Jan Naaijkens Prijs 2014 Leerling/Meester project Kunstpodium T 2013 - 2014 De Genomineerden Vera Gulikers Emily Huurdeman Juan Pablo Plazas Naama Zusman DE HEMEL BEVOLKEN Vera Gulikers | Maastricht 14 november t/m 24 november 2013 Leerling/Meester #2 Vera Gulikers In mijn werk zijn de resten en sporen die er bij een handeling, of het maken van een object ontstaan, belangrijk. Ik gebruik veel verschillende materialen die door toevalligheden en mislukking samenkomen, ik gebruik mijn materialen op een alchemistische manier, de meest simpele bestandsdelen zijn de grondstoffen voor mijn materialen. SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN Emily Huurdeman 12 december t/m 22 december 2013 Leerling/Meester #5 Emily Huurdeman Een beeld maken is voor mij als gedachten schetsen, een onderzoek in het grensgebied tussen werkelijkheid en perceptie. In dit proces zijn twijfel, tijdsspan en tegenstellingen kern elementen. De interpretaties vormen zich meestal tot performances of videodocumentaties, hierin staat de handeling/het gebaar centraal als metafoor. NORMA Juan Pablo Plazas | Brussels 1 mei t/m 11 mei 2014 Leerling/Meester #16 Juan Pablo Plazas This topic “daily activity” is what we are busy with in everyday life. Prana told us that she did performance piece titled ‘no work’ at the exhibition. She brought her daily life, her dog and music into the space. She just did her everyday activity in there. So, I thought “daily activity” is a key. We talked about what we do in everyday life. Prana listens to the lectures on Youtube whilst she makes lumps with dandelion puff. That is a series of dairy session to open mind practice, get a new perspective to look at the world. So she e-mailed us two her recommended youtube links. She told the things around psychological disability. What book Juan mentioned was one of book she showed us. That book is about the guy who can not recognize a different between a head of his wife and his hut. Juan was talking a lot of his daily things from what films he has watched until his tryout...’breaking the original function of the object, and finding physicality of the object’.. THE LIBRARY OF BABEL Naama Zusman | Utrecht 29 mei t/m 8 juni 2014 Leerling/Meester #20 Naama Zusman Few are the landscapes which have been destroyed, transformed, adapted and built themselves over again. Landscapes which arouse sadness and compassion for the physical remains left by their absentees. I was brought up in such a landscape, full of signs of lost cultures. A landscape scattered with empty ruins. Ruins which are in fact not empty at all but carry marks of history, mostly an unwritten history. This unwritten history/ myth, in relation to the written history is the core of my ongoing research and is a common element in my work. I grew up in a Zionist environment, absorbed overwhelming stories about blooming the desert. In my eyes Israel was portrayed as miracle. 2,000 years of exile were absent in my historical notion. My work is about this complex landscape of conflict, not only a physical one but also a emotional one. Colofon Jep de Goede (Vormgeving) Zeus Hoenderop (Kunstpodium T) Stijn van Dalen (Fotografie) Voor meer informatie neem contact op met: Zeus Hoenderop +31 (0)6 23284954 [email protected] Kunstpodium T Noordstraat 105 5038 EH Tilburg
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