AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Assessment) project team N ti National l IInstitute tit t ffor Environmental E i t l St Studies di (NIES), (NIES) JJapan S Screening i barriers b i and d actions for policies based on modeling result Junichi Fujino (NIES) [email protected] Member of “25%” 25% taskforce Member of MOEJ mid- and long-term roadmap WG Member of Japan and Asia LCS research project Member of IPCC renewable energy special report Dialogue between policy makers and researchers: Demands and roles of SLCD/GG researchers from policy perspective, 16 Feb, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia Japanese Emissions Targets towards 2050 350 Hop CO2 emissio ons [MttC] 300 Kyoto Protocol d i 2008 during 2008-2012 2012 (Sink 3.8%, credit 1.6 %) 250 St Step 200 25% in 2020 150 (incl. credit?) 100 Jump 50 0 80% in 2050 Japan 2000 2010 New Prime Mi i t Minister Hatoyama 鳩山由紀夫 2020 2030 2040 2050 Japan Even we understand the necessity of low‐carbon society… • Difficult to have global agreement: COP15 • Difficult to change and find easy solutions Difficult to change and find easy solutions • Huge cost? Huge economic impact (lower income, higher unemployment rate, g ) lower GDP growth rate)? 日本政府中期目標達成分析タスクフォース 1.モデル分析を行う研究機関 国立環境研究所(増井利彦 社会環境システム研究領域統合評価研究室 室長 他(藤野純一、肱岡靖明、花岡達也)) - AIM/Enduse[Global]モデル(世界モデル) 5 research teams - AIM/Enduse[Japan]モデル(日本モデル) - AIM/CGE[Japan]モデル(経済モデル) 地球環境産業技術研究機構(秋元圭吾 システム研究グループ グループリーダー 他) - RITEモデル(DNE21+)(世界モデル) 日本エネルギー経済研究所(伊藤浩吉 常務理事 他) - エネ研モデル(日本モデル) 日本経済研究センター(猿山純夫 研究統括部 担当部長 他) - 日経センター・一般均衡モデル(経済モデル) - 日経センター・マクロモデル(経済モデル) 慶應義塾大学産業研究所(野村浩二 商学部教授) - KEOモデル(経済モデル) デ 経済 デ 2.モデル分析を評価する有識者 有村 俊秀 上智大学経済学部経済学科准教授 7 experts 飯田 哲也 環境エネルギー政策研究所所長 環境エネルギ 政策研究所所長 ◎植田 和弘 京都大学大学院経済学研究科教授 栗山 浩一 京都大学農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻教授 土居 丈朗 慶應義塾大学経済学部教授 屋井 鉄雄 東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科教授 山口 光恒 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任教授 Marginal Abatement Cost to Reduce GHG emissions Mitig gation costss (Yen//ktCO O2) 100,000 80,000 [Trans] freight car (change of ownership from private to commercial) [Residential] Energy efficiency improvement of air conditioners 60,000 [Trans] Energy efficiency improvement of ships, rails and air :Industry [Commercial] Energy efficiency improvement of air conditioners :Residential [Residential] Energy efficiency improvement of lights :Commercial [Commercial] Energy efficiency improvement of lights [Agriculture] Energy efficiency improvement and saving in use 40,000 :Transportation [Residential] HEMS [Agriculture] Energy efficiency improvement and saving in use [Trans] Clean Diesel [Transport] Bionergy [Transport] Measures to reduce service demands :Agriculture :Wastes [Industry] Measures in the Petrochemical industry :F-Gas FG 20,000 [Residential] Insulation [A i lt ] Process [Agriculture] P improvement i t off domestic d ti animal excrement, ・ reduction of manure [Trans] Conversion to electric vehicles [Trans] Efficiency improvement [Commercial] Insulation [Trans] Highbrid [Industry] Innovative processes [Residential] High efficient water supply [Industry] High efficient power generation [Residential] PV [Industry] Energy saving and recovery [Commercial] Energy efficiency improvement of motors [Wastes] Measures in the waste sector ‐20,000 Measures in F-gases Alternative energy [Industry] Energy efficient appliances [Residential] Solar heater [Residential] ‐40,000 [Commercial] High efficient water supply Cross-sectoral technologies [Industry] PV [Commercial] [Commercial] BEMS 0 40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 320,000 360,000 GHG Mitigation (ktCO2eq) Japan in 2020 (Case III) 400,000 As of 27 March 2009 5 Forecasting and Back Back--casting Mitigation Technology development Policy P li intervention and Investment Back casting Back-casting Chec cking year(20 025) Chec cking year(2015) 2020 Long-terrm target ye ear required intervention policy and measures Service demand change by changing social behavior, lifestyles and institutions Required interven R ntion Required 2000 Reference future world ld Forecasting Release e of AIM re esult Environm E mental p pressure Technology development, socio-economic change projected by historically trend d Normative target g world 50% reductions 2050 In the world Model can supply consistent scenario b based d on quantitative tit ti data/assumption d t / ti Innovations Required Policy P li intervention and Investment Back casting Back-casting Chec cking year(20 025) Chec cking year(2015) 2020 Long-terrm target ye ear Service demand change by changing social behavior, lifestyles and institutions Incentives required intervention policy and measures 2000 Mitigation Technology development Reference future world ld Required interven R ntion Value of co benefit co-benefit (win-win) policy Forecasting Release e of AIM re esult Environm E mental p pressure Technology development, socio-economic change projected by historically trend d Different socioeconomy trend Mindset Vision Normative target g world Indicators to evaluate 50% reductions sustainability 2050 In the world Japan LCS scenarios study Y.Matsuoka Kyoto Univ Kyoto.Univ Scenario team J.Fujino NIES Coordinator S.Nishioka NIES, Project Leader M.Kainuma NIES has coordinated this Japan LCS research project NIES, Scenario during FY2004-2008 FY2004 2008 in collaboration with around 60 Team researchers from Tokyo Univ, Kyoto Univ, TIT, TSU, leader Forest Research Institute, etc. Japan Low Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Study y environmental options p toward low carbon society y in Japan p Advisory board: advice to project Techno-Socio Innovation Study Green buildings Self-sustained city Decentralized services GHG G emission BaU scenario Energy savingTech. innovation EE improvement St t Structure change h New energy Life-style change Reduction Target study Effective 2020 2 2050 2 2010 2 (eg. 60-80% reduction by 1990 level)Intervention 2000 2 Long-term Long term Scenario Development Study Transportation system IT-society Valid 5 3 1 -1 Equity GHG reduction target 1990 Develop socioeconomic scenario, evaluate countermeasures using i econ-techno models Next generation vehicles Efficient transportation system Advanced logistics Eco awareness Effective communication Dematerialization Urban structure Japan Low Carbon Society 2050 Middle-term Target year Loge-term Target year Suitable Evaluate feasibility of GHG reduction target scenario 60 Researchers Propose the direction of long-term global warming policy [FY2004-2008, Global Environmental Research Program, MOEJ] Utilizing solar power Visions and Innovations Eco-life education Photovoltaic 10-20% energy (25-47% house has PV on roof (now 1%))demand d d reduction d ti 34-69MW and develop high efficiency (<30%) PV Reduce 1/2 energy demand Share 100% (currently 8%) Monitoring system High-insulation equipped with appliances Reduce 60% warming energy demand, share 100% Super high efficiency air conditioner Reduce R d 1/3 energy demand, share 100% High efficiency lighting 【eg LED lighting】 Diffusion rate: 20-60% Stand-by energy reduction Comfortable and energy-saving house rooftop p gardening Solar heating COP (coefficients of performance=8), share 100% LCS house in 2050 Fuel cell Heat-pump p p heating g Good information for economy and environment makes people’s behavior low-carbon share 0-20% 0 20% COP=5 share 30-70% High g e efficiency c e cy app appliances a ces reduce energy demand and support comfortable and safe lifestyle 5 Projected energy efficiency improvement: Air--conditioners for cooling and heating Air 9.0 MOE CO OP (Coeffficient of performa ance) 8.0 Historical AIST 7.0 6.0 Best METI 2050s Target METI 5.0 4.0 Average 3.0 Worst 20 2.0 1.0 0.0 11 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 Innovations Residential sector Energy reduction potential: 40 40-50% 50% 70 60 En nergy Cons sumption (M Mtoe) 3 50 3 4 4 9 Hi-Insulated Hi Insulated housing 12 40 23 17 Energy Effiency 30 Change of the numbers of households Change of service demand per household Change of service demand per household Improvement p of energy gy efficiency Electricity consumption H2 consumption Solar consumption Biomass consumption 20 Gas consumption 10 Oil consumption 0 2000 2050A 2050B Energy consumption in 2000 Change of the number of households: the number of households decrease both in scenario A and B Change of service demand per household: convenient lifestyle increases service demand per household Change of energy demand per household: high insulated dwellings, Home Energy Management System (HEMS) Improvement of energy efficiency: air conditioner, water heater, cooking stove, lighting and standby power Seconday Energy Consumption (Mtoe) 50 100 150 200 300 Decrease of energy demand 2050(Scenario B) Residential Commercial Trans. Prv. Trans. Frg. T Trans. P Prv.: Transportation T t ti (P (Private), i t ) T Trans. F Frg.: T Transportation t ti (F (Freight) i ht) Primary Energy Consumption (Mtoe) 100 2000(Actural) Coal 300 400 Bi Biomass Gas Biomass 500 600 70% CO2 cut by 2050 Gas Nuclear 2050(S 2050(Scenario i B) Oil 200 Oil 2050(Scenario A) Coal 400 40% demand reductions red ctions 2050(Scenario A) Industrial 350 Trans. Prv. Residential Trans. Frg. Commercial Industrial 2000(Actual) 250 low-carbon energy Solar and Wind Nuclear Hydro Solar and Wind How to implement modeling g results? A Dozen Actions towards Low-Carbon Societies Residential/commercial sector actions 1. Comfortable and Green Built Environment Efficiently use of sunlight and energy efficient built environment design. Intelligent buildings. 2. Anytime, Anywhere Appropriate Appliances Use of Top-runner and Appropriate appliances. Initial cost reduction by rent and release system resulting in improved availability. availability Industrial sector actions 3. Promoting Seasonal Local Food Supply of seasonal and safe low-carbon local foods for local cuisine 4. Sustainable Building Materials Using local and renewable buildings materials and products. 5. Environmentally Enlightened Business and Industry Businesses aiming at creating and operating in low carbon market. Supplying low carbon and high value-added value added goods and services through energy efficient production systems. Transportation sector actions 6. Swift and Smooth Logistics Networking seamless logistics systems with supply chain management, using both transportation and ICT infrastructure Press release on May 22, 2008 7. Pedestrian Friendly City Design City design requiring short trips and pedestrian (and bicycle) friendly transport, augmented by efficient public transport Energy supply sector actions 8. Low-Carbon Electricity Supplying low carbon electricity by large-scale renewables, nuclear power and CCS-equipped CCS equipped fossil (and biomass) fired plants 9. Local Renewable Resources for Local Demand Enhancing local renewables use, such as solar, wind, biomass and others. others 10. Next Generation Fuels Development of carbon free hydrogen- and/or biomass-based energy supply system with required infrastructure Cross-sector actions 11. Labeling to Encourage Smart and Rational Choices Visualizing of energy use and CO2 costs information for smart choices of low carbon goods and service by consumers, and public acknowledgement of such consumers 12. Low-Carbon Society Leadership Human resource development for building “Low-Carbon Society” and recognizing extraordinary contributions. Identification of necessary actions St by Step b step t strategies t t i Diffusion of green design building Relatively high cost compared to general building Lack in knowledge of regional specific climatic conditions Incentives to the higher performance building Organizing training classes and events Lack in information of environmental performance of the building Certification & registration g of labeling Too complicated calculation required Establishment of simplified evaluation method Lack in p personnel who can implement the calculation dissemination of diagnosis practitioners Direct options Indirect options Barrier breaking 1. Comfortable and Green Built Environment Contribution of Building Owners Contribution of Architects, etc. Standardization Period Selection of residential buildings with high environmental efficiency. Commission of low carbon design to architects and construction companies. Development of low carbon architectural design methods. Investing for technology development in insulation technologies, etc. Sustenance of regional worker skills. Environmental Efficiency Labeling Introduction Period Residential Residentialhousehold householdenergy energydemand:-40% demand:-40%(from (fromFY2000 FY2000level) level) Building floor area energy demand:-40% demand 40% (from FY2000 Building floor area energy demand:-40% (from FY2000level) level) Barriers Barriers Complex Complexenergyenergysaving gperformance p performance saving metrics, metrics,high high calculation calculationcosts, costs, insufficient insufficient personnel personnel Insufficient Insufficient incentives incentivesfor for choosing choosingenergyenergysaving savingresidences residences and andbuildings buildings Dissemination of diagnosis practitioners for energy-saving and CO2 reduction efficiencies Establishment of simplified evaluation method for environmental efficiency of residences and buildings Solar and wind utilization design Organizing training classes and events for passing on knowledge of architectural technologies IIntroduction t d ti and d expansion i off residence id and db building ildi llabeling b li system t for f environmental i t l efficiency ffi i (new ( building, renovation, mandatory indication upon leasing) Finance-friendly environmental efficiency Implementation and expansion of tax breaks and low interest loan financing based on the environmental efficiency label Nurturing of worker skills & information transmission E t bli h Establishment t and d review i off llong-term t energy-saving i standard t d d ttargets t ffor buildings. b ildi 2000 Future Obj Objectives ti Future Objectives 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Example to translate model results into policy actions Japan LCS research project and CC policy 0. FY1990- start AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) project ¾ FY1997 AIM provided Kyoto Protocol simulations for Japan ¾ FY2000 AIM p provided IPCC SRES/A1B marker scenario 1. Feb 13th 2007, Interim Report “Japan Scenarios torwards Low-Carbon Society y (LCS) ( ) -Feasibility y studyy for 70% CO2 emission reduction byy 2050 below 1990 level-” ¾ May 24th 2007 Former Prime Minister Abe launched “Cool Earth 50” to reduce 50% GHG emissions by 2050 ¾ June 9th 2008 Former Prime Minister Fukuda set the target of Japanese CO2 emissions reduction by 60-80% in 2050 2. May 22nd 2008, Interim Report “Dozen Actions towards LCSs” ¾ July 29th 2008 Japanese government set “Action Plan for Achieving a Low-carbon Society” 3. April 2009, The Mid-term Target Committee, “six options for 2020” (including 7%, 15%, 25% reduction compared as 1990 level) ¾ September 22nd 2009, New Prime Minister Hatoyama set the year of 2020 target as 25%. Do we really succeed to explain necessity it off low-carbon l b society? i t ? • Avoid energy resource battles by using resources in efficient ways • Develop many innovations to support global sustainable development well-designed designed city for comfortable and friendly • Build well transportation, living, offices, amusement space in energy-saving/ renewable energy rich way… Good entrance point to climb up the mountain “happy, challengeable and sustainable society” Model can support pp to develop p LCS scenarios in quantitative manner with very good data input Japan Low Carbon Society 2050 19 20091213-City Center, Copenhagen Let’s innovate good evidence! Keyword: Normative, Learning, Ambiguity Innovations Required Policy P li intervention and Investment Back casting Back-casting Chec cking year(20 025) Chec cking year(2015) 2020 Long-terrm target ye ear Service demand change by changing social behavior, lifestyles and institutions Incentives required intervention policy and measures 2000 Mitigation Technology development Reference future world ld Required interven R ntion Value of co benefit co-benefit (win-win) policy Forecasting Release e of AIM re esult Environm E mental p pressure Technology development, socio-economic change projected by historically trend d Different socioeconomy trend Mindset Vision Normative target g world Indicators to evaluate 50% reductions sustainability 2050 In the world
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