Acute coronaire syndromen Prof dr M Claeys UZ Antwerpen Universiteit Antwerpen TRIADE VAN ACS Anamnese Cardiac enzymes Surface ECG 1 Anamnese • Klachtenpatroon – – – – – – – – aard: localisatie uitlokkende factoren duur reproduceerdbaarheid begeleidende symptomen (zweten, malaise, nausea) reactie op nitraten Stabiel AP ACS drukkend, beklemmend retrosternaal, li schouder/hals inspanning los van inspanning <20 minuten > 20 minuten ja niet altijd neen vaak ja niet altijd (MI) 2 Voorwandinfarct: grootste infarct? A of B Proximal LAD Occlusion 3 Distal LAD Occlusion distal to both S1 and D1 ST- Elevation: in II > III and aVF ST- Elevation: in lead V5-V6 Proximal LAD Occlusion Distal LAD Occlusion 4 KEY POINT: Anterior infarction DIAGNOSIS of anterior wall infarction ST-elevation in the precordial leads V1 to V4 SITE of OCCLUSION in the LAD and AREA at RISK can be recognized in the frontal leads Inferior infarct 5 From “ECG uit of in het hoofd” Andries E, Stroobandt R, De Cock N et al., Garant, 2006 6 ST- Elevation: in lead III > II Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction Proximal occlusion RCA ST- Elevation: in II > III V4R ST-elevation > 1 mm positive T-wave Distal occlusion RCA No ST-elevation positive T-wave Occlusion LCX Negative T-wave 7 ACS zonder ST elevatie: hoofdstamstenose of 3VD ST- Depression: in > 8 leads (most pronounced in V4) ST- Elevation: in lead aVR and V1 Kritische Proximal LAD Stenosis (Wellens Syndrome) CAVE: Bij pijnaanval Pseudonormalisatie !!! 8 VROEGE DIAGNOSE: BIOCHEMISCHE MERKERS CK MB snel +++ duur kort gevoelig +++ specifiek +++ Myoglobine ++++ kort+ ++++ - Troponine + lang+ ++++ ++++ SGOT + lang ++ ++ LDH - lang+ ++ ++ 9 High sensitivity-Troponine 1x HsTrop + ≠ ACS Hs-Trop en ACS 20,2 ng/l 55,3 ng/l (n=13, p=0,02) 4,3 ng/l 2,9 ng/l (n=31, p=0,87) Giannitsis, ClinChem, 2010 10 Acute coronair syndroom Zonder ST-segment elevatie met ST-segment elevatie Onstabiele Angor STEMI Non-STEMI ∆ (0-3h) hs trop* Onstabiele angor pectoris * absolute Non Q-golf myocardinfarct Q-golf myocardinfarct ∆ hs trop of 50%ULN BELEID VAN ACS 11 MCCU: early diagnosis • Rhytm monitoring • 12 lead ECG registration + wireless data transfer! Early-in-hospital Management 1. Check vital signs 2. Establish ECG monitoring + defibrillator 3. Give oxygen (3-5 lit/min) indien O²sat<90% 4. Establish IV access 5. Take 12-lead ECG 6. Obtain serum cardiac markers 7. Cardiological assessment: ST elevation AMI ACS without ST elevation ACS doubtful or non cardiac pathology < 3‘ < 10‘ < 20‘ 12 Acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation 1. Check intake ASA 2. Check intake nitrates SL 3. Start heparin (Fondaparinux sc* or LMWH sc** or unfractionated IV) 4. Start nitrate IV (if bloodpressure > 100 mmHg) 5. Start Beta-Blockers 6. Oral P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel/prasugrel/ticagrelor) * Fondaparinux: 2.5mg 1/d subcutaan ** LMWH: vb enoxaparine (R/clexane 1mg/kg 2x/d subcutaan) Anti-trombotica Prasugrel Ticagrelor 13 Platelet activation - aggregation GP = glycoprotein; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; PAR = protease-activated receptor; AA = arachidonic acid; Tx = thromboxane. Adapted from Brogan. Ann Emerg Med. 2002;9:1029. Variation in platelet respons on clopidogrel ACC 2008;52:1052-9 14 Biotransformation and Mode of Action of Clopidogrel, Prasugrel, and Ticagrelor Schomig A. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1108-1111 Pharmokinetic new P2Y12 inhibitors 15 A class effect of novel P2Y12 inh. A metanalysis of clopidogrel vs. new comers (n=48599 pts) Risk Ratio (95% CI) P value Mortality in PCI for STEMI 0.78 (0.66-0.93) .004 Major Bleed in STEMI 0.98 (0.85-1.13) .76 Mortality in any PCI for ACS 0.83 (0.73-0.93) < .001 AnyMajor Bleed 1.23 (1.04-1.46) 0.5 New P2Y12 1.0 0.01 1.5 Clopidogrel J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;56:000–0 Upstream GP blokker in non-STEMI ACS: EARLY ACS Delayed Provisional GPIIbIIIa: - Same Ischemic benefit - Lower bleeding risk N=9492 Giugliano et al, NEJM 2009 16 Early (≤24 h, median=14h) or delayed intervention ( ≥36 h, median=50h) N=3031 Death, >MI, Refractory Angina Death, MI, Stroke GRACE>140 Mehta et al. NEJM 2009 - TIMACS Study Acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation Aspirin - Nitrate - Beta-blocker P2Y12 inhibitor # -Anticoagulation * LOW RISK HIGH RISK Recurrent severe ischemia Elevated troponin Hemodynamic Early post infarct angina instability Major arrhythmias (VF, VT) Diabetes mellitus No recurrent ischemia No rise in trop No diabetes Coronarography: Urgent (<2h) Elective (<72h) Non-invasive testing (< 24h if Grace score>140) consider IIB -IIIA antagonist + hep or bivaluridin *Anticoagulation: Fondaparinux (+UHF in case of PCI) / Enoxaparine / UFH # P2Y12 inhibotor: Ticagrelor / Prasugrel (reimbursement only in diabetic patients with PCI ) clopidogrel (high bleeding risk or low risk ACS) 17 Early-in-hospital Management 1. Check vital signs 2. Establish ECG monitoring + defibrillator 3. Give oxygen (3-5 lit/min) indien O²sat<90% 4. Establish IV access 5. Take 12-lead ECG 6. Obtain serum cardiac markers < 3‘ < 10‘ 7. Cardiological assessment: ACS without ST elevation ST elevation AMI ACS doubtful or non cardiac pathology < 20‘ ST- Elevation AMI : management 1. Check intake ASA / nitrates SL 2. Prasugrel/Ticagrelor/clopidogrel 4. Initiate Reperfusion therapy Thrombolyse PTCA 18 Rates of TIMI Grade 3 Flow % TIMI 3 Flow The 90 Minute Wall: Primary PCI vs. thrombolytic therapy Frequency (%) p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p=0.0002 p=0.0003 p=0.032 p<0.0001 p=0.0004 p<0.0001 Death Death excl. Shock Nonfatal Recurrent MI ischemia Total CVA Hemorr. CVA Major bleeds Death/ CVA/AMI Keeley Lancet 2003;361:13 19 Primary PCI and time 30 minutes delay increases 1-year mortality by 7.5% De Luca, Circulation 2004 Europese richtlijnen reperfusietijden: PCI <90-120min 20 ST elevation MI (<12 h after onset of pain) ASA- Morphine - Heparin* - P2Y12 inhibitor * Admission in non-PCI-center OR Admission in 1st PCI-center medical contact outside hospital • Transfer time to PCI center < 90 min • Hemodynamic instability • Contra-indication thrombolysis (transfer time<60 if ischemic time<2h) YES (shock / cardiac failure/ malignant arrhythmias) NO Thrombolysis Primary PCI • Thrombus aspiration Failed Succes • Bivalirudin ( IIB-IIIa antagonists for bail-out) Rescue PCI Coronaro/ * • PPCI: UFH and Prasugrel 60 mg/ Ticagrelor 180mg PCI 3-24h •Trombolysis: Enoxaparin and clopidogrel 300mg (adjusted dose if >75y) Voorkamerfibrillatie 42 21 VKF 43 Doel Behandeling VKF • Controle kamerfrequentie • Preventie van embolie • Herstel van sinusritme – Medicamenteus – Electrische cardioversie – Ablatie 44 22 Stabilisatie Hartritme Betablokkers CAVE bronchospasme, cardiodepressie Calcium-antagonist: verapamil/diltiazem CAVE: WPW, HOCM, cardiodepressie Digitalis: vooral bij hartfalen CAVE: WPW, HOCM Amiodarone IV: bij hartfalen bij refractaire tachycardie Cardioversie en Cardiale Embolen Risico cardiale embolen VKF> 2 d: 5-8 % VKF< 2d: <1% ANTICO indien VKF > 2 dagen !! of TEE 23 TACHYCARDIE tgv ATRIALE FIBRILLATIE/FLUTTER Onregelmatig kamerritme > 100/min + onregelmatige of zaagtand basislijn ECG, bloeddrukmonitoring, O2 IV lijn, 12-afleidingen ECG Hemodynamische evaluatie ONSTABIEL* STABIEL Synchrone cardioversie Start Heparine IV/SC Start Heparine IV/SC Evaluatie: slechte hartfunctie >of<48 h? Slechte hartfct Duur < 48u Slechte hartfct Duur > 48 u Goede hartfct Duur > 48u Goede hartfct Duur < 48u Digoxine Digoxine Bètablokker Bètablokker Amiodarone (Amiodarone) Verapamil of Diltiazem Verapamil of Diltiazem + Synchrone Cardioversie + + synchr cardioversie na 4 weken antico En/of Flecaïnide of Propafenone of synchr cardioversie na 4 weken antico (INR 2-3) ** Amiodarone47 of ** of TEE Geleid Synchr. cardioversie (INR 2-3) ** CHA2DS2-VASc Score Risk Factors for Stroke in Non-valvular AF (ESC guidelines 2010) C—CHF Stroke rate (% per year) H—Hypertension A2—Age >75 16 1 V—Vascular 1 1 A—Age >65 1 2 S— Sex 14 D—Diabetes mellitus 1 12 S2—TIA/stroke 29,8 10 1 9,6 6,7 6.7 8 15,2 6 4.0 4 2 1,3 2,2 3,2 1 2 3 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 Overall Yearly Risk of Stroke in Non-valvular AF is 5% Camm et al, European Heart Journal 2010 48 24 NEW ORAL ANTICOAGULANS (NOAC) Minstens even effectief dan OAC Korter half leven (12-16h) Minder IC bloedingen Geen INR controle Vb dabigratan (pradaxa) rivoraxabam (xarelto) apixabam (eliquis) Monitoring of NOAC • Dabigratan en aPTT Douxfill et al, Thromb and hemost. 2012 Normaal APTT wijst op minimale ontstolling!!! >2 wijst op verhoogd bloedingsrisico 25 Monitoring en NOAC • Rivoroxabam en PT Normaal PT wijst op minimale ontstolling!!! >2 wijst op verhoogd bloedingsrisico 26 Dosis aanpassing - interacties Dabigratan ® pradaxa Rivoraxabam ® xarelto Apixabam ® Eliquis Standaard dosis 2x150mg/d 20mg/d 2x5mg/d Dosisaanpassing GFR<50 ml/min GFR<50ml/min GFR <30ml/min Aangepast dosis 2x110mg/d 15mg/d 2x2.5mg/d Niet aanbevolen GFR <30 ml/min GFR<15 ml/min GFR <15ml/min Antifungal (Ketoconazole, ) HIV protease inh (fluconazole wel) Antifungal (Ketoconazole, ) HIV protease inh Niet te associeren Antifungal (cf CYP3A4) (Ketoconazole, ) HIV protease inh Referenties • European Task force report on management of AMI. EHJ 2012 • European Task force report on management of ACS without persistent ST elevation. EHJ 2011 • European Task force report on revascularisation, EHJ 2010 27
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