THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HORIZON 2020 Smart Specialization Strategies: Implementing European Partnerships Low-Carbon Economy & Urban Planning Agustin ESCARDINO MALVA European Commission, DG Research and Innovation he Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy ME-FRAME: 2020 Targets: 20% reduction GHG, 20% RES, 20% EE • 10% renewable energy in transport Proposed 2030 framework: 40% reduction GHG, >27% RES 2050 Roadmap: 80-95% reduction GHG OW?: Regulatory framework (DG ENER, DG CLIMA, etc) Financial support to new low-carbon technologies (Horizon ancial support to technology development & innovation nd market uptake of low-carbon energy technologies Capacity Building nal/Regional R&I ms Research & Development Innovation "up-stream" "down-stream" Horizon 2020 ESI Funds uctural and Investment) Excellent R&I Infrastructures and ipment (IP1) ESFRI PPPs prizes Demonstration procurement Pilots KETs SME instrument Skills Business Advisory services Market Marie Skłodowska-Curie KICs SME Pilot lines Financial instruments Overview Horizon 2020 What is Horizon 2020? 70 billion Research & Innovation ogramme (2014-2020) pillars: Excellent science • Key objectives: • Respond to the crisis: invest in future growth and jobs • Address people’s concerns: livelihoods, safety and environment • Strengthen the EU’s global position: in research, Overview Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020: Three Pillars Horizon 2020 Excellent Science Industrial Competitiveness Access to Risk Finance Aprox 3.5 bn (debt & equity) Societal Challenges Energy Aprox 6 bn (grants) What's new? single programme: brings together three separate ogrammes/initiatives* oupling research innovation: from research to retail, forms of innovation ocus on societal challenges: faced by EU society (e.g. health, ean energy and transport) mplified access: for all companies, universities, institutes in EU countries and beyond Energy challenge (6 bn EUR) Main challenges: upport the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive nergy system by: • Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint • Growth & integration of renewables & alternative energy technologies • Making the power grid more flexible Competitiveness of EU industry: Whole supply chain Energy efficiency Cost effective energy systems Thematic scope of the Energy Challenge according to the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme) ducing energy consumption d carbon footprint by smart d sustainable use oncepts, (non)-technological nents and systems for buildings, industry & people • Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply Novel RE, efficient and flexible fossil fuel plants & CCS, or CO2 re-use tech • Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources Bio-energy; power & heat; all forms of transport; H and fuel cells; new forms Thematic scope of the Energy Challenge according to the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme) single, smart European ectricity grid energy grid technologies, storage; ms & market designs for interble networks; standards; emergency rket uptake of energy novation d innovation; promotion of rds; non-technological barriers; & sustainable use of technologies • New knowledge and technologies Multi-disciplinary research for energy technologies (including visionary actions) • Robust decision making & public engagement Tools, methods, models and perspectives for a robust and transparent policy support First Horizon 2020 Work Programme sic principles: 2-year to allow for better preparation of applicants Challenge-based approach (not prescribing technology options) Cross-cutting actions Use of Technology Readiness Levels to specify scope of activities Technology Readiness Levels Idea. Unproven concept, no testing has been performed. Basic research. Principles postulated and observed but no experimental proof available. Technology formulation. Concept and application have been formulated. Applied research. First laboratory tests completed; proof of concept. Small scale prototype built in a laboratory environment ("ugly" prototype). Large scale prototype tested in intended environment. Prototype system tested in intended environment close to expected performance. Demonstration system operating in operational environment at pre-commercial scale. First of a kind commercial system. Manufacturing issues solved. Full commercial application, technology available for consumers. esearch and Innovation actions ctions primarily designed to establish new knowledge and/or to explore he feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service, r solution, including testing and validating on a small scale laboratory rototype. rojects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot ctivities to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment. ding rate: maximum 100% nnovation actions ctions primarily aimed at producing plans and arrangements or designs or new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this urpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, arge-scale product validation and market replication. ding rate: maximum 70% oordination and support actions ctions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as tandardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, etworking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual earning exercises and studies, including design studies for new nfrastructure and may also include complementary activities of networking nd coordination between programmes in different countries. ding rate: maximum 100% Four Calls and their indicative budget ergy efficiency mart cities & communities mpetitive low-carbon ergy ME's and Fast Track to novation for Energy Calls 2014 (M€) 2015 (M€) Energy Efficiency 97 98 Smart Cities and Communities 92 Competitive Low-Carbon Energy 363 108 374 SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation 34 51 Part B – other actions 75 61 Part B - other actions Call EE: Energy Efficiency Buildings and consumers hallenge is to increase the rate, quality nd effectiveness of building renovation, ith special attention to historic buildings; omplementary to the call of the EeB PPP Heating and Cooling chnology development & market uptake • Industry and products Optimisation of the use of resources, processes & synergies between industries • Market uptake Investment mobilisation support; support for EU companies to capture emerging markets all SCC: Smart Cities and Communities mart Cities & Communities ghthouse (large scale demo – st of the kind) projects grating energy, transport, ICT sectors ublic procurers in local dministrations (CSA) rt solutions for better cities and munities – prize competition (CSA) • Enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities & Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement (CSA) Development of system standards (CSA) 2015 Smart solutions for creating better cities and communities – assistance for a prize competition (CSA) 2015 Call LCE: Competitive Low-carbon Energy w knowledge and technologies newable electricity and ating/cooling dernising the single European ectricity grid xibility through enhanced ergy storage technologies stainable biofuels and ernative fuels for the ropean transport fuel mix • Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a low-carbon economy • Supporting the development of a European Research Area in the field of Energy • Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system • Cross-cutting issues Call SIE: SMEs and Fast track to Innovation for Energy ulating the innovation ntial of SMEs for a low on and efficient energy em (SME Instrument) Phase 1: feasibility study (i.e. risk assessment, market study, innovation strategy development…) Phase 2: innovation project with emphasis on demonstration and market replication (i.e. prototyping, testing, miniaturisation, design…) Phase 3: commercialisation phase; • Fast Track to Innovation - Pilot Continuously open call with 3 cut-off dates per year, bottom-up driven logic, <5 legal entities, <3M€, time to grant of max 6 months 2015 Covering all fields across LEITs (Leadership in enabling & industrial tech) and SCs er parts of H2020 of direct relevance to Energy EIT – KET materials, nano, electronics, manufacturing, processing ET-open and FET-pro-active esearch Infrastructures RC, EIT ME instrument (directly paid from Energy SC budget) RC direct actions (IET, IPTS) se links – societal challenges Open question: synergies between all instruments ancial support to technology development & innovation nd market uptake of low-carbon energy technologies Capacity Building nal/Regional R&I ms Research & Development Innovation "up-stream" "down-stream" Horizon 2020 ESI Funds uctural and Investment) Excellent R&I Infrastructures and ipment (IP1) ESFRI PPPs prizes Demonstration procurement Pilots KETs SME instrument Skills Business Advisory services Market Marie Skłodowska-Curie KICs SME Pilot lines Financial instruments HORIZON 2020 Thank you! 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