Publications by MSc students of the Research Master Social and Cultural Science Faculty of Social Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen Last update: October 20 2014 1. International journal papers Akker, H. van den, Blaauw, J., Lubbers, M., Van der Ploeg, R., Scheepers, P., & Verbakel, E. (2013). Health and happiness among homosexual couples in Europe, International Psychiatry, 10(2), 31-33. [link] Akker, H. van den, Ploeg, R. van der, & Scheepers, P. (2013). Disapproval of homosexuality. Comparative research on individual and national determinants of disapproval of homosexuality in 20 European countries. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25(1), 64-86. [doi] André, S., Scheepers, P., & Gesthuizen, M. (2013). Support for traditional female roles across 32 countries. Female labour market participation, policy models and gender differences, Comparative Sociology, 12(4), 447-476. [doi] Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2013). Xenophobia among youngsters. The effect of inter-ethnic contact. European Sociological Review, 29(2), 229-242. [doi] Caarls, K., Fransen S., & Ruben, R. (2012). Can migratory contacts and remittances contribute to reconcilliation and reconstruction in Rwanda? International Migration, 51(S1), e98-e117. [doi] Doorn, M. van, Pop, I., & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2011). Intergenerational transmission of education across European countries and cohorts. European Societies, 13(1), 93-117. [doi] Doorn, M. van, Scheepers, P., & Dagevos, J. (2012). Explaining the integration paradox among small immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14(2), 381-400. [doi] Evers, A.B., & Gesthuizen, M.J.W. (2011). The impact of generalized and institutional trust on donating to activist, leisure, and interest organizations. Individual and contextual effects. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16(4), 381392. [doi] Hek, M. van, & G. Kraaykamp (2013). Cultural consumption across countries. A multi-level analysis of social inequality in highbrow culture in Europe, Poetics, 41(4), 323-341. [doi] Kraaykamp, G., Oldenkamp, M., & Breedveld, K. (2013). Starting a sport in the Netherlands. A life-course analysis of the effects of individual, parental and partner characteristics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(2), 153-170. [doi] 1 Lange, M. de, Dronkers, J., & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2012). Single parent family forms and children’s educational performance in a comparative perspective. Effects of school’s share of single-parent families, School Effectiveness and School Improvement: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice. [doi] Linssen, R., van Kempen, L., & Kraaykamp, G. (2011). Subjective well-being in rural India. The curse of conspicuous consumption. Social Indicators Research, 101(1), 57-72. [open access] Loman, B., Pop, I., & Ruben, R. (2010) Follow the leader: How Dutch development NGOs allocate their resources. The contradictory influence of donor dependency. Journal of International Development, 23(5), 641-655. [doi] Melchior, I. (2010). Moving away from Russia’s interference. The EU as a significant other in the bronze soldier conflict. Darbai ir Dienos: Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Journal, 54, 103-119. Melchior, I., & Visser, O. (2011). Voicing past and present uncertainties. The relocation of a Soviet World War II memorial and the politics of memory in Estonia. Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 59, 33-50. [doi] Moes, J. (2009) CosmoPoles: A mixed-methods study on the European identity of highereducated Polish youth. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 9(3), 429-451. [doi] Ramakers, A.A.T., Bijleveld, C.C.J.H., & Ruiter, S. (2011) Escaping the family tradition. A multi-generation study of occupational status and criminal behaviour. British Journal of Criminology, 51(5), 856-874. [doi] Rijsbergen, B. Van (2013). Delivery care in Tanzania. A comparative analysis of use and preferences. World Development, 43, 276-287. [doi] Rözer, J., & Kraaykamp, G. (2013). Income inequality and subjective well-being. A crossnational study on the conditional effects of individual and national characteristics. Social Indicators Research, 113(3), 1009-1023. [doi] Savelkoul, M., Scheepers, P., Tolsma, J., & Hagendoorn, L. (2011). Anti-Muslim attitudes in the Netherlands. Tests of contradictory hypotheses derived from ethnic competition theory and intergroup contact theory. European Sociological Review, 27(6), 741-758. [doi] Savelkoul, M., Scheepers, P., Veld, W. Van der, & Hagendoorn, L. (2012). Comparing levels of anti-Muslim attitudes across western countries. Quality & Quantity, 46(5), 1617-1624. [doi] Schaap, D., & P. Scheepers (2014). Comparing citizens’ trust in the police across different countries: an assessment of cross-country measurement equivalence, International Criminal Justice Review, 24(1), 82-98. [doi] Schaap, D., Postma, M., Jansen, L. & Tolsma, J. (2014). Combating hooliganism in the Netherlands. An evaluation of measures to combat hooliganism with longitudinal registration data. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [doi] 2 Smits, J., Steendijk, R. (2014). The International Wealth Index (WHI). Social Indicators Research [doi] Tolsma, J., Blaauw, J., & Grotenhuis, M. Te (2012). When do people report crime to the police? Results from a factorial survey design in the Netherlands, 2010. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 8(2), 117-134. [open access] Tolsma, J., Van Deurzen I., Stark, T., & Veensta, R. (2013). Who is bullying whom in ethnically diverse primary schools? Exploring links between bullying, ethnicity, and ethnic diversity in Dutch primary schools, Social Networks, 35(1), 51-61. [doi] Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Bekhuis, H. (2010). Intergroup contact and ingroup reappraisal. Examining the deprovincialization thesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(4), 398-416. [doi] Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., & Scheepers, P. (2014). The impact of macro-economic circumstances and social protection expenditure on economic deprivation in 25 European countries, 2007-2011. Social Indicators Research, 115, 1179-1203. [doi] Visser, M., Scholte, M., & Scheepers, P. (2013). Fear of crime and feelings of unsafety in European countries. Macro and micro explanations in a cross-national perspective, Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), 278-301. [doi] Werts, H., Scheepers, P. & Lubbers, M. (2013). Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe, 2002-2008. Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the radical right, European Union Politics, 14(2), 183-205. [doi] Wierenga, M.H., Coenders, M., Lubbers, M., & Scheepers, P. (2014). Macro-level determinants of support for restrictive immigration policies in 20 European countries 20022010. A theory-driven exploration of economic and demographic changes and antiimmigrant attitudes in the first decade of 21st century Europe. Migration Studies (accepted). Wissink, M., Düvell, F., & Van Eerdewijk, A. (2013). Dynamic migration intentions and the impact of socio-institutional environments. A transit migration hub in Turkey. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(7), 1087-1105. [doi] 2. National journal papers André, S.C.H., Gesthuizen, M.J.W., & Scheepers, P.L.H. (2011). Steun voor traditionele vrouwenrollen in 32 landen. De invloed van gezinsbeleid en verschillen tussen de seksen. Mens en Maatschappij, 86(3), 279-304. Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2009). Xenofobie onder jongeren. De invloed van interetnisch contact. Mens en Maatschappij, 84(1), 72-102. 3 Cuyper, R. de, Weerman, F., & Ruiter, S. (2009). De co-evolutie van vriendschapsrelaties en delinquent gedrag onder Nederlandse jongeren. Mens en Maatschappij, 84(3), 300-328. Dronkers, J., & Lange, M. de. (2012). Is er een toenemende negatieve relatie tussen alleenstaande moeder-gezinnen en onderwijsprestaties bij stijgende percentages eenoudergezinnen? Een vergelijking van PISA 2000, 2003 en 2009. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 33(3-4), 211-238. Grotenhuis, H.F. te, Hoon, M. de & Thijs, P.E. (2011). De invloed van inkomensongelijkheid en rationalisering op kerkverlating in Nederland tussen 1975 en 1995. Mens en Maatschappij, 86(4), 395-419. Hek, M. van & Kraaykamp, G. (2013). Intergenerationele overdracht van cultuurconsumptie. Een empirische studie naar het belang van ouderlijk voorbeeldgedrag en actieve ouderlijke stimulering in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 34, (3-4), 439-456. Houten, J.M.A. van, Visser, M., & Ultee, W.C. (2011). De Tweede Wereldoorlog en statusverwerving. Mens en Maatschappij, 86(4), 372-394. Kleemans, M., Cauwenberge, A. van, d'Haenens, L., & Hendriks Vettehen, P. (2008). Op zoek naar verklaringen voor sensatie in het nieuws. Een vergelijking tussen Nederlandse, Vlaamse, Waalse en Franse televisie journaals. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 36(4): 301-319. Lubbers, M., & Meuleman, R., (2012). 'Oranje boven'. Vieren en herdenken in vrijheid. Mens en Maatschappij, 87(1), 21-43. Schaap, D. (2014). Een vertrouwenscrisis? Ontwikkelingen in het vertrouwen van burgers in de politie in Nederland en Europa. Tijdschrift voor de Politie, 76(1), 28-31. Thijs, P., Dijk, I. van, Stoof, R., & Notten, N. (2014). Genderverschillen in deviant gedrag vanuit een Europees perspectief, Mens en Maatschappij (accepted). 3. National and international book chapters André, S., & Dronkers, J. (2009). Stemmen we wel of stemmen we niet? Stemgedrag van eerste en tweede generatie immigranten uit diverse herkomstlanden in 24 landen van de Europese Unie. In: H.B.G. Ganzeboom & M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Nederland in vergelijkend perspectief. Proceedings Tweede Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey. Amsterdam: Aksant. Doorn, M. van. (2011). Sociaal-culturele positie en religie. Pp. 165-189. In: E. Dourleijn & J. Dagevos (Eds.), Vluchtelingengroepen in Nederland. Over de integratie van Afghaanse, Iraakse, Iraanse en Somalische migranten, The Hague: The Netherlands Institute for Social Research. Lange, M. de, Dronkers, J., & Wolbers, M. (2011). Eenoudergezinnen en onderwijsprestaties vanuit een vergelijkend perspectief. De invloed van het percentage eenoudergezinnen per 4 school. Pp. 179-202. In: J. Dronkers (Ed.), Goede bedoelingen in het onderwijs. Kansen en missers (Boekaflevering Mens en Maatschappij), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Rözer, J. & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). Cross-national research with multilevel data: Is national income inequality good for all? Sage Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications, Ltd. [doi] Marks, H., & Melchior, I. (2010). Veteranen en de alledaagsheid van culturen: een onbevredigend antwoord. Pp. 233-252. In: H. van den Berg, S. Scagliola & F. Wester (Eds.), Wat veteranen vertellen. Verschillende perspectieven op verhalen over ervaringen tijdens militaire operaties. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 4. Data documentations Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2009). Secondary school pupils about ethnicity and their social contacts. Documentation of a pupil survey on xenophobic feelings in Nijmegen in 2007. DANS Data Guide 6. Amsterdam: Aksant. [link] Blauw, J. [in cooperation with GGD Gelderland-Zuid] (2012). Emovo, wave 2012. Region Nijmegen en ‘Rijk van Nijmegen’. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. Fransen, S. & K. Caarls (2009). The role of diasporas in reconciliation and reconstruction processes in Rwanda. Codebook. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. Pop, I., Dijk, I. van, & J. Tolsma (2010) The Nijmegen school study, wave 2010. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. Schoonhoven-Speijer, M. (2012). Codebook: Maintaining a sustainable livelihood. An analysis of the effects of Utz Certification on market access, risk reduction and livelihood strategies of Kenyan coffee farmers. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. Steendijk, R. (2012). Data standardization for the construction of the International Wealth Index (IWI). Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. Wissink, M. (2009). The situated agency of irregular migrants in Izmir. A transit migration hub. A report on data collection and analysis. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link]. 5. Working papers Rijsbergen, B. van, & D’Exelle, B. (2011). Use of delivery care in Tanzania. The importance of poverty, empowerment and emergency, Working Paper 33, DEV Working Paper Series, School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK. [link] 5 Ruerd, R., & Pop, I. (2010). Development assistance and tax revenues, Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen. [link] Smits, J. & Steendijk, R. (2012). The international wealth index (IWI), NiCE Working paper 12-107, Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen.[link] 6. (Re-)submitted journal papers André, S., Dronkers, J., & Need, A. (2012). To vote or not to vote? Electoral participation of first and second generation immigrants in 22 European countries from different countries of origin. Blom, N., Zanden, R. van der, Buijzen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2014). Media exposure and health in Europe. Mediators and moderators of media systems. Hek, M. van, & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). How do parents affect the cultural participation of their children? Testing the importance of parental example and active parental guidance. Lössbroek, J., Hackert, M. & Eisinga, R. (2014). The electoral effects of turnout in the Dutch multi-party system. Addressing endogeneity and intraclass correlation. Thijs, P., Dijk, I. van, Stoof, R., & Notten, N. (2014). Adolescent problem behaviour. The gender gap in European perspective. Weegen, O. van der, & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). Internet use and social capital. Exploring ethnic differences in the Netherlands. Weijer, S. van de, Wong, T., Verbruggen, J., Tolsma, J., & Bijleveld, C. (2012). The criminal development of high-risk girls in the Netherlands. 6
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