Johanna H. Bijtel Chair Johanna Hubertha Bijtel (1898-1980) was the first female associate professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Groningen. She studied Botany and Zoology. After she took her doctoral degree, she studied Medicine. In the mean time she was teacher in Anatomy and Kinetics at the Institute for Physical Education. In 1947, three years after she took her doctoral degree in Medicine, she obtained an appointment as associated professor in Embryology at the University of Groningen. She kept her position until her retirement in 1968. Johanna H. Bijtel Chair The Johanna H. Bijtel Chair was established in 1994 as a chair for female visiting professors with a two year term of office. During these two years the professor visits the UMCG about 4 or 5 times. The chair is aimed at sharing knowledge and stimulating international cooperation. Interaction with students is encouraged and the holder also serves as a role model for (female) students who are interested in an academic career. The chair was previously held by De Raad van Bestuur van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen heeft het genoegen u uit te nodigen voor de Bijtellezing van prof. dr. Anneke Lucassen ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van haar gasthoogleraarschap 2014-2016 op de Johanna Bijtelleerstoel aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Professor Lucassen- Klinisch geneticus, Wessex Clinical Genetic Service en Cancer Sciences Unit. Director of the Clinical Ethics and Law Centre, Faculty of medicine, University of Southampton UK- is international expert op gebied van ethiek in de klinische praktijk van genetica en genomics. 15.00 - 15.45 prof. dr. I.D. de Beaufort, ethics, prof. dr. J.A.A. Hoogkamp-Korstanje, microbiology, prof. I.G. Finlay, MD, PhD, palliative care, prof. K. Lonka, PhD, medical education, respectively and prof. dr. Y. Steinert, PhD, clinical Psychologist. From mutation to relation: the challenges of personalized medicine in the genomic age. Integrating laboratory, clinical and legal approaches. 15.45 - 16.00 Discussie en korte pauze 16.00 - 16.45 Your opportunity to vote: What ought we to do? Datum: Locatie: Maandag 6 oktober 2014 Rode Zaal van het UMCG Uw aanwezigheid wordt zeer op prijs gesteld. Wij nodigen u uit voor een receptie die na de rede aan prof. Lucassen zal worden aangeboden in de Ronde Zaal van het UMCG. Namens de Raad van Bestuur Prof. dr. F. Kuipers, decaan
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