Board of examiners Prof. David R. Glover Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine University of Virginia PhD in Medical Sciences 2013-2014 Prof. Olivier Gheysens Department of Nuclear Medicine, UZ Leuven KU Leuven Public defence of Prof. Bernard Cosyns Lode GOETHALS Department of Cardiology, UZ Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel Dr. Jan Heemskerk Department of Nuclear Medicine, UZ Brussel To obtain the academic degree of ‘DOCTOR IN MEDICAL SCIENCES’ Quantitative Functional Cardiac Imaging using Vrije Universiteit Brussel Small Animal SPECT Prof. Johan de Mey, Chair Promotor: Prof. T. Lahoutte Department of Radiology, UZ Brussel Co-Promotor: Prof. F. De Geeter Vrije Universiteit Brussel Monday 31 March 2014 Auditorium Brouwer, 17:00 Prof. Tony Lahoutte, Promotor Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Brussel Department of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Imaging (MIMA) UZ Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. Frank De Geeter, Co-Promotor Department of Nuclear Medicine, AZ Sint Jan Brugge-Oostende How to reach the campus Jette: Medical Imaging (MIMA), UZ Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Summary of the dissertation Curriculum Vitae Preclinical cardiac research using non-invasive imaging systems has been Lode Goethals was born on 25 July 1983 in Bruges. In 2001 he finished extensively developed in recent years. For many years, studies of small- high school at the Sint-Lodewijkscollege in Bruges. The same year, he animal models relied on tissue sectioning and microscopy or, in the case started medical school at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He of radionuclide-based assays, tissue γ-counting and autoradiography obtained his medical degree magna cum laude in 2008. His radiology after euthanasia. These methods limited the ability of researchers to residency started in August 2008 in the UZ Brussel under guidance of study a single animal serially over time and required the tedious Prof. Johan de Mey. From October 2009 to October 2013 he received a assembly of histological or autoradiographical sections. These limitations clinical mandate from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) to are now being overcome through the use of molecular imaging to study perform the work that resulted in this PhD thesis. In August 2013 he dynamic biologic processes in small-animal models of disease. completed his residency in radiology and started his career as a In this work we adapted SPECT imaging techniques to improve radiologist at the UZ Brussel, with emphasis on hybrid and molecular visualisation and regional quantification of myocardial innervation by imaging. During his training he obtained additional degrees in animal incorporating high specific activity 123 I-MIBG and early scan times in the imaging protocol. We applied a novel myocardial perfusion tracer, 99m Tc- TMEOP, in vivo. This tracer shows a faster liver washout, which allows better delineation of the myocardial border. Furthermore we improved the quantification of myocardial perfusion by incorporating scatter, attenuation and partial volume correction in myocardial perfusion studies. Finally we developed a novel SPECT based reporter system, which combines the quantitative properties of SPECT with the high sensitivity of bioluminescence imaging. This allows non-invasive tracking and quantification of transplanted cells in vivo. science and radiation protection. So far, he is author or co-author of 14 publications in international peerreviewed journals, both on basic and clinical science.
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