biotopian trialogue a new language for fashion and design winter 14/15 A HYBRID OF HISTORY In a reaction on the complexity of the multi-dimensional-highspeed-world, we are longing for the opulent beauty and rich stories of history. Designers and industries explore cultural and historic heritage, both to preserve and relive it in a modern setting. In particular the European Golden Age is a treasure box of inspiration. The beautiful paintings of the Dutch and Flemish masters of the 17th century and the supreme artisanship of this era contain all the ingredients for a new feel for fashion and design. Beautiful fabrics, expressive ornaments, opulent embellishment, wonderful silhouettes and details, and an amazing color palette. THE VOICE OF NATURE We celebrate nature and strive to reconnect with it by exploring the unknown. As a result of the exponential developments in science and technology we learn more about nature every day. We learn that nature is not only a holistic ecosystem, but also resolves its own problems, evolves with time and creates its own innovations. Human being is also part of this ecosystem, but we do not behave accordingly… Fortunately, designers and (some) industries listen the more and more (of: increasingly?) to ‘the voice of nature’ . New resources are discovered, renewable energy is an upcoming phenomena, we grow our own food, learn about new edible plants and seeds and try to diminish wastage by consuming (almost) each and every part of the animal . Nature also helps us in our search for balance and contemplation. Because in this nervous, hectic time frame we need to recharge the battery every now and then. THE BEAUTY OF SCIENCE We are in an exponential phase of science and technology. New insights in quantum physics for instance stretches our imagination and generates new ideas and perspectives. The sky is no longer the limit and this fact alone produces loads of creative energy. Nanotechnology reveals a beautiful realm of molecules, atoms, bacteria and viruses with all their weird and wonderful shapes. This challenges designers to explore the boundaries of imagination and investigate new possibilities for art, architecture and design. Buildings look like microbe organism, fabrics seem to be made of foam and the amazing logic and intriguing regularity of crystals is used for new silhouettes, package design or fabrics. A CULTURE OF FREEDOM We are at the dawn of a new era. With the upcoming BRICS economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa the balance of economic power is shifting to a multi-polar system. In the same time the world experiences a systemic crisis which forces people to find new solutions for old systems. The good news is that creativity is inversely proportional to this crisis. On grass root level a new societal order is emerging, driven by free spirited individuals, taking matter in their own hands. Slowly but surely we can see the contours of a new timeframe appearing. And with a new timeframe comes a new language, a new visual vocabulary. Fashion and design are redefined, cultural heritage is reinvented and redesigned by gathering meaningful products. We celebrate the iconic, care for timeless quality, merge vintage with new design, play with ethnicity and add a touch of light-hearted humour. The result? Beautiful people, creating their own style, gathering their own cabinet of curiosities, combining the best off all worlds in a very personal and unique way. The connotation of ‘trends’ is making way for ‘inspiration or style’ and the idea of ‘new’ is replaced by ‘relevant’. Christine Boland Als trendanalist en consultant is Christine Boland al ruim twintig jaar werkzaam voor de retail, mode en media-industrie. In haar presentaties neemt zij u mee langs de culturele, sociale en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen en schetst hiermee het veld waarbinnen de consument van nu zijn keuzes en afwegingen maakt. Hoe beïnvloeden deze veranderingen het consumentengedrag? Scherpe analyses die informeren, inspireren en het blikveld oprekken maar die vooral ook aan de hand van vele voorbeelden laten zien waar kansen liggen om de consument te blijven bereiken en te raken. Vanuit dit perspectief ontwikkelde Christine het Mindsets© model. Aan de hand van dit denkmodel kunnen merken en bedrijven op een efficiënte manier hun eigen stijlfdefinitie bepalen.Een praktische tool die breed inzetbaar is en inhaakt op identiteit als onderscheidende factor. Regelmatig publiceert ze artikelen in vakbladen als RetailTrends, Textilia en Second Sight. Christine Boland Trends & Mindsets© Victorieplein 27-III 1079 KM Amsterdam Fotografie: Anne Timmer The Netherlands Contact Hester Jong [email protected] T: +31 630 253 580 Fashion & design trends door Christine Boland winter 2014-2015 Trendseminar Euretco Fashion 6 januari 2014 - Christine Boland Hybrid of history Trendseminar Euretco Fashion 6 januari 2014 - Christine Boland The voice of nature Trendseminar Euretco Fashion 6 januari 2014 - Christine Boland The beauty of science Trendseminar Euretco Fashion 6 januari 2014 - Christine Boland Culture of freedom Trendseminar Euretco Fashion 6 januari 2014 - Christine Boland
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