Mediators of Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Mellitus Mediators of Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Mellitus Cornelis J. Roos The studies described in this thesis were performed at the department of Cardiology of the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands Cover design and lay-out by: Esther K. Booi, ekBOOI vormgeving. Printed by: Gildeprint Drukkerijen ISBN/EAN 978-94-6108-759-1 Financial support for the costs associated with the publication of this thesis was gratefully received from: Amgen B.V. Astellas Pharma B.V. Bayer Healthcare Biotronik Nederland B.V. Daiichi Sankyo Nederland B.V. Novo Nordisk B.V. Pfizer B.V. Servier Nederland Farma B.V. Toshiba Medical Systems Nederland Copyright © 2014 Cornelis J. Roos. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior permission by the author. iv Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Roos, Cornelis Jacobus Title: Mediators of cardiovascular risk in diabetes mellitus Issue Date: 2014-09-18 Mediators of Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Mellitus Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus C.J.J.M. Stolker, volgens het besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 18 september 2014 klokke 13.45 uur door Cornelis Jacobus Roos geboren te Velsen in 1981 v Promotiecommissie Promotores: Co-promotor: Overige leden: Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema Dr. A.J.H.A. Scholte Dr. V. Delgado Prof. Dr. P. de Feyter (Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam) Dr. A.V. Kharagjitsingh (Medisch Centrum Haaglanden, Den Haag) Prof. Dr. Ir. H.J.C. Reiber Dr. P.M.J. Verhorst (Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede) The research described in this thesis was supported by a grant from the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands. vi vii Contents viii CHAPTER 1 General introduction and outline 1 CHAPTER 2 Cardiovascular metabolic syndrome: mediators involved in the pathophysiology from obesity to coronary heart disease Biomark. Med. 2012 7 CHAPTER 3 Function and anatomy: SPECT-MPI and MSCT coronary angiography EuroIntervention 2010 41 CHAPTER 4 Relationship between arterial stiffness and stress myocardial perfusion imaging in asymptomatic patients with diabetes Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 2011 55 CHAPTER 5 Relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging 2013 71 CHAPTER 6 Changes in multidirectional LV strain in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 2-year follow-up study Eur. Heart J. Cardiovasc. Imaging 2014 89 CHAPTER 7 Association of atherosclerosis in the descending thoracic aorta with coronary artery disease on multi detector row computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging 2013 107 CHAPTER 8 Associations of Atherosclerosis in the Descending Thoracic Aorta on CTA with Arterial Stiffness and Chronic Kidney Disease in Asymptomatic Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging 2014 127 CHAPTER 9 Comparison by Computed Tomographic Angiography – the Presence of and Extend of Coronary Arterial Atherosclerosis in South Asians versus Caucasians with Diabetes Mellitus Am. J. Cardiol. 2014 147 CHAPTER 10 Summary and conclusions 161 ix
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