Hammershoi and Europe Kimberly A. Jones Edgar Degas's influence upon Mary Cassatt has long been acknowledged, but her role in shaping his artistic production and in preparing the way for his warm reception in America is fully examined for the first time. These two major figures of the impressionist movement shared a keen observer's eye, as well as openness to experimentation. Despite differences of gender and nationality, they built a deep friendship based on mutual respect and admiration for each other's talents. Expo: 11/5/2014 - 5/10/2014, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC | [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. 273 x 241 mm | ISBN: 9783791353647 | 192 p | 140 col.ill. | € 48,95 [BE] / € 48,95 [NL] / € 48,95 [INT]| May 2014 Kasper Monrad This generously illustrated volume examines Hammershoi's work as a whole and in relation to the artists of his generation. Hammershoi's enigmatic paintings, with their rich and muted palettes, have always enjoyed enormous popularity in Scandinavia, and recently his work has received renewed attention across the globe. [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | 256 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353609 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 34,95 [INT]| April 2014 Now available in a paperback edition 15 CONTEMPORARY ART Berlinde 'e Bruyckere Edited by Angela Mengoni. With texts of Angela Mengoni, Emmanuel Alloa and Gary Carrion-Murayari "De Belgische kunstenares Berlinde De Bruyckere (geb. 1964) dankt haar bekendheid in de hedendaagse kunstwereld aan de heel vernieuwende wijze waarop ze de beeldhouwkunst benadert. Deze publicatie is de eerste monografie die aan De Bruyckere is gewijd. Ze gunt ons een definitieve en allesomvattende blik op de verscheidenheid van haar oeuvre van de voorbije twintig jaar. Het boek omvat de eerste sculpturen van De Bruyckere uit de jaren 1990, vooral bespiegelingen over de menselijke figuur gemaakt van was en wol, haar latere sculpturen met paarden die haar internationale faam verzekerden, evenals de fascinerende installatie die ze recent maakte voor het Belgische Paviljoen op de Biennale di Venezia (2013). De werken van De Bruyckere, die hier in meer dan tweehonderd fraaie illustraties worden belicht, zitten vol bevreemdende tegenspraken - ze zijn tegelijk uitnodigend en verwarrend, anatomisch en abstract. Dit boek is een onmisbare informatiebron over een kunstenares die met haar werken een provocerende en bepalende impact op de hedendaagse kunstcanon uitoefent." "L'artiste belge Berlinde De Bruckyere (née en 1964) est une star de l'art contemporain, dont la pratique innovante se focalise sur la sculpture. Cet ouvrage, la toute première monographie à lui être consacrée, propose un aperçu exhaustif et définitif de son oeuvre sur plus de vingt années. Il comprend ses premières sculptures des années 1990, méditations sur la figure humaine à base de cire et de laine, ses corps de chevaux qui lui ont valu la notoriété internationale, et l'installation envoûtante qu'elle a réalisée, en 2013, pour le Pavillon belge à la Biennale de Venise. Les oeuvres de De Bruckyere, présentées en plus de deux cents illustrations, sont pétries de contradictions - à la fois séduisantes et repoussantes, anatomiques et abstraites. Cette monographie est un livre-ressource sur une artiste dont l'oeuvre provocatrice constitue un apport décisif à l'art contemporain." L'ouvrage comprend deux essais philosophiques inédits dus au philosophe et théoricien Emmanuel Alloa et à l'historienne de l'art Angela Mengoni. Gary Carrion-Murayari a bâti pour sa part une réflexion sensible sur l'oeuvre graphique de l'artiste. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | NL ed. | 300 x 215 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300378 (NL) ISBN: 9789462300385 (Fr) ISBN:9789462300392 (Eng) € 64,95 [BE] / € 64,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 61,27 [INT]| May 2014 Expo: 18/10/2014 - 8/2/2015, SMAK, Gent 28/2/2015-28/6/2015, Haags Gemeentemuseum 16 CONTEMPORARY ART Michaël Borremans As Sweet as it Gets Ed.: Jeffrey Grove. Texts: Jeffrey Grove u.a., Design: Kim Beinaert Sinds hij zich eind jaren negentig volledig op kunst ging toeleggen, heeft Michaël Borremans (°1963 in Geraardsbergen, België) een opvallend rijp oeuvre opgebouwd dat internationale aandacht krijgt. De vervreemdende ruimten die hij in zijn schilderijen, tekeningen, sculpturen en films oproept zijn gebaseerd op een geheimzinnig gevoel voor ontwrichting en voor vaak verwarrende schoonheid. Met een complex palet en verfijnde technieken sluit Borremans' werk tegelijk aan bij een rijke erfenis van artistieke voorgangers, en is het sterk verankerd in het heden. Met reproducties van bijna tweehonderd werken die in een periode van veertien jaar zijn ontstaan, waarvan meerdere nog nooit eerder in boeken of catalogi werden afgedrukt, is deze publicatie het meest complete overzicht van Borremans' oeuvre tot nu toe. Naast een interview met de kunstenaar, bevat het negenenvijftig uiterst individuele bijdragen van schrijvers, curatoren, cineasten en muzikanten, die telkens over specifieke werken van Borremans schrijven. Depuis qu'il se consacre à l'art, c'est-à-dire depuis la fin des années 1990, Michaël Borremans (°1963, Grammont, Belgique) a produit une oeuvre d'une maturité frappante qui a très vite attiré l'attention internationale. Les espaces disparates qu'il imagine dans ses tableaux, ses dessins, ses sculptures et ses films se fondent sur un mystérieux sens de la dislocation et une beauté souvent troublante. Rendue au moyen d'une palette complexe et d'une technique virtuose, l'oeuvre de Borremans conjugue un riche héritage artistique d'éminents prédécesseurs avec un ancrage profond dans le présent. Près de 200 reproductions d'oeuvres réalisées sur une période de quatorze ans - dont certaines étaient encore inédites - illustrent cette vaste publication qui offre le panorama le plus complet à ce jour de l'oeuvre de Michaël Borremans. Outre une interview de l'artiste, cet ouvrage rassemble cinquante-neuf contributions hautement individuelles d'écrivains, de commissaires d'expositions, de cinéastes et de musiciens qui, chacun à sa manière, commentent une sélection de tableaux et de dessins. [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | NL ed. | 340 x 290 mm | 304 p | 196 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783775737708 (N) ISBN: 9783775737715 (Fr) ISBN: 9783775737692 (Eng) | € 49,80 [BE] |€ 49,80 [NL]/ € 49,80 [INT] | Feb. 2014 Expo: 22/2/2014 - 3/8/2014, Bozar, Brussels | 4/9/2014-31/1/201: Tel Aviv Museum of Art Price after 3/8/2014: € 55,00 17 CONTEMPORARY ART Jean-Michel Basquiat Niki De Saint Phalle (Reprint) Christiane Weidemann Rudy Chiappini (editor), Achille Bonito Oliva, ... Niki de Saint Phalle's biography reads like a bestselling novel: a difficult education, early fame as a fashion model, and family rebellion. Her earliest works, known as shooting paintings, were executed with a rifle and paint-filled bullets. She went on to explore women's identities through papiermache figures. As her reputation grew, so did her works. Her larger than-life Nanas could be entered and viewed from within. She created sculpture parks in Israel, Italy, and California, among other places. Features Basquiat's work from 1981-the year of his first official participation in the group exhibition New York/New Wave at PS1 of New York-to his premature death in 1988. Controversial cult artist, enfant terrible of the art world, friend of Haring and Warhol, youth idol and tragic victim of a heroin overdose, Jean-Michel Basquiat was a legend in his own lifetime. This publication provides an excellent overview. [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 193 mm | 128 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791349756 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] / € 13,95 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Skira | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 250 mm | 200 p | ISBN: 9788876242649 | € 51,50 [BE] / € 51,50 [NL] / € 51,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Reprint Andy Warhol Keith Haring The Complete commissioned Posters 1964-1987 Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the artist's birth, this book is the intended to be a faithful posthumous execution of the project. Containing a wealth of unpublished materials, and representing a decade of work and research, it promises to be the definitive book on the artist's life and work. Beginning with his very first collages and early subway tags through the development of the iconic graphic work now synonymous with his name, the bookfollows his meteoric rise to international stardom. This richly illustrated book catalogs all of Warhol's posters commissioned for a specific purpose and features original artwork. Arranged chronologically, they present a fascinating array of subjects, including cultural events, musicians, political campaigns, and iconic brands. Each of the posters is exquisitely reproduced, including some with multiple variations, and accompanied by informative texts and comparative illustrations. [US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 228 mm | 528 p | 600 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780847842988 | € 46,00 [BE] / € 46,00 [NL] / € 46,00 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 250 mm | 176 p | 175 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791349718 | € 48,95 [BE] / € 48,95 [NL] / € 48,95 [INT]| April 2014 18 CONTEMPORARY ART Elly Strik Ricardo Brey Ghosts, Brides & other companions Que le importa al tigre une raya más Ben Okri, Manuel Borja-Villel, Bart Verschaffel, Carlos Gamerro, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Victoria Noorthoorn & Beatriz Preciado Bart De Baere, John Welchman, Jimmie Durham, Sandra Sosa, Thomas Mießgang, Jesse McKee Strik's book is a fluent stream of images and words in a strong connection to each other where the look inside and the outside happens simultaneously. The images continue within a long historic artistic line of visionary artists who probe the tresholds of human essence. Strik's intense, poetic practice explores the possibilities of metamorphosis and the process of (artistic) creation. In conversation with aspects from El Greco, Goya, Darwin, Freud, Munch, Ensor or Duchamp her approach is archaïc in a higly alert way. The viewer will be confronted with energetically-charged apparations transmuted into shapes, portraits and figures on paper, now fixed as definitive states of being. Constantly shifting between monumentality and intimacy, her figures are a visual stimulation that prompt the viewer to rethink the human condition today. The book ties in the exhibition by Elly Strik in Museum Reina Sofia in Madrid and has over 250 color and 120 black and white images, three exclusive poems by Ben Okri , three essays by Bart Verschaffel, Beatriz Preciado, Carlos Gamerro and Victoria Noorthoorn, and a conversation between Elly Strik and art historian and writer Jean-Christophe Ammann. This book can be seen as the core - or at least a main synthesis - of the overall aspiration of Ricardo Brey for his upcoming project in Cuba. It has therefore been developed as a separate undertaking. While it is not an artist book in the traditional sense, it is definitively a project by an artist. Its ambition is to create a sense of the artistic space that Brey wants to offer, with a polyphony of voices and an immersive sphere in which a quality of behavior is of prime importance. It will offer an integral view of his oeuvre, in which the historical is integrated but the focus is on present validity. [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Paperback | Eng./ Span. ed | 310 x 240 mm | 288 p | ISBN: 9789491775352 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 33,02 [INT]| April 2014 Expo: 22/1/2014 - 26/5/2014, Reina Sofia, Madrid [BE] AsaMER | Hardback | Eng./ Span. ed | 300 x 220 mm | 296 p | ISBN: 9788480264839 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 33,02 [INT]| Jan. 2014 19 CONTEMPORARY ART Ysbrant Johan Creten Schilderijen-Paintings, 2002-2014 Gulden Snede Frank Herreman & Marc Ruyters Introduction: Oscar van den Boogaard Ysbrant is een schilder. Schilderen is het medium dat consequent zijn voorkeur geniet. Op het eerste zicht lijken zijn doeken een kluwen van figuren en objecten. Op het tweede zicht ontdekt men echter een ordening waarin die mensen en objecten, samen met wolken, lucht en water hun plaats krijgen om een verhaal te vertellen. Voor zijn 7e solotentoonstelling in galerie Transit realiseerde Johan Creten [°1963, Sint-Truiden] een reeks van dertien unieke wandwerken met als titel 'Gulden Snede'. De werken hebben iets mysterieus en mystieks in hun ogenschijnlijke eenvoud. Het zijn gebalde, geconcentreerde, handgevormde wandsculpturen in geglazuurd steengoed, op de rand balancerend tussen abstractie en suggestieve figuratie, tegelijk mannelijk en vrouwelijk. Oscar van den Boogaard schrijft over de nieuwe reeks. Expo: 2/2/2014 - 23/3/2014, Galerie Transit, Mechelen [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 295 x 235 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9789462300477 | € 39,95 [BE] / € 39,95 [NL] / € 37,69 [INT]| May 2014 [BE] Transit Gallery | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789081240727 | € 14,95 [BE] / € 14,95 [NL] / € 14,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Peter Halley. Since 2000 Todd & Fitch (incl. DVD) Nicolas Todd - Damien Fitch Essai par Jo Melvin Sylvain Alliot. Design: Speculoos L'iconographie des oeuvres de Peter Halley se nourrit de références à l'architecture mais aussià l'organisation sociale. Cette peinture est liée à notre expérience du quotidien : les codes géométriques - qu'on pense par exemple à la signalétique urbaine - ont envahi nos modes d'accès au monde jusqu'à s'y substituer ; le langage abstrait est utilisé comme un outil de représentation du réel. DVD en anglais uniquement contenant un présentation de et par l'artiste. Expo: 18/1/2014 - 18/5/2014 . DVD in English language., Musée d'art moderne Saint-Etienne Métropole Todd & Fitch, duo d'artistes français, est la réunion des artistes contemporains Nicolas Todd (1969) et Damien Fitch (1964), qui travaillent ensemble depuis le début des années 2000. Leur univers initialement abstrait, évolue peu à peu vers un champ plus narratif et s'empare des figures et des symboles du XXe siècle. Leurs oeuvres sont le fruit d'un travail extrêmement rigoureux, où la recherche de perfection et d'équilibre est une constante. Expo: 24/10/2013 - 7/12/2013, Galerie Agnès Monplaisir, Paris [BE] Vision | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 285 x 240 mm | 164 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789079881253 | € 50,00 [BE] / € 50,00 [NL] / € 47,17 [INT]| Dec. 2013 [BE] Occ. Publishers Belgium | Hardback | French ed. | 308 x 308 mm | 88 p | ISBN: 9782930487137 | € 40,00 [BE] / € 40,00 [NL] / € 37,74 [INT]| Jan. 2014 20 CONTEMPORARY ART Crossing China Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Heidi Voet Het oneindige en de tijdelijkheid One in Many Design: Studio Luc Derycke Heidi Voet's multi-disciplinary artistic practice is characterized by her playful and transformative use of objects to make critical social commentaries about everyday life. She transforms the banal into something wondrous. For one of her best-known series, Voet created elaborately patterned rugs by weaving thousands of colorful digital watches. The watches all have synchronized alarms, but inevitably malfunction and chime off beat over time creating an impromptu electronic sound installation. Seven selected poems by Antwerp-based artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (°1951), illustrated with some of the artist's original black and white pen drawings. [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Paperback | NL ed. | 260 x 200 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789491775437 | € 20,00 [BE] / € 20,00 [NL] / € 18,87 [INT]| April 2014 Land of the Rising Art Scene [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 200 mm | 140 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789491775253 | € 33,00 [BE] / € 33,00 [NL] / € 31,13 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Ghosts are Guests Jean-Pierre Ransonnet Myriam Hornard. Collection « Livres d'art » Une Biographie <Côté arts> Textes de Myriam Hornard, Jean-Philippe Uzel, François Liénard et Sabrina Parent Le travail de Myriam Hornard peut être défini comme une tentative artistique pour représenter, évoquer voire affecter le temps. L'impermanence des choses et des êtres les conduit à connaître des transformations de leur matière qui s'imprègnent dans notre mémoire où ils s'invitent à la manière de fantômes. Expo: 21/9/2013 - 26/10/2013, Centre d'art de la Ville de Dudelange Nei Liicht [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 112 p | 25 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873174170 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,00 [NL] / € 27,36 [INT]| Sept. 2013 Textes inédits de Julie Bawin et Roger Pierre Turine. dessins /// peintures /// photographies /// sculpture /// collages /// textes... la pierre /// les ciels /// les jeux /// les sapins /// la forge /// les forêts /// les visages-paysages /// le bleu /// les sapins rouges /// les paysages avec pont /// les personnages /// l'aide-mémoire /// le voyage /// le théâtre /// les paysages /// ça peint /// les outils /// les jardins /// les dessins, collages, gouaches et peintures satiricoérotiques /// les paysages d'Ardenne /// l'étang /// l'école /// ... [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 416 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873403478 | € 40,00 [BE] / € 40,00 [NL] / € 37,74 [INT]| Jan. 2014 21 Edited by Gérard Goodrow CROSSING CHINA introduces the highly fascinating art scene in China at the dawn of the 21st century. The book is conceived as a journey through the seven major cultural capitals of the rapidly changing People's Republic of China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Guangzhou. Each chapter introduces the major stakeholders in the interrelated fields of art, architecture and photography. [G] Daab Media | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 400 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9783942597128 | € 125,00 [BE] / € 125,00 [NL] / € 125,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Previously announced CONTEMPORARY ART Gerhard Richter A Brush with the Real Figurative Painting Today Georges Didi-Huberman, Dietmar Elger, Michiko Kono, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Dieter Schwarz, graphic design by Uwe Koch The companion volume to the large-scale exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler, featuring works on loan from collections in Europe and overseas . A Brush with the Real: Figurative Painting Today presents a dynamic new approach to figurative painting. By examining the work of a carefully curated collection of 51 contemporary artists, this book celebrates the unprecedented revival of figurative painting in its many new forms. Arranged in three thematic parts, this book reveals the background, tools, reference materials and media that inspire each artist to take figurative painting in new directions. We peer into painters' lives to witness the use of groundbreaking digital technologies, the building of large-scale sets and painstaking methods of preparing materials, all resulting in hugely complex and inspiring works. Over the sixty years of his artistic career, Gerhard Richter (* 1932 in Dresden) has produced a standardsetting oeuvre whose thematic and stylistic diversity has no equal among the art of our time. This extensive monograph is the first to present the complete range of the numerous works Richter realized as series, cycles, and spaces. It includes figurative paintings, such as landscapes, still lifes, and portraits, many of which are based on photographs, such as the series S. and Child, a personal and intimate variation on the traditional subject of the Madonna and Child. It also features abstract works, for which Richter draws from a changing repertoire of forms and colors to produce both small and monumental paintings. This generously sized volume reveals an astonishing spectrum of Richter's paintings in all of their dimensions and techniques. [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 216 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781780672830 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 36,00 [INT]| March 2014 Expo: 18/5/2014 - 7/9/2014, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/ Basel [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 315 x 280 mm | 256 p | 180 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775738057 | € 49,80 [BE] / € 49,80 [NL] (CB)/ € 49,80 [INT]| May 2014 22 CONTEMPORARY ART Jan Fabre: Stigmata Damien Hirst Actions & Performances 1976-2013 Relics Germano Celant Visual artist, choreographer, writer and director, Jan Fabre has been one of the most influential figures on the European scene for over twenty years. His provocative forays into all different art forms are aimed at breaking down the artistic and moral barriers of his times. Published on the occasion of the exhibition of Fabres works at the MAXXI in Rome, the monograph brings together, for the first time, the action art and performances of the Belgian artist from the 70s to the present: drawings, thinking models, collages, films, photos and other documentation that lay the groundwork for a rediscovery of dozens of Fabres performances and interventions, both public and private, held in Belgium and abroad. The extreme, even brazen exploration of the human body, which frequently scandalizes viewers, is linked to the idea of metamorphosis, which Fabre may have derived from that passion for the sciences he inherited from his great-grandfather, the esteemed entomologist Jean-Henri Fabre. Jan Fabre has devoted much of his career to studying the human body and its transfiguration, central themes in his work; the artist considers performance art a per-for-a(c)tion of the body with respect to the outer world: a way to explore its limits, actions and reactions, both inside and out. Published on the occasion of Relics, Hirsts first retrospective exhibition in Doha, Qatar, this richly illustrated book offers a different perspective on the work of one of the best-known artists working today. Tracing Hirsts career from his emergence on the art scene in the Young British Artists movement to his present status as one of the most controversial and highly regarded artists of his generation, the volume offers a complete overview on his wideranging practice, which includes installation, painting, sculpture and drawing, and challenges the boundaries between art, science and popular culture. The catalog gathers over one hundred works, combining historic oeuvres with more recent projects: from The Kingdom to The history of pain, from Pharmacy to For the Love of God, to the spot, spin and butterfly paintings. With an essay by Francesco Bonami, and an interview to the artist by Nicholas Serota, Director of Tate, the volume offers an original point of view on Hirsts oeuvre, thanks to the essays by the Qatari writer Sophia Al Maria and the Pakistani writer Mohsin Hamid. A unique contribution to our understanding and appreciation of Damien Hirst, whose works have become collective icons of our civilization. Expo: 10/10/2013 - 22/1/2014, Doha, Qatar Expo: 16/10/2013 - 23/2/2014, MAXXI, Rome [UK] Skira | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 260 mm | 296 p | ISBN: 9788857220741 | € 68,50 [BE] / € 68,50 [NL] (CB)/ € 68,50 [INT]| Nov. 2013 [UK] Skira | Hardback | Eng. ed. |297 x 210 mm | 512 p | 650 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788857221243 | € 94,00 [BE] / € 94,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 94,00 [INT]| April 2014 23 CONTEMPORARY ART Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Raoul De Keyser The Last Wall Jef Van Eynde, Piet De Keyser Based in London, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye has emerged in recent years as a major talent in the international art scene, winning widespread acclaim for her large-scale, luminous portraits. Working in a luxuriously dark, muted palette offset by bursts of radiant colour, Yiadom-Boakye paints subjects from her imagination, whose stories she sometimes elaborates through short fiction. Whether with a shy smile, leering, or evading one's gaze, Yiadom Boakye's subjects consistently confront the viewer with a beguiling sense of intimacy and the implication of larger, hidden life. This volume surveys the artist's remarkable career to date through beautiful, full-page illustrations. Also featured are two critical essays that assess the artist's practice and distinctive approach to portraiture, an interview with the artist, as well as short stories by the artist that give life to her paintings. The Last Wall is centred around the last exhibition project that painter Raoul De Keyser conceived on his studio wall. Due to the painter's untimely death in October 2012, the project never made it to the exhibition venue; Jef Van Eynde's pictures being the sole testimony, a tribute to this wonderful artist. This small volume, the sole exhibition. [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 170 mm | 40 p | ISBN: 9789491775284 | € 25,00 [BE] / € 25,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 23,58 [INT]| March 2014 Previously announced [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 128 p | 85 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791349671 | € 41,50 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL] (CB)/ € 41,50 [INT]| April 2014 24 HISTORY The First World War in Photographs De oorlog vanuit de lucht Professor Richard Holmes 1914-1918 Het front in België Birger Stichelbaut, Piet Chielens 100 jaar geleden barst in Europa de Eerste Wereldoorlog los. Luchtfotografie, toen een nog vrij nieuwe technologie, werd al snel een onmisbaar instrument. Dit uitzonderlijk boek brengt honderddertig cases samen. De auteurs tonen aan de hand van luchtfoto's, kaarten en historische documenten, met een nooit geziene precisie de omvang van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en de dramatische impact op het landschap. Verhelderende transparanten laten toe de luchtfoto's echt 'te lezen'. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | Dutch (NL), French and Eng. eds. | 245 x 295 mm | 352 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300248 (NL) ISBN: 9789462300255 (Fr) ISBN: 9789462300262 (Eng) | € 69,95 [BE] / € 69,95 [NL] / € 65,99 [INT]| La guerre vue du ciel 1914-1918 Le front en Belgique Birger Stichelbaut, Piet Chielens Une remarquable évocation photographique de la Première Guerre Mondiale, avec sa progression implacable et son pouvoir de destruction, vue du ciel au-dessus du champ de bataille flamand. 7KH*UHDW:DU6HHQ)URPWKH$LU ,Q)ODQGHUV)LHOGV The First World War in Photographs captures the patriotism and innocence of the men and women who volunteered for their countries, the reality of trench warfare on the Western Front, the sea battles in oceans around the globe, the terror of gas and mechanized weaponry, and the ultimate sacrifice of a generation. Published in association with the Imperial War Museums to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War. Imperial War Museums / Andre Deutsch [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 320 p | 400 bw ill. | ISBN: 9780233004198 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| June 2014 Avec 40 calques transparents Met 40 transparanten Dec. 2013 Mapping It Out An Alternative Atlas of Contemporary Cartographies Edited by Hans Ulrich Obrist. Introduction by Tom McCarthy Over 130 leading lights from different fields artists, architects, writers and designers, geographers, mathematicians, computer pioneers, scientists make sense of exterior and interior worlds through highly personal and imaginative maps and charts. Some have translated scientific data into simplified visual language, while others have condensed vast social, political or natural forms into concise diagrams. [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 270 mm | 240 p | ISBN: 9780500239186 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| May 2014 Mandela: A Film and Historical Companion A History Of The First World War In 100 Objects This official companion book to the major feature film Mandela: The Long Walk Home retraces the life of Nelson Mandela in a wholly original way, weaving together his own words and historic humanitarian efforts with cinematic narrative and exclusive behind-the-scenes content. It's a movie tie-in unlike any other: a lavishly illustrated mesh of fiction and history, featuring film stills alongside archival photographs of actual events; commentary from the acclaimed cast and filmmakers plus interviews... A History of the First World War in 100 Objects narrates the causes, progress and outcome of the First World War by telling the stories behind 100 items of material evidence of that cataclysmic and shattering conflict. Each object is depicted on a full page and is the subject of a short chapter that 'fans out' from the item itself to describe the context, the people and the events associated with it. In Association With The Imperial War Museum [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 241 mm | 160 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452128412 | € 31,50 [BE] / € 31,50 [NL] / € 31,50 [INT]| Nov. 2013 25 [UK] Cassell | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 246 x 189 mm | 448 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781844037445 | € 36,95 [BE] / € 36,95 [NL] / € 36,95 [INT]| March 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY Impressions of a Lost World Jimmy Nelson A Century of Chinese Photography 1860-1950 Before they pass away This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they-and we-hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory. Nelson's large-plate fi eld camera captures every intricate detail and fine nuance for posterity. What's more, this splendid pageantry is set against a vivid ackdrop of some of the world's most pristine landscapes. Impressions d'un monde disparu La Chine à travers d'anciennes photographies Ferdinand M. Bertholet & Lambert van der Aalsvoort. With an introduction by Régine Thiriez The flourishing of photography as a medium in the mid-19th century coincided with a rise in curiosity about China on the part of the Western world. As the number of foreigners living and traveling in China increased, early photographs of China were taken by and for an international audience. Impressions of a Lost World assembles 250 fascinating images of China in the second half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th, captured by the Western camera lens. The photographs portray the gritty side of the country as well as stunning views of palaces, temples, harbors, and gardens. This juxtaposition of the sordid and the serene provides a multidimensional picture of China's physical and social landscape before Mao Zedong's ascent to power changed the country forever. The photographs, many published here for the first time, are both beautiful and moving, and together offer a new understanding of a social and cultural history associated with a time of significant historical change. Les dernières Ethnies Avant qu'elles ne disparaissent Cet ouvrage, qui fera date, présente les cultures tribales de par le monde. Avec la mondialisation, une attention toute particulière doit être portée sur ces sociétés pour leurs styles de vie distinctifs, leur art et leurs traditions. Elles vivent en harmonie totale avec la nature, ce qui est devenue une rareté dans notre ère moderne. Jimmy Nelson ne se contente pas de nous présenter à l'aide d'images stupéfiantes les coutumes et les artefacts, il nous offre également des portraits saisissants de peuples qui sont les gardiens d'une culture qu'ils ont l'espoir, ainsi que nous, de transmettre dans toute sa gloire aux générations futures. L'appareil photo de Nelson capture, pour la postérité, le moindre détail dans sa complexité et dans toute sa nuance. Qui plus est, cet apparat splendide est mis en valeur sur un fond de somptueux paysages parmi les plus vierges. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 224 p | 135 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789462300224 (Eng) | 9789462300231 (Fr) | € 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 47,12 [INT]| April 2014 [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 370 x 290 mm | 424 p | 402 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832797591 | € 128,00 [BE] / € 128,00 [NL] / € 128,00 [INT]| Nov. 2013 -R/P Reprint. 26 PHOTOGRAPHY Ethiopia Footsteps in dust and gold Arjan van Dijk, Jos van Beurden. Photography: Arjan van Dijk Ethiopia is an amazing and mysterious country. People are moved by its rich nature, culture and history, which are linked both with the Western and Islamic worlds. Ethiopia is the home of coffee and khat, the place where the oldest human being in the world was found. It harbors the source of the Blue Nile in the west Sammy Baloji Mémoire / Kolwezi and numerous treasures of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Rock hewn churches and their relics lie hidden in the majestic mountainous landscapes of the north. Julius Mwelu Africalia & The Mwelu Foundation, Nairobi Sammy Baloji In de totale miserie van een arme, overbevolkte stad die maar weinig hoop biedt, hebben de fotograaf en zijn team rondgewandeld tussen de mensen, de plaatstalen daken en de plasticbussen, daar heeft Julius vooral kinderen en adolescenten gemotiveerd en gestimuleerd om de wereld rondom hen anders te bekijken. Nadat hun mentor hen had geleerd om de lens goed te gebruiken, hebben de jongeren de toestand in hun sloppenwijk met een begripvolle, maar ontegenzeglijk ook kritische blik bekeken. Africalia Editions In het zuiden van Katanga, één van de rijkste gebieden van Afrika, tevens het economisch hart van Congo, ontstonden er steden rond de koper- en kobaltmijnen. De verhouding tussen de mijnindustrie en de bevolking is hier bijna te vergelijken met de relatie tussen ouders en hun kinderen. Sinds een tiental jaar maakt Sammy Baloji foto's van de herinneringen, de hoop en de voorstellingswereld van die kinderen van de mijn. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 245 x 235 mm | 168 p | 80 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789058563965 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] / € 35,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 245 x 235 mm | 144 p | 100 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789058564030 | € 29,90 [BE] / € 29,90 [NL] / € 29,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 27 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 280 mm | 336 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564795 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Calvin Dondo Hodhii Zimbabwe Africalia Het belangrijkste talent waarover Calvin volgens de internationale scène beschikt, is dat zijn werken getuigen van het grote respect dat hij heeft voor de eigen identiteit van iedereen die hij op foto vastlegt. Als kunstenaar die ons het hedendaagse Zimbabwe laat zien, vertelt hij openlijk over zijn land en over de geschiedenis die erachter schuilgaat. Dit boek toont een nieuwe wereld waarvan het beeld een essentieel bestanddeel vormt. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 245 x 235 mm | 120 p | ISBN: 9789058564214 | € 29,90 [BE] / € 29,90 [NL] / € 29,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY & ETHNOGRAPHY Patriarchal Africa Facing Africa The Last Sunrise. Photo-chronicle of the Vanishing Life (incl. DVD) Kenny John Facing Africa is an intimate visual document of Sub-Saharan Africa's most untouched indigenous cultures. British photographer John Kenny has spent seven years visiting thousands of traditional communities: this book distills the journey into 45 powerful and illuminating portraits that represent his tireless curiosity for Africa, its people and for the human condition. As a result of five years of work, the photographs collected in this volume were taken in different countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Botswana, Morocco, Benin, South Soudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Namibia, Zambia, Uganda. The camera lens of Yastrezhembsky is focused on the scenes of patriarchal daily routine of Africans, who try to preserve their adherence to the traditions of their forefathers in everyday life, customs, and religion regardless of the rising pressure of globalization. [IT] 5 Continents | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 324 x 206 mm | 112 p | 45 duotone ill. | ISBN: 9788874396368 | € 41,50 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL] / € 41,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [UK] Skira | 2 Vol./Boxed | Eng. ed. | 312 x 210 mm | 736 p | 700 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788857219677 | € 160,00 [BE] / € 160,00 [NL] / € 160,00 [INT]| June 2014 Les Iapodes, peuple méconnu La dynamique des masques en Afrique occidentale Dynamics of masks in West Africa Collections du musée de Zagreb. Qui sont les Iapodes, ce peuple antique du Ier millénaire avant J.-C. vivant dans les régions montagneuses de la Croatie actuelle ? La civilisation iapode était caractérisée par un habitat au sein de villes fortifiées édifiées sur des sites situés en hauteur, par une économie fondée sur l'agriculture et l'élevage, et par la présence de nécropoles à inhumation. Au total, ce sont près de 200 objets sompteux en verre, en ambre, en bronze (monnaies, parures, outils, .) Expo : 14/03/14-14/9/14, Montpellier, Musée Henri Prades, Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, no. 175 Directed by Anne-Marie Bouttiaux De dynamiek van maskers wordt duidelijk wanneer ze tot leven komen en actief zijn in hun natuurlijk milieu, in tegenstelling tot het dodelijk statische keurslijf dat hen door de museumomgeving wordt opgedrongen. Gedragen door een menselijk wezen, dat hen energie inblaast, worden deze maskers omgetoverd tot enorme krachten, waarvan de gemeenschap die ze 'ten tonele voert' veel weldaden verwacht en wiens toorn ze vrezen. [IT] Silvana | Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836628063 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 30,80 [NL] / € 29,00 [INT]| March 2014 [BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA) | Paperback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 297 x 210 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789491615092 | € 45,00 [BE] / € 51,00 [NL] / € 48,00 [INT]| Dec. 2013 28 PHOTOGRAPHY Bruxelles Marie-Françoise Plissart Photography: Marie-Françoise Plissart. Texts: VIncent Cartuyvels Marie-Françoise Plissart zet vandaag haar onderzoek naar de stad verder vanop de torens. Hier komt het radicale karakter van haar aanpak tot uiting in het panoramisch beeldformaat, dat alles wil omvatten en de energie van de stromen tot uiting wil doen komen van de ene tot de andere rand van het beeldoppervlak. Bij een haast picturale behandeling van het stadsbeeld, vinden de beelden hun kracht in de botsing tussen volumes en banen, in de spanningen tussen kanteling en tegengewicht. [BE] Prisme | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 60 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9782930451121 | € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL] / € 39,50 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Bruxelles, Horizon Vertical Brussel, Verticale Horizonten Avec/ Met film de M.-F. Plissart: L'occupation des sols Foto's: Marie-Françoise Plissart. Teksten: Benoit Peeters Brussel, de hoofdstad van Europa zoals u ze nog nooit zag! Originele foto's van een stad vol verrassingen die haar oude allure heeft behouden en er als van nature de hedendaagse architectuur in integreert. Bruxelles, capitale de l'Europe comme vous ne Oasis Architecture traditionnelle de terre / Raw-earth Architecture Marie Schuiten, Marcelle Rabinowicz Entre photographie d'architecture et reportage sociologique, le travail de MARIE SCHUITEN nous révèle l'esprit de l'architecture vernaculaire. Elle ne cherche pas à reproduire l'évidence mais bien à nous transmettre l'essence même de cette architecture qui a touché de nombreux architectes à travers le monde. La photographe pose lentement son regard sur cette architecture de terre née au milieu du désert égyptien. Elle nous invite à partager sa passion pour ces villages abandonnés, à regarder ces formes do Expo: 29/01-13/04/2014, CIVA [BE] Arp2 Art & Research Publ. | Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. | 240 x 210 mm | 96 p | 144 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782930115276 | € 32,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL] / € 32,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Gilbert Fastenaekens: Correspondance -ReprintBruxelles d'un siècle à l'autre/Brussel van de ene eeuw naar de andere Gilbert Fastenaekens Herfotografie houdt in dat een nieuwe opname gemaakt wordt die correspondeert met een oudere foto, waarbij het originele gezichtspunt, de camera-instelling en andere parameters zoals het seizoen, het licht, de brandpuntsafstand . zo veel mogelijk gerespecteerd worden. Dit protocol, typisch voor de fotografie en toepasbaar op alle omgevingen, is een manier om bewuster te kijken naar 'vertrouwde' locaties - in dit geval de Brusselse landschappen. [BE] Arp2 Art & Research Publ. | Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. | 280 x 300 mm | 168 p | 144 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782930115153 | € 45,00 [BE] / € 47,50 [NL] / € 45,00 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Retirage - Herdruk 29 l'avez jamais vu! Des photos exceptionnelles d'une ville pleine de surprises qui a gardé ses allures d'hier et qui intègre l'architecture contemporaine tout a fait naturellement. [BE] Prisme | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 300 x 280 mm | 108 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9782930451138 | € 49,50 [BE] / € 49,50 [NL] / € 49,50 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Limited edition / Incl. DVD PHOTOGRAPHY David Helbich Belgian Solutions Belgian solutions is an ongoing, open collection of photos, which is mainly, but not only, presented on Facebook. It was started in 2009 by David Helbich, who's photos and title provide the core of the project. Since he opened it to the 'public', people responded massivly with own images. The collection is a random and endless publication, defined again and again by it's current constellation; its ubiquitous title, leading to ever new significations. [BE] MediuMER | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 130 x 170 mm | 302 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789491775130 | € 20,00 [BE] / € 20,00 [NL] / € 18,87 [INT]| Dec. 2013 -R/P Reprint. First published Oct. 2013 Juliao Sarmento 171 Entertainment Celebs This extraordinary glittering book by Portuguese artist Julião Sarmento brings together one hundred seventy one entertainment celebrities featuring mainly in contemporary cinema. [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle | | Eng. ed. | 105 x 138 mm | 168 p | ISBN: 9789491775338 | € 25,00 [BE] / € 25,00 [NL] / € 23,58 [INT]| Nov. 2013 Émilia Stefani-Law, White Days / Le Refuge Collection : Côté photo / Angles vifs Émilia Stefani-Law est née à Paris en 1979. Diplômée en photographie de l'École supérieure des arts visuels « Le 75 » (Bruxelles). Le Refuge (c'est ici, dans la tête) et White Days (l'Amérique, c'est là-bas), deux des séries les plus récentes d'Émilia Stefani- Law, témoignent du bel équilibre atteint par la photographe entre aplomb et fragilité. » (Em. d'A.) Expo : 06/12/2013-22/12/2013, Galerie La part du feu, Brussels [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. , 235 x 165 mm | 160 p | 90 col.ill. | 170 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9782873403430 | € 23,00 [BE] / € 23,00 [NL] / € 21,70 [INT]| Dec. 2013 30 Philippe Herbet. Lettres du Caucase. Collection : Côté photo Le désir de vagabonder dans les montagnes du Caucase était en moi depuis des années. C'étaient les décors tragiques de romans et de poèmes de Pouchkine, de Lermontov et de Tolstoï, tout un imaginaire. Le Caucase est une zone de tension entre l'univers complexe de la Fédération de Russie et l'Occident, d'enjeux géostratégiques liés aux hydrocarbures et à une tentative d'islamisation radicale de la mosaïque des petites républiques du Nord. Expo: 5/11/2013-31/12/2013, Galerie Contretype, Bruxelles [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | French ed. | 210 x 170 mm | 144 p | 90 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873403423 | € 23,00 [BE] / € 23,00 [NL] / € 21,70 [INT]| Nov 2013 PHOTOGRAPHY American Cool Capa in Color Dennis Hopper Joel Dinerstein, Frank H. Goodyear III Cynthia Young. With a contribution by Sally Stein The Lost Album-vintage Prints from the Sixties Famed photojournalist and founder of Magnum Photos, Robert Capa was primarily known for his black-and-white images. But after World War II he turned increasingly to colour, fulfilling assignments for a variety of popular magazines such as Life and Holiday. This volume reproduces Capa's colour images in a wide variety of forms including prints, magazine spreads, book jackets, and other ephemera. Expo: 24/1/2014 - 4/5/2014, International Center of Photography, New York Lying hidden away in Dennis Hopper's home until their discovery months after the artist's death in 2010, this collection of spectacular photographs, exhibited only once in 1969 - 70 at the Fort Worth Art Center Museum, is a testament to Hopper's prolific and enormous talent behind the camera. These photographs are spontaneous, intimate, poetic, observant, and decidedly political. Expo: 26/6/2014 - 25/8/2014, Royal Academy, London The idea of cool is not only older than we think - it's also constantly changing, aided by the mediums of portraiture and film. Readers will find unexpected and familiar faces here: Walt Whitman, Frederick Douglass, and Georgia O'Keeffe, as well as James Dean, Bob Dylan, and Chrissie Hynde. An extensive selection of one hundred chronologically arranged portraits, with biographical information about each subject, profiles major eras and movements of the past decades, each with its own brand of coolness. Expo: 4/2/2014 - 7/9/2014, National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 244 p | 583 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791353487 | € 48,50 [BE] / € 48,50 [NL] / € 48,50 [INT]| June 2014 [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 230 mm | 196 p | 135 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791353494 | € 48,95 [BE] / € 48,95 [NL] / € 48,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 255 mm | 208 p | 225 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353500 | € 56,00 [BE] / € 56,00 [NL] / € 56,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 David Lynch Viviane Sassen Taking Shots Tbe Factory Photographs Pikin Slee The Photography of William S. Burroughs Petra Giloy-Hirtz The exterior and interior, black and white shots of factories in Berlin, Poland, New York, England, and other locations are filled with Lynchian characteristics: labyrinthine passages, decaying walls, industrial waste, and detritus. Devoid of nature, the dying, manmade structures are actually being overtaken by nature's innate p ower. They are haunting cathedrals of a bygone industrial era - the perfect setting for a David Lynch film, and a revealing addition to his unique and fascinating oeuvre. Expo: 17/1/2014 - 6/4/2014, The Photographers' Gallery, London [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 260 mm | 220 p | 160 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791353333 | € 56,00 [BE] / € 56,00 [NL] / € 56,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Known for her unique approach to fashion photography, Viviane Sassen has taken yet another stylistic detour in her latest collection, which focuses on the inhabitants of a remote village on the Upper Suriname River. Sassen's lens captures the natural beauty of the very traditional way of living, where mundane objects can appear extraordinary against the background of nature's overwhelming presence. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 120 p | 60 col.ill. | 50 bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791349534 | € 41,50 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL] / € 41,50 [INT] | March 2014 31 This book, reproducing many previously unseen images, offers fascinating insights into Burroughs's photographic practices, as well as convincing evidence that his photographic work should be considered a significant aspect of his entire oeuvre. It includes portraits and self-portraits, location shots from his travels in Europe, the Americas, and North Africa, photographs of construction and demolition sites, and his individual and collaborative experiments with photomontage, assemblage, and collage. Expo: 17/01/2014 - 6/4/2014, The Photographers' Gallery, London [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 140 p | 35 col.ill. | 125 bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791348797 | € 42,00 [BE] / € 42,00 [NL] / € 42,00 [INT] | Jan. 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY The Weegee Guide to New York What is a Photograph? Women Photographers Roaming the City with Its Greatest Tabloid Photographers Carol Squiers From Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman During his storied career as the quintessential New York photojournalist, Weegee explored the city's least glamorous pockets. This unique guide offers a series of excursions through Weegee's stamping grounds, from the Bowery to Midtown, the West Side to the East, and with a little Brooklyn thrown in. Divided into eleven neighborhood sections, it includes contemporary and period maps to aid the intrepid explorer or casual rambler as they retrace Weegee's steps from murder scene to car wreck to street fight. [UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 230 x 130 mm | 432 p | 5 col.ill. | 265 bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791353555 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 34,95 [INT] | May 2014 This book presents a wide variety of artists among them James Welling, Christopher Williams, Uta Barth, Marco Breuer, Alison Rossiter, Parker Ito, Sigmar Polke, and Gerhard Richter - who have reconsidered and reinvented the role of light, color, composition, materiality, and subject in the art of photography. Brought together for the first time in book form, these individuals have found new ways of implementing both analog and digital technology, in many cases creating hybrid works. Expo: 24/01/2014 - 4/5/2014, International Center of Photography, New York [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 235 mm | 224 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791353517 | € 48,95 [BE] / € 48,95 [NL] / € 48,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 This comprehensive volume features sixty of the most important women photographers. Each artist is profiled in spreads featuring splendid reproductions of their key works and an in-depth overview of their careers and contributions to the art of photography. Biographical information for each subject and a contextual essay focusing on the impact of women in the history of the medium makes this an excellent illustrated reference. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 240 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348148 | € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL] / € 34,50 [INT]| April 2014 Richard Avedon Sze Tsung Leong Christine Turnauer Photographs 1946-2004 Horizons Presence American photographer Richard Avedon (1923-2004) received widespread acclaim for his images in which he captured stars with their "masks dropped" and their true colors revealed. He was also notorious for the pitiless way in which he created these moments. Through his legendary project In the American West, hundreds of his uncompromising portraits of common people became photographic icons. This large-format publication presents over one hundred of his most beautiful classic images. A widening of our horizons: in his Horizons series, the British-American artist Sze Tsung Leong (* 1970 in Mexico City) combines wide-angle photographs of landscapes from throughout the world that exhibit fundamental, formal similarities and rhythms by connecting them with a common horizon line. Unconventional juxtapositions allow the viewer to transcend distances and boundaries and to leap from the glacial lake of Jökulsárlón in Iceland to the tropical Indian Ocean, ... Christine Turnauer is a seeker, a wanderer between the worlds. She has been interested in the individuality and diversity of people since her childhood. On her extended journeys Turnauer tries to capture this moment of absolute presence in her photographs. Without artificial lighting and in front of a neutral, preexisting background, each one of her touching black-and-white portraits represents an irrevocable encounter. [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 326 x 254 mm | 192 p | 128 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775737982 | € 58,00 [BE] / € 58,00 [NL] / € 58,00 [INT]| April 2014. New edition [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 272 x 340 mm | 160 p | 145 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775737890 | € 68,00 [BE] / € 68,00 [NL] / € 68,00 [INT]| March 2014 32 [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 350 x 290 mm | 192 p | 91 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775737487 | € 49,80 [BE] / € 49,80 [NL] / € 49,80 [INT]| April 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY Henri Cartier-Bresson Here and Now Chéroux This lavishly illustrated monograph traces Cartier-Bressons development as a photographer, activist, journalist and artist. In addition to some of Cartier-Bressons best-known photographs, included here are many seldom seen or unpublished images and some rarities in colour as well as black-and-white. He became renowned for his penetrating portraits of the most prominent figures of his time, becoming, in the words of his biographer Pierre Assouline, the eye of the century. Expo: 12/02/2014 - 09/06/2014, Centre G. Pompidou, Paris [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 416 p | 500 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500544303 | € 65,00 [BE] / € 65,00 [NL] / € 65,00 [INT]| March 2014 The Street Photographer's Manual Afghanistan How to capture urban moments on phone, camera or SLR For thirty years, Afghanistan has known only war. Renowned Magnum photographer Larry Towell presents a moving and in-depth look at the country, whose citizens and landscapes are affected by conflict on a daily basis. Towell, a veteran conflict reporter, has also worked in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, and Israel. This work was shot between 2008 and 2011, offering a tour de force examination of survival, exile, loss, and recuperation. David Gibson The reader is then introduced to twenty of the most acclaimed international street photographers, among them Bruce Gilden, Alex Webb, Nils Jorgensen and Saul Leiter. Integrated within the profiles are twenty fully illustrated tutorials, including how to shoot a face in a crowd and how to train your eye to observe and capture the unexpected. This book shows you that being a street photographer is about looking for the luck. But luck requires inspiration and that is where this book is indispensable. Photographs by Larry Towell [US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 381 x 279 mm | 192 p | 350 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781597112666 | € 118,00 [BE] / € 118,00 [NL] / € 118,00 [INT]| July 2014 Only Firm sale [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 299 x 177 mm | 192 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500291306 | € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL] / € 21,50 [INT]| May 2014 The Bikeriders Rob Hornstra Sally Mann Danny Lyon The Sochi Project: An Atlas of War and Terrorism in the Caucasus Immediate Family Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen have been working together since 2009 to tell the story of Sochi, Russia, site of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. They have returned repeatedly to this region as committed practitioners of slow journalism, establishing a solid foundation of research on and engagement with this small yet incredibly complicated place before it finds itself in the glare of international media attention. Expo: , Fotomuseum, Antwerpen First published in 1992, Immediate Family has been lauded by critics as one of the great photography books of our time, and among the most influential. Taken against the Arcadian backdrop of her woodland summer home in Virginia, Sally Mann's extraordinary, intimate photographs of her children reveal truths that embody the individuality of her own family yet ultimately take on a universal quality. With sublime dignity, acute wit, and feral grace, Mann's pictures explore the eternal struggle . First published in 1968, The Bikeriders explores firsthand the stories and characters of the Chicago Outlaws Motorcycle Club. The journal-size title features original black-and-white photographs and transcribed interviews made from 1963 to 1967, when Danny Lyon was a member of the Outlaws gang. Authentic, personal, and uncompromising, Lyons depiction of individuals on the outskirts of society offers a gritty yet humanistic view that subverts the commercialized image of Americana. [US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 159 mm | 94 p | 48 duotone ill. | ISBN: 9781597112642 | € 32,50 [BE] / € 32,50 [NL] / € 32,50 [INT]| April 2014 [US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. |300 x 240 mm | 512 p | ISBN: 9781597112444 | € 72,00 [BE] / € 72,00 [NL] / € 72,00 [INT]| Nov. 2013 33 Reynolds Price [US] Aperture | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 88 p | ISBN: 9781597112543 | € 50,00 [BE] / € 50,00 [NL] / € 50,00 [INT]| March 2014 New edition PHOTOGRAPHY Expo: 6/2/2014 - 1/6/2014, National Portrait Gallery, London Bailey's Stardust Introduction by Tim Marlow Bailey's Stardust is a landmark exhibition of portraits by one of the world's most distinguished and distinctive photographers, David Bailey. Over 250 images, personally selected and printed by Bailey, will be presented thematically across a series of contrasting rooms and will illustrate the extraordinary range of subjects that he has captured throughout his career: actors, writers, musicians, filmmakers, designers, models, artists and people encountered on his travels; many famous, some anonymous [UK] National Portrait Gallery | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 254 mm | 272 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781855144521 | € 72,00 [BE] / € 72,00 [NL] / € 72,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Box of Postcards Bailey exposed Bailey's David Bailey For this exclusive collection of postcards, David Bailey, one of the worlds most distinguished and distinctive photographers, has chosen a selection of images from his archive some familiar, others previously unseen. This box of 36 portraits, reminiscent of Baileys acclaimed Box of Pin - Ups (1965), demonstrates the extraordinary range of people that he has captured during his long career; many of them famous, some anonymous, all of them unforgettable . Drawing on numerous interviews, some previously unpublished, and illustrated with many iconic photographs as well as unseen behind-thescenes images from Bailey's private archive, this book explores the man behind the camera. His outspoken and irreverent observations on life, death, women, style, fashion, sex, class, movies, the sixties, photography, Photoshop, cowboy boots and Hitler are as thought-provoking as they are revealing. [UK] National Portrait Gallery | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 36 p | ISBN: 9781855144910 | € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL] / € 21,00 [INT]| March 2014 [UK] National Portrait Gallery | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 160 x 125 mm | 160 p | 80 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781855144668 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 34 PHOTOGRAPHY Eve Arnold Retrospective edited by Dario Cimorelli This book is dedicated to Eve Arnold (Philadelphia 1912 - London 2012), one of the major photographers of the XXth century, as well as the first woman to become associated with Magnum Photos in 1951 and then a full member in 1957. Through one hundred and twenty-eight black & white and color photographs, we go through her long career, during which she was equally comfortable documenting the glamour of celebrities and Hollywood stars - among whom Marilyn Monroe, Joan Crawford, Liz Taylor, Marlene Dietr [IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Fr./ It. ed | 280 x 230 mm | 172 p | 172 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788836627936 | € 28,00 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 28,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 América Latina 1960-2013: Photographs Texts by Olivier Compagnon, Luis Camnitzer and Alfonso Morales Carrillo The exhibition offers a new perspective on Latin American photography from 1960 to today, focusing on the relationship between text and the photographic image. Bringing together more than seventy artists from eleven different countries, it shows the great diversity of photographic practices. This catalogue of the exhibition offers a vast panorama of the artistic production of the last fifty years. Including over 400 black-and-white and color reproductions Expo: 19/11/2013 - 6/4/2014, Fondation Cartier, Paris [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 194 mm | 400 p | 1500 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782869251045 | € 46,00 [BE] / € 46,00 [NL] / € 46,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Mirror & Pomegranate The Picture Collection Works from the private archives of Andrey Tarkovsky and Sergei Parajanov Taryn Simon Andrey Tarkovsky is considered by many to be one of the greatest filmmakers the world has ever seen. Although he made just eight feature films before his life was cut tragically short by cancer, at the age of 54, each is an artistic masterpiece and a major landmark in world cinema. This book presents a portfolio of polaroids produced in association with the Florencebased Tarkovsky Foundation archive, which is maintained by the filmmaker's son Andrey Tarkovsky. Taken in Russia and Italy between 1979 and 1984 The Mid-Manhattan Library houses 1.29 million prints, postcards, posters and images. Organized by a complex cataloguing system of over 12,000 subject headings, it is the largest circulating picture library in the world. This book highlights Simon's explorations into the historic archive, and also offers a newperspective on some of the greatest 20th-century artists, as she responds to previously unseen archival material, photographs and correspondence of artists such as Diego Rivera, Lewis Hine, ... Editions Cahiers d'Art [UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 145 mm | 88 p | ISBN: 9780955739477 | € 17,95 [BE] / € 17,95 [NL] / € 17,95 [INT]| March 2014 -R/P Text by Tim Griffin [UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 336 x 254 mm | 404 p | 58 col.ill. | 187 bw ill. | ISBN: 9782851171030 | € 124,00 [BE] / € 124,00 [NL] / € 124,00 [INT] | April 2014 35 Alexander Gronsky Pastoral / Moscow Suburbs In his photographic account Pastoral, Alexander Gronsky portrays the outskirts of Moscow: the places where humanity takes refuge to find solace far from the cities, colliding with urban expansion and frailty of nature. The space explored lives in between, suspended between the nothingness of the unknown and what stands on the other side. Gronsky is a landscape photographer with an incredible ability to capture natural scenes with an allegorical meaning: expanses and hills, spectacular lights, broad horizons Contrasto [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 260 mm | 112 p | 72 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788869654695 | € 43,50 [BE] / € 43,50 [NL] / € 43,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Taryn Simon Born in New York in 1975, Taryn Simon is at the forefront of contemporary photography practice. Her artistic medium is based around three equal elements, photography, text and graphic design, which combined investigate the limitations of absolute understanding, examining the gaps between each element and how this can lead to disorientation and ambiguity. Published in close collaboration with the artist, this brand-new book will provide a complete overview of her practice to date. [UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 150 mm | 216 p | 124 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849762359 | € 42,00 [BE] / € 42,00 [NL] / € 39,80 [INT]| July 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY Robert Mapplethorpe Jean-Baptiste Mondino Flowers Smoking Permitted Patti Smith Michel Mallard Among Mapplethorpe's "vintage" motifs -nudes, portraits, black people, New York homosexuals- flowers always had their place illustrating the artist's overall theme: sexuality stylized to still live. Smoking Permitted by Jean-Baptiste Mondino, grand maître of commercial photography, is a pointed provocation to political correctness reminiscing the days when smoking was not considered a suicidal vice but a cultural habit of elegance, coolness and allure. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 108 p | 50 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606783 | € 33,00 [BE] / € 33,00 [NL] / € 33,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 315 x 240 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606691 | € 88,00 [BE] / € 88,00 [NL] / € 88,00 [INT]| May 2014 Back to the Future Irina Werning We're all aware of getting older and may obsess over how our bodies gradually change with the years. Have you ever wanted to step back a few years and reconnect with a younger self? Would it be amusing or just plain creepy? Back to the Future is a book by Argentinean artist Irina Werning, who takes old pictures and then mimics them years later with the subjects dressed, styled, and posed exactly as they were in the original. The results are quirky and a fascinating insight into the aging process. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ Germ/ Span. ed. | 254 x 203 mm | 160 p | 144 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783832797263 | € 39,90 [BE] / € 39,90 [NL] / € 39,90 [INT]| May 2014 Brazil Tim Flach. Evolution Olaf Heine Stern Portfolio no. 74 A Brazilian proverb states, "Those who leave will take longing on their journeys." However, translating saudade with "longing" doesn't do the term justice. Olaf Heine's photographs convey impressions that are hard to put into words. Since 2010, the renowned portrait and fashion photographer has captured the soul of Brazil. Tim Flach has built an exceptional reputation for creating compelling images of animals that captivate and enthrall photography buffs and animal lovers alike. He combines artistic originality with an intuitive genius for capturing every creature's distinctive quirks and traits. As he puts it himself, his work explores "how we shape nature and how it shapes us." In doing so, we see how our perceptions affect the reality around us-highlighting the deep bond we share with other members of the animal kingdom. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 350 x 262 mm | 256 p | 150 duotone ill. | ISBN: 9783832798130 | € 79,90 [BE] / € 79,90 [NL] / € 79,90 [INT]| April 2013 [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 360 x 270 mm | 96 p | 58 col.ill. | 11 bw ill. | 45 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9783652001588 | € 18,00 [BE] / € 18,00 [NL] / € 18,00 [INT] | Dec. 2013 36 PHOTOGRAPHY John Cohen: Here and Gone Raymond Depardon: Manicomio Stan Douglas Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie & the 1960s Selected Madness John Cohen was a founding member of the New Lost City Ramblers, one of the folk revival's most authentic and respected musical groups. In the 1960s he made a series of photographs of the last years of Woody Guthrie's life, and early portraits of Bob Dylan on his arrival in New York, depicting two titans of American music at opposite ends of their careers. In the process, Cohen portrayed one of the great moments of American folk music history. "In 1977, I met Franco Basaglia, director of the manicomico (lunatic asylum) at the hospital in Triest, who was also the leader of an alternative psychiatric movement. Taking advantage of the chaotic political situation in Italy at the time, he started to close several psychiatric hospitals with a group of doctors, and had 'Law 180' passed in 1978, which resulted in the definitive closure of the asylums. Franco encouraged me to take photographs of this reality, 'If not, they will not believe us,' he told me This publication highlights the significance of the photographic image in the critical and historical reception of Stan Douglas' approach to art and media. The stories, sites and events that Douglas explores are populist, literate and timely. Frequently, his photographs describe the overlooked histories of cultural identity, displacement and injustice that reveal an uncanny resemblance to present-day events. [G] Steidl | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 240 mm | 152 p | 119 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783869306049 | € 46,00 [BE] / € 46,00 [NL] / € 46,00 [INT]| April 2014 [G] Steidl | | Eng. ed. | 305 x 248 mm | 159 p | ISBN: 9783869307480 | € 69,95 [BE] / € 69,95 [NL] / € 69,95 [INT]| March 2014 [G] Steidl | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 295 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9783869305356 | € 54,00 [BE] / € 54,00 [NL] / € 54,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Arthur Elgort Mona Kuhn Robert Polidori The Big Picture Private Selected Works This is Arthur Elgort's first comprehensive book, showing his world-renowned fashion imagery alongside his personal work. The book spans Elgort's five-decade career and illustrates his longevity as an emulated fashion photographer. His lively and casual shooting style is significantly influenced by a lifelong love of music and dance, particularly jazz and ballet. For her fifth book with Steidl, Mona Kuhn has entered the heart of the American desert and returned with a sequence of pictures that is seductive, enigmatic and a little unsettling. Private proposes a world in which concrete reality and the imaginary are one. Plants and animals on the edge of survival, sun-drenched landscapes and wind-sculpted earth are intercut with a series of nudes that push Kuhn's renowned sensitivity to human form into unexpected directions. Beirut. Tripoli. Havana. Chernobyl. New Orleans. Rio. Amman. Versailles. Over the course of thirty years, Robert Polidori has travelled the world photographing. On the occasion of his first museum retrospective in the United States, the artist has selected more than one hundred photographs for this volume that challenge our preconceptions, mining both the accoutrement and the psychology of space for what they tell us -and for what they withhold-about history, memory, identity, and time. [G] Steidl | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 245 mm | 424 p | 280 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783869305431 | € 96,50 [BE] / € 96,50 [NL] / € 96,50 [INT]| March 2014 [G] Steidl | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 297 x 310 mm | 112 p | 74 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783869307091 | € 54,00 [BE] / € 54,00 [NL] / € 54,00 [INT]| April 2014 37 [G] Steidl | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 290 mm | 228 p | 107 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783869306988 | € 54,00 [BE] / € 54,00 [NL] / € 54,00 [INT]| March 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY Toy Stories Tiny Tokyo Photos of Children from Around the World and Their Favorite Things The Big City Made Mini By Gabriele Galimberti All the spectacular sights of the Tokyo landscape appear to have become miniature! This pocket-sized volume collects incredible bird's-eye views of Tokyo's bustling cityscape, shot using a tilt-shift photography technique that has the effect of seeming to shrink its subject--making one of the vastest cities in the world look like a miniature model. Epic skyscrapers, crowded city streets and even sumo wrestling matches shrink to the scale of tiny plastic toys in this one-of-a-kind impulse book. For over a year, the photographer and journalist Gabriele Galimberti visited more than fifty countries and created colourful images of boys and girls in their homes and neighborhoods with their most prized possessions: their toys. From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Miata, Fiji and the Philippines, Galimberti recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that Galimberti captures is moving, funny and thought provoking. [US] Chronicle Books | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 152 x 114 mm | 260 p | 180 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452117386 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 13,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 229 x 229 mm | 112 p | 54 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781419711749 | € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 21,00 [INT]| April 2014 38 PHOTOGRAPHY Kate Moss To more than one generation, Kate Moss is the rebel queen, the model who made herself the embodiment of the rock'n' roll spirit, the stylista and the unconventional mother and wife. In celebration of her 26-year career and 40th birthday in January 2014, this book looks back at her life in beautiful images and revealing text. [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 237 x 185 mm | 144 p | 120 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780974576 | € 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL] / € 24,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Avedon: Women Joan Juliet Buck, Abigail Solomon-Godeau Over his sixty-year career, photographer Richard Avedon was renowned for his distinctive, transformative eye. Women were often his subject, through his commercial fashion work for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, and in his portraiture of both the famous and the unknown. What might have been pictured as prosaic or unattractive through another photographer's lens was presented by Avedon as unconventional but surprising, sometimes revelatory. [US] Rizzoli | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 393 x 304 mm | 200 p | 120 bw ill. | ISBN: 9780847842810 | € 95,00 [BE] / € 95,00 [NL] / € 95,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 39 COOKERY Zelfgeplukt en zelfgemaakt, dat smaakt! Gezondig koken met Stephanie Coorevits In dit boek komen een aantal Vlaamse zelfpluktuinen/CSA in the picture met de hele range aan fruit, groenten, kruiden en eetbare bloemen die ze aanbieden, gedicteerd door de seizoenen. Allerlei soorten bessen, vergeten groenten, kruiden met klinkende namen en speciale kruisingen die tot de verbeelding spreken. Een ware weldaad voor het oog, de smaakpapillen en de gezondheid! Stephanie Coorevits Stephanie Coorevits' keuken is een synthese van haar twee grootste liefdes: die voor eten en de liefde voor haar Cypriotische man Simeon. Kort gezegd gaat dit boek over 'gezondig eten', een balans vinden tussen enerzijds wat goed is voor ons lichaam en anderzijds wat misschien niet écht goed is maar toch té lekker om volledig van het menu te schrappen. Over durven experimenteren met dingen die minder bekend zijn en je dagelijkse kost een vleugje exotiek meegeven. Maar het gaat vooral over heerlijk eten. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 144 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564863 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL] / € 19,95 [INT]| May 2014 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed. | 250 x 210 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789058564856 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| May 2014 De Tafel van 10 Biergastronomie in de Westhoek Eenvoudige gerechten met een feestelijk resultaat 't Hommelhof in Watou Het uitgangspunt van het boek is 'zorgeloos koken voor een groter gezelschap', met andere woorden: samen met je gasten genieten van heerlijke gerechten zonder al te veel poespas en stress. De sfeer is casual, gezellig, de culinaire insteek is easy self made en authentiek. De recepten zijn zeer haalbaar, snelklaar en worden bereid met courant verkrijgbare producten. Eerst licht Lieve haar lievelingsproducten en voorraadkast toe, daarna komen er een 36-tal gerechten ingedeeld per seizoen. In dit boek combineert de pionier van de Belgische bierkeuken zijn favoriete lokale ingrediënten - zoals hoppescheuten, duif, vergeten groeten, lam, biokip, foie d'oie en kazen - met een vijftigtal bieren uit zijn regio. Zoon Simon ontpopte zich tot hobbybrouwer en biersommelier en koos een passend biertje voor elk gerecht. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 176 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564870 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| June 2014 Cooking with Belgian Beers Stefaan Coutteneye [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 144 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564764 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 29,95 [INT]| Dec. 2013 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789058564832 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 29,95 [INT]| March 2014 40 COOKERY Mange Bruxelles Un peu plus qu'un livre de cuisine Nutrition gourmande autour de la naissance Corinne Hubinont, Françoise De Keuleneer, Héloïse Coppée 25 restaurants, 15 anciens, 12 nouveaux (2ème édition) Choisir une alimentation adaptée à la fertilité, à la grossesse et à l'allaitement : c'est aujourd'hui possible. 101 recettes créatives, gourmandes et conviviales les rendent aisés à suivre au quotidien, dès le désir de grossesse : jus, crudités, soupes, sauces, plats végétariens, repas de poisson et de viande, desserts, autant de suggestions à combiner avec plaisir au gré des saisons. René Sépul. Cici Olsson (photography) Ce livre s'adresse à la fois aux futurs parents et aux professionnels de la santé. Ce livre présente une vingtaine de restaurants de Bruxelles. Ces restaurants sont différents les uns des autres : certains sont étoilés (Comme Chez soi, Bon Bon, Senza Nome), d'autres ne le sont pas et ne veulent pas l'être (Vini Divini, Coin des Artistes, Viva M'Boma). Certains sont tenus par de très jeunes chefs (Jaloa, La Buvette), d'autres par de plus anciens (Notos - Chou). Chaque chef est présenté par des habitués, un portrait du chef, et une présentation des recettes les mieux adaptées à son style. [BE] Ed. Françoise Blouard | Paperback | French ed. | 220 x 201 mm | 240 p | ISBN: 9782875100214 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 29,00 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [BE] Sh-op Editions | Hardback | French ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9782960093353 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] / € 27,83 [INT]| April 2014 Annoncé: Bruxelles pour un homme René Sépul [BE] Sh-op Editions | Paperback | French ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 978296009360 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 31,50 [NL] / € 29,50 [INT]| March 2014 Couleur Santé Gezonde Kleur Les secrets de la cuisine antioxydante Koken met Antioxydanten -promo prijs- Françoise De Keuleneer, Joël Pincemail, Jean-Pierre Gabriel Françoise De Keuleneer, Joël Pincemail, Jean-Pierre Gabriel Savez-vous que la couleur des fruits et des légumes est le reflet des défenses qu'ils ont élaborées pour se protéger contre les effets toxiques de la lumière et de l'oxygène? Et que ces couleurs se traduisent très concrètement par une gamme d'antioxydants dont notre organisme a besoin pour lutter contre les agressions de la vie moderne : stress, pollution, malbouffe... Soep van zoete aardappelen met limoengras en gember; tartaar van tomaten met olijven en pijnappel; salade van rode kool en rode biet met appel en noten; spiesjes van lotte met jonge erwtjes, koriandersaus, citrusvruchten en limoengras; een roze gelei van rode vruchten. In Gezonde Kleur krijgt u, in een eenvoudige taal, een actuele stand van zaken in het onderzoek rond natuurlijke antioxidanten en wordt dit ook naar de praktijk omgezet met een 60-tal recepten, rijk aan smaak en kleur ! [BE] Ed. Françoise Blouard | Paperback | French ed. | 220 x 201 mm | 216 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782875100221 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 31,00 [NL] / € 29,00 [INT]| Oct. 2013 (Nouvelle édition nouveau format) [BE] Ed. Françoise Blouard | Hardback | NL ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 208 p | 85 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782960048780 | € 19,50 [BE] / € 19,50 [NL] / € 19,50 [INT]| April 2008 Promoprijs vanaf 1/10/2013: 39,50 euro ! 19,50 euro ipv COOKERY Ellemieke's familie kookboek met knutselboek Beet De keuken van ons vader Mannen koken voor familie en vrienden (set 2 vol) Ann Olaerts. Photography: Tony Le Duc Dit boek gaat over 'vaders die graag achter het fornuis staan en in de potten roeren voor de familie en vrienden'. Want niet alleen de moeders zijn keukenprinsessen, ook vaders staan aardig hun mannetje in de keuken. Twee boeken samen. Een kookboek voor de ouders en een Doe-Boek voor de kinderen. Terwijl mama (of papa) het eten klaarmaakt, gaan de kinderen aan de slag met knutselen. Ellemieke Vermolen, echtgenote van chefkok Sergio Herman toont met dit duo boeken het voorbeeld. Zij kookt gezond, eenvoudig en lekker voor haar gezin terwijl de kinderen zich niet vervelen. Vaders, uit alle windstreken van het land en van alle leeftijden vertellen hun culinaire verhaal aan journaliste An Olaerts en maken hun favoriete gerechten klaar voor de cameralens van Tony Le duc. Net zoals bij de moeders, wordt dit boek een werkelijke weergave van hoe onze vaders koken, zonder moderne styling en gefotografeerd op hun eigen borden en tafellakens. Zoals het echt is. Een ode aan de vaders, die toch weer héél anders koken dan de moeders. Ellemieke Vermolen is haar hele leven al passioneel met eten bezig. Zij is een familiebeest en haar grootste rijkdom is om eenvoudig en lekker te koken en met het gezin samen te zijn. In dit boek toont ze hoe ze haar kinderen gezond doet eten en van welk gerecht ze beter slapen. Haar gerechten zijn met liefde bereid. Of wil je niet weten met welk gerecht zij Sergio Herman's hart heeft gewonnen. Toch? [BE] Minestrone Dit kookboek vormt een duo met het Doe-Boek BEET. Terwijl mama kookt, kunnen de kinderen een knutselwerk maken om de tafel te versieren, om de keuken mooier te maken of om oma te foppen. [BE] Minestrone | Hardback | NL ed. | 265 x 200 mm | 320 p | 170 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789490028503 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] (CB)/ € 35,00 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [BE] Minestrone [BE] Minestrone | 2 Volumes | NL ed. | 280 x 200 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789490028596 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] (CB)/ € 29,50 [INT]| Dec. 2013 42 COOKERY Ferran Adria and El Bulli The Art, the Philosophy, the Gastronomy In July 2011, Adria closed El Bulli in order to revolutionize not the art of cooking but his art of cooking, with plans to open a creativity centre for chefs and launch LaBullipedia - "a Western haute cuisine Wikipedia at the service of information but also creativity". With superb photographs by Francesc Guillamet, the book evocatively pictures the experimental culinary creations of Ferran Adria, artist-chef. Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literature's Most Memorable Meals Dinah Fried Pairing approximately 50 charming photographic re-creations of meals from classic and contemporary literature-all prepared, styled, and shot by the author-with relevant excerpts, this innovative gift book is sure to captivate legions of literature lovers, foodies, design junkies, and photo geeks. [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 242 x 204 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9780233003832 | € 28,95 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL] / € 28,95 [INT] | June 2013 Featuring iconic book covers, illustrations, and atmospheric food shots, Fictitious Dishes presents 50 new pairings in an eye-catching format. To enhance the readers' experience, interstitial spreads throughout the book provide visual variety and cover culinary themes, including excerpts from additional works on topics ranging from "apple pie" to "chocolate," anecdotes about writers with a ppetites both healthy and spartan, writers' culinary predilections, fun facts about featured foods and their preparation in the context of the given era. Among the highlighted meals are:Nieuwe tekst [US] Collins US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 149 mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9780062279835 | € 19,99 [BE] / € 19,99 [NL] / € 19,99 [INT]| April 2014 French Wine An Illustrated Miscellany This truly exceptional miscellany of anecdotes, facts, quotable quotes, and interesting stories celebrates wine in all its guises: from the mythical origin of the toast (it was customary for guests to tip part of their drink into their companions glass to prevent being poisoned at a dinner) to the exact number of references to wine in the Bible (441) ... Through quotes illustrating how traditions persist this exquisitely produced volume is the perfect gift for the wine aficionado or bon vivant. [F] Flammarion (Eng) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 190 mm | 256 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782080201546 | € 32,50 [BE] / € 32,50 [NL] / € 32,50 [INT]| April 2014 43 GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN Handmade for the Garden 75 Ingenious Ways to Enhance Your Outdoor Space with DIY Tools, Pots, Supports, Embellishments, and More By Susan Guagliumi De Kleine Kweek De Tuindokter - Stefaan Bingé Zin in een vruchtbaar mini-moestuintje maar geen grond? Geen probleem, in dit boek leer je dat een gevel, een dak of een koertje volstaan! Microtuinieren is beslist de toekomst. Alles is mogelijk, bloemen, vaste planten, bomen, klein fruit, kruiden en groenten... In dit boek komen in verschillende hoofdstukken de diverse wijzen van microtuinieren aan bod: daktuinen, geveltuinen, stadstuinen, kamertuinen, pottuinen, balkontuinen, hangende tuinen, woestijntuinen, beweegbare tuinen. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed. | 230 x 170 mm | 176 p | ISBN: 9789058564894 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL] / € 19,95 [INT]| April 2014 Vertical Gardens Be in a Treehouse A thorough technical introduction provides guidance to architects and designers exploring vertical gardens, an innovative and ever more popular response to increasing urbanization. This book features the most exciting projects from around the world, illustrated with full color photographs, plans and in-depth explanations from the architects. It will be an inspiration to architects, students and those interested in urban design. Design / Construction / Inspiration [ES] Links (tbs) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 678 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788415492795 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 51,89 [INT]| March 2014 Pete Nelson Pete Nelson, the world's best-known treehouse designer and builder, wants to put readers in trees--his motto is, "get 'er done, so you can BE in a TREE." His new book is a comprehensive source of inspiration and practical information about treehouse design and construction. To that end, he explains the basics of treehouse construction with his own recent projects as case studies. [US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 286 x 191 mm | 224 p | 237 col.ill. | 39 bw ill. | ISBN: 9781419711718 | € 31,50 [BE] / € 31,50 [NL] / € 31,50 [INT] | April 2014 44 The DIY craze has moved beyond the craft room, into the kitchen and outside to the garden. In Handmade for the Garden, Susan Guagliumi shares a treasure trove of original projects that she has been perfecting over the last 10 years in her garden. Relying on easy-to-find and repurposed materials, Guagliumi presents projects that not only make planting and growing efficient and successful but also add a personal touch to the garden-scape. [US] S.T.C. | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 254 x 210 mm | 208 p | 100 col.ill. | 140 bw ill. | ISBN: 9781617690976 | € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL] / € 23,50 [INT] | March 2014 Atlas of World Landscape Architecture Markus Sebastian Braun & Chris van Uffelen This compendium is a reference book and source of inspiration in one, presenting around 350 current projects from around the world. They range from expansive natural and cultivated landscapes, via picturesque front yards and courtyards, spectacular greened facades and roofs, up to innovative outdoor designs that nearly or completely make do without any vegetation. [G] Braun | Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. | 330 x 240 mm | 512 p | 1500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037681664 | € 99,95 [BE] / € 99,95 [NL] / € 99,95 [INT]| April 2014 FLOWER ART Life3 - Interior Emotions Per Benjamin, Tomas De Bruyne, Max van de Sluis Dankzij het cocoonen en het gehypte DIY-en, knutselen en upcyclen wordt onze woning steeds meer een warm nest en een speeltuin voor creatieve geesten die met enkele kleurrijke accenten dat nestgevoel nog wat vergroten. Ook planten en bloemen zijn geliefde smaakmakers in het interieur en of je nu houdt van Scandinavisch design of klassiek romantisch, er zijn bloemen en combinaties voor elke interieur. Interior Emotions bevat een schat aan stijlvolle bloemaccenten voor binnenshuis. Whispering Flowers - Ikebana Wispering Flowers wil Ikebana arrangementen tonen geïnspireerd door de schoonheid van één enkele soort bloemen. Hun typische kleuren, lijnen, vormen en betekenissen dicteren de vormen, materialen en kleuren van de schikkingen. Deze aanpak, waarbij bloemen zelf de hoofdrol spelen en geen voorafbepaald concept aan de basis van een schikking ligt, geeft aanleiding tot een grote diversiteit aan traditionele als meer eigentijdse werken en zowel kleinschalige als grote Land Art stukken. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 240 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789058564801 | € 59,90 [BE] / € 59,90 [NL] / € 59,90 [INT]| March 2014 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 330 x 245 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564191 | € 59,90 [BE] / € 59,90 [NL] / € 59,90 [INT]| Jan. 2014 International Floral Art 2014-2015 About Flowers Lut Verkinderen About Flowers biedt niet alleen inspiratie, maar is bovenal een werkboek voor alle seizoenen en gelegenheden. Toegankelijke creaties in een eigentijdste stijl met pittige kleuraccenten zijn het handelsmerk van Lut Verkinderen. Een jeugdige en up-to-date stijl die zonder twijfel zowel de beginnende als de gevorderde florist zal kunnen bekoren. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 235 x 235 mm | 120 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564788 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| Nov. 2013 Jubilee edition Meer dan eens kreeg opgemerkt jong talent aan het begin van een beloftevolle carrière net dat extra zetje om internationaal door te breken. Het boek is ook een perfecte networking tool die ons in contact bracht met vele internationale scholen voor bloemsierkunst. Na tien jaar is het daarom de hoogste tijd om deze unieke publicatie zelf eens in de bloemtjes te zetten, en dat doen we met een feestelijke jubileumuitgave, zoals steeds tjokvol verrassend en innovatief floraal werk. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 290 x 240 mm | 304 p | 280 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564665 | € 59,90 [BE] / € 59,90 [NL] / € 59,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 45 ARCHITECTURE Juliaan Lampens Angélique Campens The architecture of the Belgian Modernist Juliaan Lampens (°1926) goes beyond designs for conventional living and instead suggests a utopian avant-garde of living without barriers. He experimented with the use of raw concrete and created sculpture-like exteriors leading onto open vistas. Edited by Angelique Campens - With contributions by Angelique Campens, Sara Noel Costa De Araujo, Joseph Grima, Jan Kempenaers, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Francis Strauven. [BE] AsaMER | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 210 mm | 152 p | ISBN: 9789461170057 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] / € 27,83 [INT]| April 2014 Herdruk - Reprint dmvA Architecten Behind the Green Door The Port Office A Critical Look at Sustainable Architecture Through 600 Objects The Art and Architecture of European Port Authorities Some thing about some things Some thinking Behind the Green Door is a richly illustrate critical portrait of today's green wave in architectural design. Embracing a transdisciplinary outlook, the book addresses the concrete consequences and paradoxes of the building industry's current striving for sustainability. It deliberately suspends the quest for sustainability in order to map and comment on the forces operating in the field. Patrick Verhoeven (ed.) Dominique Pieters e.a. The evolving role of port authorities can be traced through the architecture of their haedquarters. Prestigious city palaces tended to mark the vested power that fitted the historical, all-encompassing role of port authorities, whereas contemporary architecture displays a more functional and business-oriented profile. Other port authorities established themselves in former warehouses or passenger terminals, thus connecting with the industrial heritage of their ports. De visie van het Antwerpse architectenbureau dmvA leest als een pamflet. Tom Verschueren en confrater David Driesen als revolutionairen te boek stellen is misschien een brug te ver, maar toch drukt dmvA architecten steeds meer en vooral een onuitwisbare stempel op de private en publieke architectuur in België. Het acroniem dmvA - door middel van Architectuur - dekt een ruime lading waarin 'maximaal minimalisme' misschien wel de gemene deler is. Het pragmatische-conceptueel minimalisme van dmvA is charmant, [BE] Pandora | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 250 mm | 132 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253656 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 37,30 [INT]| Nov. 2013 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 168 mm | 160 p | 150 ill. | ISBN: 9789058564818 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 29,95 [INT]| May 2014 Oslo Architecture Triennale [BE] Rotor | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 300 p | ISBN: 9788299937016 | € 28,00 [BE] / € 28,00 [NL] / € 26,42 [INT]| April 2014 46 ARCHITECTURE Scenes from Luchtbal - Bewegende landschappen Whatever happens to the modernist city? Over film en stedenbouw (incl DVD) Lianne Verstrate, Bruno De Meulder, Frank Moulaert, Joeri De Bruyn (eds.), Photography: Lavinia Wouters Sofie De Caigny en Ellen Van Impe (eds.) Van de propaganda vermomd als documentaire van Charles Dekeukeleire, over een kritische insteek verpakt als fictie van Luc De Heusch, tot de doorwrochte en eigengereide opiniestukken van Jef Cornelis: cineasten blijken zowel een verhelderende als onthutsende kijk op het landschap te hebben. Bewegende Landschappen bundelt vier unieke films op DVD. Het bijhorende boek bevat stukken van Michiel Dehaene, Bruno Notteboom, Michael Ryckewaert en Sofie De Caigny. V.A.I. / CVAa What would happen if Luchtbal were to be perceived as one big opportunity, instead of an assemblage of independent and problematic components? This unusual neighbourhood in northern Antwerp is the subject of the transdisciplinary research efforts and design explorations collated in this book. Locked between the harbour, motorways and the canal, Luchtbal is a veritable open-air museum of the modernist city, a place in which form follows function. [BE] Public Space | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789491789014 | € 16,00 [BE] / € 16,00 [NL] / € 15,09 [INT]| Dec. 2013 [BE] VAi | Paperback | NL ed. |210 x 148 mm | 120 p | ISBN: 9789081326391 | € 25,00 [BE] / € 25,00 [NL] / € 23,58 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Somewhere City Interior One Een stadsportret van Genk François Hannes Pascal Verbeken, Jimmy Kets François Hannes. Photography: Alfons Lenders Kan je een stad lezen zoals een boek? Pascal Verbeken (auteur van Le Grand Central Belge en ArmWallonië) doorkruiste de mozaïekstad Genk te voet, met de fiets, trein en een auto. Het landschap van Genk leest zich als de geschiedenis van de 20ste eeuwse industrialisatie. Elke gevel is een verhaal. Genk is een facetstad zonder historische kern. De stadsdelen liggen ver uit elkaar en kennen hun eigen specifieke geschiedenis. Francois Hannes is gepassioneerd en gedreven door schoonheid. Hij houdt van het goede bourgondische leven. De rust van een landschap, de natuur, maar ook de dynamiek van een metropool inspireren en prikkelen hem. Niet de tussenweg, maar juist de uitersten zoekt hij op. Deze ingrediënten komen terug in zijn werk. Zijn ontwerpen zijn weloverwogen, sereen en lopen op een natuurlijke wijze in elkaar over. Het ontbreekt echter nooit aan spannende of gewaagde details. [BE] VAi | Paperback| NL ed. | 65 p | ISBN: 9789082122503 | € 9,50 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL] / € 9,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. | 290 x 290 mm | 252 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564726 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| Dec. 2013 47 ARCHITECTURE Libraries Spaces for Children Innovative Office Design Innovation & Design Carles Broto Carles Broto The role of libraries in society has changed and evolved in recent years, with the increasing importance of online sources. Modern libraries must strike a balance between housing significant amounts of printed material, providing access to digital material, and serving as a hub of activities within the community, whether that community is a neighborhood of a city, or a specific field of study at a university. The wide range of projects presented in this volume constitutes a comprehensive study of the latest trends in the architecture and design of children's spaces. Each project presents an innovative use of materials, color, lighting and texture to form a space that is stimulating, educational and safe for young people. Both established architecture firms and rising stars have contributed to this stellar collection of the best in child-friendly design. [ES] Links (tbs) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 484 col.ill. | 131 bw ill. | ISBN: 9788415492955 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 55,00 [INT] | March 2014 [ES] Links (tbs) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 499 col.ill. | 105 bw ill. | ISBN: 9788490540343 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 55,00 [INT] | April 2014 This volume brings together the most innovative office projects in recent years, designs that revolutionize the way work is being done today. With new materials and design concepts, a heightened awareness of ecological responsibility, and changing ideas of what fosters creativity and motiva-tion at work, the projects chosen for this book represent ongoing develo-pments. With full-color photographs, detailed illustrations, sketches and plans accompanied by in-depth texts by the architects themselves. [ES] Links | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9788415492856 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 51,89 [INT]| Nov. 2013 Tropical Resorts Eduardo Broto Modern House in Denmark Traditional craftsmanship and a high degree of quality influenced both design and architecture in Danish Modernism. This is a compendium of selected buildings in detail, including icons such as Utzon House by Jørn Utzon, Arne Jacobsen's Siesby House, or the Bøgh Andersen House by Jørgen Bo and Vilhelm Wohlert. It includes new, four-color photographs that document the buildings as well as discussions on the history of each one's design and construction. [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 245 mm | 336 p | 491 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775738033 | € 39,80 [BE] / € 39,80 [NL] / € 39,80 [INT]| March 2014 Presenting a series of flawlessly-designed tropical resorts that are the final word in luxury, Tropical Resorts is a must-have for architects, those interested in hotel design, or anyone in need of a holiday. Featuring a selection of the most glorious tropical retreats, from the Maldives to Thailand, this book is a unique and inspiring resource for designers and students alike. Projects are illustrated with appealing full-color photographs and in-depth descriptions of everything you could be doing on holida [ES] Links | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 284 x 242 mm | 300 p | 680 col.ill. | 80 bw ill. | ISBN: 9788415492788 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 51,89 [INT] | March 2014 Including 80 b/w plans & drawings 48 ARCHITECTURE Model Making Tegendraads Modern Think Dutch Conceive, Create and Convince Een bevrijdend alternatief voor de strenge Goed Wonen norm. Conceptual Architecture & Design in the Netherlands André Koch In deze publicatie wordt het begrip Tegendraads Modern' gelanceerd als tegenhanger van het jaren vijftig (neo-)modernisme van Goed Wonen. Het betreft die vorm van moderniteit in de vormgeving voor de wooncultuur die ternauwernood een plek heeft gekregen in de openbare collecties met een designafdeling. Toch is het de stijl van vormgeven die we onmiddellijk en gewoonlijk associëren met de vijftiger jaren. Jonge Nederlandse ontwerpers en architecten werken graag in interdisciplinaire collectieven, en benadrukken de ethische en esthetische waarden van hun vak. Het boek groepeert het werk van de nieuwe creatieve generatie in 16 hoofstukken met titels als "Build on Water", "Celebrate Food", "Don't Create for Eternity" en "Get Educated". Vragen die gesteld worden zijn onder andere: "Zorgt dit design voor nieuwe inzichten? ", "Wanneer kun je biologisch afbreekbare materialen gebruiken in architectuur?" ... [NL] Scriptum Art | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 240 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789055948710 | € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL] / € 36,60 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [NL] Frame | Hb with slip case | Eng./ NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 400 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789491727245 | € 125,00 [BE] / € 125,00 [NL] / € 125,00 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Bernard Otte, Arjan Karssen This book is a step-by-step guide about how to create convincing architectural models. Borne out of the authors' experience and enjoyment in the use of models in education and in professional practice, it is an essential manual for students of spatial disciplines, such as urban planning, garden and landscape architecture, public space or interior design, and anyone with an interest in model making. [NL] Frame | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 245 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9789491727276 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,00 [NL] / € 29,00 [INT]| May 2014 Hardcover in acrylic slipcase Mario Botta Architecture and Memory This monographic and richly illustrated catalogue is published on this occasion; it concentrates on four themes out of a wide range of Mario Botta's activity and realized work: the l ibraries, the museums, the theaters and the sacred buildings.Themes, that express in their particular way the idea of "spaces of memory". The book also includes essays. Expo: 30/1/2014 - 25/7/2014, North Carolina Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Charlotte [IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. , 280 x 240 mm | 272 p | 515 col.ill. | 172 col. & bw ill | ISBN: 9788836627998 | € 40,00 [BE] / € 42,40 [NL] / € 37,74 [INT]| Feb. 2014 49 INTERIOR DESIGN 1 TRAVEL Cool Cities Berlin Cool Cities New York large There's something for every taste among This illustrated book features spectacular images of the city that never sleeps New York has long set the trends in culture and lifestyle and all of its most intriguing destinations can be found among these pages Shows how you can embark on a culinary trip around the world without ever leaving New York the numerous recommendations for shops, hotels, restaurants, bars, and cool spots in Germany's creative metropolis 2 in 1: Cool Cities Berlin is an extraordinary illustrated book combining city guide and portraits of the urban scene Berliners offer an insider's perspective on themselves and their city [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798222 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| May 2014 [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798215 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| May 2014 Cool Escapes Ibiza Cool Escapes Mallorca Discover Ibiza's most beautiful elements, from trendy spots to hidden treasures Portraits of fascinating inhabitants bring this island community to life Chefs and bartenders reveal their best recipes Impressive photographs perfectly convey Mallorca's Mediterranean charm Features many highlights off the beaten track Fans of popular Spanish cuisine will appreciate this volume's specially selected recipes [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832797782 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| April 2014 [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832797775 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Cool Escapes Honeymoon Resorts /XQHGH0LHO5HVRUWV A honeymoon is one of life's most memorable events and just as integral a part of the wedding as the cake and bridal bouquet. This unique volume showcases heavenly honeymoon resorts from all around the globe, from a Seychelles beach villa with an infinity pool and an urban boutique hotel to a stately English castle. Each offers special packages for both the newly love-struck and those looking to savor their longlasting marital bliss. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798192 (Eng. cover) | ISBN: 9783832798376 (Fr) cover) | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| March 2014 50 INTERIOR DESIGN 1 TRAVEL Living in Style New York Long a magnet for leaders in fashion, art, design, and commerce, this metropolis is home to one of the most influential assortments of tastemakers anywhere. It's no wonder that New York's top interiors would be as dynamic and varied as its inhabitants. Browsing through the pages of this stunning volume, we get a chance to glimpse the luxurious and imaginative rooms normally hidden from public view-or only ever seen by the privileged few-amid both urban and country landscapes. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | 320 x 260 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798048 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| March 2014 Living in Style Mexico City Living in Style Ibiza For many years now, Mexico City has been informally dubbed "the capital of Latin America." Home to countless museums and spectacular public buildings, its most distinguished private residences are also among the most glamorous and original anywhere in the world. This exceptional compendium showcases some of the city's most prominent individuals and creative talents-allowing them to take us on an intimate tour of the spaces they have created as their personal sanctuaries and sources of inspiration. Ibiza is an island of contrasts. It is both a haven for hippies as well as for the international rich and famous, a destination for dropouts as well as for party-goers. They all love the island's charms, its beautiful beaches, and scenery, where they can savor the salty air as it drifts up from the salt fields and enjoy parties with the most renowned DJs in the world. From centuries-old fincas in the typical Spanish style to uniquely modern houses-the islanders maintain an exclusive and cosmopolitan style. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ./ Spanish | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798062 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| March 2014 [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng./ Germ./ Spanish | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798055 | € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL] / € 49,90 [INT]| May 2014 51 ARCHITECTURE New Brazilian House Nordic Light Vertical Living Dominic Bradbury. Photographs by Richard Powers Modern Scandinavian Architecture Interior Experiences by Yoo This book celebrates established icons, newly discovered gems and contemporary masterworks that represent the highest expression of Scandinavian design and response to their environment. Fifty projects are featured in detail, ordered according to the way in which different light conditions have imparted particular qualities on the buildings. Dominic Bradbury and John Hitchcox From São Paulo to Rio, to the coastal towns of Paraty and Ilhabela, the locations in this lively book cover a diverse range of projects, from stunning city homes to country retreats. Featuring iconic projects by Marcos Acayaba and Pritzker-prize-winning architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha, together with homes by designers such as Fernanda Marques, Guilherme Torres and André Piva, New Brazilian House is a wonderful reflection of the vitality and verve of Brazils architecture and design today. [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 235 mm | 256 p | 303 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500517338 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 256 p | 513 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500291375 | € 32,50 [BE] / € 32,50 [NL] / € 32,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Here is a celebration of the groundbreaking designers and innovative spaces that are reinventing the high-rise urban apartment complex as a desirable, luxurious and ecologically sustainable lifestyle choice for the 21st century. Vertical Living offers an enticing journey through this innovative design approach, from gloriously welcoming lobbies to communal relaxation zones to fresh, open plan personal living spaces and spa style bathrooms. New in paperback [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 200 mm | 224 p | 140 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500517352 | € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL] / € 28,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 The Way We Live: In the Country The Way We Live: With Colour Extreme Minimalism Architecture (Compact edition) (Compact Edition) Chris Van Uffelen Stafford Cliff. Photographs by Gilles de Chabaneix Stafford Cliff. Photographs by Gilles de Chabaneix This is a comprehensive sourcebook of decorative ideas and much more for anyone who dreams of living in the country, or is lucky enough to live there already. stunning photographs from across the world capture the distinctive architecture, decorative schemes, landscapes and rustic details that make country living so desirable. Traditional and contemporary elements are treated with the same sympathetic eye: an airy, minimalist room looks out on an ancient piazza; herbs and antique tools hang from wooden bea This popular book in the bestselling Way We Live series a visually thrilling exploration of the way people around the world live with colour is now available in an elegant compact edition. Divided into five main sections, the book showcases Gilles de Chabaneixs eye for the telling use of colour in interiors in a multitude of places and cultures, from startling coastal blues to the subtle monochromes of minimalist urban styles, from the sumptuous and grand reds and purples of palatial dwellings to the sunlit Representing various types of structures, the chosen examples are mostly based on the concept of a simple comprehensive overall shape, focus on a few main materials as means of expression, and are comparatively simple to implement. Despite, or perhaps due to, the consistently applied limitations, the results are extremely remarkable. [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 214 x 200 mm | 256 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500291368 | € 18,50 [BE] / € 18,50 [NL] / € 18,50 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 214 x 200 mm | 256 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500291351 | € 18,50 [BE] / € 18,50 [NL] / € 18,50 [INT]| April 2014 52 [G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 240 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037681640 | € 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] / € 49,95 [INT]| March 2014 ARCHITECTURE Temporary Architecture A Home in Provence Plain Simple Useful Lisa Baker Interiors, Gardens, Inspiration The Essence of Conran Style Temporary buildings can be both interim solutions that no longer serve a purpose at a specific point in time, or projects constructed for special occasions. In all instances, they take possession of a location for a certain time, giving it a new meaning and quality. Architects who create temporary architecture have to plan the disappearance of their work from the outset. Noëlle Duck Provençal houses are true homes. Warm shades of ochre glow from the walls and roofs, weathered floors shine, and reflections glance off glazed ceramics and strike printed cotton tablecloths. This volume showcases some of the most beautiful houses in Provence, including French designer Edith Mézards home and British designer Terence Conrans former French residence. Images of gold-hued walls, iron balustrades, leafy terraces, and painted shutters inspire in the readers mind. Plain Simple Useful is organized according to the main activities that take place at home. Inspirational interiors, many of which are Conran's own, and a number of projects designed by him exclusively for this book, provide all the guidance you need to tailor-make your own storage. The book also features iconic examples of classic designs that will enhance any home, as well as a peek behind the closed doors of those well-ordered cupboards, larders and other stowing spaces that contribute so much . [F] Flammarion (Eng) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 190 mm | 216 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782080201768 | € 32,50 [BE] / € 32,50 [NL] / € 32,50 [INT]| May 2014 [UK] Conran | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 253 x 201 mm | 224 p | 225 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781840916553 | € 36,95 [BE] / € 36,95 [NL] / € 36,95 [INT]| May 2014 [G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 240 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037681695 | € 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] / € 49,95 [INT]| May 2014 Compact Edition Manhattan Classic Modern Originals The Urban House New York's Finest Prewar Apartments Geoffrey Lynch At Home with Midcentury European Designers Townhouses, Apartments, Lofts and other spaces for city living The Dakota. The Apthorp. The San Remo. The names of these legendary New York apartment buildings evoke images of marble-lined lobbies, uniformed doormen and sunlit penthouses with sweeping Central Park views. Built from the 1880s through 1930s, classic pre-war apartments were designed to lure townhouse dwellers reluctant to share a roof with other families. Billed as private mansions in the sky, they promised a charmed Manhattan lifestyle of elegance and luxury. This gorgeously photographed volume features the under-published private spaces of both the icons and unknown vanguards of European mid-century architecture and design. In keeping with the functional beauty of mid-century design, Handcrafted Modern: Europe presents the innovative homes by some of the most compelling and influential European mid-century designers, including Le Corbusier, Robin and Lucienne Day, and Gae Aulenti, to name a few. Ron Broadhurst. Forword by Richard Meier [US] Princeton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 305 x 229 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | 175 bw ill. | ISBN: 9781616891671 | € 41,50 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL] / € 41,50 [INT] | April 2014 [US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 203 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847842230 | € 49,95 [BE] / € 49,95 [NL] / € 49,95 [INT]| April 2014 53 An authoritative volume on the most innovative new residential design in cities around the globe. With the newest work from such design luminaries as Andrée Putman, Annabelle Selldorf, and Richard Meier, as well as emergent talents like Barbara Bestor and Messana O'Rorke, The Urban House is a uniquely coherent volume on the best in new residential design. [US] Rizzoli | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 228 x 228 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780847839551 | € 46,50 [BE] / € 46,50 [NL] / € 46,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 FASHION The Fashion Resource Book: Men Robert Leach This companion to the successful The Fashion Resource Book shows student and professional designers how to use visual research to develop a personal aesthetic as a fashion designer in a global industry. The concept-led work of such contemporary designers as Christopher Shannon and Walter Van Beirendonck is also explored. 1000 Dresses The Fashion Design Resource Tracy Fitzgerald and Alison Taylor This book is a comprehensive library of dress styles to be used as a reference for the fashion designer, fashion student and anyone interested in the fashion industry. The book is a springboard for ideas. Creating an overview of how the dress evolved and its impact on the fashion industry, the authors pay homage to the experimental, the beautiful, and the innovative, showing how a dress can encapsulate a designers vision and can often act as the key piece within a collection. [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 177 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9780500291320 | € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL] / € 28,50 [INT]| March 2014 [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 215 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500291443 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| March 2014 The Fashion Swatch Book Hippie Chic Fabric for Fashion Marnie Fogg Lauren D. Whitley The Complete Guide Featuring fabric designs by more than one hundred of the worlds top fashion designers and brands, and over 1,100 colour and black and white images, this is the most comprehensive sourcebook of fashion fabrics ever produced. These factory photoshoots (digital and screen printing, discharge printing, knitwear, hand embroidery, hand weaving, jacquard weaving, lace) offer an invaluable insight into the world of fabric manufacturing today. The 1960s saw a revolution in fashion that was born, like most things new and hip in that era, of youth rebellion in the streets. For the first time, high-end designers didn't dictate the trends. Instead, the latest looks trickled up into the top fashion houses, Halston and Yves Saint Laurent among them, by way of bohemian boutiques, avant-garde labels, and musicians like the Beatles, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. This book provides a fascinating introduction to the widespread hippie chic trend. Fabric For Fashion: The Complete Guide is the only book specifically for fashion designers to explain the behaviour and properties of different fabrics. Fashion design is largely determined by how the fabrics work, move, feel and look. The most successful fashion designers are those who understand their materials, who match design skill with technical knowledge. [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 264 x 206 mm | 448 p | 1115 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780500291337 | € 43,50 [BE] / € 43,50 [NL] / € 43,50 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 267 x 203 mm | 152 p | 145 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780878467952 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 54 [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 216 mm | 272 p | 515 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780673349 | € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL] / € 28,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 FASHION Fashion Knitwear 1920s Style 1940s Fashion How to Get the Look of the Decade The Definitive Sourcebook The Roaring Twenties was a time of emancipation for women and clothing fashions developed with women's changing roles in society. For the first time, the corset was discarded, women's legs were shown, bare arms were exposed and the hair was cut into an easy-to-manage bob. 1920s Style documents this amazing turning point in fashion with historical information on the designers and developments that shaped the decade's design style. "1940s Fashion: the Definitive Sourcebook" covers every aspect of female fashions from the period, from lacy evening gowns, tailored skirt-suits and luxurious fur jackets to figure-sculpting undergarments, satin negligees and glamorous swimwear. The introduction outlines the different themes of the period and each chapter is given an introduction. Biographies of major designers of the time are included, for an in-depth look at who shaped the 1940s fashion world. [UK] Laurence King | | Eng. ed. |245 x 210 mm | p | ISBN: 9781780673431 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 237 x 185 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9781780974446 | € 27,50 [BE] / € 27,50 [NL] / € 27,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [UK] Carlton | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 244 x 194 mm | 512 p | ISBN: 9781847960467 | € 43,50 [BE] / € 43,50 [NL] / € 43,50 [INT]| May 2013 Childhood Chic Berlin Fashion Demin Style Children's Fashions from Vintage to Modern Day A Style Guide Horst A. Friederichs It's been more than two decades since the wall dividing Berlin's east and west sides came down. Since then the city has evolved into a Mecca for the international fashion crowd, attracted by the city's artistic history, its newfound exuberance and reasonable cost of living. Written by a style insider, this book explores every aspect of the city's love affair with clothing. In an engaging series of brightly illustrated chapters it explains what makes Berlin's fashion scene unique. This book takes in all aspects of the thriving denim culture, whose followers can be obsessive about how the denim is woven, the old shuttle looms that weave it, the people who weave it, and the skills and techniques they have and use. Pages of gorgeous photographs of denim wear will inspire today's style conscious and trendspotters alike. Knitwear is one of the most exciting areas in fashion today, where craft and digital processes collide to create desirable, innovative clothing. Fashion Knitwear showcases 40 designers around the world, including Missoni, Sibling and Sonia Rykiel, who use hand and machine knitting, crochet and macramé, as well as knit fabrics such as jersey, to produce fashion garments. Each profile delves into the designers practice, inspiration and career path and includes inspiring images of their work. Reflecting today's resurgence of interest in childrenswear, Childhood Chic is an insightful and beautifully illustrated guide to over 100 years of design. Chapters cover traditional styles and includes an A-Z of designers and couturiers that have influenced children's fashion. A final chapter discusses the current fascination with mini couture and the explosion of labels now featuring children's lines, the rise of tot couture and stylish celebrity child role models. [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 276 x 216 mm | 224 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780975085 | € 36,00 [BE] / € 36,00 [NL] / € 36,00 [INT]| June 2014 [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 165 mm | 192 p | 130 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348858 | € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL] / € 23,50 [INT]| March 2014 55 [UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 270 x 193 mm | 176 p | 160 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791349565 | € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL] / € 27,95 [INT]| April 2014 FASHION New York Bike Style Berlin Street Style Fashionable Selby Sam Polcer, with a foreword by Casey Neistat A Guide to Urban Chic By Todd Selby, foreword by Simon Doonan America may be a nation obsessed with automobiles, but today the bicycle is giving the car a run for its money. The book features close-up shots of gear: wheels, seats, handlebars, baskets, pedals, and panniers and a startlingly stylish array of bike fashion. Whether they're pedaling to work or play, racing with a club, or out for a lazy ride, New York Bike Style pays photographic tribute a city in love with biking in all its forms. Angelika Taschen with Alexa von Heyden. Photographs by Sandra Semburg Todd Selby returns with a behind-the-scenes look at the people who make the fashion world go round. This third installment in the Selby series focuses on the world of fashion, featuring photographs and illustrations of clothing designers, stylists, haberdashers, editors, models, shoemakers, photographers and more. [UK] Prestel | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 240 x 193 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348964 | € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL] / € 27,95 [INT]| March 2014 In Berlin Street Style, noted design expert Angelika Taschen explains the unique style of this hip city. Where Parisians may covet a Hermes bag, a Chanel little black dress or chic ballet flats, Berliners don military parkas, sneakers and jeans. The look is casual, edgy, accessible, eclectic and a little rock and roll. The book shows the popular "anti-chic" look seen throughout the city, offering advice on how to achieve the appealingly disheveled Berlin look. [US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 203 mm | 348 p | ISBN: 9781419708619 | € 32,00 [BE] / € 32,00 [NL] / € 32,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [US] Abrams | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 241 x 159 mm | 240 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781419712579 | € 22,50 [BE] / € 22,50 [NL] / € 22,50 [INT]| April 2014 Incl. 12 silhouetten - incl. 2 patroonvellen en 3 labels 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf By Lauren Friedman From the Audrey to the Paris, the Top Down, or the Easy Breezy, there are 50 scarf styles in this book for any occasion or mood. Jaunty illustrations break down each step so stylistas can wrap, loop and get out the door looking perfectly polished. Teens, young professionals and mums alike will love playing around with the looks, including unexpected belts, sarongs and topknots. Vibrantly illustrated and packaged as a compact hardcover. [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 152 x 203 mm | 128 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452125978 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] / € 13,95 [INT]| March 2014 De geknipte outfit met 1 meter stof A collection by Marijke Sileghem Wat kan je doen met 1 meter stof? Dat is het uitgangspunt van het boek van Marijke Sileghem. Zij ging de uitdaging aan om telkens met slechts één metertje stof een mooi, hedendaags, boeiend en draagbaar kledingstu te maken. Handig en compact werken, snel k klaar, een degelijk resultaat met optimaal stofverbruik... en een indrukwekkende variatie aan combinatiemogelijkheden! In het 1ste deel worden stap voor stap een 16-tal kledingstukken gemaakt, in het 2de deel worden die tot leuke outfits gecombineerd. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 190 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789058564733 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| Dec. 2013 56 LIFE STYLE & LUXURY The Classic Cars Book Photographs by René Staud New additions to the automotive market are judged primarily by efficiency or fuel consumption. Things are quite different for historical cars. Major car shows, from Pebble Beach to Villa d'Este, feature classic cars, which, although they may not achieve top marks in the wind tunnel, have a timeless elegance that makes the hearts of all aficionados skip a beat. The photographer Ansel Adams, who was an honorary judge at Pebble Beach, once defined them as follows: "The type of vehicle I would like to be buried in." From the Jaguar XK 140 to the Porsche 550 Spyder, René Staud has shot automotive classics in settings ranging from the subtle to the spectacular. As co-organizer and head of the Car Selection Committee for Schloss Bensberg Classics, Jürgen Lewandowski provides authoritative texts. The Classic Cars Book conveys a real passion for these spectacular vehicles, appealing to existing fans and those yet to fall under their spell. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ G/ Russ/ Chin. ed | 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798284 | € 98,00 [BE] / € 98,00 [NL] / € 98,00 [INT]| March 2014 The Aston Martin Book Photographs by René Staud For the fiftieth anniversary of James Bond in 2012, two icons came together who jointly epitomize the very essence of British coolness. In Skyfall, Daniel Craig, as agent 007, powered across the screen in an Aston Martin DB5, the very same thrilling six-cylinder that Sean Connery drove in Goldfinger. Meanwhile, Aston Martin has celebrated a milestone birthday. [G] teNeues | Hardback | Eng/ Fr/ G/ Russ/ Chin. ed | 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832798185 | € 128,00 [BE] / € 128,00 [NL] / € 128,00 [INT]| March 2014 Vespa Velerio Boni, Azzurra Della Penna The book includes a gatefold listing the Vespa models from 1943 to today along with images of Vespa's throughout the decades, including the most iconic designs as well as today's luxury editions. In colorful photographs and text this volume also traces the succession of technological and stylistic improvements that have helped maintain Vespa's status as one of the world's iconic scooter brands. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 248 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348919 | € 41,50 [BE] / € 41,50 [NL] / € 41,50 [INT]| March 2014 57 SPORTS Golf ter Hille The Bike Deconstructed Van abdijhoeve tot eco-golf A Grand Tour of the Modern Bicycle 1001 Bikes: To Dream of Riding Before You Die Het publieksboek Golf ter Hille vertelt in diverse hoofdstukken het boeiende verhaal van de historische ontwikkeling van het landschap en de domeinhoeve Hof ter Hille en de bewoning vanaf de volle middeleeuwen tot en met de aanleg op locatie van Golf ter Hille in Oostduinkerke-Koksijde. Een 12-tal auteurs verleenden hun medewerking aan dit rijkelijk geïllustreerde boek Richard Hallett Daniel Benson [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | NL ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9789058564887 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] / € 35,00 [INT]| June 2014 Brazil The Beautiful Game Having photographed football in Brazil for two decades, no one understands the country's obsession with the sport better than Christopher Pillitz. From Brazil's sun kissed beaches to its spotlessly clean favelas, Pillitz reveals the sport as Brazil's religion. His bold and brightly coloured photographs show players of every age and walk of life. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 200 p | 175 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348940 | € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL] / € 34,50 [INT]| March 2014 Brazil Fifa World Cup : 12/06-13-07 2014 Do you know the difference between a head tube and a headset? Can you tell whether a frame is made from steel or carbon fibre? Do you know how a derailleur works and why it revolutionized bike design? If not, this is the perfect guide for you. The Bike Deconstructed celebrates bicycle design by looking at its individual components, large and small. Their historical roots are explored, key features identified and principal uses (and sometimes misuses) revealed. [UK] M. Beazley | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 200 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781845338831 | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] / € 29,50 [INT]| March 2014 Distant Shores: Surfing The Ends Of The Earth by Chris Burkard Edited by Steve Crist Chris Burkard's photographs are punctuated by energized landscapes and moments of bliss, by adventure seeking and the lifestyle that it encompasses, and by movement and intuitive light-working capabilities. With the ocean as his main muse, Burkard has consistently captured his subject in timeless and expansive photographic impressions, utilizing the tool of surfing to approach the ocean's intricate personality and then extending out to include the human personalities that draw meaning from this same source. [US] Ammo | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 393 x 292 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781623260170 | € 39,95 [BE] / € 39,95 [NL] / € 37,69 [INT]| Jan. 2014 58 Never before have so many bicycles been profiled within one beautifully illustrated volume. 1001 Bikes to Dream of Riding Before You Die explores in detail the greatest bikes of all time and from across the globe: from the early historic velocipedes of the 1890s to the arrival of today's standard upright bikes that dominate the marketplace. [UK] Cassell | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781844037636 | € 28,95 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL] / € 28,95 [INT]| June 2014 1000 Football Shirts The most comprehensive collection ever of iconic soccer uniforms from around the world, featuring more than 1,000 illustrations representing 100 countries and 500 major teams. This massively illustrated and comprehensive volume presents and explains the team shirts worn by the world's leading soccer clubs and national teams from one hundred countries over the past one hundred years. In addition to detailing the colorful histories behind each shirt, the book also highlights the personalities and players. [US] Rizzoli | | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9780789327307 | € 31,00 [BE] / € 31,00 [NL] / € 31,00 [INT]| April 2014 MUSIC Bruce Springsteen The Killers Bruno Mars Album by Album Days & Ages The Unauthorised Biography Ryan White Mark Beaumont Emily Herbert A definitive retrospective and chronology of each of Bruce Springsteen's 17 studio albums, fully illustrated with many previously unpublished photographs, this book is published to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Springsteen's most successful album, 1984's multi-million selling Born in the U.S.A. The ultimate story of The Killers' rise from Las Vegas croupiers to million selling global superstars headlining festivals throughout the world. Featuring interview transcripts with the band as well as new interviews with them and those around them right up to their new album Battle Born. [UK] Carlton | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 230 mm | 256 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9871780975115 | € 43,95 [BE] / € 43,95 [NL] / € 43,95 [INT]| May 2014 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm | 256 p | some col.ill. | ISBN: 9781783050451 | € 21,95 [BE] / € 21,95 [NL] / € 21,95 [INT]| June 2014 Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), known by his stage name Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter and record producer. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, by a family of musicians, Mars began making music at a young age and performed in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood. Throughout a singing career spanning 3 years, he has sold 10 million albums and 58 million singles worldwide. Metallica Nothing Else Matters Tom Petty Lou Reed: Magic & Loss The Graphic Novel Rock'n Roll Guardian Peter Doggett Jim McCarthy (Author), Brian Williamson (Illustrator) Tom Petty is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He is the frontman of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and was a founding member of the late 1980s supergroup Traveling Wilburys. He has recorded a number of hit singles with the Heartbreakers and as a solo artist. Throughout his career, Petty and his collaborators have sold 60 million albums. In 2002, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 2012 and 2013 he embarked on his first North American and European tour in 20 years Lou Reed consistently challenged the conventions of rock music. He created the Velvet Undergound, the most influential cult band of the sixties, and inspired a generation of punk rebels. From the creators of Gabba Gabba Hey! The Graphic Story of The Ramones comes an explosive new graphic novel about the world's greatest heavy metal band, Metallica. By far the most successful of thrash metal's original big four, incredibly Metallica have now been performing for well over 20 years. [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 244 x 166 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9781783051861 | € 21,95 [BE] / € 21,95 [NL] / € 21,95 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 232 x 156 mm | 384 p | ISBN: 9781780387420 | € 28,95 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL] / € 28,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 59 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm | 224 p | some col.ill. | ISBN: 9781783053551 | € 28,95 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL] / € 28,95 [INT]| March 2014 His art took in drug addiction, sado-masochism, death-wishes, degredation and despair. Latterly he re-invented himself as a poet and thinker, a deeply serious man whose past was forgiven amidst the accolades that age brought him. [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 156 mm | 208 p | various bw ill. | ISBN: 9781783054947 | € 21,95 [BE] / € 21,95 [NL] / € 21,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 MUSIC & CINEMA Bach Leonard Cohen New Illustrated Lives of Great Composers (incl CD) Almost Young Tim Dowley A tribute to Canadian-born poet and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen who will be 80 in September 2014: Pictures by famous and unfamous photographers portray Cohen's career of 50 years, from his early years on the Greek island of Hydra to his 2008 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and his most recent concerts. A new and fascinating biography of the most outstanding composer in musical history, covering Bach's earliest musical efforts in Eisenach, his cultural inheritance, his series of posts as organist or musician, and his stormy career in Leipzig.It also traces the significant stages of development in his family and his music. Reproductions of engravings and portraits of the time help to recreate the era in which Bach flourished. [UK] Omnibus +firm+ | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 248 x 170 mm | 144 p | some bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780384474 | € 19,50 [BE] / € 19,50 [NL] / € 19,50 [INT]| March 2014 75000 Films Leonard Cohen [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 215 mm | 144 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606646 | € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL] / € 27,95 [INT]| April 2014 What lies behind the screen of a film archive? Very few had the chance to discover. 75000 FILMS is a very personal voyage into this unknown territory, guided by the photos of Xavier Harcq, Jimmy Kets and Marie-Françoise Plissart and the texts of David Bordwell, Eric de Kuyper and Dominique Païni. Six different points of view into a film archive: the activities, the role, the spaces, the people, the gestures of those who make sure that films will live forever. Cinémathèque royale de Belgique /Koninklijk Belgisch Filmarchief. [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 235 x 165 mm | 144 p | 90 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873403485 | € 20,00 [BE] / € 20,00 [NL] / € 18,87 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Grace Kelly Hollywood contacts Film Stills Movie Stars Behind the Scenes The Art of DreamWorks Animation Daniel Dreier Karina Longworth Celebrating 20 Years of Art Grace Kelly gave up her acting career for the real-life role of Princess Grace of Monaco. In just four years she had made eleven movies, three of them with Alfred Hitchcock. Grace Kelly Film Stills is a celebration of her immortal beauty and an oblique tribute to "Hitch". Photographers contact sheets are the permanent record of every shot that they took - and through Hollywoods golden age, there was o!en a photographer on set, capturing the scene as actors and directors collaborated to produce classic movies. This book collects the contact sheets from classic movies like King Kong (1933), Some Like it Hot (1959), Taxi Driver (1976), Pulp Fiction (1994), and many more. Capturing legends such as Woody Allen, Audrey Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe, and Frank Sinatra By Ramin Zahed. Introduct ion by Jeff rey Katz enberg [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 215 mm | 144 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829606684 | € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL] / € 27,95 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] IVY PRESS | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 220 mm | 208 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781781579800 | € 28,95 [BE] / € 28,95 [NL] / € 28,95 [INT]| June 2014 60 The Art of DreamWorks Animation marks the studio's twentieth anniversary and pays homage to the animators who brought iconic characters like Shrek and Po to life. Brimming with concept art, pre-production designs and character sketches, the book celebrates the art of animation and offers unprecedented behind-the-scenes access into the DreamWorks Animation archive. [US] Abrams | Hardback | | 305 x 254 mm | 324 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781419711664 | € 42,00 [BE] / € 42,00 [NL] / € 42,00 [INT]| April 2014 GIFTS Keep Britain Tidy The Book of Hearts And Other Posters from the Nanny State Francesca Gavin 'Life is Better on the Land', 'Don't Ask a Man to Drink and Drive', 'Be Really Cool, Man, Save', 'Clunk Click Every Trip' - with these kinds of slogan combined with eye-catching graphics the British government in the postwar era sought to infl uence everything from the jobs people did to what they ate and drank, how they saved their money and behaved on the road. Over forty of these posters, produced in the period c. 1945-75, are published here in a handy detachable format. This collection of heart imagery highlights how a universal symbol can be creatively interpreted and constantly reinvented. It captures the breadth of art and design imagery exploring the meaning and representation of hearts. Although the focus is on the contemporary, it also touches on the history of the symbol - from the Sacred Heart cult to the invention of the Valentine, from heart tattoos to pictograms. The Book of Hearts is an exploration of the meaning and representation of love and emotion. [UK] T & H | Paperback | Eng. ed. |317 x 240 mm | 94 p | 49 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500291405 | € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL] / € 21,50 [INT]| April 2014 With 40 detachable posters ! [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 180 x 140 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781780673318 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Artists' Colouring Books: 1960s Secret Garden 20 Postcards Containing 20 detachable postcards of Johanna Basford's beautiful drawings from the inky world of her Secret Garden. Decorate the cards to bring the flowers and tiny creatures to life, then share the magic with all your friends. For artists and gardeners of all ages. Dandelion Wishes Journal Delicate watercolour paintings of buds and blooms adorn the pages of this sweet journal by Anna Emilia Laitinen. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 192 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452128962 | € 10,50 [BE] / € 10,50 [NL] / € 10,50 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Laurence King | Cards | Eng. ed. | 160 x 120 mm | 40 p | ISBN: 9781856699464 | € 12,50 [BE] / € 15,13 [NL] / € 12,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 61 Pepin Artist's colouring books match the quality of the finest artists' pads. The are perfectly suited to practice your colouring skills and create beautiful pieces at the same time. In order to get the best results, we recommend you use highquality colouring materials. Availble titles: Art Nouveau, Turkish Designs, 1960s,Arabian patterns, Still Life Bouquets, JapaneseDesigns. [NL] Pepin - Artists' Colouring Books | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789460098031 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT]| April 2014 GIFTS Fan-fucking-tastic Notecards 'DUWK9DGHU V/LWWOH3ULQFHVV Jeffrey Brown This sweet and funny collection of postcards is filled with father-and-daughter moments between Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith and his rebellious daughter, Princess Leia. Perfect to send or keep, the cards feature artwork from Vader's' Little Princess as well as new illustrations not included in the book. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 30 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452135441 | € 10,50 [BE] / € 10,50 [NL] / € 10,50 [INT]| May 2014 12 Notecards & Envelopes Darth Vader's Little Princess Journal Inspired by the bestselling book Vader's' Little Princess, this full-colour flexi journal features Jeffrey Brown's hilarious artwork illustrating the ups and downs of being a father and a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 180 x 127 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9781452135458 | € 10,50 [BE] / € 10,50 [NL] / € 10,50 [INT]| May 2014 Both irreverent and classy, this notecard set offers a range of exquisitely appropriate expletives--all rendered in a beautiful, traditional hand-drawn calligraphy and foil-stamped on a nice uncoated card stock. --Fuck Yeah, It's Your Birthday --Fan-fucking-tastic --You're the Shit --You Made my Fucking Day [US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9781452125831 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| March 2014 Box with acetate lid, 12 notecards, 12 envelopes, foil stamping Memu: 100 Postcards Letters to My Future Self F*ck! A Journal for My Twenties James Jean Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever. By Emma Koenig The ultimate trove of James jean's award-winning work, this deluxe silkscreened, cloth-covered box contains 100 collectible postcards of both his iconic paintings and rarely-seen sketchbook pages. By Lea Redmond This journal from Emma Koenig is filled with prompts inspired by her book, F*CK! I'm in My Twenties, perfect for twenty-something's who are just trying to figure things out and need a place to doodle, vent their feelings, list their thoughts and maybe gain a little clarity through writing. It's an active companion--like having coffee with your funniest friend--and a place for sharing the most truthful, interesting and revealing moments of your life. 60 or so pages throughout will have fill-ins, colour-ins.. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Boxed | Eng. ed. | 159 x 159 mm | 111 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452114385 | € 22,51 [BE] / € 22,51 [NL] / € 22,50 [INT]| March 2014 This keepsake book of 12 fold-and-mail style letters offers a unique way to capture an elusive moment in time like a dozen diary entries for the future. The letters offer thought-provoking prompts ('I promise to myself...', 'All the things I'd like to try someday', 'A pep talk for the future me') to guide self-reflection, and the included stickers then seal each letter with a classic postal look. Postdated to be opened in the future, these letters become a paper time capsules to treasure forever. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 12 p | ISBN: 9781452125374 | € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL] / € 34,95 [INT]| April 2014 12 fold-and-mail envelopes, full-colour sticker sheet 62 [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 152 mm | 176 p | 60 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781452128344 | € 13,20 [BE] / € 13,20 [NL] / € 13,20 [INT]| May 2014 GIFTS If I Were a Book Fortune-Telling Book of Colors By José Jorge Letria Illustrated by André Letria K.C. Jones This sweet celebration of the magic and wonder of books will delight readers of all ages. Andre Letria's whimsical illustrations of a book as a kite, a tent, a ship and more are paired with Jose Jorge Letria's thoughtful musings on the joys of reading. In the hands of this internationally acclaimed father-and-son duo, a book becomes a mountaintop with a spectacular vista ("If I were a book, I'd be full of new horizons"), and an endless staircase of imagination. From colour astrology and the meaning behind colour combinations, to a catalogue of every colour imaginable and how to use colours to invite luck, wealth and good fortune into your life, this little book is the perfect gift for colour fans. [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 121 x 95 mm | 204 p | throughout, col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452132655 | € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL]/ € 9,95 [INT]| April 2014 Padded cover [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 203 x 152 mm | 64 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452121444 | € 12,50 [BE] / € 12,50 [NL]/ € 12,50 [INT]| March 2014 I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats 16 Assorted Notecards and Envelopes Everyone's favourite cat poet's on stationery! This notecard set will feature some of the star felines from our New York Times bestseller, I Could Pee on This, plus all new material/photos. These will be shorter poems--to leave room for folks to write their own message. The cards will have a photo of the cat and poem title on the outside, and the poem on the inside, and will cover four occasions (Thank You, Congratulations, Happy Birthday and Thinking of You). [US] Chronicle Books | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9781452129105 | € 11,95 [BE] / € 11,95 [NL] / € 11,95 [INT]| April 2014 BabyLit® Totes Sherlock Holmes for Carrying Your Favorite Books! Artwork © Alison Oliver [US] Gibbs Smith | Tote Bag | ISBN: 9781423635468 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] / € 13,95 [INT]| Kids Are Weird Cats are Weird And Other Observations from Parenthood and More Observations By Jeffrey Brown Jeffrey Brown As he's shown in his previous hugely popular books, Jeffrey Brown has a real gift for finding humour in quirky yet universal truths. Now the bestselling author of Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess brings his witty comic observations to terrestrial parenting in this perceptive book celebrating the more surreal moments of raising a child. In charming colourful panels, Brown wryly illustrates his five-year-old son's take on the world around him. Cartoonist Jeffrey Brown's drawings perfectly capture the humor and quirkiness of cats in all their strange and charming glory. Following the success of Cat Getting Out of a Bag, this all-new collection of color and black-and-white comic strips loosely follows the adventures of a pair of cats as they explore the world around them, indoors and out. [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 165 mm | 108 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452118703 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] / € 13,95 [INT]| April 2014 [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 165 x 165 mm | 108 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780811874809 | € 12,50 [BE] / € 12,50 [NL] / € 12,50 [INT]| March 2014 -R/P Reprint 63 Totes I Love Books Read Local, 9781423635451 I Like Big Books, 9781423635444 Books not Bombs Tote, 9781423636694 Books Rock! Tote, 9781423637318 Darcy Heart, 9781423631576 Dracula, 9781423631606 Mad Hatter Mustache Face, 9781423631545 Moby, 9781423633501 Mr. Darcy Tote, 9781423631590 Pride & Prejudice,9 781423635475 Wuthering Heights, 9781423633488, Sherlock Holmes, 9781423635468 Books, 9781423633471 BabyLit® Totes Mad Hatter Mustache Face,9781423631545 Cat, 9781423631538 Book Nerd Tote,9781423636670 Books Rock! Tote, 9781423637318 I Like Big Books,9781423635444 Keep Calm, 9781423633426 Read,9781423633464 Read Local, 9781423635451 Read Tote, 9781423637325 GIFTS Hearts #19 Winter scenes #23 Art Nouveau Textiles #31 Gift wrapping paper book Gift wrapping paper book Gift wrapping paper book [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789460090301 | € 12,95 [BE]/ € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789460090356 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | ISBN: 9789460090431 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 1970s patterns # 54 Tattoo Still Life # 59 Gift wrapping paper book Gift wrapping paper book Gift wrapping paper book [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | ISBN: 9789460090660 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | ISBN: 9789460090677 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap +firm only | Paperback | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed | ISBN: 9789460090714 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 PEPIN® gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line 64 GIFTS Pen Set: Write It Down When inspiration strikes, be ready to 'Write It Down with this colourful pen and pencil set. Perfect for back to school or your own home office, these eye-catching desk essentials help you get the job done. The ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil feature bright artwork designed to inspire. Pair these with our Write It Down Basic Journal or Fun Shaped Sticky Notes for a fun and functional gift. [US] Galison | Boxed | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780735339699 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Lenticular Notepads: Portfolio Notes: Kandinsky Circles [US] Galison | MAP | ISBN: 9780735340299 | € 10,50 [BE] / € 10,50 [NL] / € 10,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 12 tent notecards, 12 envelopes [US] Galison NY Times Night & Day ISBN 9780735340381 | € 7,95 Word of Mouth ISBN 9780735340251 |€ 7,95 Eye Pad ISBN 9780735340251 |€ 7,95 Petite Journal Set: Art & Fashion of George Barbier This journal set is the definition of chic! Celebrating the stylish work of French fashion illustrator George Barbier (1882-1932), each full-colour cover features one of Barbier's Art Deco illustrations for publications such as Journal des Dames et des Modes, with corresponding patterns on the backs and spines. These three posh journals are bound together with natural twine and each contains 96 lined pages. [US] Galison | ISBN: 9780735340145 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Kim Parker Floral Essential Everyday Journal: Artist Kim Parker's exuberant florals on this vibrant journal will add a splash of colour to your routine. Featuring a flexible matte cover, elastic closure, and ribbon marker, the Kim Parker Floral Journal is ideal for everyday use. The journal contains 160 lined pages, and is perfect for the office or on the go. Pair it with our Kim Parker Pen & Pencil set for a gorgeous gift. See more of Kim's art at http://www.kimparker.tv/ [US] Galison | 203 x 140 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9780735339774 | € 10,60 [BE]/ € 10,60 [NL] / € 10,60 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Elastic band, ribbon marker Vintage Cameras Essential Everyday Journal [US] Galison | | Eng. ed. | 203 x 140 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9780735340213 | € 10,50 [BE] / € 10,50 [NL] / € 10,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Elastic band, Ribbon marker 65 GIFTS Sketchbook: Andy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge Sketchbook: Andy Warhol Flowers Take inspiration from one of the preeminent artists of the 20th century, Andy Warhol. This dynamic sketchbook features a print from Warhol's Brooklyn Bridge, 1983 series, which celebrated the bridges centennial. With 30 sheets of artist-quality drawing paper and a colour wire binding for easy flipping, this sketchbook is perfect for any aspiring artist. Make your drawings "Pop"! Take inspiration from one of the 20th century's most influential artists, Andy Warhol. This dynamic sketchbook features a print from Warhol's Flowers series on the front cover and 30 sheets of artist-quality drawing paper. Bound at its top with a colour wire binding for easy flipping, this sketchbook is perfect for any aspiring artist. [US] Galison | Wire-o binding | Eng. ed. | 305 x 229 mm | 30 p | ISBN: 9780735339729 | € 11,50 [BE] / € 11,50 [NL] / € 11,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [US] Galison | Wire-o binding | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780735339712 | € 11,50 [BE] / € 11,50 [NL] / € 11,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 100 Reasons to Panic about getting old We've laid out every reason you can think of to panic about getting older--and all the reasons it's actually going to be okay. [US] Knock Knock | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 150 mm | 112 p | 29 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781601065773 | € 8,50 [BE] / € 8,50 [NL] / € 8,50 [INT]| March 2014 A perfect gift for anyone over 22 ! Horizontal Pad: What to Pack Some of our best-selling pads--with a fresh new 'tude! With a new orientation and freshly hand-drawn look, these additions are as charming as they are helpful. [US] Knock Knock | Pad | Eng. ed. | 60 p | ISBN: 9781601065513 | € 7,95 [BE] / € 7,95 [NL] / € 7,95 [INT]| March 2014 Inner Truth: I Need to Unplug Our new title in this best-selling series addresses a subject everyone can relate to: the exhausting effects of digital saturation and info-overload. Provides a healthy daily dose of techno-skepticism for the digital age. [US] Knock Knock | | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781601065810 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL] / € 15,95 [INT]| March 2014 Dream Journal Cheaper (and less nosy) than a shrink, this hand-some bedside analyst offers an easy format for recording your dreams and interpreting their signifi-cance. Because sometimes a cigar is just a cigar-but not usually. <ul><li>Explore your subconscious without paying for actual therapy!! </li><li>Great for overthinkers, intellects, and dreamers </li><li>Paperback; 6.25 x 9 inches, 128 pages, ribbon page marker </li></ul> [US] Knock Knock | | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781601065230 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| March 2014 Munken: Works M [G] Steidl | ISBN 9783869306414 | € 26?95 [be] 66 GIFTS Personal Library Kit The bestselling Personal Library Kit reintroduces old-fashioned library circulation techniques for fun and book retention. The kit's self-adhesive pockets, checkout cards, date stamper, and keepsake box have bibliophiles everywhere channeling their inner librarian. Plus, when the stacks are empty, you can reload your Personal library Kit with a handy refill pack ! [US] Knock Knock | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9781601060723 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL] / € 15,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Reprint. Refill pack: isbn 9781601061430 Rotating Stamp: Office Jargon 12 useful expressions With twelve eminently inkable phrases, this witty gadget does the talking for you. A favorite item with a new name! [US] Knock Knock | | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781601065636 | € 11,95 [BE] / € 11,95 [NL] (CB)/ € 11,95 [INT]| March 2014 Rotating Stamp: Love 12 Love-ly Phrases With twelve eminently inkable phrases, this witty gadget does the talking--or sweet-talking--for you. The mechanical cousin of candy Valentine's hearts! [US] Knock Knock | | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781601065469 | € 11,95 [BE] / € 11,95 [NL] / € 11,95 [INT]| March 2014 Magnet Mini Note: Nag Note Our renowned sticky notes have shape-shifted into itty-bitty dry-erase boards. Even better, they're magnetic. Stick 'em to your fridge and leave a note for your roommate, your spouse, or yourself. <ul><li>With a product this cute, it's okay to nag </li><li>A honey do list you can reuse until the end of time </li></ul>3.75 x 4.25 inches; magnet on back; includes dry-erase pen [US] Knock Knock | | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781601065704 | € 6,50 [BE] / € 6,50 [NL] / € 6,50 [INT]| March 2014 67 GIFTS & GAMES The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book Animals Cityscapes Thomas Pavitte Thomas Pavitte Twenty Iconic Portraits to Complete Yourself Its dot-to-dot gone wild in this latest addition to the series, as author Thomas Pavitte sets out to explore the animal kingdom. Enjoy bringing your favourite animals to life with The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book: Animals, featuring popular pets such as cats and dogs, as well as the more exotic beasts of feathers, fur, and scales... With 20 incredible drawings for you to complete at home each consisting of no fewer than a thousand dots youll discover the unique pleasure and satisfaction that comes from joining dots Following the global success of The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book, author Thomas Pavitte is now taking his extraordinary illustrations to the urban jungle in 1000 Dot-to-Dot Cityscapes. With 20 incredible drawings of some of the greatest cities in the world each consisting of no fewer than one thousand dots and rendered in amazing detail youll discover the unique pleasure and satisfaction that comes from joining dots. Best of all, the fun doesnt end with the the last dot joined. Thomas Pavitte [UK] Ilex | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 356 x 254 mm | 48 p | ISBN: 9781781571446 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| June 2014 [UK] Ilex | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 420 x 300 mm | 48 p | ISBN: 9781781571040 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| March 2014 -R/P 2nd Reprint [UK] Ilex | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 356 x 254 mm | 48 p | ISBN: 9781781571453 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| June 2014 Twenty iconic portraits to complete yourself In an age of childhood fun for grown-ups, we bring you The Dot-to-Dot Book . Thomas Pavitte has put together a unique collection of dot-to-dot drawings, all of them consisting of exactly , dots and taking a satisfyingly long time to complete. His unique style, recreating iconic people and portraits in dot form, results in images that are not only fun to join, but cool enough to put on your wall. Art to Collect and Colour Pictura: Tomislav Tomic's A Walk Through Paris Pictura: Niroot Puttapipat's Faeries Art to Collect and Colour Art to Collect and Colour Tomislav Tomic Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour, for ages 9 to 90. In Faeries, young artist Niroot Puttapipat has created a beautiful woodland scene of elves, sprites, faeries and other mythical creatures. After colouring this in, consumers are invited to take the next creative step and copy Niroot's work, using a gridded drawing activity on the back of the concertina. Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour, for ages 9 to 90. In this title from the urban strand, Tomislav Tomic takes us on a journey through glamorous Paris in the early 1900s. There are eight iconic buildings/places to be coloured in: Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Grand Palais, the Louvre, the Seine, Notre Dame and, of course, the Eiffel Tower. [UK] Templar - PIctura | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 228 x 174 mm | 8 p | ISBN: 9781848776715 | € 11,50 [BE] / € 11,50 [NL] / € 11,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 68 [UK] Templar - PIctura | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 228 x 174 mm | 8 p | ISBN: 9781848779846 | € 11,50 [BE] / € 11,50 [NL] / € 11,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 GIFTS & GAMES London IQ The Trivia Game for Londoners This one-of-a-kind game presents multiple choice trivia questions about London's historic nooks and crannies, beloved pastimes, hotspots and highlights only true Londoners would know. Correct answers are awarded IQ points and the team with the highest London IQ wins! Sleek game components include 200 cards (400 questions), a scoring chart, and 4 coloured pencils. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 200 p | ISBN: 9781452124599 | € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL] / € 19,95 [INT]| April 2014 Puzzle: Andy Warhol So Series Deluxe Puzzle Wheel The charming drawings of the iconic Andy Warhol's "So Series "adorn this special puzzle wheel. Hand drawn in the 1950s, Warhol's "so slow" snails, so happy cat, and "so many stars" will delight youngsters. The six outer puzzle pieces each show a different illustration from the So Series, and fit into a central piece to form a circle around a smiling sun. As a bonus, the reverse side is also a colour wheel! These extra thick pieces fit easily into small hands. New York Times 1000 PC Puzzle Get in a New York state of mind by piecing together this beautiful puzzle. The breathtaking image was culled from the photo archives of The New York Times, and shows the city and the iconic Empire State Building lit up at night. The New York Times 1000 Piece Puzzle comes in a sturdy box, and includes an insert of the image for puzzle-solving reference. [US] Galison | Boxed | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9780735340114 | € 18,50 [BE] / € 18,50 [NL] / € 18,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [US] Galison | | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9780735339910 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL] / € 15,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Typeface Memory Game Street Art Memory Game Make a Face - Memory Game The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dob Design: Lilian van Dongen Torman The cards of this new memory game depict all kinds of funny faces created with everyday DIY materials such as paper, cardboard, elastic bands, brushes, buttons, etcetera. Your task, as ever, is to find the matching faces made with the same materials. Great fun to play for children of every age and, as a side effect, playing the game also gives you tons of inspiration for creating your own faces or other figures with everyday materials. Joost van Dorst & Sylvia Klop This very attractively finished typographic memory game includes 25 variations of the letter 'A', each in a different letter type. Players attempt to find the matching A's in the same letter type. The player who has the highest number of matching letters wins the game. Typographic information about the letter is included on the card, and a separate folder provides a general history of typography. [NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | Eng. ed.| | ISBN: 9789063692216 | € 19,90 [BE] / € 19,90 [NL] / € 19,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 -R/P Reprint This new title in the series of memory games celebrates the popular field of international street art, with works of the most famous street artists. Your task, as ever, is to find the matching cards. In this game you have to match two works by the same street artist. It may sound a little bit difficult, but the choice of works will be such that the player can recognise the matching cards quite easily. Great fun to play and you will gain more knowledge about the iconic and often visually very engaging [NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | No text | | 60 cards | ISBN: 9789063693220 | € 15,00 [BE] / € 15,00 [NL] / € 15,00 [INT]| March 2014 -previously announced- 69 [NL] BIS Publishers | Boxed | No text | | 60 cards | ISBN: 9789063693480 | € 15,00 [BE] / € 15,00 [NL] / € 15,00 [INT]| April 2014 POPULAR CULTURE We are Friends with you Friendswithyou Founded in 2002 by the artists Samuel Borkson and Tury Sandoval III, FriendsWithYou is a fine art collective that has been spreading their trademarked message of Magic, Luck, and Friendship(TM) worldwide through its inflatable cartoon heads and winking art installations. Together they have forged their admiration with Takashi Murakami, Yayoi Kusama, and Arturo Herrera and have instilled in their artwork the powerful ability to trigger thoughts of happiness and curiosity in even the most jaded of audiences. Index A to Z Peter Halley Beginning as a low-budget, oversized fanzine in 1996, index magazine quickly became one of the most influential small publications in the US. index had a smart and irreverent voice that epitomized the late '90s indie ethos. Featuring conversations between architects, artists, celebrities, designers, filmmakers, musicians and writers, the magazine brought together some of the most relevant cultural figures who were at that time young and often unknown, yet have since become cultural icons or celebrities. [US] Rizzoli | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 228 mm | 256 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780847842445 | € 46,00 [BE] / € 46,00 [NL] / € 46,00 [INT]| April 2014 [US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 282 x 228 mm | 240 p | ISBN: 9780847842377 | € 49,50 [BE] / € 49,50 [NL] / € 49,50 [INT]| April 2014 Wanderlust Skulls Journal Skull Art Prints Mona Lisa to Marge By Troy M. Litten 20 Removable Posters Featuring warning signs from around the globe, this edgy and design-driven journal is ideal for evoking a sense of wanderlust and recording tales of discovery and adventure. 20 removable posters by trend-setting artists, and fitting into the standard 11 x 14 inch frame. The 20 works featured on the posters are by: French, Patrick Thomas, Carissa Rose, Drew Millward, Dan Stirling, James Joyce, Dominick Rapone, Boo Davies/Quiltsrÿche, Noah Scalin, Noma Bar, Paul Alexander Thornton, Pure Evil, Rich Fairhead, Zeke Clough, Zoe Dorelli, Craig Robson, Megamunden, Sarah King, Sergei Sviatchenko and Andres Guerrero. How the World's Greatest Artworks Entered Popular Culture [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 180 x 127 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9781452118260 | € 10,60 [BE] / € 10,60 [NL] / € 10,60 [INT]| April 2014 [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 355 x 279 mm | 40 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781856699396 | € 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL] / € 24,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 70 This highly entertaining exploration of art, history, and commerce reveals how 30 masterpieces made the journey from image to icon. How did paintings such as the Mona Lisa, Birth of Venus, and The Scream achieve worldwide recognition? Why do certain works of art populate T-shirts, coffee mugs, calendars, and advertising? Witty and well researched, this accessible exploration of visual and popular culture reveals how particular works of art have become part of the collective imagination. [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 195 mm | 144 p | 172 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791348773 | € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL] / € 23,50 [INT]| April 2014 STREET STYLE & GRAPHIC DESIGN Sneakers The Complete Limited Editions Guide U-Dox 100 Ideas that Changed Street Style 100 Ideas that Changed Street Style is a look-by-look dissection of the key ideas that changed the way we dress from the middle of the 20th century to the present day explaining the most iconic items of clothing and how they were worn, what the look was born of, its cultural background, how it was received and how it still resonates in fashion today. The modern wardrobe owes its development not just to fashion designers in Paris or Milan but also to gangs and movements brought together by a shared appreciat Hiroshi Fijiwara [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 216 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780673417 | € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL] / € 28,50 [INT]| April 2014 Joseph Ari Aloi AKA JK5 Contributions by Eric Clapton, Mark Parker, Jean Touitou, Nigo, and Sarah Lerfel An Archive of Sketches, Tattoos, Drawings, Paintings,and Objects Known internationally and variously described as the Godfather of Streetwear and one of the founding fathers of Tokyo's Harajuku scene, Hiroshi Fujiwara exerts a disproportionate influence over contemporary design culture. Fujiwara, who had collaborated with the likes of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood as a teenager in the early 1980s, merged a seminal interest in punk with hip-hop and skate culture to become one of Japan's principal tastemakers. The first monograph to celebrate the diverse and eclectic work of one of the true visionaries of the contemporary art world. This creatively designed monograph features work that extends from paintings on canvas to plastic vinyl toys, from storyboards for animation films to collages and scratch cards, and from outlines for tattoo work to a vast collection of sketchbooks-each completed with such regularity that they serve as a kind of artist diary, recording his changing preoccupations. [US] Rizzoli | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 279 x 215 mm | 256 p | ISBN: 9780847842391 | € 54,00 [BE] / € 54,00 [NL] / € 54,00 [INT]| April 2014 [US] Rizzoli | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 190 mm | 208 p | 280 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780789327239 | € 46,00 [BE] / € 46,00 [NL] / € 46,00 [INT]| March 2014 71 This much-anticipated sequel to the classic volume Sneakers: The Complete Collectors Guide is a global survey of, and reference guide to, the very best and most collectible limited-edition sneaker designs that have been released over the last decade. Each sneaker is accompanied by informative text and a data box listing Edition, Pack, Year Released, Original Purpose, Technology and Extras. An essential purchase for both the hardcore sneaker freak and the first time collector. [UK] T & H | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 197 x 215 mm | 256 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500517284 | € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL] / € 24,95 [INT]| [02/14] Tokyo Adorned The neon, pastels, bows, and vibrant prints of Tokyo's fashion tribes are unmistakable, outrageous, and fun. Recognized around the world, with huge online followings, the city's style icons are photographed here against white backgrounds, revealing a new dimen-sion of personality and emotion in these remarkable individuals. [UK] Booth-Clibborn | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 380 x 305 mm | 132 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781861543479 | € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL] / € 34,50 [INT]| March 2014 GRAPHIC NOVELS Expo: 16/1/2014 - 19/4/2014, Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Brussels Le Temps des Cités Het tijdperk van de steden Drawings from the Gulag Donation François Schuiten Schenking van François Schuiten Danzig Baldaev Thierry Bellefroid, Tristan Garcia, Thierry Grillet, Benoît Mouchart, Benoît Peeters, Michel Wittock Thierry Bellefroid, Tristan Garcia, Thierry Grillet, Benoît Mouchart, Benoît Peeters, Michel Wittock Cette publication, éditée par le Fonds du Patrimoine à l'occasion de la donation de François Schuiten, nous invite à voyager dans l'univers imaginaire du dessinateur à l'aide des planches qu'il a données à la Fondation Roi Baudouin. Benoît Peeters, son grand ami de toujours, y évoque les Cités Obscures et Thierry Bellefroid, l'ouvre de jeunesse de François Schuiten. Tristan Garcia y porte un regard de philosophe. Uitgegeven door het Erfgoedfonds naar aanleiding van de schenking van François Schuiten neemt de publicatie de bezoeker mee op ontdekkingstocht door de verschillende werelden uit de verbeelding van François Schuiten. In de publicatie vertelt Benoît Peeters, de jeugdvriend van François Schuiten over De Duistere Steden en kijkt Thierry Bellefroid terug op het jeugdwerk van François Schuiten. Tristan Garcia benadert het oeuvre dan weer vanuit het standpunt van de filosoof. Drawings from the Gulag consists of 130 drawings by Danzig Baldaev describing the history, horror and peculiarities of the Gulag system from its inception in 1918. This 'graphic novel' vividly depicts methods of torture and mass murder undertaken by the administration, as well as the atrocities committed by criminals on their fellow inmates. [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting | Paperback | French ed. | 240 x 201 mm | 80 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782872127139 | € 8,00 [BE] / € 8,48 [NL] / € 8,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 200 x 160 mm | 224 p | 130 bw ill. | ISBN: 9780956356246 | € 25,95 [BE] / € 25,95 [NL] / € 25,95 [INT]| March 2014 Reprint [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting | Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 201 mm | 80 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789051308327 | € 8,00 [BE] / € 8,48 [NL] / € 8,00 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Tintin The Art of Hergé By Hergé Museum, Michel Dauber [US] Abrams | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 210 mm | 480 p | 320 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781419710933 | € 39,95 [BE] / € 39,95 [NL] / € 39,95 [INT]| March 2014 -R/PReprint Asterix and the Picts (Hb) Jean-Yves Ferri (Author), Didier Conrad (Illustrator), Rene Goscinny (Author), Albert Uderzo (Author), The Art of Neil Gaiman Hayley Campbell With characters like Coraline and the Sandman to hos, Neil Gaiman is one of the best-loved authors in the world today, a creative force in comics, fiction and the movies and TV, a serial award-winner, and a social media phenomenon whose every work is a guaranteed #1 bestseller. Author Hayley Campbell brilliantly evokes the literary and comics scene of 1980s London, and places pop-culture milestones in the context of a busy, multi-stranded creative life - making sense of Gaimans diverse career. [UK] Ilex | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 205 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781781571392 | € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL] / € 36,50 [INT]| May 2014 Stieg Larsson's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Leonardo Manco (Artist), Andrea Mutti (Artist), Denise Mina (Author) Harriet Vanger, a scion of one of Sweden's wealthiest families, disappeared over forty years ago. All these years later, her aged uncle continues to seek the truth. He hires Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading journalist recently trapped by a libel conviction, to investigate. He is aided by the pierced and tattooed punk prodigy Lisbeth Salander. Together they tap into a vein of unfathomable iniquity and astonishing corruption.. [US] Random House US | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9781401242862 | € 24,99 [BE] / € 24,99 [NL] / € 24,99 [INT]| April 2014 The Girl who played with Fire, ISBN 9781401237578 72 [UK] Orion | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 287 x 216 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781444011678 | € 13,99 [BE] / € 13,99 [NL] / € 13,99 [INT]| Dec. 2013 -R/P Reprint GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN Know Your Onions. Webdesign Jet propel yourself into the driving seat of a top-class web designer and be a money making, creative, design machine Drew de Soto Once upon a time I was Dit boek is als een handig notitieboekje waarin een ervaren grafisch ontwerper als een persoonlijke mentor, zijn 20 jaar ervaring voor je heeft opgeschreven. Dus licht van toon, zonder omhaal van woorden geschreven en boordevol tips en adviezen over alle aspecten van grafisch werk. Een naslagwerkje dat je altijd bij de hand wil hebben en dat je de ervaring en inzichten geeft waar een ander jaren over doet om die op te bouwen. The autobiography of: ... Lavinia Bakker This is a guided diary which helps you create your own autobiography by means of questions and space for pictures, little drawings, lists of your favorite things, your memories and more. Record the stories of your life - or a loved one's - in this keepsake that will be cherished for generations to come! This diary is very nicely styled and has an attractive fresh design, which sets it apart from the ordinary, mainstream look most of these diaries usually have. From Selling to Co-Creating Régis Lemmens, Bill Donaldson, Javier Marcos This is a groundbreaking book that identifies the current and future trends in sales. It is based on 100+ interviews with senior sales executives and sales experts from the corporate industry and academia across central Europe, the UK and the USA. This research was supported by TiasNimbas Business School, Cranfield University and the Sales Management Association in the Netherlands. [NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 210 x 210 mm | 256 p | ISBN: 9789063693510 | € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL] / € 34,00 [INT]| March 2014 [NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789063693466 | € 17,00 [BE] / € 17,00 [NL] / € 17,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Creativity The Art and Science of Great Ideas Many people will tell you that creativity is a somewhat obscure concept, indefinable even. This seems a little odd, however, seeing as creativity is all around us. We can find it in both the art we admire in a museum and the newest piece of technology about to change our lives. But creativity also resides in the mundane, everyday things. We all use our creativity, constantly. [NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 216 x 140 mm | 144 p | ISBN: 9789063693459 | € 17,00 [BE] / € 17,00 [NL] / € 17,00 [INT]| March 2014 73 [NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 200 x 120 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063693121 | € 17,00 [BE] / € 17,00 [NL] / € 17,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 -Previously announced- Grids 100 manieren om grids toe te passen +special price+ Beth Tondreau The first one-stop reference and resource for building and using grids in all design projects. Grids are the basis for all design projects, and learning how to work with them is fundamental for all graphic designers. From working with one column to multicolumn formats using images, type, color and more. Grids provides the best information on how to achieve great design with 100 strategies and examples. [NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | NL ed. | 250 x 215 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9789063692117 | € 19,00 [BE] / € 19,00 [NL] / € 19,00 [INT]| Nov. 2009 +special offer: 19,- euro instead of 29,90- euro+ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN Graphic Design Dorian Lucas Adventures in Letterpress Letterpress has been undergoing a revival as a reaction to the widespread digitization of art and design, this book will appeal to both designers and crafts enthusiasts. It includes edgy, witty designs ranging from quirky political ads and poetry broadsides to humorous ephemera, animalia, retro and just plain weird stuff. It features the work of 80 unique presses from across the United States. [UK] Laurence King | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 240 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781780673332 | € 25,95 [BE] / € 25,95 [NL] ( € 25,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Graphic design is the creation of visual contents in various media, whose presentation conveys information to other people. The field is interdisciplinary and subject to constantly changing conditions and different interpretations. This unusual book presents 130 young designers as well as established graphic companies, each on a double page designed by him, her or them. All artists were given the same sample page and the same specified font sizes and number of key strokes. [G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 232 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037681633 | € 43,50 [BE] / € 43,50 [NL] / € 43,50 [INT]| March 2014 The True Size of Food Evolution by Design Type on Screen In this richly illustrated book, the designer and author Marijke Timmerman examines how we deal with nutrition and food. She goes about this in a manner that is characteristic for creative designers: visually, often by means of infographics, investigation and asking questions. Her book is no cookbook, nor a book with commands and restrictions regarding food. Rather, what fascinates the author is the incredible abundance of food surrounding us everywhere. John Alcorn A Critical Guide for Designers, Writters, Developers, and Students [NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 170 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063693497 | € 17,00 [BE] / € 17,00 [NL] / € 17,00 [INT]| March 2014 For over three decades, graphic artist, designer and illustrator John Alcorn (1935- 1992) had a unique and powerful influence on advertising and publishing in America and Europe. More than 500 colour illustrations spanning book jackets, editorial illustrations, posters, logos, award-winning children's books, paintings, ads and even billboards advertising the dominant pop icons of his age display not just the striking variety of mediums and styles he employed, but also the wide range of sensibilities. [UK] Moleskine | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 294 x 227 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9788867321964 | € 56,95 [BE] / € 56,95 [NL] / € 56,95 [INT]| March 2014 74 Ellen Lupton The long awaited follow-up to our all-time bestseller Thinking with Type is here. Type on Screen is the definitive guide to using classic typographic concepts of form and structure to make dynamic compositions for screen-based applications. Type on Screen is an essential design tool for anyone seeking clear and focused guidance about typography for the digital age. [US] Princeton | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 180 mm | 208 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781616891701 | € 21,95 [BE] / € 21,95 [NL] / € 21,95 [INT]| May 2014 DESIGN Formica Forever Marcel Wanders Alvar Aalto Formica Forever, published to celebrate Formica®s centennial, takes us on a lively, informative walk through the life of this much-loved material: from its beginnings as electrical insulation; to its adoption by designers including Donald Deskey in the 1930s; to a golden age ushered in by the postWorld War II housing boom; through global expansion in the second half of the twentieth century; to the laminates inventive uses by designers, artists and architects such as Jasper Morrison, Daniel Buren, Gehry... D.A.P. The Designer Pinned Up Objects and Furniture Design This book is a critical survey of Dutch designer Marcel Wanders covering 25 years of his work, from his early career to upcoming projects. It provides a framework for different aspects of Wanders' designs. Stedelijk curator Ingeborg de Roode analyses Wanders' three-dimensional product designs within an international context, along with an essay about this renowned designer's career by Jennifer Hudson and an exclusive interview with Wanders himself, conducted by Robert Thiemann. Patricia de Muga & Sandra Dachs [UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 163 mm | 408 p | ISBN: 9781938922152 | € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL] / € 36,50 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Retro & Vintage Design Michelle Galindo 'Retro' and 'Vintage' are buzzwords that include 1930s Jägermeister, 1950s Roberts DAB Radio, and 1970s G Plan Furniture. While Eames Lounge Chairs, Levis 501, or Chanel N° 5 have always been popular and evolved into style icons, other products and styles were (almost) forgotten. Rediscovered in recent years, some of them have made a comeback, reaching unprecedented levels of popularity today and becoming part of a hip lifestyle. [G] Braun | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 232 p | 500 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037681718 | € 43,50 [BE] / € 43,50 [NL] / € 43,50 [INT]| March 2014 Expo: 1/2/2014 - 15/6/2014, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam This is a superbly illustrated series showcasing the best design work from some of the 20th century s finest architects. This engaging new series is dedicated to showcasing the very best in furniture and object design from some of the most important architects of the Twentieth-century [ES] Poligrafa | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 196 x 165 mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9788434311435 | € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL] / € 23,50 [INT]| Nov. 2007 [NL] Frame | Paperback | NL ed. | 270 x 220 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9789491727306 | € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,00 [NL] / € 29,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching Sketching Why Professional Sketches Look Beautiful For designers, sketching is a daily activity that can serve many goals. You can sketch to brainstorm, to find and articulate ideas or to present a project to other designers in your team or people from other departments. And of course you sketch to present projects to clients and production companies. George Hlavács People who cannot draw well usually think that professional sketching is a complex and difficult process. However, after reading this book you will see that even the most complex sketches are just a structure of very simple, yet confidently drawn segments built on each other. The author shows which features exactly make drawings look professional and how you can implement those in your own sketches. [NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 175 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9789063693343 | € 15,00 [BE] / € 15,00 [NL] / € 15,00 [INT]| March 2014 -previously announced- 75 Product Design Presentation [NL] BIS Publishers | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9789063693299 | € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL] / € 34,00 [INT]| Sept. 2014 HIRTAGE & LOCAL INTERES Hoven van Plaisantie Het 'soete' buitenleven in de provincie Antwerpen. 16de-20ste eeuw Prof. dr. R. Baetens Laat u meeslepen in een ontdekkingstocht langs parken en kastelen, bekend, verborgen of verdwenen in de tijd. Vele feiten en verhalen tekenen een quasi volledig beeld van het buitenleven rond Antwerpen dat u gegarandeerd zal boeien, soms herkennen en bovenal verrassen. Het boek is verlucht met talrijke grotendeels onbekende illustraties uit archieven, musea en privébezit. [BE] Pandora | Hardback | NL ed. | 297 x 235 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789053253670 | € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL] / € 57,83 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Op koers naar Wereldhaven en Maritiem Museum 750 Jaar Havenkranen in Antwerpen Eric van Hooydonk Dit rijk geïllustreerde boek brengt voor het eerst een overzicht de geschiedenis van 750 havenkranen in Antwerpen. Toen de stad in 1974 de hydraulische havenwerktuigen buiten bedrijf stelde, besliste ze om een 'technologisch archief' of een museumcollectie van havenkranen aan te leggen. Het MAS beheert op dit moment de grootste en meest diverse museale collectie havenkranen ter wereld met 18 kranen van 15 binnen- en buitenlandse constructeurs. Na de reddingsactie voor de laatste Congoboot Charlesville geniet het scheepvaart- en havenerfgoed overal aandacht. Maar welke toekomst hebben onze maritieme musea? In Antwerpen, Baasrode en Oostduinkerke zijn prachtige maritieme themamusea opengegaan. Is daarnaast nog plaats voor een algemeen maritiem museum? Een klassiek museum, of een internationale 'superstar' die 1 miljoen bezoekers per jaar aanlokt? En kan de Charlesville nog worden gered? [BE] Pandora | Hardback | NL ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 360 p | ISBN: 9789053253663 | € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL] / € 46,23 [INT]| Dec. 2013 [BE] BAI - MAS Books | Hardback | Dutch (NL) & Eng. eds. | 285 x 210 mm | 176 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789085866664 (NL) | 9789085866671 (Eng) | € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL] / € 29,50 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Visit Antwerp Guide Bottoms up in Belgium Ontdek Antwerpen Seeking the High Points of the Low Land PRO-POSITIONS: Art and / as education Welkom in Antwerpen ! Dit praktisch gidsje heeft de ambitie je snel wegwijs te maken in onze stad. Het is opgedeeld in acht wijken, elk met hun eigen karakter. Of je hier komt voor een stevige portie cultuur, om geschiedenis te snuiven, te shoppen of culinair te genieten, het kanin elke wijk en in de hele stad. Antwerpen is compact, maar heeft veel te bieden. Aan jou om het te ontdekken. Geniet ervan ! Alec Le Sueur Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Immersing himself in Belgian culture - and sampling the local beer and 'cat poo' coff ee along the way - he discovers a country of contradictions; of Michelin stars and processed food, where Trappist monks make the best beer in the world and grown men partake in vertical archery and watch roosters sing (not necessarily at the same time). This colourful and eccentric jaunt is proof that Belgium isn't just a load of waffle. Editors: Johan Pas, Nico Dockx & Els De bruyn [BE] BAI - Special prices | Paperback | NL ed. | 210 x 147 mm | 102 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789085866619 | € 1,00 [BE] / € 1,00 [NL] / € 1,00 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [only for sale per 32 copies - special conditions] [UK] Summersdale Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 129 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781849532471 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT]| Jan. 2014 76 Is it possible to combine the historical dimension of the art academy with the intention of becoming a laboratory for advanced artistic research? The double publication CONTRADIcTIONS & PRO-POSITIONS is part of a strategy to face this challenge. The second volume PRO-POSITIONS is more international in scope, and contradicts and interacts with the first. PRO-POSITIONS: Art and / as Education focuses on artist-driven pedagogies and educational projects,with different artists and authors contributing . [BE] AsaMER | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 216 mm | 302 p | ISBN: 011187 | € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL] / € 33,02 [INT]| April 2014 ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES & JEWELLERYN Kunst- en Antiekveiling 2014 (#38) Wat zijn sculpturen waard? Reinold Stuurman & Janny Stuurman Deze zeer bruikbare handleiding voor het herkennen en beoordelen van sculpturen en is een onmiskenbare wegwijzer bij aankoop. In dit boek vindt u ruim 2.200 voorbeelden van sculpturen met een bescheiden prijs tot en met kostbare topstukken. Van de vroege middeleeuwen tot en met de 20ste eeuw en met richtprijzen. De afbeeldingen staan voor zover gesigneerd op alfabet en indien anoniem op leeftijd in rubrieken van de diverse materiaalsoorten. De waarde-beoordeling is vastgesteld door specialisten. Deze nieuwe editie is volledig in kleur gedrukt ! De succesvolle reeks Kunst-en Antiekveiling bestaat al ruim drie decennia. Voor de liefhebbers en verzamelaars van kunst en antiek is prijs informatie essentieel. Kunst-en Antiekveiling verschaft die informatie in combinatie met adequate beschrijvingen en afbeeldingen van de voorwerpen. Dit jaaroverzicht, inmiddels het 38ste deel, bevat maar liefst 3500 voorwerpen welke zijn verkocht op de kunst- en antiekveilingen in Nederland en België. [NL] Scriptum Art | Hardback | NL ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9789055947997 | € 59,95 [BE] / € 59,95 [NL] / € 59,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Janny & Reinold Stuurman [NL] Scriptum Art | Paperback | NL ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 300 p | 2200 bw ill. | ISBN: 9789055943579 | € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL] / € 31,80 [INT]| Feb. 2014 Miller's Collectables Handbook & Price Guide 2014-2015: The Indispensable Guide to What It's Really Worth! Judith MIller and Mark Hill This is the up-to-date guide to the collectables market. -Featuring more than 4,000 objects in full colour, each with a detailed description and current price range, the book also offers what those in the know look for - how to spot that rare example that may be worth twenty times more than another piece, or why now is the moment to buy Roseville pottery. Meanwhile, in-depth closer look features explain what to look for when appraising everything from 20th century glass to costume jewellery. [UK] M. Beazley | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 235 x 194 mm | 432 p | 4000 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781845337308 | € 0,00 [BE] / € 0,00 [NL] / € 0,00 [INT]| April 2014 Trésors cachés d'une bibliothèque Les livres d'artistes collectionnés par Anne Gruner-Schlumberger amie des peintres et des sculpteurs qu'elle invitait en résidence dans son domaine du Var, Les Treilles, seront exposés pour la première fois. L'exposition présentera une trentaine d'ouvrages rares, des dessins originaux, des sculptures et un meuble-lutrin de la bibliothèque des Treilles. Expo: 06/03/14 - 01/06/14, Galerie d'art d'Aix en Provence [IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | French/ It. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 168 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836628025 | € 22,00 [BE] / € 23,40 [NL] / € 22,00 [INT]| March 2014 SCENES, Thalen & Thalen Rob & Jaap Thalen De puurheid en schijnbare eenvoud van hun ontwerpen doen hun werk moeiteloos lijken. Het is een bewijs van hun uitstekende vakmanschap. De bron van hun werk is hun passie en liefde voor zilver. Hun talent voor design en hun inzicht in de mogelijkheden van het fijnzilver maken het werk van Thalen & Thalen zo speciaal. Hun meest recente werk is tegelijkertijd bruikbaar en in zijn puurheid schitterend uitgewerkt. 77 Expo: 15/12/2013-01/05/2014, Zilvermuseum Sterckshof, Antwerpen [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 230 x 230 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9789058564825 | € 29,90 [BE] / € 29,90 [NL] / € 29,90 [INT]| Feb. 2014 KIDS 10 times 10 Beet Hervé Tullet Vindingrijke vangsten rond kookkunsten A fun counting book, written with Herve Tullet's buoyant and irreverent humour. Presenting ten ways to count to ten: 1. With numbers 2. With fingers 3. With paints 4. With a portrait - well, an abstract one! ..... Niet door te koken maar door te bouwen, te knutselen en te creëren, maak je de keuken mooier, de tafel romantischer, de vuilnisbak leger, de muur leuker en de plakband op! [UK] Tate | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 190 x 190 mm | 128 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849762472 | € 13,95 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL] / € 13,20 [INT]| Jan. 2014 Het zijn de dames Karen van Gulik en Celesta Daniëls die kinderen weten te motiveren om te beginnen knutselen. In BEET worden er een tiental kook-kunstwerkjes gemaakt. Een mooi gedecoreerde vis van een ovenwant, een zilveren kandelaar voor midden op de tafel, een scheetzak om oma te foppen en veel meer. [BE] Minestrone | Paperback | NL ed. | 280 x 200 mm | 32 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789490028589 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| Dec. 2013 Art: A World of Words Hieronymus Bosch Flowers First Paintings-First Words in 12 Languages Colouring Book Make Your Own Mobile Inspired by Emil Nolde Doris Kutschbach Big art for little hands, these enchanting activity books allow young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms and with plenty of space to colour outside the lines. This delightful children's activity book is published to mark the 75th year since the Prado in Madrid acquired the Garden of Earthly Delights triptych and the quincentenary of the artist's death in 2016. This beautiful introduction to art and language features some of the world s most loved masterpieces as it entices children to discover art, language, objects, and colours. First pictures, first words this familiar and time-proven book concept for young children is incorporated brilliantly in this multi-lingual art book. The works of Renoir, Kandinsky, Dürer, Rousseau, Franz Marc, and others are featured in beautiful full-page reproductions. Opposite each image is a word that helps describe the painting for Sabine Tauber [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 280 mm | 32 p | 16 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791371764 | € 6,95 [BE] / € 6,95 [NL] / € 6,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 [UK] Prestel | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 220 x 220 mm | 160 p | 80 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791371740 | € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL] / € 21,00 [INT]| March 2014 Padded hardcover 78 As a form of sculpture, few objects rival mobiles for their versatility and enjoyment. Whether dangled over a child's crib or artfully hung in a living room, mobiles are one of the most popular forms of home decoration. But they are also an ingenious example of equilibrium and kinetic movement that can mesmerize and inspire. Aimed at children five years and older, this unique book provides the basic materials for making a beautiful and colorful mobile that celebrates flowers' endless varieties and hues. [UK] Prestel | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 240 mm | 16 p | 16 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791371887 | € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL] / € 9,95 [INT]| Feb. 2014 +5 KIDS Artcards: Accessorize Maps Nina's Book of Little Things -over 600 stickers and 16 artcards to stick and style- Aleksandra Mizielinska, Daniel Mizielinski by Keith Haring This book of maps is a visual feast for readers of all ages, with lavishly drawn illustrations from the incomparable Mizielinskis. The maps show not only borders, cities, rivers, and peaks, but also places of historical and cultural interest, eminent personalities, iconic animals and plants, cultural events and many more fascinating facts associated with every region. Make a little mess, collect some little snowflakes and draw the things a little bird said in this book which asks its owner to make their mark on every page. Keith Haring presented Nina's Book to his friend's daughter on her seventh birthday. Now everybody can enjoy this classic book reborn in a stylish, new edition, featuring a back-page pocket to stow extra little things in. Hennie Haworth Introducing ARTCARDS: original pieces of art made for you - and made by you! Set your imagination free with 16 pull-out ARTCARDS to colour in and decorate with 20 pages containing over 600 stickers. With cheeky editorial and highly detailed contemporary illustrations from up-and-coming designer Hennie Haworth, this is a fresh take on a favourite activity format that will appeal to children and teens alike. [UK] Templar - Big Picture Press | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 370 x 270 mm | 112 p | ISBN: 9781848773011 | € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL] / € 28,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [UK] Templar - Big Picture Press | Pad | Eng. ed. | 285 x 190 mm | 72 p | ISBN: 9781848779020 | € 18,95 [BE] / € 18,95 [NL] / € 18,95 [INT]| Sept. 2014 [UK] Templar - Big Picture Press | Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. | 270 x 210 mm | 80 p | ISBN: 9781848773288 | € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL] / € 21,50 [INT]| Sept. 2013 + 6 years + 6 years (incl 20 sheets of stickers) Walk This World The Little Prince Lotta Niemenen A. de Saint-Exupéry A composite of global cultures, Walk this World celebrates the everyday similarities as well as the exotic differences that exist between cultures around the world. Travel to a new country with every turn of the page, each with new surprises to discover: peep through windows, open doors and delve underground by opening the many lift-flaps designed into every spread. A beautifully bound gift edition of this touching and wise classic book for children. A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see, standing before him, the most extraordinary little fellow. "Please," asks the stranger, "draw me a sheep." And the pilot realizes that when life's events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out pencil and paper . . . Thus begins this wise and enchanting fable. [UK] Templar - Big Picture Press | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 207 x 300 mm | 12 p | ISBN: 9781848778245 | € 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL] / € 24,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013 [UK] Egmont Publishers | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 126 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9780749707231 | € 9,99 [BE] / € 9,99 [NL] / € 9,99 [INT]| Jan. 2014 -R/P + 5 years. With over 80 flaps to open ! Also available: New luxury edition (isbn 9781405264198) 79 CALENDARS & DIARIES 2015 Daily Calendar: Disney This daily calendar focuses on the final frames and concept art of Disney's most loved animated features and shorts. Each page of the calendar includes a full-colour image from one of Disney's classic films (or from its production) and text comprised of either plot descriptions, quotes from the movies, movie trivia, or information about the art and/or artist. This calendar will focus on the more classic titles from the golden ages of Disney movies. 2015 Engagement Calendar: Anne Taintor 2015 Engagement Calendar: Listography This bestselling Anne Taintor engagement calendar features vintage ads juxtaposed with punchy one-liners is back for another year of hilarity and snark. Listography for 2015! This illustrated engagement calendar features entertaining and thought-provoking list topics, plus plenty of space to jot down notes and create personalised lists. Prompts range from autobiographical (childhood memories, favourite artists) to aspirational (places to visit, goals for the New Year). [US] Chronicle Gifts | Wire-o binding | Eng. ed. | x mm | 116 p | ISBN: 9781452118734 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL] / € 15,95 [INT]| July 2014 [US] Chronicle Gifts | Pad | Eng. ed. | x mm | p | ISBN: 9781452122250 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 2015 Wall Calendar: Anne Taintor This bestselling Anne Taintor wall calendar featuring vintage ads with post-modern quips is back for another year of bad behaviour and hilarious wit. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Stapled | Eng. ed. | 300 x 300 mm | p | ISBN: 9781452118741 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 2015 Wall Calendar Darth Vader and Son Jeffrey Brown Celebrate a year of life lessons with Darth Vader as he rules the Galactic Empire while keeping an eye on his daughter Leia in this wall calendar by Jeffrey Brown, the author and illustrator of the breakout bestsellers Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 304 x 304 mm | 24 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452128153 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 80 [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9781452131450 | € 15,95 [BE] / € 15,95 [NL] / € 15,95 [INT]| July 2014 2015 Wall Calendar: Grumpy Cat The Grumpy Cat Wall Calendar delivers twelve more months of Grumpy Cat's bad attitude to her growing number of super-fans. [US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 300 mm | p | ISBN: 9781452128160 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 CALENDARS & DIARIES 2015 Wall Calendar: I Could Chew on This 2015 Wall Calendar: I Could Pee on This By Francesco Marciuliano This 2015 wall calendar features adorable cats accompanied by cheeky poems of the best material from I Could Pee on This new to this year's calendar, plus 6 brand new poems by our furry friends. [US] Chronicle Gifts | | Eng. ed. | 300 x 300 mm | p | ISBN: 9781452131269 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 [US] Chronicle Gifts | Stapled | Eng. ed. | 300 x 300 mm | p | ISBN: 9781452128177 | € 14,50 [BE] / € 14,50 [NL] / € 14,50 [INT]| July 2014 81 French Country 2015 Diary Birdhouses of the World 2015 Wall Calendar Chihuly 2015 Wall Calendar -16month calendar- -16month calendar- [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419712630 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419713323 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419713064 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] Extraordinary Chickens 2015 WallCalendar French Country 2015 Wall Calendar Lil Bub 2015 Wall Calendar -16month calendar- -12month calendar- -16month calendar- [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419712616 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419712623 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 305 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419713354 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] Planet Golf 2015 Wall Calendar -16month calendar[US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 305 x 356 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419712654 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT]| Treehouses of the World 2015 Wall Calendar Chihuly 2015 Weekly PlannerDiary -16month calendar[US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 368 x 267 mm | 24 p | ISBN: 9781419712661 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT]| [US] Abrams | Eng. ed. | 216 x 159 mm | 160 p | 50 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781419713057 | € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL] / € 12,95 [INT] ',675,%87('38%/,6+(56 %(/*,80 $6%RRNV $IULFDPXVHXP7HUYXUHQ %$, (G)UDQoRLVH%ORXDUG (UIJRHG )RQGV0HUFDWRU )208)RWRPXVHXP$QWZHUSHQ +RPDUXV /D/HWWUH9ROpH 0DF V*UDQG+RUQX 0DURW(GLWLRQV 0(5SDSHUNXQVWKDOOH 0HUFDWRUIRQGV 0LQHVWURQH 2RJDFKWHQG 3DQGRUD 60$. 6WLFKWLQJ.XQVWERHN 7LMGVEHHOG3LqFH0RQWpH 9$, 9G+%RRNV <HOORZ1RZ )5$1&( )ODPPDULRQ(QJWLWOHV 63$,1 /LQNV 3ROLJUDID Promo Press ,7$/< Silvana *(50$1< %UDXQ 'DDE +DWMH&DQW] Hirmer Verlag 6FKLUPHU0RVHO 6WHLGO 7H1HXHV 8. 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