Publications by MSc students of the Research Master Social and

Publications by MSc students
of the
Research Master Social and Cultural Science
Faculty of Social Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen
Last update: October 20 2014
1. International journal papers
Akker, H. van den, Blaauw, J., Lubbers, M., Van der Ploeg, R., Scheepers, P., & Verbakel,
E. (2013). Health and happiness among homosexual couples in Europe, International
Psychiatry, 10(2), 31-33. [link]
Akker, H. van den, Ploeg, R. van der, & Scheepers, P. (2013). Disapproval of homosexuality.
Comparative research on individual and national determinants of disapproval of
homosexuality in 20 European countries. International Journal of Public Opinion
Research, 25(1), 64-86. [doi]
André, S., Scheepers, P., & Gesthuizen, M. (2013). Support for traditional female roles across
32 countries. Female labour market participation, policy models and gender differences,
Comparative Sociology, 12(4), 447-476. [doi]
Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2013). Xenophobia among youngsters. The effect of
inter-ethnic contact. European Sociological Review, 29(2), 229-242. [doi]
Caarls, K., Fransen S., & Ruben, R. (2012). Can migratory contacts and remittances
contribute to reconcilliation and reconstruction in Rwanda? International Migration,
51(S1), e98-e117. [doi]
Doorn, M. van, Pop, I., & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2011). Intergenerational transmission of
education across European countries and cohorts. European Societies, 13(1), 93-117. [doi]
Doorn, M. van, Scheepers, P., & Dagevos, J. (2012). Explaining the integration paradox
among small immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and
Integration, 14(2), 381-400. [doi]
Evers, A.B., & Gesthuizen, M.J.W. (2011). The impact of generalized and institutional trust
on donating to activist, leisure, and interest organizations. Individual and contextual
effects. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16(4), 381392. [doi]
Hek, M. van, & G. Kraaykamp (2013). Cultural consumption across countries. A multi-level
analysis of social inequality in highbrow culture in Europe, Poetics, 41(4), 323-341. [doi]
Kraaykamp, G., Oldenkamp, M., & Breedveld, K. (2013). Starting a sport in the
Netherlands. A life-course analysis of the effects of individual, parental and partner
characteristics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(2), 153-170. [doi]
Lange, M. de, Dronkers, J., & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2012). Single parent family forms and
children’s educational performance in a comparative perspective. Effects of school’s share
of single-parent families, School Effectiveness and School Improvement: An International
Journal of Research, Policy and Practice. [doi]
Linssen, R., van Kempen, L., & Kraaykamp, G. (2011). Subjective well-being in rural India.
The curse of conspicuous consumption. Social Indicators Research, 101(1), 57-72. [open
Loman, B., Pop, I., & Ruben, R. (2010) Follow the leader: How Dutch development NGOs
allocate their resources. The contradictory influence of donor dependency. Journal of
International Development, 23(5), 641-655. [doi]
Melchior, I. (2010). Moving away from Russia’s interference. The EU as a significant other in
the bronze soldier conflict. Darbai ir Dienos: Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Journal, 54,
Melchior, I., & Visser, O. (2011). Voicing past and present uncertainties. The relocation of a
Soviet World War II memorial and the politics of memory in Estonia. Focaal. Journal of
Global and Historical Anthropology, 59, 33-50. [doi]
Moes, J. (2009) CosmoPoles: A mixed-methods study on the European identity of highereducated Polish youth. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 9(3), 429-451. [doi]
Ramakers, A.A.T., Bijleveld, C.C.J.H., & Ruiter, S. (2011) Escaping the family tradition. A
multi-generation study of occupational status and criminal behaviour. British Journal of
Criminology, 51(5), 856-874. [doi]
Rijsbergen, B. Van (2013). Delivery care in Tanzania. A comparative analysis of use and
preferences. World Development, 43, 276-287. [doi]
Rözer, J., & Kraaykamp, G. (2013). Income inequality and subjective well-being. A crossnational study on the conditional effects of individual and national characteristics. Social
Indicators Research, 113(3), 1009-1023. [doi]
Savelkoul, M., Scheepers, P., Tolsma, J., & Hagendoorn, L. (2011). Anti-Muslim attitudes in
the Netherlands. Tests of contradictory hypotheses derived from ethnic competition theory
and intergroup contact theory. European Sociological Review, 27(6), 741-758. [doi]
Savelkoul, M., Scheepers, P., Veld, W. Van der, & Hagendoorn, L. (2012). Comparing levels
of anti-Muslim attitudes across western countries. Quality & Quantity, 46(5), 1617-1624.
Schaap, D., & P. Scheepers (2014). Comparing citizens’ trust in the police across different countries:
an assessment of cross-country measurement equivalence, International Criminal Justice Review,
24(1), 82-98. [doi]
Schaap, D., Postma, M., Jansen, L. & Tolsma, J. (2014). Combating hooliganism in the Netherlands.
An evaluation of measures to combat hooliganism with longitudinal registration data. European
Journal on Criminal Policy and Research [doi]
Smits, J., Steendijk, R. (2014). The International Wealth Index (WHI). Social Indicators Research
Tolsma, J., Blaauw, J., & Grotenhuis, M. Te (2012). When do people report crime to the police?
Results from a factorial survey design in the Netherlands, 2010. Journal of Experimental
Criminology, 8(2), 117-134. [open access]
Tolsma, J., Van Deurzen I., Stark, T., & Veensta, R. (2013). Who is bullying whom in
ethnically diverse primary schools? Exploring links between bullying, ethnicity, and ethnic
diversity in Dutch primary schools, Social Networks, 35(1), 51-61. [doi]
Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Bekhuis, H. (2010). Intergroup contact and ingroup reappraisal.
Examining the deprovincialization thesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(4), 398-416.
Visser, M.,
Gesthuizen, M., & Scheepers, P. (2014). The impact of macro-economic
circumstances and social protection expenditure on economic deprivation in 25 European
countries, 2007-2011. Social Indicators Research, 115, 1179-1203. [doi]
Visser, M., Scholte, M., & Scheepers, P. (2013). Fear of crime and feelings of unsafety in
European countries. Macro and micro explanations in a cross-national perspective,
Sociological Quarterly, 54(2), 278-301. [doi]
Werts, H., Scheepers, P. & Lubbers, M. (2013). Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing
voting in Europe, 2002-2008. Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual
characteristics determining voting for the radical right, European Union Politics, 14(2),
183-205. [doi]
Wierenga, M.H., Coenders, M., Lubbers, M., & Scheepers, P. (2014). Macro-level
determinants of support for restrictive immigration policies in 20 European countries 20022010. A theory-driven exploration of economic and demographic changes and antiimmigrant attitudes in the first decade of 21st century Europe. Migration Studies
Wissink, M., Düvell, F., & Van Eerdewijk, A. (2013). Dynamic migration intentions and the
impact of socio-institutional environments. A transit migration hub in Turkey. Journal of
Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(7), 1087-1105. [doi]
2. National journal papers
André, S.C.H., Gesthuizen, M.J.W., & Scheepers, P.L.H. (2011). Steun voor traditionele
vrouwenrollen in 32 landen. De invloed van gezinsbeleid en verschillen tussen de seksen.
Mens en Maatschappij, 86(3), 279-304.
Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2009). Xenofobie onder jongeren. De invloed van
interetnisch contact. Mens en Maatschappij, 84(1), 72-102.
Cuyper, R. de, Weerman, F., & Ruiter, S. (2009). De co-evolutie van vriendschapsrelaties en
delinquent gedrag onder Nederlandse jongeren. Mens en Maatschappij, 84(3), 300-328.
Dronkers, J., & Lange, M. de. (2012). Is er een toenemende negatieve relatie tussen
eenoudergezinnen? Een vergelijking van PISA 2000, 2003 en 2009. Tijdschrift voor
Sociologie, 33(3-4), 211-238.
Grotenhuis, H.F. te, Hoon, M. de & Thijs, P.E. (2011). De invloed van inkomensongelijkheid
en rationalisering op kerkverlating in Nederland tussen 1975 en 1995. Mens en
Maatschappij, 86(4), 395-419.
Hek, M. van & Kraaykamp, G. (2013). Intergenerationele overdracht van cultuurconsumptie.
Een empirische studie naar het belang van ouderlijk voorbeeldgedrag en actieve ouderlijke
stimulering in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 34, (3-4), 439-456.
Houten, J.M.A. van, Visser, M., & Ultee, W.C. (2011). De Tweede Wereldoorlog en
statusverwerving. Mens en Maatschappij, 86(4), 372-394.
Kleemans, M., Cauwenberge, A. van, d'Haenens, L., & Hendriks Vettehen, P. (2008). Op
zoek naar verklaringen voor sensatie in het nieuws. Een vergelijking tussen Nederlandse,
Vlaamse, Waalse en Franse televisie journaals. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap,
36(4): 301-319.
Lubbers, M., & Meuleman, R., (2012). 'Oranje boven'. Vieren en herdenken in vrijheid. Mens
en Maatschappij, 87(1), 21-43.
Schaap, D. (2014). Een vertrouwenscrisis? Ontwikkelingen in het vertrouwen van burgers in
de politie in Nederland en Europa. Tijdschrift voor de Politie, 76(1), 28-31.
Thijs, P., Dijk, I. van, Stoof, R., & Notten, N. (2014). Genderverschillen in deviant gedrag
vanuit een Europees perspectief, Mens en Maatschappij (accepted).
3. National and international book chapters
André, S., & Dronkers, J. (2009). Stemmen we wel of stemmen we niet? Stemgedrag van
eerste en tweede generatie immigranten uit diverse herkomstlanden in 24 landen van de
Europese Unie. In: H.B.G. Ganzeboom & M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Nederland in vergelijkend
Amsterdam: Aksant.
Doorn, M. van. (2011). Sociaal-culturele positie en religie. Pp. 165-189. In: E. Dourleijn & J.
Dagevos (Eds.), Vluchtelingengroepen in Nederland. Over de integratie van Afghaanse,
Iraakse, Iraanse en Somalische migranten, The Hague: The Netherlands Institute for
Social Research.
Lange, M. de, Dronkers, J., & Wolbers, M. (2011). Eenoudergezinnen en onderwijsprestaties
vanuit een vergelijkend perspectief. De invloed van het percentage eenoudergezinnen per
school. Pp. 179-202. In: J. Dronkers (Ed.), Goede bedoelingen in het onderwijs. Kansen en
missers (Boekaflevering Mens en Maatschappij), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University
Rözer, J. & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). Cross-national research with multilevel data: Is national
income inequality good for all? Sage Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom:
Sage Publications, Ltd. [doi]
Marks, H., & Melchior, I. (2010). Veteranen en de alledaagsheid van culturen: een
onbevredigend antwoord. Pp. 233-252. In: H. van den Berg, S. Scagliola & F. Wester
(Eds.), Wat veteranen vertellen. Verschillende perspectieven op verhalen over ervaringen
tijdens militaire operaties. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
4. Data documentations
Bekhuis, H., Ruiter, S., & Coenders, M. (2009). Secondary school pupils about ethnicity and
their social contacts. Documentation of a pupil survey on xenophobic feelings in Nijmegen
in 2007. DANS Data Guide 6. Amsterdam: Aksant. [link]
Blauw, J. [in cooperation with GGD Gelderland-Zuid] (2012). Emovo, wave 2012. Region
Nijmegen en ‘Rijk van Nijmegen’. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link].
Fransen, S. & K. Caarls (2009). The role of diasporas in reconciliation and reconstruction
processes in Rwanda. Codebook. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link].
Pop, I., Dijk, I. van, & J. Tolsma (2010) The Nijmegen school study, wave 2010. Nijmegen:
RU Nijmegen [link].
Schoonhoven-Speijer, M. (2012). Codebook: Maintaining a sustainable livelihood. An analysis
of the effects of Utz Certification on market access, risk reduction and livelihood strategies
of Kenyan coffee farmers. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link].
Steendijk, R. (2012). Data standardization for the construction of the International Wealth
Index (IWI). Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link].
Wissink, M. (2009). The situated agency of irregular migrants in Izmir. A transit migration
hub. A report on data collection and analysis. Nijmegen: RU Nijmegen [link].
5. Working papers
Rijsbergen, B. van, & D’Exelle, B. (2011). Use of delivery care in Tanzania. The importance
of poverty, empowerment and emergency, Working Paper 33, DEV Working Paper Series,
School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK. [link]
Ruerd, R., & Pop, I. (2010). Development assistance and tax revenues, Centre for
International Development Issues (CIDIN), Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Smits, J. & Steendijk, R. (2012). The international wealth index (IWI), NiCE Working paper
12-107, Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen.[link]
6. (Re-)submitted journal papers
André, S., Dronkers, J., & Need, A. (2012). To vote or not to vote? Electoral participation
of first and second generation immigrants in 22 European countries from different
countries of origin.
Blom, N., Zanden, R. van der, Buijzen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2014). Media exposure
and health in Europe. Mediators and moderators of media systems.
Hek, M. van, & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). How do parents affect the cultural participation of
their children? Testing the importance of parental example and active parental guidance.
Lössbroek, J., Hackert, M. & Eisinga, R. (2014). The electoral effects of turnout in the Dutch
multi-party system. Addressing endogeneity and intraclass correlation.
Thijs, P., Dijk, I. van, Stoof, R., & Notten, N. (2014). Adolescent problem behaviour. The
gender gap in European perspective.
Weegen, O. van der, & Kraaykamp, G. (2014). Internet use and social capital. Exploring
ethnic differences in the Netherlands.
Weijer, S. van de, Wong, T., Verbruggen, J., Tolsma, J., & Bijleveld, C. (2012). The criminal
development of high-risk girls in the Netherlands.